"The world moves on too fast/I’m the only one who’s limping on both legs/What’s at the end of this path?/Will I learn the answers if I go there with my eyes closed?" ~Epik High's "Run"

He's My Teacher!


wow...i think this is my shortest chapter yet! XP but anyways, i think it's the chapter a lot of you have been waiting for...(; enjoy my lovelies<3



Monday, September 24, 2012

                “Hey, Hyemin, could I see you outside?” Mr. Jang asked me.

                “Please shoot me,” I whispered frantically to L as I got up and headed to the hallway with Mr. Jang. “Mm, yeah?” I asked him when the door was firmly closed and we were alone in the hallway.

                “Well, I was just curious,” he started with a hint of a smirk playing on his lips.

                Seriously. I know I asked L but that whole “shooting” thing is still up in the air… Aloud, I only let out a strangled, “About what?”

                “Why you were at Junhyung’s house so late on Friday,” he said evenly.

                “Oh. That.” He gave me an expecting look, willing me to continue. “I told you before; he’s friends with my brother. They’re really close but my brother was busy and asked me to stop by.”              

                “Mm,” Hyunseung so obviously wasn’t buying any of this…

                “Well…if that’s it, I wasn’t done with my—“

                “Come on, Hyemin, you and I both know that’s not the truth,” Hyunseung said, slamming his palm onto the door while leaning down closer to me. “What’s your relationship with Mi-ster-Yong?” he enunciated to me.

                “Just that. He’s my teacher,” I responded coolly, not breaking eye contact with him.

                Hyunseung stood up straight and let out a soft chuckle. “If you say so,” he mumbled, smiling. “But, I’m curious, what about us? Please do me a favor and describe our relationship for me.”

                My heart was thudding in my throat. Was he seriously asking me to do that!? I had no idea what to say… “Well…I think we’re—“

                “Hyeming, Hyunseung,” I heard a voice say sharply. I spun around, thankful I didn’t have to finish my sentence.

                “Oh. Junhyung,” I gasped.

                “Mm, Junhyung Teacher,” Hyunseung said, his smirk never leaving. “Ms. Park and I were just having a little chat. Care to join us?”

                Junhyung’s jaw tightened. “Are you sure you want me to?” he asked, his voice low.

                “Oh why not?” Hyunseung asked rhetorically. “I’m sure you’d like to hear the answer as much as I would,” he continued, glancing at me.

                “I’m not finished with my work!” I blurted, before opening the classroom door, sprinting in, then slamming it shut. I sped-walked back to L and my desks.

                “What was that about?” he asked.

                “I’m…not quite sure,” I admitted, before flipping my textbook back open and working harder than I ever had to do the problems…



                “So, what’s bothering the Princess today?” Kai asked as soon as I stepped into our practice room.

                “Well, considering this “Princess” you’re talking about is non-existent, I would guess nothing,” I snapped.

                “Oohh looks like the Princess has a royally y attitude today…Not that today’s any different from any other day…” Kai mused. This kid… I almost preferred him when he was with Krystal.

                “Since when have we grown so close that you can so openly insult me?” I asked, facing him.

                “Oh…I don’t know. Right about when you decided we were close enough to try to pry into my past.”

                “That was ages ago. Something in these past weeks just, like…clicked for you and suddenly you’re pissing me off all day, every day.”

                Kai contemplated that. “Yeah, I guess that’s true,” he finally admitted. “I think we got a lot closer when I realized how amusing your life is and I wanted in.”

                I shot him a death glare, which didn’t seem to faze him in the least. “Like how?” I growled at him.

                “Well…your love affairs with two of your teachers is one amusing thing,” Kai started. “Then of course there’s your pissy personality that never fails to amuse me. Your relationship with Krystal is fairly amusing…”

                “Stop. Just…don’t continue,” I groaned, closing my eyes.

                I heard Kai shuffle around in the room. When I opened my eyes next he was standing next to me. “Sit,” he commanded, and obediently I sat down on the floor beside him. “I think we’ve grown sufficiently close, time for me to finish my story from last week.”

                Yes. Oh yes, yes, yes. This was what I’ve been waiting for. This was the pick-me-up I needed… “Finally decided to finish?”

               He shrugged. “Really tested your patience there, didn’t I?” he asked, winking at me. I rolled my eyes and he smiled. “So, continuing from last whatever-day-it-was…I know all the rumors. I actually find it infinitely amusing the things people came up with. Fat Camp? Yeah right….” He scoffed, then continued. “Where I really was sophomore and junior years was SM. Summer into sophomore year I went to audition, with…my girlfriend…Krystal.”

                Girlfriend? He dated that psychotic !? So what had happened from sophomore year to…now? “Go…on…” I finally let out.

                “Yeah…I know,” he let out a resigned sigh. “Back then, she wasn’t even “Krystal.” She was Soojung, and she was mine…” his eyes took on a wistful look, but he soon snapped out of it. “We started dating in freshman year. She was a trainee even back then, and I met her at a park early in the year. We talked, and I couldn’t stop thinking of her. So I asked her out. November 18…the first snow…” Again, that peaceful, contemplative look. “She accepted, and we were the happiest couple. Well…at least I thought so. Turns out she was the happiest couple with dozens of other guys, too…”   

                “She…she cheated on you?!” I blurted out. I knew she was a , but I just never saw her cheating on Kai…well to be honest I never saw her even dating him, either…

                “Congratulations, Sherlock, how did you figure that one out?” Kai asked sarcastically. I gave him a look and he continued. “Yeah…pretty much. I never found out the details, I just know it was a good thing for her she was a trainee and went to a different school… But, I’m getting ahead of myself. I didn’t find out about that until, what?, junior year?” He nodded, as if agreeing with himself, and went on. “Yeah, but anyways, we went out all freshman year. Summer into the next she told me I should audition for SM. Told me what a good dancer I was, how attractive I was, how charming my personality was…all complete BS, by the way,” he added quickly. “So…I did. And I made it. Against all odds, and against all of Krystal’s hopes, I made it in. That’s why I left school, I started homeschooling. And I thought it was great, I was so happy I could spend more time with Krystal. She wasn’t too thrilled though, oh, but she did fake it very convincingly, after all, I had no idea…”

                Poor Kai. I never thought I’d ever say that…but this was…too much for him to go through. “Kai, it’s true.”

                “What?” he asked, scrunching up his face at me.              

                “That stuff…it wasn’t BS. You’re an…incredible dancer, and you’re good looking…and you’re not to me, but I’m sure you can be a sweet guy. You’re amusing, though,” I finished with a playful smile.

                A small, sad smile slipped onto Kai’s face. “Well…thanks for the thought. Anyways…Junior year I found out she was cheating on me.  And trying to find out if it was true, I found out…way…more than I wanted to. So…I broke up with her. I said we were both busy as trainees and we didn’t see each other, I still don’t think she knows, to this day, that I know. Anyways… one day… I found her crying,” his voice had a soft, heartbreaking tone to it. “Turns out the guy she started dating after we ended…broke up with her. She was crying, and I—I don’t even know what happened. I was just…so furious. I found him and I…I beat the out of him. And when Krystal found us—do you know what she did? She ran to him. She screamed at me that I had broken up with her, that I was overreacting, and that she didn’t want anything to do with me… And I was kicked out for that. SM couldn’t let me debut with a record like that, especially to a guy within the company…I was kicked out over…Krystal. And so I came back here for senior year and Krystal and I have…slowly been making progress.”

                After a long pause, I finally spoke. “…Why?” I asked quietly.

                Kai cocked his head up at me. “What do you mean?” he asked.

                “I mean…why? Why do you try so hard to please her? You don’t owe her anything, and she’s not worth your time. She’s not worth you wasting your life over.”

                Kai gave me a sad, soft smile. “Because I love her. I have no idea why the hell I do, but I do. After all these years, after knowing she cheated on me…after watching her go on dates with other guys right in front of me…I still love her. I can’t stop. It’s not a choice I made to follow her like I do, to become the guy I do in front of her. It’s just…me. That’s me. That’ll always be my personality...that’ll always be who I am.”

                Holy I had no idea Kai’s back-story was…like this. I thought it was something stupid, trivial—not…as heartbreaking, as deep as the one he had told me…

                “Dude, are you gonna like, cry, or something?”

                I snapped my head up to see Kai cocking his head at me with a slightly disgusted look on his face. “So what if I do?” I shot back. “How are you not crying?”

                He softened for a bit, then shrugged. “Got used to it. My life’s a soap opera,” he paused and glanced at me, locking eyes and speaking volumes with the emotion in his dark eyes. “And right now I’m the tragically beautiful second male lead who never gets the girl.” I nodded solemnly, ignoring the whole “beautiful” comment, until he popped up and leaned down towards me, offering his hand. “Come on. Let’s finish this thing…”

                I nodded and let myself be pulled up, heading back into our dance. I did well enough, obviously Kai was still infinitely better, but I couldn’t stop thinking about him. About his history…about his relationship with Krystal…about how hard it must have been to go through that…and most definitely about how if he was the second male lead in his drama of a life, who was the first? Who was he competing for the girl with?



mm to be honest...kai isn't one of my favorite kpop guys. he's pretty meh in the gist of things... i put him in this story when i got super obsessed with him after...reading other kai fics...XD so it was sort of impulsive, but i have got to admit..after looking through tumblr and google images he is one gorgeous guy..*O*

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 36: It's really good, very intriguing....

great job authornim ^^
panda10 #2
Chapter 36: Omg this is just so good~ I'm was totally rooting for Hyemin and the person she ended up :) I'm so excited for the sequel hihi :P And also, you're a great writer! :D I really liked that there were many twists and all, wooaah it was reaaaaaally great! I love u <3
hippo_guk #3
Chapter 36: I loved your story, its sad that kai turned out that way... but its like... keep up the good work:))
Chapter 36: Cutee ending though I still want her for Kai~
Looking forward to the sequel! <3
MandeeGee #5
Chapter 36: That was a good ending, I liked how you ended it with it being the beginning of something new for Kai.
ohshytsitzmarina #6
Chapter 34: oh snaps.. shes falling for Kai somewhere in there..
KaiBaekhyunLoverr #7
Chapter 34: NOOO KAI!!!!!</3 I wanted her with Kai!!! ㅠㅠ

I reread the last few chapters because I have no life and I'm forever alone.......