A Talk With Luhan

My complicated life

Sehun’s POV

She looks bothered. She’s thinking something. And I am worried. I don’t know why but I am definitely worried. What is she thinking? I wanna know. I want to comfort her. Then I saw a glimpse of tears on her eyes. Is she crying? I want to know but she looked away.

Okay I can’t take it anymore. I really want what’s bothering her.

“Jin Mi!” I called her with a worried tone. She looked at me.

“Yes Sehun?”

“Are you alright? You look bothered. ” I asked her.

Jin Mi laughed. It was obvious that it is fake. “What made you think I’m bothered? You’re crazy.” She kept on laughing but she stopped the moment she saw that I am serious. “I’m alright. You don’t have to worry!”

I didn’t answer. I know she would just tell me some lies. She was not this spaced out before but when Kris arrived… Wait! What did Kris-hyung told Jin Mi while Baek-hyung and I are gone. Are they only just acquainted or is there really something between them in past. I don’t want to think about it but I can’t remove everything on my mind.  

Oh…Jin Mi! What have you done to me? Why am I worried all of the sudden for just a girl. Jin Mi-ah!!!!

“Omo~” I heard Jin Mi gasped. We all looked at her.

“Where are you going?” Kris asked.

“Uhhhmmm… At home… I… I have to do something. ” She’s lying. I told myself.

“I’m going with you!” I offered.

“No. ” she blurted. “I mean. You don’t have to. ” She said. I looked at her suspiciously. She smiled. “Really. You don’t have to. I can manage myself.”

I didn’t ask her again. I know she would just keep on saying no.

“Take care then. ” Baekhyun said.

“See you again soon guys!” She said while walking away.

It hurts to see her leaving but I have no right to stop her. I don’t own her in the first place. I just smiled and continues to chat with my hyungs.


Jin Mi’s POV


I left them. I can no longer stay at the same place with him. Just seeing his innocent smile makes me feel bad. I have to stay away with him. I don’t want to be the reason of his sadness.

Okay. So yes. I cried. I’m walking in the streets. And people are looking at me. I don’t care what they think about me. I'm sad damn it. I'm scared. Hurting Sehun is the worst choice I'll do. I was bumping in every people I walked to. Some cursed on me. Some didn't care.

I'm walking so fast when I felt someone grabbed my. I gasped...




I looked at him with shock. But he just smiled at me. My eyes is red and puffy but he didn't care at all.

"You're Jin Mi right?" he asked me. Oh yes we already met before. Thanks to Sehun. 

"Ne~" I said. Not looking at him at all. I just looked at the ground instead. I heard him chuckled.

"Are you really sure? As what I observed..." he paused for a while and studies me. "You looked really messed up." he said.

"Ani. I'm fine." I lied. I tried to remove his hand on mine but his grip was too strong.

"I just can't leave you here alone with that look. After all you are my brother's friend." He said.

I didn't answer.

"Come on. Our boutique is just near." he invited. "We can talk about...your problem..there." he said.

I followed him. I don't want to but my heart feels like I need to follow him.


Luhan brought me to his office in Zheng. He offered me some coffee. We were in silence. I didn't dare to talk.

"So... how long have you been friend with Sehun?" he asked me. 

"Hmmm.. A week or two." I answered. 

"Are you friend with him because his famous." Luhan sounded suspiciously but I understand him. He is just being protective towards his brother.

"I actually don't know who Sehun is if it wasn't because of my cousins." I told him. "You know the twins right. The one who's with me when we met." I explained.

"Oh yeah. I remembered." he said while trying to remember something. "You are from...New York?"

"Yes." I said.

"Jin Mi, I don't know you so much but I trust you." the words hits me. What is he trying to say.

I looked at him with ablank face. I guess he understand.

He smirk and said, "I trust you not to hurt my brother. He's been through a lot of things." Luhan explained. I remembered how Sehun was hurt when he was young. When he's father died. "I trust you because these past few days I haven't seen the old Sehun. He is more happy nowadays. Not the I-hate-the-world-kin-of-a-guy. I trust you." he said.

"I...I...I'm sorry!' I told Luhan and left immediately. 



>>Another short update.<<<

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okay. so I changed the title for good! XD


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Poor Lulu :( I hope he doesn't hate her after he knows. Update soon author shii!~
Poor Hunnie!~ ; A ; She should tell him sooner!!!
@LetsPaintTheSky My bad! but thank you for informing me my mistakes! Really you think it's good? Wow. Thank you so much! :)
LetsPaintTheSky #4
Its really good, but the 1st and 3rd chapter copy twice. :D