Dissapointment :(

My complicated life

Jin Mi looked all over the internet the location of Zheng. She then found out that there is one Zheng branch located in the street of Seoul.  Since Jin Mi wasn’t familiar of the place, she decided to bring her Aunt with her. Without any hesitation, her Aunt agreed to come with her.

“Hey uhmmm... I just want to ask you something Aunt Tina.” Jin Mi said.

“Feel free to ask me anything my dear niece.” Her aunt answered.

“We’ll ever since mom told me about my brother; I’m wondering what Luhan looks like.”

“It’s been so many years since I last saw your brother’s face. But as far as I can remember both your eyes are dazzling. You both had your mother’s beautiful eyes. And your noses are the same.” Her aunt is trying to remember everything about Luhan. “He is one naughty child I’ve ever since in my life. Even my twins can’t beat how naughty Luhan was.”

Jin Mi didn’t answer but what her Aunt said makes her smile and make her wonder how Luhan really looks like. She was happy until something came up to her mind.

“What if he won’t accept me and our mother?” Jin Mu said.

“That will never happen. Well maybe at first he will be in the state of shock but he’ll get over it and he’ll accept you whole heartedly.” Her aunt said but she was not convinced.

Jin Mi still doubt her brother’s impression if she’ll introduced herself as his long lost sister.

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Jin Mi finally saw Zheng. She was nervous to enter but the smile on her Aunts face makes her forget about the shame that’s going to happen to her later.

“Are you ready, Jin Mi?”

“Of course, I am ready. But we should also consider that maybe Luhan is not here. Maybe he’s somewhere out there. Maybe we’ll be disappointed Aunt Tina. We should just go home now.” She said.

“I thought you were ready but why are you backing out?” her aunt asked.

“I’m not backing out. It’s just…” she didn’t continue what she’s going to say. It is obvious that she’s giving up.

“We haven’t tried yet Jin Mi. Let’s try everything we can first before backing out. Okay?”

“I guess you’re right. We shouldn’t lose hope.” She sighed.

Jin Mi was amazed with the shop’s ambiance. It is very spacious. The place is huge and full of designer clothes. It is obvious that the shop is a very famous shop in Korea and around the world.  She then smiled. She’s sure that her brother has a comfortable life.

“Good Afternoon Ma’am. How can I help you?” a saleslady said.

“I’m looking for…” Jin Mi was confused what to say. So instead she said, “…a casual dress please.”

“Follow me in this section ma’am. There are plenty of casual dresses here.”

“Why haven’t you asked her?” her Aunt whispered.

“I’m scared Aunt Tina.” She said.

Jin Mi was walking towards the Casual Section when the door opens. It was the guy he bumped before. As far as she can remember his name was Sehun. He went near to her and talk to one of the saleslady.

“Amy” He was referring to one of the saleslady. “Is Luhan hyung around?”

“Did he just mention Luhan?  “Jin Mi asked herself which let her listen more to the conversation.

“Your brother hasn’t reported here sir since yesterday. Maybe he’s sick or something.” Jin Mi was disappointed of what she heard. Jin Mi just bought the dress instead so that she wouldn’t look disappointed.

Jin Mi told her aunt about what she heard. And wait… She remembered something. That saleslady referred Luhan to that Sehun guy as his brother. Does this mean Luhan has a brother and that is Sehun? She didn’t mention this part to her Aunt. She wanted to make everything sure first.

“So where are we going Aunt Lisa?” Jin Mi asked.

“I just remembered that my twins are having a small showcase at JMP entertainment this afternoon. Do you mind coming with me?” her aunt said.

“Well… Since you came here with me I will go with you. I also want to see my cousins to perform. I can see a future in them” Jin Mi said.

“Come to think of it, it is always your dream to become a performer when you were young. I was shocked when you decided to pick a different career.” Her aunt said and continued,”You’re taking Political Science now right?”

“Not yet. I just graduated from high school. Besides it is still summer. I’ve got plenty of time to think it over. I’m also planning on taking Business Management instead since I have knowledge on how to manage a shop. I can also manage our business. But I really do wish to become a lawyer” She explained.

“Well. That’s a great future plan. I didn’t expect you have a care for your business since you always care on shopping. Your mom always complains to me how she couldn’t handle your addiction anymore.”

“It’s not an addiction.” She defended herself. “It is just something I love to do. It is some kind of happiness I don’t want to give up. You know what I mean?”

“Okay. Okay. Get in the car now or else were going to be late.”

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Jin Mi was amazed while entering the company’s building.  It is huge. That’s the best description she has for the building so far. The showcase is exclusive only for the family of the one who’s going to perform. Jin Mi and her aunt sat on the front row to see clearly the twins.

“So… It was their dream to perform?” Jin Mi asked.

“Yes. Ever since they were young boys, they always dream of performing in stage and to become a famous performer not just in Korea but also around the world.”

“You know what? I’m not actually interested in this kind of things but seeing how my cousins loved this genre, I think I’ll make an exception for this.”

“I am happy for that.” Her aunt smiled.

The showcase was opened by the CEO of the JMP Entertainment, Mr. Jae Min Park. The twins were the opening number in which they sing and dance together. They really adorable for 16 years old teenagers. She said in her mind. She couldn’t help but laugh while watching her cousins. The next to perform was a girl maybe same age as she was. She have this very amazing voice and she dance gracefully. She’s a bit jealous towards this girl. The next performers were awesome. She smiled knowing that these kids have a future. Lastly to perform was someone she least expected to see. It was the Sehun-guy! The one she susplook ects as his brother’s brother. Then suddenly she remembered that this guy is a talent of this Entertainment. The guy dance so amazing. His dancing skills are so powerful. He sings amazingly too. No doubt he debuted in his young age. The showcase was ended by the closing performance of all the trainee of the JMP Entertainment. She couldn't deny it, she loves the show. She actually forgot how dissapointed she is before the show.

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okay. so I changed the title for good! XD


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Poor Lulu :( I hope he doesn't hate her after he knows. Update soon author shii!~
Poor Hunnie!~ ; A ; She should tell him sooner!!!
@LetsPaintTheSky My bad! but thank you for informing me my mistakes! Really you think it's good? Wow. Thank you so much! :)
LetsPaintTheSky #4
Its really good, but the 1st and 3rd chapter copy twice. :D