"We meet, hold hands, feel, laugh and cry together/We resemble one another and we are connected" ~ExoK's "Mama"

He's My Teacher!

Monday, August 20, 2012

                The weekend flew by, and before I knew it it was Monday and I was already in my navy blue and tan uniform. Youngmin was still in his apron, getting the café ready. “Bye oppa~” I called as I grabbed my lunch and backpack. Youngmin gave me a big kiss on the cheek and I jokingly winced and crinkled up my face.

                “Bye Hyemin~” he sang. “Have a good first day!”

                Junhyung walked out of the kitchen. “You sure you don’t want a ride?”

                I screwed up my face. “From a teacher? No way. And besides…you’d probably get charged with like… of a student or something…”

                Junhyung laughed. “A ride on my motorcycle does not equal .”

                I shrugged and smiled. “Bye oppas, and thanks for the offer~” I was aalmost out when Yongguk burst in through the door at the same time Key came out from the kitchen.

                “Wait!” Key shouted.

                I sighed heavily. “Really oppa?” I asked. “I’m a senior now…”

                “And you were a junior last year,” he responded cheekily.

                I grimaced as the four guys gathered around me. Key set the camera up on timer. Just before the flash went off Yongguk oppa squeezed my waist. Ticklish, I yelped. Then I turned to him, straight faced. “I hate you,” I told him, but a smile was creeping onto my face.

                “Have a good day. If anyone bullies you I’ll beat them up,” he promised, kissing my cheek.

                I laughed. “The scariest part is that you’d really do that…”

                “Hereee~” Key called, handing me the Polaroid. Every year on the first day of school the five of us would take a picture together. It was put on hold when Youngmin and I were in America, but for the most part it had been going on for as long as I could remember.

                I gazed at the picture and smiled fondly at the five of us, me facing Junhyung and laughing as I tried to escape Yongguk’s pinch. Everyone looked happy and carefree. “Thanks, oppa, but I seriously havta go now! Bye~!” I called one last time as I dashed out the door and started my walk to the SAA campus. I took a deep breath as I entered the school and got my schedule. I looked at the small piece of paper as I headed to my homeroom. Before I could chicken out, I boldly pushed open the door.

                A young guy, probably around Youngmin’s age, turned to face me. “Oh, you must be our new student; Park Hyemin?”  Wordlessly, I nodded. He was really good looking. Tall, with long, wavy brown hair, and good looking features. “Alright, you can sit over there, next to L,” he gestured to the back row, next to a good looking guy with black hair in a semi fohawk.

                I gathered my backpack and headed to where he pointed. L gave me a warm smile. “Hey, my name’s Myungsoo but I go by L.”

                I smiled back. “I’m Hyemin. I just transferred from Cube Academy.”

                L nodded knowingly. “That’s a really academic oriented school…what made you wanna come here?”

                “Well…I was there for sports. I guess I was smart enough, but track was what really kept me there. But I decided I liked dancing, singing, playing piano, and writing lyrics waay more. So…the swap,” I finished, shrugging.

                “Damn, multitalented much?” he asked, a playful look on his face.

                I laughed. “Hardly. Wuddo you do here?”

                L bit his lip in though. “Mostly I dance. But I only picked that up to stay in shape for soccer and track.”

                “Ah…you run?” I asked.

                Before L could answer Hyunseung called us out. “If I’d known you two were such good friends I mighta chosen a different seat for you.” Even though his words were stern his expression was amused and friendly.

                “Sorry~” I called out awkwardly.


                During lunch I ate with L and his friends. All of them were funny and nice, and we got along really well.  When the bell rang for the start of arts classes I headed to dance with Ahran.

                “I hear our dance teacher is super hot,” Ahran gushed.

                “Eh? Really?” Not gonna lie, I was pretty interested. “What’s his name?”

                “Mr. Yong. It’s his first year here. Apparently he rides a motorcycle, has an ear piercing, and he’s only 22.”

                Well that sounds slightly familiar…I thought as we walked into the classroom, and lo and behold, there was Junhyung standing at the front of the classroom. My mouth dropped open as I realized Junhyung was “that hot teacher” at school. I couldn’t help it; I burst into laughter. Ahran gaped at me as we sat down on the floor.

                “What’s so funny!?” she hissed.

                I couldn’t stop laughing. “It’s-it’s—oh God…don’t worry, it’s nothing,” I finally gasped out between fits of laughter.

                Ahran frowned but didn’t question it. We chatted casually before the bell rang when someone walked in who caught my eye. The guy from Pristine Café! I thought with a start. The one from Friday… I softened as he entered and began talking to Junhyung. When the bell did sound Junhyung quieted the class.

                “Alright, guys, I’m Mr. Yong, but I don’t like my last name, so just call me Junhyung. And no…I will not accept other nicknames or pet names,” the class snickered. “This is my first year as a teacher here so I hope everything runs smoothly. If I’m ever out or occupied our TA here is Kai.” So Kai’s his name? “Questions?” Instantly, a girl with huge s and wavy brown hair raised her hand. “Yes?” Junhyung asked.

                “Junhyung Oppa…how old are you?”

                Junhyung sighed. “Please…oppa is what you call your boyfriend, not your teacher. But I’m 22.”

                “Oh…sorry Jun-hyung,” she responded in a seductive voice with a coy smile. “I’m 18.”

                Junhyung’s brow furrowed. “And I’m 22…can we get off the topic of ages, now?” he asked. The girl looked peeved and I just had to laugh. Instantly, I got some stares, and Ahran pushed me lightly.

                “Sorry! Sorry…” I muttered, still smiling. Junhyung flashed me a look, and I grinned back.

                “Anyways!” he continued. “The setup of this class is easy. There are basically four different days in here: planning days, practice days, performance days, and tutorial days. On planning days you’ll receive x number of partners, or choose them, and music, and you’ll get the criteria for the next project. Every day after for however many of days needed are practice days, in which case your group can practice your routine in practice rooms. Performance days are when, obviously, the groups perform, and tutorial days are when the whole class stays together and I teach you guys. Everyone good? Any…other…questions?”

                A girl with pale skin and a short black bob raised her hand. “Will you ever be in a group, dancing with us?”

                Junhyung looked slightly fazed. “Uh…No…sorry, but if numbers are uneven Kai can help out…”

                “What if Kai’s already in a group?” she persisted.

                Junhyung sighed. “Then we’ll figure that out when it comes down to it, huh?”

                Oh God, this was rich. Junhyung’s gonna go home and complain to all the guys tonight, I thought. Ahran turned to me, “He is hot.”

                I laughed quietly. “He’s alright. He’s a teacher though.”

                Ahran gasped. “So!? He’s gorgeous! And he dances. Dancers always have the best bodies,” she winked at me.

                From the number of times I’d gone swimming with him, I could attest to that. But I decided not to bring it up. Before I could say something else, Junhyung called, “Hyemin and Ahran, is there something you have a question about?”

                Grinning deviously, I shook my head. “We were just talking about how dancers seem to have the best—“ Ahran clapped a hand over my mouth, shocked.

                “Nothing! We were talking about nothing! Sorry, Junhyung-ssi…” she quickly said. She released me, but I only chuckled more.

                “Sorry…it was nothing,” I apologized to the class. Ahran shot me daggers as Junhyung raised an eyebrow but continued.


                After school I was surprised to run into L at the track meeting. “Hey,” he greeted, smiling.

                “Hi. You’re signing up?” I asked.

                “Mhmm. But come springtime I’m doing soccer instead.”

                I nodded. “Ahh Mr. Sporty.”

                He grinned back at me. “Youurs truly.” I laughed and we continued with the preparations for the fall sport. Afterwards we walked out of the school building together. “Where’s your house?” he asked.

                I pointed to the left. “Over there.”

                “Me too, we can walk together,” he said, a friendly smile on his face.

                I nodded and we walked together, talking and joking as if we had known each other for years. When we got to Pristine Café I stopped. “I work here after school. The apartments above it,” I explained.

                He nodded. “Come on, let’s go in. I was getting thirsty,” he said, smirking as he playfully shoved me with his shoulder.

                I laughed and nodded. “If you want the best service here you’re gonna havta wait til I change,” I told him, winking. As I walked in I called to Youngmin. “Oppa I’m home~”

                Youngmin came out in his usual uniform. “Hi, Hyemin-ahh~ how was school?”   

                “Fine,” I responded, setting my backpack down. “This is my friend L,” I told him. “L, that’s my older brother Youngmin, he runs this place. Anyways, I gotta go change. Be right back.” I was already wearing makeup from school, and I kept my hair down today, so all I had to do was change into the usual uniform. I nimbly ran down the stairs shortly after I had gone up. “I signed up for track today; L’s doing it too,” I told Youngmin.

                Youngmin sighed. “First Junhyung, Key’s leaving in a few weeks for school, and now you? Damn…I gotta go find some real workers,” Youngmin sighed.

                I laughed. “That wouldn’t kill you, oppa. Anyways, what do you want, L?” I asked.

                “Um…iced coffee~” he told me. He paid and Youngmin prepared the drink.

                “Make that two~!” I called back to him.

                He grumbled something under his breath but soon brought two drinks out. I went to go sit at a table with L and we talked. “So you work here?” he asked.

                I nodded. “He’s my brother. I kind of have to. I’ll probably still help out after practice every day. When everyone’s at school it doesn’t get too busy.” I shrugged.

                L nodded. “Does he need help?”

                I cocked me head. “Eh?”

                “I mean…we’re coming from the same place. I could help out after practices, too,” he gave me a shy smile.

                I grinned. “Actually, that’d be awesome. Key Oppa—er…the other guy comes in the mornings so it’d work out well.”   

                “Cool,” L said. “So…when should I--?”

                “Um…you can just follow me around for a while. I’ll explain how everything works and all. Oppa! L’s gonna help out, okay?” Youngmin grunted something inaudible from the back but I figured he was fine with it. “Tomorrow after track?” I asked.

                He nodded. “Sounds like a plan,” he smiled at me.

                L left after about half an hour more, and I stayed and helped out. Soon after Junhyung came home. Sighing as he put his stuff down looked at me. “I just assumed all high school girls were innocent like you. I think more girls hit on me than when I go to the clubs.”

                “I can’t believe you weren’t expecting that,” I laughed whole heartedly. “I thought you’d at least take out your piercings, or drive a car, or something. But noo…full-fledged hottie came to school to teach.” I shook my head as I cleaned up some dishes.

                Junhyung leaned on a table. “You think that’ll do it? If I take out my piercings and drive?”

                I shrugged. “Probably not after they’ve all seen it…but come on, oppa, seriously!? Earrings are like the iest thing a guy can have in the eyes of a high school girl. Well that or riding a motorcycle.” I burst into a fresh round of laughter as I realized the irony.

                “So…earrings and motorcycles are y, huh?” Junhyung asked, cocking his head. “Does that mean that you think I’m y?” he continued, a smirk playing around his lips.

                “Yah…could you please not flirt with my sister, your student…right now?” Youngmin growled.

                I laughed. “Flirt, my …” I mumbled as I continued working.

                Key finally emerged from the kitchen, dusty from baking. “So, I saw the hottie you walked in with, Hyemin. Whoo is he?” he asked, leaning onto the counter, chin in hands.

                “L? Just a friend…” I explained patiently, amused by Key’s love of gossip. “We sit next to each other in homeroom, and he does track, too.”

                “Ooh smart and athletic,” Key said, wiggling his eyebrows.

                The laughter escaped from me. “The same could be said about you, but you don’t see Youngmin insinuating we should be a couple,” I pointed out.

                Key stood up, shrugging. “I don’t know why he doesn’t. Hyemin and I would be adoooraabblee~” he called out jokingly, making a heart around me with his arms.

                “Go find a senior in college to be your girlfriend,” I told him, rolling my eyes as I pushed him away.

                “Seriously, what’s with all my friends hitting on my younger sister…?” Youngmin muttered, walking into the back of the store.

                I just looked at the guys and laughed, getting back to work.

                “Oh, hey, before I forget, guys, my TAs are coming in a little bit. We needa talk about some stuff,” Junhyung told us.

                “Yeah, isn’t that guy who came in here on Friday the TA for my class?” I asked. “Kai? Is he a student or what?”

                Junhyung popped a strawberry into his mouth and nodded. “Yep, that’s him, I was surprised, too. But yeah, he’s a student. He’s an amazing dancer, though, so he’s a TA instead of taking another dancing class,” Junhyung explained.

                I nodded. “Ahh…”

                Just ten minutes later the bell clinked and the first of Junhyung’s TAs walked in; a tall girl with a muscular body and a short navy blue bob. “Ah, hi, Hanil,” Junhyung greeted warmly.

                Hanil blushed ever so slightly at the friendly greeting. “Hi, Junhyung-ssi.”

                “The other two should be here shortly…if you want you can get a drink.”

                Hanil nodded and meekly came up to order. As she did three more guys walked in: one I recognized as Kai, and the others were both blond. One had more of an innocent, young appeal with milky skin, curly bleach blond hair and towering height. The other was nearly as tall with dirty blond hair, piercing eyes and a y smirk.

                “Hey Junhyung hyung~” the bright blond called cheerily, waving. The other two held up hands in greetings.

                “Hey Zelo, hey Kai and Zico,” Junhyung responded. “Hanil’s getting something to drink, if you want you guys can, too. Hanil came back with a vanilla latte, and the guys exchanged looks before shaking their heads.

                “Nah, let’s get started,” Zico said, and Junhyung nodded. I came around every so often, and they were just talking about the setup of the class, class rules, and other boring stuff. When Junhyung got talking about the first dance project, however, I came back over and rested my chin in my hands, elbows propped up on the back of the seat behind Junhyung. He tilted his head back up at me.

                “Excuse me, little girl, this is for TA’s and teachers only,” he told me.

                “Ha, ha, you’re funny,” I told him, crinkling up my nose. Then I sat down next to him, making him scooch further down the booth bench. “But seriously, what’s our first project?”

                Junhyung sighed and made room for me. “That’s what we’re deciding now. But since you’re actually in the class you really shouldn’t be here.”

                I nodded. “Okay, okay, I got it.” I leapt up from my seat and headed to the back. Piling a plate high with backed goodies I then promptly came back to the table and sat down. “So…what’s the deal?” I asked, popping a cookie in my mouth. I saw the guys eye the plate greedily, Hanil looking at it wearily, tiredly.

                “Unni, take one!” I urged. “Believe me; you don’t need to watch your figure. Your body’s waay better than mine and these are my favorite!” I told her, honestly.

                She smiled weakly. “Thanks for the thought, but…”

                “Yah!” Junhyung slapped my hand. “You should be more like Hanil. Don’t you want to keep a womanly figure?”

                I scanned his body top to bottom then back up with a disgusted look on my face. “Oppa, and you’re one to talk. How long has it been since you went to the gym?” Everyone laughed, the guys comfortably chowing down on the food.

                Junhyung rolled his eyes. “Aish this girl…” he muttered. “You—“ he tapped my forehead. “Stay quiet while we talk.” Mutely, I nodded, and he continued. “I think it’s too early to do freestyle for rap…”

                Zico nodded. “The kids in our class…I can already tell some of them aren’t great…” Beside him, Zelo nodded.

                Junhyung nodded. “Maybe a chosen piece? Any genre just to start. Any song, they’re choice. What do you say? Two weeks of practice?”

                Zelo nodded. “We’ll see how they do. That seems a bit long for a cover song…but okay.”

                “It’ll be good to judge their rhythm, flow, and style,” Junhyung nodded. “Okay, so that’s settled. For the dance classes…” he shifted his body to face Kai and Hanil, then threw me a look over his shoulder. I smiled at him. “Our classes are advanced, so what do you say? Freestyle tomorrow and Wednesday to see where they are?”

                Hanil nodded. “Yeah, we should do a dance, too!”

                “Alright,” Junhyung agreed. “Kai, you up for starting the showcases tomorrow? You’ll go first, then me, then the kids will start going. By volunteer, then by choosing?”

                Kai nodded. He was a silent kid… They talked for a bit more then they all got up to leave. I went back to the counter where Zico and Zelo stood, ready to order drinks. From what I figured out Zico and Zelo were TAs for Junhyung’s rap class third slot, Hanil was TA for second slot advanced dance, and obviously Kai was my TA for first slot dance. “Hi guys, wuddo you want?” I asked.

                Zelo was first. “Uh…another of the chocolate chip cookies that was over there and an iced vanilla latte, please,” he told me. I nodded and he paid, and then moved over for Zico. Zico got a raspberry cupcake and chocolate Frappuccino. When both of them got their drinks they were about to leave when they stopped and turned to face me again.

                Zelo bit his lip. “Uh…where’s the bus stop?” he asked, blushing.

                I laughed. That’s what they wanted to know? “Here, I’ll show you,” I told them, untying my apron and leaving it on a table. “Oppa I’ll be back soon!” Kai and Hanil had already left on their own, not sure how. I led them out the door and took a right. “So, is this your guys’ first year TAing?” I asked casually.

                Zelo nodded. “Of course it is, this kids only a sophomore,” Zico said, tousling Zelo’s hair.

                “Eh?” I gasped. “A sophomore? How are you TAing!?”   

                Zelo blushed slightly. Gosh, whatta cute kid. “I got into SAA early, so technically I finished all my necessary arts credits, so I decided to TA.”

                “Wahh…that’s intense,” I commented. “And whattabout you, Zico?”

                “Year two of TAing rap, I’m a senior,” he explained.

                I nodded. “TAing seems like fun…”

                “Yeah, it’s alright. What year are you?” Zico asked.

                “A senior. But it’s my first year at SAA. I transferred from Gifted,” I explained.

                “So how do you know Junhyung hyung?” Zelo asked, cocking his head.

                “Ahh…he’s my older brother’s close friends. We grew up together,” I responded.

                “You guys aren’t dating!?” Zelo exclaimed innocently. I nearly choked on my spit and Zico slapped his head.

                “Yah! You don’t just go around saying that stuff out loud! You wait for them to tell you! Whuddo you think that childhood friends crap was if not for an excuse!?” Zico hissed.

                I cocked my head. “That ‘childhood friends crap’ was actually the truth. Junhyung oppa and I are definitely, definitely, not dating. He’s like a…fourth older brother to me. Besides, he’s my teacher. That’s just weird,” I screwed up my face.

                Zico leaned in close to me, looking at my face and furrowing his eyebrows. “You…I’ll be the judge of that,” he responded. I laughed and shook my head.

                “Hey, noona, we still don’t know your name!” Zelo called.

                “Ah…right…I’m Park Hyemin. At your service.” I curtsied jokingly as we slowed to a stop. “Alright, the bus stop’s here…bye guys! I hope to see you around sometime~” I gave them a friendly wave and smile as the bus pulled up and they got on.

                The walk home was short, but I was still alone. I sighed deeply before hands covered my eyes. I gasped, but the touch was familiar so I knew it wasn’t a thug. “Guess who~” the completely recognizable voice called.

                I started laughing. “Yongguk Oppa you’ve got the most recognizable voice. Ever. That never works.”      

                Yongguk pulled his hands down and walked in step with me. “Eh…thought I’d try,” he said, shrugging. He walked home with me, and we talked and joked like normal. 

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 36: It's really good, very intriguing....

great job authornim ^^
panda10 #2
Chapter 36: Omg this is just so good~ I'm was totally rooting for Hyemin and the person she ended up :) I'm so excited for the sequel hihi :P And also, you're a great writer! :D I really liked that there were many twists and all, wooaah it was reaaaaaally great! I love u <3
hippo_guk #3
Chapter 36: I loved your story, its sad that kai turned out that way... but its like... keep up the good work:))
Chapter 36: Cutee ending though I still want her for Kai~
Looking forward to the sequel! <3
MandeeGee #5
Chapter 36: That was a good ending, I liked how you ended it with it being the beginning of something new for Kai.
ohshytsitzmarina #6
Chapter 34: oh snaps.. shes falling for Kai somewhere in there..
KaiBaekhyunLoverr #7
Chapter 34: NOOO KAI!!!!!</3 I wanted her with Kai!!! ㅠㅠ

I reread the last few chapters because I have no life and I'm forever alone.......