Hoping To Stay The Same

HIDDEN: I ♥ __________


Krystal’s POV


I looked outside from my window, glancing at an empty street with old people, couples, and teenagers passing by. I was pre-occupied of processing of the things that happened today. I was used to it, brooding in my room, sitting in the bed and staring into space. I can’t even feel my bloody hand right now, which was weird because I should be angry and crying, but I’m not. All my emotions seem to be bounded.

“Hey,” I looked up and saw Chanyeol oppa making his way to me from the door. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine as always.” I smiled weakly, but still looking at the window.

“Come here.” I moved myself to Chanyeol oppa as he hugged me and kept patting my head, that am when the tears started falling from my eyes. “I’m sorry that I didn’t go inside when I was supposed to. It’s just that Kai and Taemin was the first one to enter and if I came before they’re going to get suspicious.”

I wiped my tears away and pulled back.

“It’s okay.” I smiled.

“What exactly happened at the fight between you and Sulli?”

“I thought you heard the whole thing?”

“Yeah, but only the part when I heard the mirror just broke and I thought Sulli threw something at it, because we all know Sulli, once she’s angry she would start throwing things.”

I shake my head. “No, Sulli actually didn’t throw at thing, but me.”

“I guess Taemin cared of tending your wound.”

“Not care, but pity. I can see it from his eyes.”

“For just a second can’t you believe me that both of them care about you?” I looked at Chanyeol oppa, with a blank face. ‘I don’t want to believe them anymore. I’ve given them a chance to see the real me when we were training and they’ve abused it. I thought that we were all cool with each other and in the end they turned their back to me. They were blinded by the beauty and their love with Sulli, which I couldn’t careless anymore, because they were impossible to believe again.’

I then turned my face back to the window, thinking that if I were Soojung I would care about them, but no. Its Krystal’s time to shine, so might as well give the best of it. I heard Chanyeol oppa sighed heavily, but I didn’t move an inch.

“I would, but as you’ve heard – I assumed that you were hiding at the back of the door, listening to our conversations between Taemin and me, you’ve heard that Soojung is now gone and now it’s Krystal’s time to shine.”

“Care to explain what happened?” I looked at Chanyeol oppa, hesitating of saying something.


Start flashback


Morning came again, I looked around and feeling of skipping practice to stay in bed, but it was time to make them all dizzy of what will happen today. It was a plan to provoke them again, by showing their true selves that have been released by one’s self. I came down the dance room and found Sulli already practicing, so I entered calmly and quietly, careful to not disturb the concentrated Sulli. Then, she somewhat made a mistake, I wanted to help her but I chose to ignore her.

“It’s your entire fault, Krystal.” I look at the mirror, finding Sulli’s reflection furious, which made my spine cold. Like really made my spine shiver with the intense eyes that she’s giving me right now, it scares me to the extent I don’t want to do anything that harms her.

“What did I do to you anyway?”

“Don’t act all innocent on me,” Sulli screeched and walked closely to me. “Have you had enough ting around?”

“With whom?” I stood in front of her confused, while she was taking steps towards me.

“With my boyfriend,” she gritted her teeth.

“Really? ‘Cause last time I checked your BOYFRIEND was giving me a heads up,” I crossed my arms in my chest and tilted my head. “You’re my friend, Sulli. A friend who turned herself for love, how pathetic can that be?”

Suddenly, Sulli grabbed my arm and pushed them in the mirror. I was intensely looking at her eyes; they were somehow crazy and delusional if another person were to stand here in front of her. Until I snapped to my senses, and pushed her to the floor, making her scream of shock. Then Taemin and Kai entered hurriedly after that finding the two of us in a position where I get to be blamed by it. If Taemin didn’t say anything about my hand bleeding I wouldn’t have noticed it, and that's when I started to realize it hurts.


End of Flashback


“Well, she really hurt you. Like literally.” Chanyeol sighed and grabbed my arm softly until he was holding the end of my fingers. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” I looked at him.

“For not being the best friend, when you needed me to,” he said while still looking at my injured hand.

“It’s not your fault, plus you made the right choice of not entering the scene or else it would’ve gotten intense.” I said smiling at him.

“Krystal,” he looked at me in the eyes, and he hugged me tight but making sure that my hand won’t be crushed. “I’m really sorry.”

“Shh,” I said as I was looking at the tears that began dropping at his right cheek, wiping them with both of my hands. Injured or not I couldn’t care less if I got them wet.

I pulled away from his arms when it was still rested in my waist, as I did I saw a figure behind us, and Taemin was looking at us. “Don’t move.”

“Why?” He suddenly stiffened.

“Taemin,” I whispered as I squint my eyes, and as I looked clearly, he was actually glaring not at me but at Chanyeol.

“I’m sorry again,” he said quietly, as I looked at him. When I looked at the back, Taemin was no longer there.

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Chapter 36: Kaistal, taestal and now chanstal,, its make difficult to choose between both of them,
Their sweet moment so adorable~
Please update soon authornim :)
jsinaryo #2
Chapter 36: Update pleaseeee !!>< this story was so good !!
Chapter 36: ggrrr update soon.....cant wait something fluff:((
ilykk15 #4
Chapter 36: Update pleasee . :((( i love your storyy veryy muchh . :D
Chapter 36: kaistal <3 update please!!
Chapter 36: kaistaaal >__< updet asaaap
Chapter 36: KAISTAL!!! XD
kaistal_hunhan #8
Chapter 36: GO KAISTAL GO !
HoneyCates #9
Chapter 36: I think chanstal is cute tho haha
HoneyCates #10
Chapter 36: Authornim, high five!! I hate Naeun too!!!! Ugh!