Revelation of the Truth

My complicated life

This is my first time to write a fanfiction. It's so obvious in the way I write it here. But I do hope you'll enjoy it. I'm not a writer as you can see. I'm just inspired to write a fan fic. If my story happen to be similar with others, It is just a coincidence. Alright? So please don't say bad words. !! Ayeee!


Jin Mi was busy shopping when she heard her phone ringing. It was her father. It's very unusual for her father to call since he's busy on their business.

"Hey dad" she answered. "What's with the unexpected call?"

"Jin Mi, I need you to go to the hospital----" 

"Hospital? What do you mean? Is something wrong with you?" 

"One by one please..Your mother was admitted in the hospital." he calmly said.

"WHHAAAAATTT??" she screamed over the phone. 

"Calm down. She collapsed while cooking. They said she's okay. I want you to go there. Alright?" her dad said.

"Whoah. I thought something bad happened. Maybe she's just tired or something."

"Well...maybe. But I still want you to go there." 

"Oh sure. After I'm done with what I'm doing."

"Jin Mi. I want you to go there. NOW!" her father voice raised.

"Okay, okay. I'm going there. As in now. So bye dad." she didn't wait for her father to response.


" Ayooo!! Mom. You okay? Dad is worried." she said upon entering the hospital room.

"Hmmm.. Hey baby girl." her mom said.

"Mom, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm no longer a baby. I love you mom but please don't call me baby girl." she complained.

"Jin Mi, I know you're already in the right age----" 

"Okay stop! What the heck are you saying? Are you bidding your farewell?"

"Don't jump on the conclusion Jin Mi.. What I'm saying is..Now that your in your right age ----" Jin Mi stopped her mother again.

"Now your saying that I should get married? Mom I'm sstill young"

"Oh..Just let me finish what I'm saying. Okay?"


"I have to tell you th truth..." Her mother took a deep breath. "I have a first husband. He is a Chinese-Korean." She confessed.

"Hold-on! Your saying you had a first husband? So I have a sibling? Darn it!" confused, angry, shocked was the only thing in her mind.

"I'm sorry for not telling you this. And yes you have an older brother. Luhan is his name." teary-eyed her mother said. The she continued. "His father and I are always fighting. Until we decided to end everything. I left Luhan to his brother. After that I went here in New York and then I met your father."

"So.. why are you telling me all of this all of the sudden?"

"I want you to find him for me! Please Jin Mi. Time is running out too soon."

"Okay? I'll find him but wait...Time is running out? What are you saying mom? Could you explain it to me?

"My heart is not working very well this day Jin Mi. I got tired easily, I collapses everytime I overworked. Look I'm pale." she said making her confused. 

"So you want me to find thi Luhan guy? Where is he anyway?"

"The last time I checked he still lives with his father in Korea with his new family of course."

"Korea? As in South Korea? Located in Asia. I have no idea what to do once I go there, mom. Though I'm a Korean, you knew I grew up here."

"It's alright. Remember your Aunt Tina? She went here when you were ten."

"Yeah. I remember her, that woman..tsk..WAIT! Don't tell me.."

"Yes, she'll guide you there." she smiled. "Promise me"

She smiled fakely.

After that sudden truth Jin Mi found out, she decided to be alone for a while. Of course she's still in the process of accepting the truth. All of her life she thought she's the only one. Unfortunately, she just found out that her mother has a son somewhere out there. Now she is tasked to find him. Her mom thought it would be as easy as she was thinking. But no! Her mind said. Everything's not going to be easy. But what else can she do, right? She loves her mother so much. She doesn't want to disappoint her mother. After all, she promised her mother to find Luhan. 

Jin Mi decided to take a break from studying since she just graduated from highschool She also needs to prepare in enetering the Law School. Oh yes! Law school. She remembered. It's not obvious that she's a nerdy kind of girl since she's a very fashionable one. Though she loves to shop, she still loves to read and study. And her dream is to become a lawyer. Now she's sacrificing a year just to find her brother. And for the peace of mind of her mother. 

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okay. so I changed the title for good! XD


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Poor Lulu :( I hope he doesn't hate her after he knows. Update soon author shii!~
Poor Hunnie!~ ; A ; She should tell him sooner!!!
@LetsPaintTheSky My bad! but thank you for informing me my mistakes! Really you think it's good? Wow. Thank you so much! :)
LetsPaintTheSky #4
Its really good, but the 1st and 3rd chapter copy twice. :D