
My complicated life


Note: all the italics are all Jin Mi’s thought. Arasoo?


Jin Mi woke up with a big smile on her face. Last night was incredibly fun for Jin Mi. Maybe because of the encounter with Luhan and how Sehun showed her gentleman side to her. Oh wait! Why am I even thinking about that guy? Focus Jin Mi. FOCUS. You’re happy because of Luhan. Arasoo? Jin Mi scolded herself.

“Hope to see you some other time.” Sehun’s voice was echoing all over her mind. She blushed. She pinched her face so that she’ll stop daydreaming. Thankfully, she heard someone calling her to wake up. It is her aunt.

“Jin Mi.” She called from the other side of the door.”Jin Mi.” She repeated. Jin Mi rose up from her bed and opened the door.

“Hey Aunt Tina.” She greeted.

“Oh good! You’re awake. Now get ready.” She ordered.

“Get ready for what? You didn’t mention were going somewhere today.” She is now confused.

“Well…Uhmmm…”Her aunt didn’t even know what to say. “Well… Your cousins…the twins, of course… called. And they are having…” Jin Mi found herself repeating what her aunt’s been saying. “Having…having? Having what Aunt Tina?” Jin Mi said.

“Ah well… a commercial shooting. They’re not the main cast of course… They’re going to be a dancer for…” Her aunt tried to remember who will be the cast in the CF. “Someone famous I guess.” She said.

“And you want us?” Jin Mi finally figured out what her Aunt’s been trying to say.

“YES!” She screamed. “Uhmm..Yes. I want us to visit there. Just a minute will do. I just want my babies to know that I am always going to support them.” Now she knows what her aunt’s intention. She smiled. She always loved this woman.

“Well. Since you are so good to me these days, then I guess this is not a bad idea.” Jin Mi finally agreed.

“Jin Mi-ah you’re so amazing!” If she didn’t know that this woman is her aunt, she’ll probably think that her aunt is a child. “I’ll get ready now.” Her aunt said. “You too Jin Mi.”

Jin Mi and her aunt arrived at set just a minute after the shooting started. So they must keep quite while the staffs are working. She saw the twins. She wanted to call them, but she’ll probably make a scene if she would. Jin Mi enjoyed watching twins. A minute passed, she saw her aunt walking away from her. She relocated to the front side so that she’ll have a clearer view. She remained in her place. She was busy watching the dance of the twins when someone tapped her shoulder.

Jin Mi turned back to find out who tapped her shoulder. It is Sehun. She closed her eyes to make sure that her eyes weren’t playing tricks on her. But when she opened her eyes, It is really Sehun. He was laughing now. Aisshh! Why are you laughing? You’re killing me here.

“Jin Mi-ah you’re so funny.” Sehun silently, trying to make sure he didn’t disturb the filming.

“Yaaah!! Oppa!” You silently scolded him but Sehun kept on laughing at you.

“What are you doing here Jin Mi?” Sehun asked then Jin Mi pointed her cousins.

“You’re here to watch them?”

“Ne. Their mother wanted to come here so she tag me along with her.”

“Oh I see.” Then they both remained silent.

“How about you oppa?”

“Well I’m here to give this to Hara?” Hara? She then saw a box of chocolates in his hand and a bouquet of red roses. Jin Mi thinks it’s so sweet but she felt different. Envy? Well maybe. “I haven’t seen her. Did you?”

“Mianhe oppa. I don’t know Hara at all.” Sehun laughed. You didn’t.

“Really? You don’t know her?” Sehun asked.

“Ah…well..Yes.” she admitted, feeling a little embarrassed.

“How come?” he asked again. What the hell Sehun? If it isn’t because of the twins I wouldn’t know you either.

“Just because…” You lied.

“Ah well…” Sehun stopped whatever he’s going to say when a beautiful girl with a very long silky brown hair appeared in the shooting place. Sehun smiled. “That’s Hara.”

Your jaw dropped. She looks like an angel sent from above. You felt a little jealousy. Yaaahhh!! Jin Mi! Stop it.

“She’s pretty.” That’s the only words that came out on Jin Mi’s mouth. Sehun laughed.

“I need to go Jin Mi. See you later.” Sehun left. What? Sehun left? ALREADY? She saw Sehun walking towards Hara. She’s having a water break. Sehun gave her his presents. Hara smiled and hugged  Sehun. And the fool hugged back.

Jin Mi looked away. She didn’t notice that her aunt was already standing beside her. “Jin Mi.” she called Jin Mi’s attention. Jin Mi looked at her. “Are you okay?” she asked.

Jin Mi forced a smile. “Ne.” she answered.

“Some things up Jin Mi. What is it?” her aunt said.

“Ani. Nothing important.”

“Is it about Luhan?” she said.

“Well that’s not about it but…” Jin Mi took a deep breath. “About Luhan…” she then told her aunt what exactly she heard at Zheng. Her aunt gasped. She also mentioned how she and Luhan met last night. You told her you’re not really sure about it.

“I have a feeling that this Luhan guy is the one you’re looking for.” She smiled. I have that feeling too. And I am happy.

“I should get to know him better first.” Jin Mi’s aunt nodded.

Then there was silent between you two.

Jin Mi finally broke the silence.

“May I ask you one thing?” Jin Mi asked.

“Of course.”

“Where is your husband? Their father?”

Her aunt forced a smile. “I didn’t know that either.” She can feel the sadness in her aunt’s voice. 


It's a very short update. Mianhe...:(

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okay. so I changed the title for good! XD


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Poor Lulu :( I hope he doesn't hate her after he knows. Update soon author shii!~
Poor Hunnie!~ ; A ; She should tell him sooner!!!
@LetsPaintTheSky My bad! but thank you for informing me my mistakes! Really you think it's good? Wow. Thank you so much! :)
LetsPaintTheSky #4
Its really good, but the 1st and 3rd chapter copy twice. :D