Friends come to help!

My complicated life


I don't know why she ran away after I said that I trust her with Sehun's happiness. She said she's sorry. I have this feeling that I might not like thatbgirl for my brother. For everyone's information, I don't trust strangers easily. I don't know why I trust this girl so much. My heart just say so.

But anyways... She just left like that. What the hell? I'm trusting Sehun to her. Every girl would love that. But she didn't. What is she hiding? Is she going to hurt my brother? 

I will never let her do that. Whatever she's planning to do to Sehun, I must foind that out sooner.

I called my friend from China. He is the best investigator i've known so far. Since he's the only investigator I know.

"Xiu!" I said as soon as I heard him on the other line.

"Yo. What's up Lulu?"

"Stop calling me that." I said in irritated manner. 

"Okay." he said in serious tone. "What do you want Luhan?"

"I need you here. Come to Korea as soon as you can." I told him Xiumin agreed. I told him what's my plan. He decided to fly to Korea next week. I can't wait. 

Jin Mi Lee! BEWARE!



Jin Mi's POV


I went home with a big problem. First, Sehun will look fool once he found out that he's in between. Second, Luhan trusted me with Sehun and asked me not to let Sehun feel sad. And lastly, I don't know what to do. Should I reveal my purpose here in Korea or keep on lying.

Only her Aunt knows mytask in Korea. My cousins didn't even bother to ask. Kris also knew my purpose since I told him about that just few hours ago. 

Besides them, no one else knew my purpose in Korea.

Should I keep on lying ?

Or should I tell the truth?


There are consquences waiting in whatever thing I choose. I'm scared. I want to talk to someone. My best friend. Sulli.

"Hey pretty!" I said.

"Oh gosh! Jin you're alive!" She said. What the hell is wrong with her.

"Of course I am! Crazy !" I told her. It's normal for her and Sulli to call each other or something.

"You haven't called me for like...decades now. Pabo!" Sulli said.

"I'm calling you now, didn't I?" she said sarcastically.

"Pffft! Crazy!" I heard her murmured.

"i'm in Korea!" I told her. She didn't know I left. I kind of forgot to to tell her. She'll kill me for not telling her.

"WHAT?????" She screamed.

"Hey! You're hurting my ears." I complained.

"I hate you now!" I knew she was just joking so I didn't mind if she say those words.

"I need your help!" I told her.

"I'm going there right away!" Oh yes! Sulli grew up in New York just like her. "What's your problem anyway?"

"Long story... Omo~ wait. you're going here? How about school?"

"I haven't decided what to take anyways." She said. "I'll talk to you as soon as I arrive. Okay? Bye." Sulli ended up the call. 

So Sulli is coming here. That's good! I really need her help. She knew everything about me. Except the thing with Luhan because I didn't have time to tell her. She also didn't know about  Lay being here and.... Sehun being in between.


Oh Sehun....How sorry I am. I guess I should stay away from you.



>>I updated 2 short chapters today! Well yes it's short! I just wrote it down  before I ca forget it. right? KEPP LOVING ME!  Comment and subscribe...<<



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okay. so I changed the title for good! XD


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Poor Lulu :( I hope he doesn't hate her after he knows. Update soon author shii!~
Poor Hunnie!~ ; A ; She should tell him sooner!!!
@LetsPaintTheSky My bad! but thank you for informing me my mistakes! Really you think it's good? Wow. Thank you so much! :)
LetsPaintTheSky #4
Its really good, but the 1st and 3rd chapter copy twice. :D