"I open my closet and put on the freshest outfit/The reflection of my face in the mirror; I carefully check it over/Tonight I set out with bold steps" ~2NE1's "I am the Best"

He's My Teacher!

this day is gonna be cut into two partss~ i know, it's weird...XDD weell enjoy the pre-date^^ 



Saturday, September 15, 2012

                “L is here,” Key sing-songed to me. It was about 4:00 and Key was more excited about the double date than I was.

                I quickly ran down the stairs and greeted him. “Well, don’t you look all pretty and date ready?” he asked with a playful smirk, referring to the pajamas I was in and the messy ponytail I had thrown my hair into.

                “Yeah, and you’re just a lady killer yourself,” I shot back.

                He shrugged. “Maybe I should just wear jeans and tshirt. Then Krystal will think I have no money and back off…”

                I laughed as Yongguk came into the café, eyeing L. “This is him?” he asked, lifting up one of his arms and then letting it drop again.

                “Well Youngmin sure as hell isn’t going on the date,” I responded sarcastically.

                Yongguk ignored me and continued to examine L. “You’re a skinny little fellow, aren’t you?” he asked bluntly.

                Before L responded I cut in. “Oppa! That’s rude! Not everyone likes to spend their lunch breaks doing pull ups.”

                Yongguk smirked at L. “I’m up to 24,” he winked.

Before the conversation progressed anymore Key ushered me back up the stairs. “Alright, enough chit-chat. Let’s get this party started!”

                When I got to my bathroom the curler was already warming up and all my makeup had been spread evenly around my counter, and his iPod was attached to some speakers. He began playing some loud, upbeat music and we sang and laughed as he worked; putting sprays and serums on my hair, and then pinning the top part up so he could begin curling.

                After just under an hour he was done curling and styling; he had given my long black hair pretty ringlets and pinned part of it up with pretty pins.

                “Awh, my Hyemin’s so pretty she hardly even needs makeup!” Key exclaimed, making pouty lips at me.

                “Oh! Then maybe I’m done and I can just go—“ Key pushed me back into the chair.

               “Oh, please, that was just to make you feel good,” he disagreed as he started putting primer and foundation on me. I smiled at him and let him continue his work.

                “Oppa, why are you so knowledgeable about all this?” I asked a bit later as he put primer on my eyelids.

                “I have three older sisters, oh, and I’m not a complete idiot,” he added.

                I almost laughed but Key tapped my lips before I could. “Straight face!” he snapped as he continued with his ritual.

                About half an hour later he was all done. “Yay! Now My Hyemin’s even prettier,” he grinned at me, ushering me into my bedroom. “You should wear something red. You look gorgeous in red.”

                “Alrightyy,” I mumbled as he opened my closet. He browsed through the clothes for a bit until I concocted a possible outfit in my head. “Oppa, what about this?” I asked, pulling out black, high waisted shorts, a red blouse, and black sparkly heels.

                He eyed it, debating, then his eyes widened and he reached behind me into the closet. “Ooor what about this?” he asked, pulling out a full white skirt. “You never wear skirts but you’d look so pretty!”

                I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of the room, knowing he’d win this argument anyways. Stripping my clothes I pulled on the skirt, then the red blouse. I hunted in my closet until I found the skinny black belt accented with a bow, slipped on my black sparkly heels and grabbed my black clutch, then left my room. Standing right outside the door was Key, and his face lit up as he saw me.

                “Oh dang. I’d tap that,” he winked at me.

                I laughed. “Hopefully, you did create that.”

                He shrugged and put his arm around my shoulder, leading me downstairs. At the top of the stairs he stopped and pushed me slightly behind him. “Ladies and gentleman, may I introduce to you the new and improved—“

                “Oppa, you’re taking this too far,” I told him, pushing past him and walking downstairs prematurely in his announcement. “What are you gonna do when I go to prom or get married?”

                “Yah! You were supposed to—“ then my words sank in. “You’re going to prom?!” he squealed.

                I only rolled my eyes and continued walked downstairs. As I did I noticed everyone’s eyes on me.

                “Yah, Youngmin, do I have permission to ask your little sister out?” Yongguk whispered loudly to Youngmin, who promptly punched him.

                “You look gorgeous Hyeminnie,” Youngmin told me, using the nickname I hadn’t heard in ages.

                Well, it was getting awkward having all the attention on me, so when I saw that Yongguk and L had hooked up some video games to the bit monitor we have in the café, I went to see what they were doing. “Hey, what game are—“ Unfortunately, I stumbled in my towering heels and nearly wrecked all of Key’s hard work on the floor. But before I met the ground a pair of arms shot out and caught me, encircling my waist and holding my wrist delicately. My heart still pounding I twisted my head to catch a glimpse of my savior.  

                “Are you alright?” Junhyung asked softly, his breath warm against my neck.

                My throat seemingly blocked I gave him a little nod. “Hyemin-ah! Are you okay?!” came the worried voices of the others around me.

                Awkwardly, I straightened myself and stood up. “Y-yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry, guys,” I reassured them with a small laugh.       

                “Aisshh you’re still such a little kid,” Youngmin sighed. “Be careful tonight! Don’t kill yourself!” he warned before ushering him and the others out. “Let’s leave the date-goers alone, now, come on, come on.”

                L and I received a chorus of “have fun!”’s as the four guys left. I noticed Junhyung’s eyes lingering on me so I gave him a little smile and he nodded back solemnly before exiting.

                For the first time since I had got down I finally got a chance to see how L looked. His hair was a little more dramatic, his usual semi fohawk but off to the side a bit, and he was wearing fitted black dress pants with a blue blazer, and thin scarf. His expression and sharp features looked a bit more piercing today and as I continued to examine his face I instantly started laughing. “L, did Yongguk put eyeliner on you?!” I exclaimed, gasping for breath.

                L instantly ducked his face. “Yahh…” he mumbled softly. “Shut up, I know it looks weird…”

                “No, no, no!” I instantly disagreed. “It looks really good, I just never pegged you as the guyliner type!” I insisted.

                He smirked as he looked back up at me. “I mean, my charming good looks helped with that, too…”

                I rolled my eyes. “Oh of course.”

                “You know, you don’t look half bad yourself,” L told me.

                “Oh, and it only took an hour and forty five minutes,” I joked.

                L’s jaw dropped open. “You guys were actually doing stuff that whole time?! Hyemin, at Minute 0 you looked pretty enough to go on a date!” L exclaimed.

                I shrugged. “How long did it take you?”

                L contemplated, finally answering, “Probably 15 minutes. After that Hyung and I just played video games.”

                My mouth fell open. “Fifteen minutes?! Fifteen?! What is that?!  1/6 of the time it took me?!” I sighed and shook my head. “Well, lucky for Krystal you still look good after 15.”

                L gave me a small smile, but was silent, looking like he was debating on sharing something with me. Finally, he spoke. His voice was soft and full of emotion. “You know…I’d rather take you out on a date.”

                For a few moments it didn’t really register what exactly he had just told me. After that a heated debate about what exactly that meant erupted in my head. Was that a confession? Or just a casual joking comment? The loudest thought, however, was, WTF. As the seconds ticked by I realized I needed to say something, anything. “L...What…does… what did you mean?” I finally stuttered out. I am so stupid…

                L let out a nervous chuckle. “Isn’t it obvious? I like you, Hyemin. I know we’re just friends but I really do like you.”

                I knew I didn’t like L. And this wasn’t that thing where you find out a guy likes you and then you start to like him. I really didn’t like L. Like I actually didn’t. I’m not lying. “I’m…sorry…” I had no idea how to do this. People don’t like me! I’m not likeable! “I’m really sorry, L, but I don’t…”

                L’s expression was infinitely hurt for a moment, but it passed and he gave me a smile. A smile that may have been convincing to someone who hadn’t grown so close to him so quickly. “Hey, friends, okay?”

                I gave him a mute nod, so glad he was so cool about it. And just at that right moment we heard a knock at the door. L and I exchanged nervous glances before standing up and walking to the front, where Krystal and Kai had just let themselves in.

                Kai looked incredibly good looking alright in fitted black dress pants, and an electric blue collared shirt, the first two buttons undone to reveal his y neck and collarbones and the sleeves rolled up. Krystal looked…like I expected her to in a tight, short white dress and loud, color blocked heels. Her neck, ears, and wrists were generously decorated in expensive-looking accessories. With a small smile of her glossed lips she eyed L; “Ready?”

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 36: It's really good, very intriguing....

great job authornim ^^
panda10 #2
Chapter 36: Omg this is just so good~ I'm was totally rooting for Hyemin and the person she ended up :) I'm so excited for the sequel hihi :P And also, you're a great writer! :D I really liked that there were many twists and all, wooaah it was reaaaaaally great! I love u <3
hippo_guk #3
Chapter 36: I loved your story, its sad that kai turned out that way... but its like... keep up the good work:))
Chapter 36: Cutee ending though I still want her for Kai~
Looking forward to the sequel! <3
MandeeGee #5
Chapter 36: That was a good ending, I liked how you ended it with it being the beginning of something new for Kai.
ohshytsitzmarina #6
Chapter 34: oh snaps.. shes falling for Kai somewhere in there..
KaiBaekhyunLoverr #7
Chapter 34: NOOO KAI!!!!!</3 I wanted her with Kai!!! ㅠㅠ

I reread the last few chapters because I have no life and I'm forever alone.......