A Message By The Wind

HIDDEN: I ♥ __________

Taemin's POV

I was walking down the hall, frustratingly stomping my way to Kai's dance room. I was thinking of smacking his stupid head in the mirror that's in the dance room. We're suppose to be a team and he was getting selfish, thinking that I don't think he's concerned about this other than the part that he's thinking all about himself again. He likes Soojung and he seems to not care about her all. Then, Ispotted a girl that hair has a colorful strands on them and when she turned around my breath hitched from the sight.
"Oppa," she said softly.
"Sulli, what're you doing here?"
"Have you seen Kai?" She said ignoring my question.
"Yeah, he's over at his dance room, but Sull-" she left me dumbfounded that she just cut me off, as she excitedly went to Kai's dance room. She was so happy that she burst open the door, amused at the sight that I leaned to the door frame. Watching the two of them, Sulli was engrossed to seeing Kai, and he was taken aback from her arrival.
"I was going to ask her that too," I smirked. 'These two are extremely close than I've expected them to be, does Soojung knew about these two?'
"Where's Krystal?" Sulli then looked back and forth from the both of us, from Kai and me. I slouched knowing that my heart has dropped to shocked to even say anything because of Sulli's question, that she was clueless where Soojung's whereabouts, then I left. My brain can't think straight 'cause Krystal's missing, my long-time crush is here, that's busily clinging to my best friend, for some reason and I still don't know what to do. Instead of thinking and worrying about Sulli's surprise, all I could think about now where the heck is Soojung. 'I'm going crazy right now. I don't know where to start, who to ask and how can I be able the people that'll lead me on the right track.

Leaving the company for awhile to have some fresh air. I've suddenly thought of the park that we once hung out. As I've arrived at the park, the first thing the got on my mind was the swing. I was picturing the moments, while touching the chains from the swing. As much as I don't want to cry, an unexpected tear came down, another and another until I knelt down, broken from the source that beats that's the reason why I'm living now.
My phone suddenly rang, knowing that a message came, I sighed. I couldn't read it 'cause I don't have the strength to talk to anyone right now, so I turned it off. I lefr the park, while walking down the street taking the long road to the company. It was noisy than I've known it would be, and once I saw a shop that's beside me, a small material caught my attention that was perfect for Soojung's wrist. It was a pearl-periwinkle colored crystal, flower-shaped pendant that's dangling from the chain.
"It's an anklet," I looked aroung and found a young girl that's age is close to 9 or 10. She was smiling to me, then I realized that she knows who I am. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that Shinee's Taemin is in front of my auntie's shop."
"Okay, thank you," I sighed. "I was actually just looking around and was curious what the commotion's all about."
"Oh, um it's a festival that's really weird, but because it's actually my first time celebrating it here since I only visit in the holidays. They say that once you find the place where lights doesn't have a price when darkness come, take a deep breath and whisper that to the wind."
"Really?" I smiled and lowered down to meet her face.
"Yep, ask my aunt she'll tell you all about it but I should warn you first that you should buy sme snacks before making her start talking because it's kind of long than anyone has expected it to be." She shrugged and was about to leave.
"Wait," I said. "How much is that anklet?" I pointed at the window where the anklet was placed.
"Well, since Shinee's Lee Taemin's here I'll tell auntie to give it to you for free."
"You don't have to," I frowned that made her giggle.
"I know but I want to, plus I know you're going to give it to someone special."
"Oh?" I stood up straight smiling. "And who do you have in mind?"
"F(x)'s Krystal unnie." She raised both of her eyebrows teasing me.
"I'm actually a big TAESTAL fan," she winked at me.
"Okay," I chuckled while shooking my head.

After she gave me the anklet, I waved goodbye. It made me smile that she was a big fan of both Soojung and I, too bad she wasn't there. She might be amused and wouldn't stop making me blush. I sighed as the wind was blowing gracefully, as my eyes grew wide upon noticing a brunette that has a familiar petite style. I hurriedly come closer to her and tappen her shoulder.
"Soojung?" When she turned around to my disappoinment it wasn't her. It made my heart drop again. 'I miss her so much.'
"I bowed and apologized to the blushing girl, although she recognized me I kindly declined any photograph and made my way by the flowing riverside tha leads to a pond. In my luck, no one was there. As I looked around going I spotted a cute small bridge that resembles one, when we went to Japan.
I didn't notice that the sun had completely set and small lights had lit up around the bridge, fireflies, it was incredible that it hitched my breath upon knowing the story of the little girl. I pulled the anklet that I bought for Soojung and looked at it, giving it a squeeze and I pulled at anklet to my lips, while murmuring these words: "Jung Soojung, I don't know where you are and what are thinking right now with that beautiful head of yours, but I hope that you come back, in time before our debut. Come back, before I get crazy thinking that your not going to fill my arms with you again. I feel so lonely, and I don't know what to do right now but be patient, hoping that you'll come back to me-to us, with a smile. I miss you and I love you.'
My heart ached as tears came down flooding my cheeks.
"I miss you," I sweetly whispered once again to the wind hoping that she will receive the message, but I know it won't.

I finally decided to come back, the manager scolded me for leaving a little too long as much as I want to reason out, it's best to just nod. I'm not feeling of talking to anyone at all. I went to our flooe and founf Soojung's room was open, as I've reached her room to my disappoinment again, Sulli was inside unpacking her things. 'I almost forgot, she's replacing for Soojung.'
"Taemin oppa, you're here?" She smiled at me. I thought I wasn't visible, but I guess she saw me.
"Yeah, I just went out for a walk around town."
"I see and did you have fun?"
"Yeah," I nodded, but haven't been returning her smile at all.
"Gladd that you've been taking some time. JongIn was worried." I smiled at that thought, it's been awhile since JongIn got worried because of me. I guess he doesn't want to fight anymore. Maybe I should say sorry.
"Where's JongIn?"
"He's at the usual," she smiled again, then I gave her a confused looked and then finally returned her smile. "The dance room." She whispered.
I walked fast to the room, and found JongIn working hard, sweating all over and was heavily panting. I knocked the door softly, but before I could make an audible sound for him to hear it, he looked at me. He waved me to come in, while I smiled at him.
"Hyung," he said, surprised.
"Hey, how's the routine coming up." I smiled at him. Kai was actually coming up with a simpler dance moves so that Soojung will be able to follow, but it seems Soojung's been missing, but I still hope that he'll do these ideas' of his to come alive. "I actually came here to apologize to you about the way I acted. It's just that Soojung has been-"
"I know that, but I assure you that she's coming back. Good as new."
"I hope that you're right, but I hope she's going to be the same Soojung that we once both loved." I gulped. "So am I forgiven or what?" I opened my arms to him.
"Yeah, you're forgiven." He filled my arms with a brotherly hug. It felt good that we're not fighting anymore.
"It's a good thing that both of you are friends again," Sulli sain leaning at the door frame.
"Correction, best friends," Kai said. Then, I was wondering, how long have Sulli been there?

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I'll be sure updating tomorrow? so please keep on anticipating and don't give up!


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Chapter 36: Kaistal, taestal and now chanstal,, its make difficult to choose between both of them,
Their sweet moment so adorable~
Please update soon authornim :)
jsinaryo #2
Chapter 36: Update pleaseeee !!>< this story was so good !!
Chapter 36: ggrrr update soon.....cant wait something fluff:((
ilykk15 #4
Chapter 36: Update pleasee . :((( i love your storyy veryy muchh . :D
Chapter 36: kaistal <3 update please!!
Chapter 36: kaistaaal >__< updet asaaap
Chapter 36: KAISTAL!!! XD
kaistal_hunhan #8
Chapter 36: GO KAISTAL GO !
HoneyCates #9
Chapter 36: I think chanstal is cute tho haha
HoneyCates #10
Chapter 36: Authornim, high five!! I hate Naeun too!!!! Ugh!