"Tears are extravagant, this longing for you is a sin/My head tells my heart not to look for you anymore" ~Davichi's "Will Think of You"

He's My Teacher!


the main image doesn't really have anything to do with the chapter..it just...NEEDS to be shared...<3

also...the following update is 8-9typed pages..it's understandable if you get bored reading it halfway through..XD



Saturday, September 29, 2012

                “Yah…get up,” a deep voice woke me from my sleep.

                I yawned and threw an arm over my eyes to block out the blinding sunlight. “Why’re you here, Bang?” I asked sleepily.

                “Key’s making food…or something,” came the bored reply.

                “Why…it’s…Saturday…isn’t it?” I asked.

                “Ahh,” Bang murmured. “Right. Well I got the day off. Get your lazy up, we’re going out.”

                I blinked as I sat up. “Out? Where? Why?”

                Bang shrugged. “Junhyung planned something. Or something…”

                “Hm,” I muttered. We always hung out and went on spontaneous adventures, but a fully planned day with Bang getting off from work was something special…

                Yongguk left the room and I lumbered to the bathroom, getting ready for the day. I put on makeup to create a flawless face and added some winged eyeliner. I didn’t like wearing much more than that, so I turned to my hair and wardrobe. I braided my bangs and put my hair into a messy bun and slipped on skinny jeans, a lace-back tank top and threw a purple cardigan over it, grabbing my purple converse as I walked downstairs.

                “Ay,” I greeted as I sat down beside Junhyung. Youngmin and Bang were on the other side and Key brought in the last dish, sitting at the head of the table. We chatted as we ate, until my curiosity finally got the better of me.  “So…what are we doing today?”

                Junhyung smiled. “Surprise. I got the whole day planned.”

                “Why the sudden date?” Key asked.

                Junhyung shrugged. “Figured we needed to…reestablish our relationship.”

                “I’m sorry…the only girl I can tolerate being just friends with is Hyemin. Please go and retrieve your , now,” Bang stated bluntly, eliciting laughter out of everyone.

                “Yah. I just think we should have a fun day. We’ve all been working so hard,” Junhyung insisted.

                “I’m fine with that. As long as my Hyung is paying,” Youngmin stated, sending some aegyo to Junhyung, who rolled his eyes.

                I laughed. “And what about the café, oppa.”

                Youngmin shrugged. “We’ll close for the day. No big deal.”

                I rolled my eyes. “You’re an awful manager. So irresponsible,” I sighed, and Youngmin only smiled back at me. “But hey, whattabout L? He was gonna come in today. Can he come?”

                Youngmin looked like he was about to agree before Junhyung spoke. “No!” he blurted. Everyone gave him an odd look. “I mean…it’s the five of us! Just…the five of us. From old times!”

                “Whatever,” Key shrugged. “But I do like L. He’s got a good fashion sense…”

                “Yeah, I like the kid, too,” Bang agreed.

                “Hey! Whatever Hyung says goes,” Youngmin disagreed firmly. Junhyung sent a relieved smile towards him as he continued. “After all, Junhyung-ssi is sponsoring today’s fun.”

                Junhyung’s expression fell. “Yah,” he growled. “I never agreed to paying…”

                Youngmin straightened suddenly. “Well! Let’s clean this place up before we leave! Hyemin, you tell L to take the day off, okay?” he said, beginning to clear the plates.

                Everyone nodded and went off to do their own jobs. I decided to call L since it was so urgent and I didn’t want him to have to make the trip out here. “Hey,” he answered after a few rings.

                “Hey, L, you don’t need to come into work today.”

                “Eh? Why not?” he asked.

                “We’re not opening today. I don’t know…Junhyung Oppa planned something so we’re going out.”

                “Ahh…well, cool then. Have fun,” L said.

                “Mm, thanks. Enjoy your day off. Bye~”

                “So you and L are…close…”

                “Oppa!” I gasped, surprised at hearing Junhyung’s voice. I closed my eyes and shook my head. “What? What about L?”

                Junhyung gave me a sheepish smile. “Sorry. You guys…are close…”

                “Um….yeah. You know that. He’s been working here for a while now…” This was a sufficiently…awkward conversation…

                Junhyung nodded. “Ahh…yes, yes. So…who else are you close with?”

                Uh…what? “Um…I guess…like…friends? Chunji and Ahran…the kids I sit with at lunch…”


                “Oppa—what?” Now it was just getting weird… “Mr. Jang?”

                “Yeah…him. Are you guys close?”

                “I…guess…?” I murmured, not really sure how to answer.

                “Ah. That’s…nice,” Junhyung nodded. We headed back to where the other guys were in silence. Just before we reached them he spoke again. “Like…how close?”

                I couldn’t stop my laugh from escaping. “Oppa what the heck? Why are you asking all this?”

                “Yah! Hyemin make yourself useful and get over here!” Youngmin called from the back.

                “Coming!” I shouted to him. “We’ll talk…later? Okay?” I said to Junhyung, who nodded listlessly.



                “Holy , holy , holy he is going to DIE,” I panicked. The five of us were in the theater watching the new Spiderman movie. I was sitting between Yongguk and Junhyung, and since Yongguk was too into the action scenes I turned my commentary to Junhyung.

                Junhyung chuckled. “Calm down, Hyemin,” he told me. “And let go off my arm, you’re cutting off circulation,” he added.

                “Oh…sorry…” I muttered, releasing him from my grip.

                He laughed. “You’re fine.”

                Junhyung always put up with my little personality quirks well. He was nice and tolerant…and probably used to it by now…

                “Ahh that was such a good movie,” I commented as we walked out of the theater.

                “There needs to be a sequel,” Key murmured pensively.

                “There needs to be more action,” Yongguk sighed.

                Youngmin slapped Yongguk’s head as we climbed back into the car. “Go back to your war movies,” he muttered.

                “Gladly,” Yongguk shot back. “What was with that random loveline?”

                “Random!? Are you kidding me?! A) They were adorable. B) It was not random,” I disagreed.

                “You’re a girl. All arguments on love are invalid,” Yongguk told me without a second thought.

                “Excuse me?” I gasped, laughing. “I can’t tell if you’re being ist or just stupid right now.”

                Yongguk rolled his eyes. “I’m serious. Girls love romance. Everything cute and cuddly. Any romance line is necessary to you guys. That’s why you’re all desperate for a boyfriend.”

                “Desperate for a boyfriend? Please. And what are guys desperate for? ?” I shot back.

                “This is getting really awkward. Can we please have a conversation in which my younger sister doesn’t say the word ?” Youngmin groaned.

                Everyone laughed and let it drop. “Thanks for paying, Oppa,” I told Junhyung.

                “Mm. Don’t worry about it,” he smiled at me through the rearview mirror since he was driving.

                “You’re kidding me,” Bang stated. “An ice skating rink?”

                Junhyung nodded. “Lovely, ain’t it?”

                “Four guys ice skating together? I’m sorry, are you gay?” Yongguk asked bluntly.

                “This is seriously a date. Junhyung bring your girlfriend to all these events…” Key mumbled.

                I laughed. “Oh lighten up. It’s fun, and not just couples come here. Let’s go!” I called as we exited the car.

                “Fine, but I call skating next to Hyemin, and not Key…” Bang commented.

                All laced up and ready to go, Junhyung was the first to step onto the ice. He was no professional, but he was pretty could and was a proficient skater both forwards and backwards. I was decent on the ice, Key was actually freakishly good, Youngmin could stand without falling, but Yongguk was God awful…

                “Don’t fall!” Key called playfully as he poked Yongguk’s side as he passed him yet again. Junhyung and I were both on either side of him, helping him along.

                “When we get back on real ground again I am going to murder him,” Yongguk growled.

                “I know, I know, Oppa,” I cooed.

                “Aishh,” Yongguk groaned. “Just leave. Go skate by yourself. I’ll be standing over here.”

                “Yeah! Hyemin, let’s go skate!” Junhyung said, letting go of Yongguk’s hand.

                “Oh come on, I don’t mind,” I insisted. “Let’s go, Oppa…”

                Yongguk mumbled some profanities but let me lead him along the ice. “Why. Am I here,” he growled, shooting a look at Junhyung.

                “Awh, don’t blame him. He was just trying to help us have fun,” I scolded Yongguk. Junhyung had skated away a bit ago, running his hand through his hair, seeming frustrated, but I don’t know what at. “Here, this’ll be easier,” I said, skating in front of him and giving him both my hands so I was now skating backwards and pulling him.

                “I feel stupid.”

                “You look kind of stupid, too…” I laughed at Yongguk’s glare. “I’m kidding. Oppa, you look sooo BA…if I were a couple years older I’d be all over you.”

                “Yeah, if Junhyung doesn’t pounce on you first.”

                “What?” I asked, surprised.

                “Oh come on…you two are practically a couple already…”

                “What?” I gasped again. “No…nonono we’re not…”

                “Mm could have had me fooled…”

                “No! We’re not! Seriously, oppa!” I insisted, hitting his arm.

                Yongguk laughed. “I’m teasing, alright? Even if it may be true,” he added in a low voice.

                “You know…I don’t even know why I’m helping you,” I stated matter of factly, letting go of his hands and skating away. “Bye byee~” I sang, wiggling my fingers at him as I retreated. His scandalized look made me laugh as I continued to skate away, that is, until I crashed into someone and fell to the…ice.

                “Ouch!” Oh God…oh no…Not—

                “Krystal?!” Kai exclaimed, dropping to his knees to help her. “And…Hyemin,” he smirked deviously at me.

                “Oh…what a…surprise…to see you two here…”

                “Hyemin! Are you okay!?” Key asked, kneeling down next to me. Even though Key was a good fifty feet behind Yongguk, he still reached me first. But Yongguk was a close second…

                “Excuse me, she’s the one that ran into me.” Krystal…you can always count on her to be a … By now all the guys were around us.

                “I’m so sorry!” Youngmin apologized. “It was an accident.”

                “Yeah. Sorry,” I added gruffly, standing up. Junhyung steadied me as I rose.

                “Oh, it’s no problem,” Krystal insisted in an angelic voice, and I realized she was staring dreamily at the four new hotties surrounding her. I rolled my eyes as Yongguk helped her up. “So...would you like to skate with me and my friend?” she asked, batting her lashes. I glanced at Kai, and saw the hurt in his eyes when she enunciated “friend”.

                “Sure,” Youngmin agreed. “This is Junhyung, Yongguk, Key and my sister Hyemin,” he introduced as we began skating slowly, Bang once again holding onto me.

                “Oh…” I saw the realization hit Krystal. “You’re Hyemin Unni’s Oppa?!” Great…new hot guy, so I’m back to being her precious unni…

                Youngmin nodded.

 “How do you know Hyemin?” Key asked.

                “Oh! She knows Kai, we met a few times,” she smiled sweetly at Youngmin.

                “Ahh I’m glad she has other girl friends. Hyemin has so many guy friends,” Youngmin commented.

                Krystal gave me an icy glare. “Yeah. I know.”

                Oh grow up… “Ice skating…isn’t that sort of a…couples thing?” Kai suddenly spoke. This was weird…normally when Kai was around Krystal he was so quiet. The tone in his voice was definitely…teasing and playful. “So, Hyemin, which one’s your boyfriend?” he asked, cocking his head as he smiled at me. This little…probably revenge from last night…

                “No one,” I responded tightly. “Friends. Just. Friends.”

                “Hey, Friend,” Kai directed at Key, who was standing next to him. “Does Hyemin’s eye always twitch like that?”

                I am going to kill him… Key laughed. “Only when she’s really pissed off…” Junhyung was glancing at me; he obviously recognized Kai.

                “Oppa! You’re really good at skating!” Krystal suddenly exclaimed to Junhyung.

                “Ah…what?” he murmured, distracted.

                “You’re such a good skater! I’m really bad, could you help me?” she asked.

                “I…I mean—I—ahh…sure,” Junhyung finally sighed and gave in and Krystal almost imploded with delight.

                “Great! Thanks! You guys can go ahead if you want, I’m so slow.”

                Junhyung gave me a last, pleading look before they fell behind the rest of us.

                “So…how do you guys know each other?” Youngmin asked.

                “Same dance class,” I answered quickly.

                “Oh come on, don’t be shyy,” Kai said, throwing an arm around me. “We’re partners for every dance…your sister just cannot get enough of me,” he grinned. “In fact…last night she came by my place and touched me in a very…intimate spot.”

                “I’m gonna shoot you. I am going. To shoot you, “I enunciated to Kai, throwing his arm off.

                “Yep, sounds like Hyemin,” Key nodded. I shot him a glare and he laughed. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.”   

                “I’m not. Sounds like Hyemin,” Bang nodded solemnly. “Although by touch he probably means punched, kicked, or clawed…”

                Youngmin was also nodding. The hell was with all this bobble head action… “Hm. Well, if you can put up with her, you have my blessing.”

                “What?! The hell!? This kid could be a freakin and you’re just “blessing” him!? Blessing what, even!?”

                “Someone’s getting a little defensive,” Bang whistled.

                I rolled my eyes. “I gotta…like…eat or……” I muttered as I stepped out of the rink. I ripped off my skates, they were making my feet hurt, anyways, and retied my converse. “Mm…” I fiddled with my wallet in line. When I finally got to the front I got cheese fries and an ice cream cone.

                “$4.37,” the guy told me.

                I opened my wallet but a five dollar bill was slapped on the counter before I had retrieved my money. “Thanks,” Junhyung said as he accepted the change.

                “Yah…you’ve paid for everything today…”

                “I’m well aware. Just let me treat you guys once,” he insisted.

                I rolled my eyes. “You shouldn’t spend all your money like this…”

                “What’s wrong with spending it on who I love?”

                “…Are you sure you’re not gay?” I asked, cocking my head at Junhyung.

                He looked down and away as he laughed. “Ice skating! It’s completely straight.”

                I nodded. “Ohh yeah…four guys ice skating… completely.”

                “Hey, at least I was skating with a girl. Look at those two,” Junhyung said, gesturing to Key and Yongguk. With us gone Bang had attached himself to Key and at the given moment Bang’s arms were around Key’s waist, who was pulling the both of them.

                “Ohh yeah…Krystal…whatta gal…”

                “I’m sensing some tension?” Junhyung asked as he ate one of my fries.

                “She’s a , and she hates me. Understand why?” I asked, taking a from my chocolate cone.

                Junhyung let out a laugh. “But who could hate you, you sweet thing?”

                I rolled my eyes and gently pushed him. “I don’t understand it, either. How was she? On top of you while you guys skated?” I asked.

                “Pretty much,” Junhyung sighed. “Kind of like you and Kai…

                I turned towards Junhyung, surprised he brought it up. But surprisingly, his expression wasn’t teasing or trying, he looked over casual, like he was trying to play it off cool but it wasn’t exactly working… “Not you too…”

                Junhyung shrugged. “What is going on?”

                “We’re friends. That’s it,” I told him firmly.

                He nodded and it was silent for a few moments. “Your dance was good…the ballet…”

                I let out a small laugh. “Oh right…me and Kai. Partners because of a certain someone,” I said, shooting a playful look at Junhyung.

                He shrugged. “Hey, it turned out alright.”

                “Yeah, I guess,” I agreed. “On ice he’s not hardly as graceful,” I pointed out with a laugh as Junhyung and I both turned to look at him nearly fall. As I continued to talk I absentmindedly leaned in for more ice cream. “I mean—“ Oh. My God. I pulled back quickly, my hand flying to my mouth. Junhyung was blushing furiously. Understandable, you know, considering how I had just kissed him.  “I—I am so sorry.”

                “It’s—it’s fine. It was me, too…” Junhyung murmured, waving it away. As I had gone in to have more ice cream he had leaned in also.  Junhyung was really red now. I get it—it’s awkward! But he couldn’t even make eye contact with me…

                “What?! You guys got food!?” Bang suddenly exclaimed, shocking me out of my thoughts.

                I nodded, holding up the fries to him. “Want some?” I asked.

                He eagerly accepted, grabbing the leftovers and stuffing them into his mouth. “Let’s go eat! I’m starving!”

                Everyone agreed and we headed over to a semi-nice restaurant, which, Junhyung of course paid for. After dinner we walked around Seoul, munching on snacks we bought from food vendors and shopping around a bit. Youngmin, Bang, Key, and Junhyung all shared their own Krystal stories about how she had attached herself to them and the excuses they had to make to get away.

                “She’s a joy, isn’t she?” I asked with an amused smile as we headed back to the café.

                “She was…she looked sweet until she started talking,” Key grumbled.

                “I don’t understand how there can be girls like her,” Youngmin added.

                “Mm, I wish every girl was like Hyemine,” Bang said, wrapping his arms around me from behind. “Sweet, funny, doesn’t take crap, not annoying,” he listed, resting his chin on my shoulder.

                “You don’t want every girl to be like me,” I disagreed, laughing.

                Key shrugged. “I don’t think it’d be so bad.”

                “I think it would,” Youngmin mumbled.

                “Whatever, I’m gonna get back to my place, “Bang said, stretching up. “See ya guys later?”

                “Mm, I have make up some work tomorrow morning. Hyung give me a ride!” Key called, following Bang.

“Bye Oppas!” I called as they left.

“Mm, I guess I better head out, then, too,” Junhyung said as he checked his watch. “Not quite midnight but I have some stuff I need to grade.”

“That ,” I stated teasingly.

“I’m well-aware,” Junhyung responded with a laugh. “Anyways, bye guys!”

“Byee~” I called as he left. “Oppa, wanna do something? I’m not tired.”

Youngmin twisted his face up at me. “Go to sleep,” he commanded as he headed upstairs.




                                He exited the café then leaned against the outside of the building. He couldn’t fall for Hyemin. He mother fudging couldn’t. She was his best friend’s little sister, his student, his friend…But he knew it was too late. It was deeefinitely too late, considering he was jealous of even when her own brother interacted with her. The bell from the café rang and he looked up, to see, of course, Hyemin standing there.

                “Oppa?” she asked, cocking her head at him. “I thought you left.”

                “Oh…I…I’m going—“

                “It’s fine,” she smiled, cutting him off. “You can stay if you want, Junhyung. I was bored, anyways.” She looked up towards the night sky, a few loose strands framing her face in the prettiest way possible. Junhyung gulped.

                “I—no, I have stuff to do. I’m going now. I’ll see you on Monday,” Junhyung hurried to say, standing up.

                “Alright,” Hyemine nodded. “Bye Oppa,” she said, leaning in for a hug.

                Junhyung swallowed as he returned the hug, her small frame fitting to his in the most hypnotic way. He pulled back with an awkward clearing of his throat. “Bye. See you Monday.”

                He headed to his car and drove away, speeding down the streets. When he reached the parking lot he stayed in the inactive car for a few moments. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. I am so screwed…




^^^HAHAHHAHAHAHAH too freakin fantastic. XDD love their new album<3

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 36: It's really good, very intriguing....

great job authornim ^^
panda10 #2
Chapter 36: Omg this is just so good~ I'm was totally rooting for Hyemin and the person she ended up :) I'm so excited for the sequel hihi :P And also, you're a great writer! :D I really liked that there were many twists and all, wooaah it was reaaaaaally great! I love u <3
hippo_guk #3
Chapter 36: I loved your story, its sad that kai turned out that way... but its like... keep up the good work:))
Chapter 36: Cutee ending though I still want her for Kai~
Looking forward to the sequel! <3
MandeeGee #5
Chapter 36: That was a good ending, I liked how you ended it with it being the beginning of something new for Kai.
ohshytsitzmarina #6
Chapter 34: oh snaps.. shes falling for Kai somewhere in there..
KaiBaekhyunLoverr #7
Chapter 34: NOOO KAI!!!!!</3 I wanted her with Kai!!! ㅠㅠ

I reread the last few chapters because I have no life and I'm forever alone.......