I Finally Met Him,

My complicated life


“You were great guys.” Jin Mi said to her cousins while walking around the JMP building. They invited her for some tour since their mother (TINA) went back home.

“Really noona~?” Kwangmin excitedly asked.

“Of course. From now on, I’m going to be your number 1 fan. Arasoo?”

“Wow! We just earned a fan.” Youngmin said.

“Don’t you have fans at school or maybe here in this entertainment? Jin Mi asked.

“Well… We do have an admirer. They are so many actually even though we haven’t debuted yet.” Youngmin stated.

“Sometimes they keep on stalking us. They followed us wherever we go.” Kwangmin added.

“You should expect that since you’re going to be famous.” She looked directly to the twins. “Once you become popular, expect that there will be people who are going to dig down your past issues in life or even your present lives. They’re going to show the negative side of you not the positive one” Jin Mi said.

“You talk like an expert of this kind of things.” Confused, Kwangmin said.

“”Well… It is because all my life people know me as the daughter of the famous Lee Sang Yon, the owner of the famous Korean restaurants around the world.” She looked away and tried to remember things that happened before. “Since lots of Restaurant owners are jealous of my father, they used all the negative things that my father did in order to shoo away the costumers and the investors.” She looked back again at her cousins. They looked interested. “They even used me to ruin my dad’s name. But my dad never cared.” She smiled.

“So you’re saying, once we get famous we should not care about those negative comments given to us?” Kwangmin asked.

Jin smiled and said, “Not exactly like that. What I’m trying to say is, you should prove them that what they’re accusing you is definitely wrong. You must show to them that you are not weak to just give up with those hurtful words they’re giving to you.”

Youngmin laughed and said, “You’re creepy noona~ you’re just few years older than us but the way you give us advice makes you look like our mother.” Jin Mi laughed and didn’t answer anymore.


Sehun and Luhan decided to have some coffee first before they go home. Luhan entered the shop first.  Luhan is his brother stepbrother since Luhan’s father married her mother. As he is enters the shop he heard someone called him. It’s probable his fans but when the voice called him again he decided to turn back. It’s the twins, his favorite dongsaengs. Together with the girl he met before. He hadn’t notice it before but the girl is very pretty.

“Youngmin!  Kwangmin!” he called.

“Hyung what are you doing here?” Kwangmin asked.

“My brother and I are having coffee. You should join us. My treat since you performed awesome in the showcase.” Sehun said.

The twins and the girl with her agreed. So they followed him.


Jin Mi had no choice but to agree with her cousins to join their friend. But he is not an ordinary person. He is Sehun, the one he suspects as his brother’s brother.

Well maybe it’s time for me to find out.Half of her mind said.

But what if he is not the Luhan she is looking for.Jin Mi shook of her head.

As she was nearly approaching the table, her heart beats so fast. She is terribly nervous.

“So what’s your name again?” Sehun asked her.

“Jin Mi. Lee Jin Mi.” She answered.

Sehun didn’t say anymore. The he called, “Luhan hyung”

The guy turns back. She felt she’s going to have a heart attack. Though she is not sure that he is her brother she felt he is the one he’s looking for. No! You need to be sure first. Her mind said.

“I would like you to meet my juniors from JMP, Kwangmin and Youngmin.” Sehun introduced and Luhan shook hands with them. “And this is their cousin Lee Jin Mi.”

Jin Mi and Luhan look at each other as if they know each other. Then Luhan smiled and said, “Nice to meet you.” She smiled at him.

She just kept silent while the guys are busy talking about their lives. She found out that Sehun was not a solo singer he actually debuted with 3 other guy as a group. He also shared that he is a trainee of JMP since he was fifteen. Luhan never say a word. He just joined with the laughing of the guys.

“So Jin Mi you are new here in Korea right?”  Luhan asked. Jin Mi nodded.

“Where are you from?” Sehun asked.

“From New York. She answered.

“By the way I would like to apologize for my behavior yesterday.” Sehun said.

“No it’s fine. It was my fault. I should have looked on my way.” Jin Mi said. “He wasn’t as bad as I thought” She said.

“So Luhan hyung~” Youngmin said. “What is your career?”

Jin Mi looked at Luhan, waiting on what Luhan’s going to answer. “Well I work in a family business.” He answered.

“What business?” Kwangmin curiously asked.

Luhan looked at Kwangmin. “Do you happen to hear about Zheng?” he then asked.

 “Well umma and noona just bought something at Zheng before coming at our showcase.” Kwangmin answered.

Sehun looked at Jin Mi straight to the eyes. Oh God! This guy’s stare is killing me! Jin Mi said. 

“You went there?” Sehun asked her.

“Well I asked Aunt Tina to tour me in some shops in Korea then she brought me to Zheng.” Jin Mi lied.

“Jin Mi noona~ is a shopaholic. She’s very expert in shopping.” Youngmin entered the conversation.

“Shopping is her addiction.” Kwangmin added.

The guys burst out to laughter. What’s so funny about shopping? She wanted to say but she was already embarrassed. So she decided to shut up.


“There is something about this girl that I cannot explain what.” Luhan said on his mind. As he was looking at Jin Mi something enters his mind: Kim Lisa, his mother. The one he wished he will never see again. But this girl in his front. This Jin Mi girl reminded him of his forgotten mother. Even though he cannot picture out what he’s mother looks like, he is sure that Jin Mi looks like her. He never heard any news from his mother after she left him.


Jin Mi saw how Luhan looked at her. As if he’s been studying her every move. Jin Mi looked away so that she won’t feel uncomfortable. Questions are overflowing in her mind right now. Should she ask him if he is Luhan she is looking for? Should he ask him who his mother is? Should he ask him if he remembers her mother? Jin Mi shook his head to erase the thoughts in her mind. Sehun noticed her.

“Are you okay” he asked.

“Well…Uh… Yes...I am! I’m just…” she said

“I guess you’re sleepy. We better get going. It’s already 10. We’ll just drop you home.” Sehun said.

Jin Mi smiled. She didn’t expect Sehun would be this caring kind of guy. “Thanks but we live nearby. It’s just a walking distance.”

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Sehun asked.

“Hyung~ don’t worry about us. We are strong enough. We can protect Jin Mi noona and ourselves.” Youngmin said causing everyone to laugh.

“Well... Farewell my friends.” Luhan said.

“Goodbye then.” Sehun said. He then looked at Jin Mi. “See you again some other time.”

“Did he just say that to me? He looked at me in the eyes.” Jin Mi blushed.

“Ah…Uhmm.. Yeah. Some other time.” Hopefully.

Sehun and Luhan went to their car and left.

“Happy to see you Luhan!” Jin Mi whispered to herself.


It's a bit boring, right?! but... I hope you liked it. :))


Here's my draft of chapter 5 by the way. Going to update it here soon.. Give love. Thanks.

So this is a draft of my chapter 5. Going to update soon.. :)

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okay. so I changed the title for good! XD


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Poor Lulu :( I hope he doesn't hate her after he knows. Update soon author shii!~
Poor Hunnie!~ ; A ; She should tell him sooner!!!
@LetsPaintTheSky My bad! but thank you for informing me my mistakes! Really you think it's good? Wow. Thank you so much! :)
LetsPaintTheSky #4
Its really good, but the 1st and 3rd chapter copy twice. :D