"Failure is what makes me stronger/Fear is what makes me run – watch me now" ~BAP's "Goodbye"

He's My Teacher!

..this...is moving too fast T_T" HAHA. okay..im sorry...im bad at...life..this really isn't going well...>.>

also..yeah..i lied. i updated again. today is the last day i'm allowing myself to write until im DONE with summer homework. so expect a few(?) more updates tonight on a variety of my stories then a lull/:



Friday, October 19, 2012

                By Friday I was so fed up I confronted, of all people, Kai. Every since Monday Junhyung had been avoiding me. Avoiding me. Me! We’ve been tight for forever, and just this summer we spent probably 4 or 5 days a week with each other every week. So what changed from then to now? It wasn’t something I wanted to ask one of Youngmin or his friends because, hello, awkward, and L had gotten close to him, too, so I didn’t want to make it awkward for him. Ahran only knew him as our teacher, and so that left Kai. Knew Junhyung and our relationship outside of school well enough to understand the situation, but didn’t really spend time with him outside of school.

                “Hey, Kai,” I called as we filed out of class.

                He spun around and cocked his head slightly at me. “Yeah?”

                “I—I need help…”

                A playful look came onto his face. “Mm, with what?”

                “Um…let’s talk after school, okay? Oh wait…track party…um…come to the café. After we close, at 11:00, okay?”

                Kai nodded. “Cool, I’ll be there.”

                 “Thanks. See you then.”


                “Hey, cheer up, will you?” L asked, pushing me with his shoulder. “What happened to all that “I can’t wait til track is done” and “I’m gonna beat the out of Coach” and “I’d shoot myself if track was year round”?” L teased.

                I forced a smile on my face, but to be honest, I was still preoccupied with Junhyung. “Oh believe me, I’m glad as hell track is done. I’m just gonna miss all my L time.”

                “I still work at the café, ya know. Just cause season’s over doesn’t mean my contract is.”

                I nodded. “Yeah, true. I’ll also miss doing this.” With that I dipped my finger into the bright blue frosting of the cake and smeared it on L’s cheek.

                His mouth formed a perfect O for a moment before he laughed and shook his head. “Yahh…Keep that up and Coach Baek’ll kick you out of school.”

               “Kicked out of restaurants, kicked out of malls, school would be an interesting thing to try,” I contemplated jokingly.

                L laughed. “At least wait til graduation.”

                “Why? Then I can’t get kicked out.”

                “Aish…such a troublemaker,” L shook his head and poked my forehead with his first two fingers. “Quiet down and enjoy the food.”


                The guys were in the kitchen and back room while I finished tidying up the front area. I heard a knocking on the glass door and looked up to see Kai. I smiled and waved and quickly went to unlock the door. “Hey,” I greeted.

                “Miss me?”

                “How could I miss you? Your ego’s so big it followed me home…” I muttered, but despite myself I was still smiling.

                “You’re too sweet, I missed you too,” he smiled at me. I laughed and led him to the counter, making sure to lock the door behind me. “So…what is it you were wondering?”

                I bit my lip. “It’s…Junhyung…” Kai’s eyes took on a knowing look, but he didn’t say anything, so I continued. “You know how we’re really good friends, we have been and always were before he came to teach at SAA and I started going here. But recently, he’s been…sort of…ignoring me. I—actually I don’t know why I asked you, you wouldn’t know…I don’t know I guess I just sort of…hoped, because, you know, he’s never like…we’re so close. He’s the one I can always count on—“

                Kai stopped my words with his index finger. “You’re rambling,” he told me with a small smile.

                “Right…right…I mean, I never do I just—“ I shut up with Kai’s look and glanced, embarrassed, downwards.  “Right. You have anything to say?”

                Kai pursed his lips. “I…I’m not sure. But I think if he’s ignoring you, it’s not because of anything you’ve done. He probably thinks this is best. I don’t know why he’d think that, but he’s probably trying his best. And he just doesn’t know what to do…what to think…”

                I nodded. “But…what could even be bothering him?! Why would he suddenly stop talking to me? Something like this has never happened before…he’s always been so mature. The closest to this was when he was mad at me after he found out Hyunseung took me out. But I don’t think I’ve done anything to piss him off…”

                “He was mad after he found out you were with another guy?” Kai asked, eyeing me.

                “Mm,” I agreed. “He was really upset.”

                “And afterwards he separated you from said guy, when we switched practice rooms…” I nodded. “And he likes spending time with you…”

                “Stop.” Junhyung…liking me? Ohhh no…No, no. No thank you, that was not it.

                “Hyemin…you can’t ignore it…” Kai said softly. “What if Junhyung…did…you know…have feelings for you?”

                I squeezed my eyes shut. I can honestly say I had never thought that was it. I thought Kai was gonna help me find out why I pissed Junhyung off and made him ignore me, not tell me that he liked me. “Then…it makes sense,” I finally whispered. I didn’t want to believe that someone I was so close with, someone I had such a special relationship with, liked me, but it did…make sense.




                “So, do you know what’s been bugging Junhyung?” L finally asked the question that had been on everyone’s mind. L, Youngmin, Key, and Yongguk were gathered in the café’s kitchen after closing while Hyemin was doing something with Kai in the front area. Junhyung, as had become the usual this week, hadn’t even come to the café all day.

                “All the life seriously just like…left him,” Bang murmured. “He’s so depressed these days…”

                “It’s Hyemin,” Key announced boldly.

                Youngmin looked disgusted, Bang was nodding his head, and L looked absolutely shocked. “What?” Youngmin demanded.

                Key continued, unfazed. “I’m not sure, but it makes sense. It’s kind of obvious that Junhyung liked Hyemin, and then he hasn’t been coming by the café recently and I bet in school they talk a lot less, too.” Here, Key turned to look at L, who was nodding slowly.

                “Before, every time we saw him he’d greet us but now he avoids eye contact. I’m not in her dance class but I bet it’s the same.”

                “So...if he did like her…and he suddenly decided to stop…why?”

                “Would you like to see that every day in class and not be able to do anything just cause you’re the teacher?” Key asked pointedly, gesturing through the door to where Kai’s finger was resting on Hyemin’s lips. She blushed and looked down at her hands.

                L bit down on teeth. “Right…” he whispered, his voice hoarse. “Well, now that we know why, what can we do?”

                Youngmin spoke for the first time in awhile. “Nothing. We can’t do anything. If she’s too stupid to realize it, and Junhyung is too goddamn stubborn to admit it, then we can’t interfere. We let it take its course and see what happens.”




                So how did Junhyung giving up cause Kai to fall behind? Kai didn’t want to admit it, but he saw how concerned Hyemin was when Junhyung ignored her. He saw how confused she was during their conversation. He wasn’t giving up; he just needed to work harder. 



because this update is probably making everyone go WTF with my awkwardly not-planned-out lovelines...here's some sad kai for everyone to ogle...(runner-ups for this chapters main image)<3



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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 36: It's really good, very intriguing....

great job authornim ^^
panda10 #2
Chapter 36: Omg this is just so good~ I'm was totally rooting for Hyemin and the person she ended up :) I'm so excited for the sequel hihi :P And also, you're a great writer! :D I really liked that there were many twists and all, wooaah it was reaaaaaally great! I love u <3
hippo_guk #3
Chapter 36: I loved your story, its sad that kai turned out that way... but its like... keep up the good work:))
Chapter 36: Cutee ending though I still want her for Kai~
Looking forward to the sequel! <3
MandeeGee #5
Chapter 36: That was a good ending, I liked how you ended it with it being the beginning of something new for Kai.
ohshytsitzmarina #6
Chapter 34: oh snaps.. shes falling for Kai somewhere in there..
KaiBaekhyunLoverr #7
Chapter 34: NOOO KAI!!!!!</3 I wanted her with Kai!!! ㅠㅠ

I reread the last few chapters because I have no life and I'm forever alone.......