Chapter 32

You And I 2

“I told you something will happen!” I cringed as my eyes closed the moment my mum yelled into the phone. Jin Hye had called to inform her that I was trapped in the confinement of the hospital building and demanded that Jin Hye placed me on the line.

“I’m sorry, Mummy. I am fine. I will go back as soon as I can.” I still attempted to comfort her. “Please don’t come to the hospital. Let my agency handle this, please.” I pleaded, knowing that based on her character, she would already be barging out of the door to come to me.

“You are really unbelievable.” She sighed. “So what are you going to do? What am I supposed to do?” She argued, but tears pooled in my eyes as I knew she was feeling extremely helpless.

“I can’t go back home now. The reporters would follow me. They are going to hog at the entrance.” I reasoned, hoping she understand the situation. As much as I was dying to go home and be with them in the comfort of my home, I know how much inconvenience and disturbance I would be bringing to my parents and my neighbours. It would mentally stressful.

“But you have to come home. Where else can you go…?” I took in a deep breath when my mum’s voice cracked as she pleaded softly. A tear silently fell and I looked down to see it got soaked on my pants.

“I will call you, Mummy. I promise I will be fine at my agency.”

When the security finally had everything in control and the hospital informed us that it was safe for me to leave, my managers quietly and cautiously escorted me out. No one approached us in the basement carpark, but the moment the van drove out to the main road, I saw the reporters running by the side of the road like a pack of wolves in attempt to catch up with us.

“Please be careful, oppa.” Getting alert, I sat up when I saw some coming too close and afraid that they would block our vehicle. There are countless cases where reporters get knocked down by vehicles while doing their job. Jin Hye placed her hand on my shoulder in attempt to reassuring me and that did slightly comfort me.

When I arrived at the agency, there were security making way for our van as about 5 reporters were already there. Jin Hye practically latched me onto her as my head hung low while we made our way in with Yoo Hyun and the security blocking off the persistent reporters and their blinding cameras. Only after the door slid closed behind us did we relaxed and let out the breath we were unconsciously holding in. Jin Hye gave me a small smile as she and Yoo Hyun patted my back lightly before bringing me to President’s office. A faint smile lingered as I finally felt safe and peaceful. With me between them, my arms gently went around their waist. I was thankful. And I am very amazed at President’s ability to foresee and arrange a hospital near to the agency.

President stood up from his seat the moment he looked up and saw me at the door. His forehead creased a very deep, worrying frown but it disappeared when we arrived. When he smiled at me, I bowed and sat down when he offered us a seat.

“Looks like all the energy you got while resting in the hospital gone down the drain in less than one hour.” I managed to let out a weak chuckle. It was sincere as President somehow managed to make me accept all these with an open heart with just a mere sentence. “I want you to be prepared. This might last for quite some time. And all I could promise you is, you are going to be safe. If anyone out there touch a strand of your hair, I’m going to charge them.” Confused at how this conversation went more serious than it should, I decided to just take it as everyone was getting sensitive of the events happening lately. They are just worried for me. President then turned to Jin Hye and Yoo Hyun who looked equally as serious.

“Take good care of her.”

I was back in my studio, getting comfortable at the couch with my eyes closed. Three hours had passed by there were still reporters outside the building so I could not leave. My phone was turned off and my managers were bombarded with trillions of phone calls. For hours, it had never stop. I told them to stay in the studio comfortable as they handled the calls but they probably cared for my feelings and excused themselves whenever a call came. My eyes flapped open when the desk phone rang. Who is it… I dragged my stiff body and came to the ringing device, my hand remained on the caller instead of picking it up. Eyes fixed on the caller ID, my heart literally stopped for a second. Seung Hyun oppa…? I hesitated. Should I pick up? He seldom called this number since it was mainly for internal staff to contact one another. Maybe he tried contacting me and was trying his luck to check if I am in the studio… Should I just pretend that I am not in? The ringing stopped and I planted myself on the chair, my heart grew heavier. I miss him...

I managed to go home that day but it was late. My parents and I did not leave home until I had to go for drips in the hospital. I protested with all my will and declared that there was no way I would allow them to come with me.

“I am not discussing this. It is either you two stay at home or all three of us is not going anywhere.”

The agency had released an official statement to confirm and explain my medical condition. It took about four days for the chaos to die down and I was so grateful for the media’s understanding. The number of reporters seemingly decreased although once in a while, I still had one or two pouncing on me. At least it was not unbearable.

As usual, I was getting ready to leave the hospital after the drip. My managers said it should be fine to turn on my phone so here I was looking through text messages from days ago which was overwhelming. The number of calls I got was crazy. 498 calls. Have anyone get this amount of calls before?

President had told me to drop by the agency this morning so here I was in my studio. My managers bowed as they took their leave when he arrived.

“They are not joining us, Sajangnim?” Usually, they would stay since it was probably work-related.

“They have work and do you not like talking me on a one-to-one basis?”

“No way…!” I denied even though he was obviously joking. He chuckled which probed me to do the same.

“Even though you might be sick of hearing me asking this again, how are you doing? Is everything now getting better?” I smiled, knowing exactly what he was referring to.

“Yes, they are not hogging at the hospital or my place anymore.” I reassured. “But it seems like they are still harassing the agency.” He smiled in defeat.

“Sometimes, it’s better to accept the fact that it is the agency’s job to clear the mess celebrities made.”


“What, it’s true.” Even though I felt sorry for the trouble I had caused, I enjoyed this kind of conversation with President. It was light-hearted and affectionate. He pulled out a piece of paper from the file he brought with him and I took it when he passed it to me.

“This would be the arrangement for you. It has been decided, so if you think by objecting this time would make me compromise, then forget about it.” I was reading the content, feeling unfair.


“There you go.” He stopped me, his stares firm on me. “No arguments.”

“That’s not it… How could you…” I was really rendered speechless. This is ridiculous! Not only has my working time be adjusted to 11AM to 8PM to give me more time to rest and accommodate my treatment in the hospital, I was not allowed to go to YG Entertainment. Isn’t he taking things personally?

‘All love calls to go through President of Hooks Entertainment.’ Usually, love calls went to managers, so now President has decided to manage me instead?

‘Until Artiste is physically and mentally fit, casting of movies and dramas, recording of and live performances, and any other television guesting and appearances to be kept at a minimum.’ Heol.

‘Artiste is to abide all treatments and recommendations related to her medical condition by medical institutions. Hooks Entertainment is to make relevant changes to Artiste’s working schedule to aiding her to get medical treatment.’ This is acceptable.

‘Artiste to follow strictly to her daily working hours. On days when there is an appointment with the medical institute at 10PM, Artiste is to leave the working station at 9PM. For counselling appointments at 9PM, Artiste is to leave the working station at 8PM. Artiste is to stay overnight at the medical institute on the days she has an appointment and to be discharged the next day at 8AM. She is to be sent back to rest and be present at her working station at only 11AM.’ My goodness… This statement is so detailed that it is funny. Am I a child or a prisoner?

“Sajangnim, I always stay overnight in the studio if not until past midnight. At least on days when I do not need to drop by the hospital, extend my working hours. I can’t do much within the working hours.” Working on an album already requires countless sleepless nights. With this restriction, just how long would I take to be able to finish a song?

“My intention is exactly that. “To cut down your workload.” Looking at him helplessly, I did not know what I should do with this stubborn mule. I went back to reading the last statement.

‘Artiste is to focus on exclusive personal cable television and social media channel for work-related activities.’ What does this mean?

“The last statement…” I looked up at President with puzzled eyes.

“I have already talked to several platforms. And if everything goes well, we should be able to get you a personal TV programme.”

“You mean like YG TV?”

“I didn’t like your example, but yes. It’s the same concept.”

“Okay… What about the social media?”

“I was really at my wits end until this idea came to me. You are sick and you have to maintain your presence in the industry. The best way is a Youtube channel.”

“What…?” I whispered with shock. Youtube has helped a lot of celebrities in becoming real superstars. So what now, have I just gone from a celebrity to a Youtube star?

“And these plans will be included in your renewal contract, together with the existing ones.” My eyes remained widened. “Yes, you hear me right. These are my future plans for you.” A deafening silent rang in the studio and I realised I have totally forgotten about my expiring contract. I could definitely understand why President came to these decisions but somehow, it didn’t feel good.

“Sajangnim, am I a burden?” Although taken aback by my question, President’s response was sincere and reassuring. He gave a small shake of his head.

“You are a kin who has extra needs. You are like my daughter. And no children are burdens.”

“But how much can I earn doing Youtube and the cable TV programme? The company will lose money.” I swallowed the lump in my throat with teary eyes while President smiled.

“That’s my problem. If you really insisting in poking your nose into other people’s business, then speed up your recovery and get back on the stage.”

“I am fine with it, if you are.” I mumbled, still feeling bad. I felt like I was a free-rider.

“Or you already have another agency in mind? I heard from Jin Hye that the amount of contract proposals you get is crazy.” I almost had to pinch myself to stop rolling my eyes.

“No… Why would you not believe me? I really did not unseal them. They are all there.” I pointed to the box under my working desk. “I don’t even care if Sajangnim reads or burns them.” He laughed at my pout. When he calmed down, he continued.

“I know you might not be comfortable with the arrangement and I have no intention to know what others promise you in their contract, but this is my way to protect you.” And my heart ached at that. Where else can I find an agency like that? “I have carefully considered every aspect. I am certain this is the best for both parties.” I nodded with a smile, already trusting him. “Now if you are considerate of my feelings, you don’t have to reject me in my face. I will know when the time comes anyway.” My smile grew wider at his sarcasm. President had gotten way too comfortable with me. Not that I am complaining. “About the Taiwanese audition programme inviting you to be one of the judges, I have rejected the offer for you. I don’t think I have to explain my decision.” I nodded with understanding. There was no way I could commit. “And if you think your life is not eventful enough, there is more. It seems like this year is not being nice to you.” He added, which drew my full attention.

“What happened, Sajangnim?”

“I hate to break this to you, but I don’t want to keep you in the dark.” I waited for him to continue, an ominous feeling creeping up my veins. “A secret investigation has been initiated by me and there was progress when the media found out about your condition and I did not want to stress you even more. Now that the reporters are more considerate to you,” He pulled out a thicker stack of document and handed to me. “The person who poisoned you, we found her.” Surprised at the unexpected news, I stared back at President. It had been so many months and it had really slipped my mind.

“You are investigating it all along?”

“Of course. I didn’t want to media to know about it, so I made the police to be low-profile with some money. But the whole world knows you were hospitalised. The media will bring up the case now that you are back on the headlines. We will charge her.”

“N-no…” I fidgeted in my seat, my eyes blinking with distraction as I weakly shook my hand.

“What?” President sounded astounded. “Why not? Even if we don’t, the prosecutor will take action. She is going to be jailed.” I brought my eyes to him.

“Can we forget about it?” I asked quietly and President was dumbfounded. “It has been so long and I don’t want to be on the news again. I would like some time away from the media.”

“So after all the efforts, we are letting it go?”

“Like you have said, she would be jailed. She would be getting her share of punishment. If we charge her, all we could get out of her is compensation. And what can the money change? I have already gone through the pain and discomfort. I just want everything to conclude.”

“It is exactly people like you who get bullied the most. Tell me how you survive in the industry for so long.” I smiled, shrugging.

“But aren’t you curious about this person?” I was quick to refuse, shaking my hands.

“It’s really fine, Sajangnim. Sometimes, ignorance is a blessing.” He chortled, standing up which I followed suit.

“Go back home. No working today.” He turned back when he flung the door opened. Before I could respond, he walked off.

Arriving back at home, I went to have a nap and was disturbed by my ringing phone. I sat up, realising that the sun had set. I quickly went to rinse my mouth before the ringing stopped.

“Oppa…” I called the moment I picked up the call.

“Finally, I reached you…” Ji Yong breathed.

“Well, as you know… I became very famous overnight.” The both of us laughed. It’s good to be able to laugh over a vexing problem.

“I heard from Hyun Suk hyung. You now have fixed working hours.” I rolled my eyes, identifying his teasing tone.

“Yeah, only if I am receiving a fixed salary, you can say I am an office worker.”

“What’s bad about it? Get to rest plenty. Why not?”

“11AM to 8PM! Can you believe it? And we can only work in my agency. Even if you are busy or conflicting schedules, all meetings will be at my side!”

“It’s understandable. You get tired easily.” Yeah right, if only you know I am not allowed into YG because President did not want me to meet Seung Hyun and Mr Yang.

“But you know I hate being restricted!” I whined.

“Deal with it, girl. It’s like that once you have over-protective parents.”

“Yeah, Sajangnim is comparable to my mother already.”

The next day, being the usual me, I am unable to stay still and begged my managers to bring me out for a drive. No inspirations, no progress. I had been in the studio for three hours but not even the first verse was completed for the song. Yoo Hyun mentioned that he was a bit hungry so we stopped by the supermarket. Jin Hye offered to help run in to quickly buy some snacks while Yoo Hyun stayed with me to take a break after driving for an hour.

“Oh, isn’t this van…” A knocked was then heard at the window on my side and I spun to my side, seeing a familiar figure. Recognising the lady, I unlocked and opened the door without even thinking.

“Unnie…! Where are you here?” I cried in delight at the sight of Hye Yoon. Aunt was seen behind her. “Aunt.” I climbed out of the van, greeting the elderly with a bow.

“My child…” She came over to me, giving me a warm hug. “I am so worried. How are you?”

“Still kicking.” I replied with a smile. She eyed me sternly.

“Don’t say that. I heard from Hye Yoon and Seung Hyun. Why did you not tell me?”

“I know you would be this worried.” I reasoned, tightening my grip on her hands. In attempt to change the subject, I looked elsewhere and saw that they were carrying bags from the supermarket. “Did you all go grocery shopping?”

“Yes. Come home with me. I want to talk to you longer.”

“I have to go to the hospital later though.”

“I will get Seung Hyun to drive you over.” Oh my god, how am I going to avoid this…

“Ah…” I managed to chuckle softly to hide my discomfort. “My managers could send me over.” Turning back to the van to see Yoo Hyun keeping an eye on me to make sure no strangers come close, I turned back to the ladies with the same smile.

“Yoo Hyun-ssi,” Surprised when Hye Yoon suddenly stuck her head into the van, I watched for her next move. “Can’t Jungie come to our place? We would like to catch up with her.” Yoo Hyun looked hesitant since there were instructions given to him by President. He diverted his gaze to me while I was as helpless as him.

“She has an appointment soon.”

“I will tell Seung Hyun to be careful when bringing Jung to the hospital. The security at our neighbourhood is tight.”

“Yes… But…” By then, Jin Hye had returned and I was hoping I get some help in saying ‘no’. How am I supposed to turn them down? Taken aback to see Hye Yoon and Aunt, Jin Hye still managed to bow and greet them politely.

“Jin Hye-ssi, is it okay if Jung come with us? It has been long since I see the girl.” Aunt made the move this time, really driving us to the corner. I glanced back at them, giving both my managers a helpless smile.

So here I am, sitting in Hye Yoon’s car as she drove us back. Aunt held my hands in hers all the while as she went on how worried she was the past few days when I was on the news.

“No one could contact you. We were worried sick!” Smiling apologetically, I pulled out my hands from her firm grip and held hers in mine instead.

“I’m sorry to worry you all again. I am fine. My agency had me turned off my phone so I could rest better.”

“I’m glad they did that. I know how pressurising the news can be. Seung Hyun was very depressed and worried for you.” I smiled back at her, glad that she seemed to be more assured while ignoring the last sentence. I turned to at the rear-view mirror and saw Hye Yoon happened to glance at me through the reflection with a faint smile.

When we arrived back home, the three of us carried the bags into the kitchen. Hye Yoon had used her legs to keep the excited Charlie against the wall as I walked into the kitchen.

“No, Charlie. Be gentle with Jungie noona.” I smiled upon that. Now even a dog has to be cautious.

“You really don’t have to.” Aunt nagged behind me as I placed the grocery on the counter. “Hye Yoon ah, give her a hand.” With a smile, I turned around and assisted her to lifting the heavy bags and placed them together with the others.

“I can still carry things, Aunt.” I said, pouting when Hye Yoon dodged my hands away when I wanted to help her with the remaining bags.

“You are going to be too tired. Go sit in the living room. I will get you some water. You can still drink water, right?” I nodded but stood behind them. I want to help them though…

But of course, they turned down my offer. I stood behind them, leaning against the wall with the glass in my hand after the two of them pushed me out of the way when I came in between them to help them wash the ingredients. Heol, I can’t believe it… Charlie lied next to me quietly, seemingly sad to know that I was sick and he could not play with me. How am I supposed to deal with this cutie… I kept them accompanied by chatting with them. Well, most of the time, Aunt was nagging on how incredible that Hye Yoon’s knife skills still made no progress at all.

“No,” Aunt sounded defeated as she gaped at her daughter. “Slice it diagonally. These are chunks.” Hye Yoon spun back to me, lifting a piece of celery in her hand.

“Isn’t it done this way?” I chuckled quietly, shaking my head lightly. How cute… I placed the glass on the counter and came beside her with Charlie immediately following me. Trying to ignore the confusion expression on her face, I placed my hand on top of hers and angled the knife before slicing down once.

“Don’t shift the angle of the knife and the position of the vegetable. Just keep slicing.” I said quietly and watched as she did it this time. Aunt glanced at her daughter’s work and seemed satisfied this time. I smiled as I placed my weight on the counter. Picking up the glass again, I continuously took in small sips of water as I shifted and leaned on the side of my waist. When I realised I was in the way, I moved back to the back with Charlie tailing behind me. I squatted to his eye level and smiled at him, sorry that he was sad for me.

“I’m really okay. You guys really have to stop worrying…” I cooed and was caught off-guard when Charlie stood on his hind legs and placed his other two limbs on my shoulder. He rested on my shoulder and my heart swelled when the pet was giving me a hug. As tears welled on my eyes, a smile of happiness broke out on my face and him.

“My goodness, so sweet…” I looked up when I saw Hye Yoon smiled at the sight of our budding romance. Aunt also had a lingering smile as she continuing stirring the stew.

I sat down comfortably with Charlie cuddled on my lap. My hand never stopped caressing him as I talked to Aunt and Hye Yoon. It was crazy how I did not panic like I used to with such a huge dog infront of me.

“I thought it was less than a hundred thousand won?” I asked when Hye Yoon and Aunt complained about how much the price inflated for furniture.

“That was last week. I wanted to buy that exact same chair, it was nearly hundred and thirty thousand won now.” I gasped. That’s a huge increase in price over a week! Jumping when Charlie barked loudly, I stared at him in surprise but before I could react, he leapt off me and dashed out. What in the world… At the same time, I heard the door opened. Oh no…

“Looks like his appa is back.” Hye Yoon commented flippantly, not understanding my current anxiety.

“Do we have guests, Charlie yah?” I heard that one voice within the loud barkings. He laughed, probably trying to dodge the pet’s wet kisses. Charlie was seen running back into the kitchen and halted infront of me just as I stood up. The pet turned back to the man, as if to inform him of my presence. I saw how Seung Hyun’s smile vanish at the sight of me and it was hurting.

“I can’t believe you can’t recognise your girlfriend’s shoes.” Hye Yoon made an unnecessary comment, which placed me into more discomfort. Unknowing to the others, we both know we did not know what to do. How are we supposed to greet? Are we supposed to hug? Are we supposed to put up the ‘show’ now, impromptu?

“What’s with this?” Hye Yoon noticed the weird atmosphere between us. “You were not yourself because you could not contact Jungie, isn’t it? Aren’t you happy that Omma and I met her while shopping and brought her back?” I kept my eyes on Seung Hyun all this while, fearing because I could tell he was at his limit.

“No.” All I felt was dread when he spoke. That’s it. He is not going to pretend anymore. “I will have my ways if I want to reach her. The only reason why I did not contact her, is because we have broken up. And I don’t understand what has gotten into her head to follow you back.” While the ladies were stunned by the news, Seung Hyun turned and glared at me nastily before turning back to Hye Yoon. “About that statement about me not being myself, noona, it’s not something anyone should get involved in. So don’t think I will come thanking you for bringing her back.”

“Seung Hyun.” Aunt finally spoke, clearly upset at the way he was talking to his family members. Despite the warning, Seung Hyun laughed a mocking chortle.

“I can’t believe I have to continue this show even at home.” He diverted his gaze to me. “Give me a break.” And he stomped off, totally stressed out. The slam of the door stabbed my heart harder mercilessly. I was shocked, not expecting him to reveal the facts like this. It felt like he was exposing me and leaving me in a difficult position. Now, what am I supposed to do? Hye Yoon and Aunt were obviously still very stunned by the news and Seung Hyun’s unnecessary outburst. I turned to them, sighing silently before apologising. I was left with no choice but to explain the whole situation to them. Telling them that we were supposed to be ‘together’ because of working reasons, I added that we broke up solely because of personality differences.

“What are you talking about?” Hye Yoon counter-attacked, visible not buying my lame excuse. “You guys dated for four years.”

“It just became like this.” Replying in a sad voice, I gave a bitter smile. “I’m sorry for spoiling the day.” The two stared at me helplessly.

“So we can’t contact you anymore?” Hye Yoon’s teary eyes broke my heart and I looked down on my feet when I could not bear to look longer.

“I don’t know…” A pair of hands came gently held mine firmly and when I looked up, I saw Aunt reassuring yet forceful smile.

“It’s okay, my Jungie. Go back for now but promise you will not avoid us when we call.” I held back my tears, returning the smile and nodded.

My managers came to fetch me when I called them.

“Did something happen?” Being Jin Hye, she was the quickest to catch on.

“I’m okay.” I replied, my smile more natural now. Seems like I am numb by everything. Seems like I have accepted that this relationship can never be revived. I give up.

I lost conscious soon after I was put on drip and slept through the night like a baby. By the time I woke up, it was already seven in the morning. For some reasons, I felt good after the sleep, like the events yesterday never happen. Stretching a little, I realised that the drip was detached from the hand and climbed out of bed, going to the toilet.

I was waiting for Yoo Hyun to be back while chatting with Jin Hye. We were talking about the poison case and I queried about the person who attacked me. Apparently, she was only twenty years old, an anti-fan of mine and currently admitted in the same hospital as I was after attempting suicide.

“Are you crazy? Over my deathbed.” Jin Hye spat when I said I wanted to visit her. “Even if you don’t care about your life anymore, it is only right for you to think about my job. Are you trying to get Yoo Hyun oppa and I into trouble?”

“She’s lying there right now. She’s completely harmless.” Arguing my way, I insisted they bring me over. “I am the victim and I have the rights to know who attacked me.” Yoo Hyun was back by then and saw us literally in a verbal fight. In the end, Jin Hye gave in when Yoo Hyun persuaded that he would make sure I will be fine since it was just a visit.

“She is always more stubborn and cranky each time her contract is due for renewal.” My eyes widened at that childish remark to get back at me.

“I have decided to renew my contract with Sajangnim. I will continue to irritate you for three more years.” I shot back, earning myself a glare from her. Yoo Hyun sighed as he rolled his eyes.

“Are you coming or not?” I turned to him.

“Of course.”

Yoo Hyun was trying to talk to the authorities to grant me entrance into the ward while Jin Hye sat on the seat sulking. I watched as the two talked. Since the girl was a criminal, the police would take her away the moment she was fit to be discharged. I don’t know if I would still be able to meet her. After all, there are even people guarding outside her ward. After much persuading, I thanked the man who granted me a visit of ten minutes.

“I will go alone.” I told Yoo Hyun when he wanted to follow me in. Probably tired of arguing with me, he nodded and stepped towards Jin Hye, sitting beside her.

Slowly sliding the door opened, the lightly were off so I thought the girl had fell back to sleep. But when I quietly made my way over, I saw that she was awake.

“Da Eun-ssi.” I called softly, watching as she slowly turned to my side. Lowering myself to the chair by her bedside, I held her cold hand in attempt to calm her down when she panicked at the sight of me.

“What are you doing here?” Her eyes shone caution and fear as she sat up frantically. I allowed her to pull her hand away from my grip as she leaned away from me.

“I come to this hospital to and fro because of treatments so I came here when I get to know about you just now.”

“What do you want?”

“I want to see you. And know who you are.”

“And?” She smirked but her eyes had tears.

“And tell you that I forgive you.”


“Honestly, I had forgotten about this case until my agency told me the police has nabbed you. The charges have been placed on you and I don’t think there are any worse punishment.”

“But why…? I nearly killed you.” I watched as tears trickled down her cheeks.

“But I’m fine now.” I smiled, reaching for her hand again and held it. She looked down at the grip in surprise. “There will be news about this and it will be hard for the both of us. I want to make this as bearable as possible.

“You are not charging me?” Giving my head a light shake, the reassuring smile on my face remained.

“I am not trying to get you to thank me or make you feel like you owe me something. You are still underage so the law will be slightly lenient on you. I hope you could start all over again when you are back in the society.” By that time, she was crying like crazy. I took in a deep breath to soothed my aching heart. Digging in my bag, I reached for my card holder and pulled out a name card from Dreams’ Inn. I placed the card in her hands.

“I am only allowed ten minutes here. When you are out, give me a call.”

“Dreams’ Inn? Managing Director?”

“It’s a small business with a few friends assisting me. We have always wanted to employ someone young and you know, have fresh and new ideas.”

“Me?” She choked on her tears, could not believe her ears. I hummed.

“I know you did not intend it. It was all a mistake.” No evil-minded offenders would cry so hard and guiltily at their actions. “Let me help you.” I watched as she cried hard and waited for her to calm down before standing up to leave.

“Yi Jung-ssi,” She called and I turned back. “Please be careful of Min Ah.” Goosebumps literally crept on me. Why is she mentioning Min Ah…? “It was her who planned it.”

“What?” Blood drained from my face as I listened to her. Da Eun revealed that she was working as an assistant for Min Ah on a casual basis and there was no employment agreement between her and YG Entertainment. Thus, Mr Yang did not even know she exist nor was aware that there was an additional staff working for Min Ah. She and Min Ah got to know each other in middle school. Min Ah once helped her financially and requested that she pay off her debts by working for her after she debuted.

“Min Ah is uncontrollable. She’s even crazy. I regretted every day getting involved with her. She threatened and backstabbed me so badly I don’t even want to talk about the details.” Feeling depressing at her story, I was upset at Min Ah for ruining her life.

“Why are you protecting her? You should tell the police about it.” Da Eun shook her head.

“Just like you, I just want this nightmare to be over as soon as possible. I don’t know what more she would do, so please be alert.”

The news traumatised me. No, in fact it was Min Ah that traumatised me. I am really scared of her now. I sighed the nth time, my eyes closed as I spun my chair away from the desk. The pen in my hand tapping my lap. Supporting my cheek with my free hand, I started to feel frustrated. How can I not be able to write anything more than a verse after spending the whole morning? What happened to me?! The ringing from my phone distracted me and I exhaled loudly as I stood up to go to my bag. It was Joon Young.

“Oppa.” I called, instantly dropping my to the couch the moment I answered the call. Gosh, I’m so tired.

“What’s with the news? Are you okay?” I smiled at his unexpected question.

“That’s old news already.” Laughing over it, my eyes flapped close. “Will you help me if I lose my job?”

“Come to my radio show. I will make you the permanent guest.” He said nonchalantly.

“I end work everyday at 9PM though.”

“Oh, come on! 9PM is extremely early! The night is still so young!” I laughed louder this time at his exclamation.

“Exactly, we still have our collaboration.”

“You are rich enough to retire anyway.”

“But I really did think about it. You know, I hope we could just busk at Hongdae. It’s always something I want to try.”

“You must have not have it the hard way, huh? You think it’s easy? It reminds me of my earlier days. I’m not doing it.”

“Why?” I sat up straight, eyes widened. “It’s good to reminisce once. It was good times!”

“Forget it!”

“Oppa!” I cried, can’t believe he rejected me without even giving a slightest thought.

“I called to check if you are still alive and you gave me such a lame suggestion.”

“Hey!” I cried louder, couldn’t help but feel surprised at what he said.

“Bye.” And the call when dead. Just like that. Staring at my phone in utter shock, I let out a scoff before dropping the device to the couch.

It was about evening when I finally finished the draft. I was not satisfied at all as the lyrics did not seemed to link. The whole piece appeared to be mindless ideas scattering everywhere and it did not have a focus. Reading and rereading the lyrics, my head started to hurt from all the effort to improve it. I’m going to be the death of myself.

“What the heck?” I turned to the door to see Ji Yong staring at me like I have gone crazy when I was knocking my head with my knuckle.

“Ah… So annoying…” Instead of greeting him, I rolled my eyes as I turned away and continued knocking my head. I guess I am getting too comfortable with him.

“What, me?” He questioned unnecessarily. Well, he is getting too comfortable with me too… I heard him dragging another chair over and settled down beside me. “Wah, I was expecting to see you unconscious. But not bad. You did quite a lot.” I tilted my head up to see him smiling at the messy work station. For some reason, he seemed too impressed. What a weirdo.

“For your information, I am indeed trying hard to stay awake. I swear if I tried this hard when I was younger, I might have made it to Seoul National University.” He chuckled.

“Made it into a so-so university and now you are rich. No big deal.” I rolled my eyes when he continued to play along. Guys… He pulled out the piece of paper under my arm, which was the completed draft and stared at it. I watched for his reaction, aware of his feelings. Since I was at the low-tide of my life right now, I would not deny that my works were all about my inner most emotions. As much as I poured out my heart, I don’t wish to hurt him.

“Is this the draft or the completed piece?” Turning to me, his voice came out monotonous like his usual ‘producer’ image.

“It is a draft.” I replied quietly.

“Let’s go with this. It’s good.” He gave a nod.

“What? No way.”

“It’s raw. It’s right from the heart. I like it.”

“Oppa, I’m too exhausted for jokes.” I tried to get back the piece of paper when he dodged, causing me to widen my eyes.

“Then sleep, baby. By the time you open your eyes again, you will wake up to the next hit song.” He smirked confidently, kicking my chair and I slid towards the back of the studio. With me out of the way, he started typing on the keyboard while he tuned the background instruments randomly.

I have a genius friend. At first, I thought he was just too talented but I know him long enough, he is just too genius.

Just as he promised, the song was completed when I woke up.

“You can’t be serious.” I gaped at him as I finished listening to the song once. How long have I napped? He composed a beautiful song in an hour!

“I hope you still rest well with so much noise.” He smiled warmly.

“Ever since I got sick, I was not so alert anymore. I still got to sleep a little.” I assured. His smile remained as he passed me the full printed lyrics. The title of the song was 'When love is not enough' and it was on replay. The both of us remained silent as we listened to it several times. Although we have not recorded it, Ji Yong had inserted a female voice which resembled mine, singing the whole song so as to give a mock of how the real song should turn out. I liked how the song was. I really loved how it stirred emotions in me and how it reminded me of Seung Hyun.

“Aren’t curious about Seung Hyun hyung?” I snapped out of my trance and turned to him. Did he read my mind? Shaking my head, I gave a bitter smile. “You two are idiots.” I let out a soft chuckle, sighing after that.

“You rely on no one when your heart is breaking while Min Ah made use of this opportunity to touch hyung’s heart. I really don’t know who is more stupid. You two are blatantly letting a third party in.” I inhaled deeply before exhaling.

“Oppa,” I called, finally turning to face him. “Do you think Min Ah-ssi really loves him?”

“I think she does. But in a wrong way.”

“If she really loves him, then I’m fine with it.” Ignoring the last sentence, I replied sincerely. As long as Seung Hyun is getting a little comfort, as long as Seung Hyun feels less apin…

“You’re crazy.” He spat, rolling his eyes. Still wearing the same bitter smile, I turned to stare at the front again and leaned back comfortably in my seat as I felt warm tears swarming up my eyes.

Weeks passed and I was delighted to hear from the doctor that my condition was getting better. The counsellor was also encouraging and urging me to be patient with myself.

“Yi Jung-ssi, you are doing an extremely good job. Keep it up, I will talk to the doctor to add meal replacements into your prescription. Hopefully, you will be less reliant on drips from now on.”

Jin Hye wrapped another piece of blanket around me tightly while I smiled at her over-protectiveness.

“Unnie, you are really exaggerating.” I laughed. With three blankets around my body, I must have looked ridiculous. Sitting down comfortably on the mat next to me, she ignored me before looking up at the vast black sky. We were at the rooftop of my agency and it was cold, to be honest. But I came up for some fresh air. And definitely did not expect Jin Hye to bring along so many blankets.

“I think It’s time for you to really make a decision.” She started without looking at me. “Who you are signing a contract with.” Taken aback, I just stared at her. “No one asked me about your decision, but I am curious.”

“Do you really need to ask? I mean, isn’t my decision obvious enough?”

“Sajangnim did not want to stress you further so he wasn’t pressing you for an answer. But the media is waiting for your decision.” I laughed flippantly.

“They don’t care.” Watching as she pulled out her phone and flashed me one email, I stared at her for a second longer when she finally looked at me before taking over the device. It was an email from YG Entertainment, inviting me to have a meeting personally with Mr Yang.

“Where did you place the contract they send you?”

“In the box under the table.”

“Take a look. I think you are going to like it.”

As I neared my studio, I realised I had started running. Jin Hye had left after a phone call and told me that Yoo Hyun will be fetching me home. Flinging the door open, I got on my knees as I pulled the carton box out. It is unusual for Jin Hye to make such comments... Digging through thick document envelops, my hands stopped when my eyes spotted the logo at the top corner. Roughly pulling it out, I did not even bother to get a chair and sat on the floor as I tore the envelop open. I pulled out the documents, my eyes widened as I read through the terms and conditions of the contract.

The next day, I found myself with Mr Yang in a private booth at his restaurant. I noticed the document file he brought with him, fully being aware and alert even though we were having small, light-hearted chats as he enjoyed his meal. I took small sips of the soup he gladly ordered for me once he heard that I was able to consume fluids more often now. Once he had his fill, he wiped his lips with the serviette before smiling at me purposefully.

“Let’s get to business.” I smiled with a nod. “Have you look through the proposal I sent you?”

“Yes.” With the same smile, he pulled out the contents in the file and slid it infront of me.

“This contract is the best I could offer you. It is my utmost sincerity.” There were many things in the contract that I could get attracted to, but I could not take my eyes off the fifth statement:

5. Artiste will be fully supported by representative (Agency) to release at least a brand new project annually.

That meant that I get to at least release a digital single, if not an album every year. And it was guaranteed. No, the fact that it was reduced into writing and included into the contract, it means I had the rights to produce songs for myself regularly. And this is the totally opposite of what Sajangnim offered. Mr Yang also offered a brand new studio of my own and a personal rest area where I could nap or chill. He would also allow me to take Jin Hye and Yoo Hyun along when I decide to join them. He is willing to even accept two new employees. Who would do that?

“Mr Yang, you really know how to get what you want.” As a matter of fact, he had successfully swayed and tempted my heart when I was so sure I would be renewing with Sajangnim. Mr Yang only smiled wider with a shrug that did not appear arrogant.

“You learn business through experience.”

Back in my room, my managers sat on my bed while I placed the two contracts on the desk. I had invited them to my place since I thought I had to discuss it with them. Staring at the two stacks of documents, I sighed openly as my managers watched me from behind.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I heard Yoo Hyun and turned around to them, giving them a very hesitant smile that showed how much of a dilemma I was in. I told them everything, especially what Mr Yang had to offer.

“Why would he do that?” I asked, hoping they could enlighten me. “I can’t perform anymore and I can’t go on television programmes anymore. Won’t he lose money?”

“That is how popular you are.” Upon what Jin Hye had uttered, I stared at her, didn’t really get what she meant. “Did you not realise how famous you have gotten over the years? Even Sajangnim started to worry that you might not renew your contract this time.”

“No way.” I argued, totally surprised at the last sentence.

“You and Ji Yong-ssi earned the name of the best duo producers. If he manages to get you under his wing, he basically wins the monopoly game in the industry.” Jin Hye added with a serious tone. “He is not afraid of you not being able to perform. You design and have control over your fashion brand. If you decide to sign under him, he gets mass publicity. Free of charge and without doing anything. He knows all you want to be a singer and spending that bit on production cost is nothing as compared to what he benefited. Even if he don’t earn much from your projects, he still has Seung Hyun. The both of you are what the media wants to see. If his plans on you and Ji Yong does not work, the last card on you and Seung Hyun will definitely work. Won’t you sense something juicy if a couple is under the same agency? I won’t be surprise if he even knows about your interest in publishing books in the future. Don’t worry about not earning money for Mr Yang. For all you know, he will be earning bucks in a speed you have never experienced before. Please understand that you bring a lot of intangible assets along with you when you hop to another company. And don’t say the media don’t care about your news. Let me remind you that they are extremely thirsty for your news. You are now that popular.” The room fell silent after Jin Hye’s speech. After listening to Jin Hye, it made me sink into deeper dilemma.

“Then unnie, why did you even suggest I meet Mr Yang when you are not going to speak good of him?” I questioned her, feeling confused by her actions.

“I just want you to know. That the Mighty YG is fighting for you.” Yoo Hyun smirked at Jin Hye.

“Childish.” Jin Hye glared at Yoo Hyun who was the least affected while I turned back to the desk, eyes fixed on the same two documents again.

“I know you might not be comfortable with the arrangement and I have no intention to know what others promise you in their contract, but this is my way to protect you.”

“You learn business through experience.”

Heading to the lift, my steps were firm and I walked towards my destination with a purpose. With the phone against my ear, I spoke to Mr Yang.

“You are amazing, Mr Yang. You really did shake my heart and made me doubt my decision. Even if it is for a short period of time.”

“Oh no, I could not believe I let you slipped away. Were my offers not attracting enough? What are the offers others gave you? I will give them to you.” I laughed at his dramatic attempt.

“Nothing as good as yours, I promise.”

“Awww… Looks like I have to try harder the next round.”

“Thank you, Mr Yang for the offer. It is from the deepest part of my heart.” And we hung up. I took the lift and rode up to the highest storey, my heart feeling excited at the thought of meeting President. After a night of serious consideration, I came to a decision to follow my heart. I realised how President looked at me as a kin while Mr Yang saw me as business. President knew I may not unable to bring back as much revenue as before. Even when I was at the low side on my career, he decided not to abandon me while Mr Yang made use of every opportunity to his advantage and get the maximum out of me. President was more than a business man.

As I stepped out of the lift, I turned towards the last door at the end of the corridor as I made my way over. Knocking on the door, I opened it when I was granted permission to see that one man looking up at me. Surprised at my sudden visit, he watched as I skipped my way over with a kid-like grin plastered on my face and slid the document over.

“Sajangnim, it seems like you can’t escape all the headaches I might cause you for the next three years.”

Back in my studio, I was back on the weekly phone conversation with my grandparents.

“You should take a break and come back to Singapore.” My grandfather persuaded and I lost count of the number of times he repeated that sentence.

“But Grand-Daddy… I just visited last December.” I reasoned with a whiny tone, hoping that acting cute would do the trick.

“It is your home. You shouldn’t measure it with how frequently you return.” He nagged.

“Are you lonely? Shall I get Mummy to go back?” I asked quietly, knowing that the two elderly must have felt empty. After I left for Korea, they had been uncomfortable. Now, even my mother was away from them.

“That’s not what I mean, Darling. You need her more than we do now.” He cooed in the same warmth voice I loved. My grandfather was a man of a few words, but everyone was surprised at the amount of topics he could share with me. “I just hope you really take a good rest. It is your body after all.”

“I will, Grand-Daddy.” With a smile, I took time to feel the warmth embracing my being and giggled when he nagged even more.

That evening, Hye Yoon phoned me and asked if I was free. I was actually hesitant to pick up her call, but I could not bear to cut ties with her.

“Charlie is with me, so if it’s convenient for you, bring Candy along.” My brow raised as I turned down to see the flurry Candy cuddling on my lap. I had come to babysit Candy at NGMiracles’ dorm since the kids were in Jeju at the moment. I was in fact wondering how I should break the news to President when Jung Jun confirmed that his sister was coming over to Seoul next month.

“Noona, don’t worry about it. I will talk to Sajangnim. If he does not like the idea, I will rent a flat for her.” He reassured, hoping I would not get pressurised by anything. But the idea of a female teenager living alone wasn’t pleasant. She was from the countryside, how would she be able to adapt to the city life without any help?

“Sure. Where do I meet you, unnie?” I Candy’s head to her body and gained her attention. She looked up and stared at me with those dole-liked eyes.

“I will come fetch you.” And we hung up. Placing my phone down on floor next to me, I carefully lifted Candy to my eye level.

“Candy yah, do you still remember Charlie?” I saw her eyes shone slight surprise and caution. “Shall we go meet him? It’s been a while since you have a walk outside the neighbourhood.” She whimpered softly and I hugged her close to me, feeling her head resting on my shoulder.

“Unnie will protect you. Don’t be afraid.”

When Hye Yoon arrived, I smiled back at her beaming smile and was about to open the door when I saw Charlie lying down at the passenger seat. He barked once upon the sight of me but it was still strange. The energy that used to be his trademark is gone.

“Unnie.” I called as a greeting as I got settled down at the backseat. “Is Charlie okay? He looks sad.” Placing Candy on the seat as I buckled the seatbelt, I was aware that Charlie had diverted his full attention to me and started making his way to the back.

“He is feeling uncomfortable. Was feeling down the whole day so I thought I could cheery him up by sneaking him out. Charlie yah, be careful…” Hye Yoon’s quiet voice sounded gloomy too. I brought Candy to my left hand side when Charlie hopped up the seat, nuzzling his head into my right thigh.

“It’s okay, Candy. He’s not hurting you. See…” I cooed at the panicking Candy who started to climb up my body in order to get away from Charlie. Patting on her body, I listened to her whimpers which started to die down. I bent down to pick up the blanket that had fallen off Charlie’s body when he attempted to come to my side.

“Charlie yah, are you very sick? Do you need to see the doctor again?” Worried, I his head and he opened his eyes to look at me as I covered him with the blanket. “Do you need to go home to rest?”

“He’s been at home for days. No one allowed him to go out and he had been spending nights sleeping by the kitchen window, staring at the pool.”

“Poor thing…” Getting more worried this time, I turned to Hye Yoon. “Is he going to be okay?”

“Nothing is wrong with him. The vet said it might be due to old age.”

“Does that mean…” Hye Yoon glanced at me through the rear-view mirror before giving a slight nod.

“Yeah. He has been accompanying me for fifteen years.” I locked my gaze back to Charlie who had closed his eyes again. Pulling him close to my side, I hoped I could comfort him in until Candy seemed to notice something was going on. She stopped clawing on me and rested her head on my left lap, watching Charlie sleep. Trying to study the unreadable gaze she was holding, I realised that she might have known by then that Charlie was sick. I her back.

“Candy yah, Charlie is sick and might be feeling lonely. Will you be friends with him?” She only whimpered once and placed both her front limbs on my thigh. One of her limbs slightly in contact with Charlie’s ear but she did not move away. Hye Yoon stopped at the traffic junction and turned back to me with a faint smile.

“Looks like the two are communicating.” I smiled back, both pets.

Hye Yoon told me that she would be helping Seung Hyun received one of the art piece he had purchased.

“I know the both of you have broken up, but I hope you don’t mind.” I only smiled.

“Don’t worry.” The art piece had been delivered and we were now sitting on the ground in Seung Hyun’s warehouse, staring at the nicely wrapped art piece.

“What do you think Seung Hyun purchased this time?” I shrugged with a wider smile.

“Probably something I still can’t understand?” She laughed quietly, distracted when Candy and Charlie decided to shift from the leg of the table to the sofa.

“Please be careful, you two sweeties. I might be the first to die when the owner finds a scratch.” The two pets laid under the sofa, which fascinated me further. Candy had been following Charlie around and now, they picked such an unexpected place to hangout.

“Looks like they have some secrets to share and we are invading.” I cracked up softly.

“Are we talking too loudly?” She whispered back but still smiled as she shook her head in defeat. I watched as she hugged her legs closer to her body, a bitter smile evident on her face.

“Are you feeling sad, unnie?” She nodded.

“Yeah, and scared.” She closed her eyes. “What do I do without Charlie?” The sight before me was so tear-jerking that I instantly felt a lump forming at my throat. “And that rascal doesn’t even know how I feel and only care about that hottie beside him.” I could not control my laughter.

“Candy is totally sweet. Don’t be jealous at her.” I defended.

“And you too.” My eyes widened at her accuse. “I can’t believe he went into your arms the moment he saw you even when he could hardly move.”

“Aigoo… I am also sweet so don’t get jealous.” I smiled, acting cute. She rolled her eyes, wiping the tear that appeared at the corner of her eye.

“Because I know you are sweet, I am letting it go.” I hugged her arms and leaned my head on her shoulders. After a pause, she started. “I’m so thankful that you are here. I should be listening to you whining instead.”

“I’m really okay.”

“Yeah right. I’m here tearing over my pet dog and I don’t believe you are that okay after a break-up.” I pictured her rolling her eyes again.

“Charlie has been with you and your family for fifteen years while mine is only a four-years relationship.” I gave a lame reason and earned myself a scoff.

“You are really not going to tell me what happened?” Hugging her arm tighter, my smile grew wider even though I let out a sigh. “I only have you to go to whenever I need someone to talk to. I hope you could come to me if you need a listening ear.”

“It’s a misunderstanding so serious that none of us want to stop and explain ourselves.”

“What do you mean?” She turned to me and I titled my head to look at her.

“And don’t say I am the only one you could talk to. I know you found yourself a loving boyfriend.” She rolled her eyes again.

“What if I have an argument with my boyfriend and need something to talk to?” I laughed again, surrendering.

“Okay, I lose. I lose.” A short pause of silence engulfed us before she started again.

“But really, the boy still loves you. Why don’t you two work things out?”

“I don’t know.” I shook my head lightly. “I really don’t.” It was Hye Yoon’s turn to sigh until I heard her sniffled a laugh. Finally lifting my head from her shoulder, I turned to the direction to where she was staring.

“Charlie yah, can I hug you?” Hye Yoon called. She stood up which I followed suit. Heading over to the sofa, we squatted and waited for Candy and Charlie to make their way out.

“Are you having a great time with Charlie?” I cooed, witnessing how she lied down next to Charlie. Even though there was a visible gap between them, to Candy, it was already a great improvement. Hye Yoon cuddled her pet and planted a peck at the top of his head.

“Please get well soon. I really miss your annoying barks.” Hearing how sad Hye Yoon sounded, I unconsciously stretched my hand out to hold Charlie’s paw. I don’t know what he would need at this moment, but I wished he wasn’t feeling lonely. Our heads spun to the door when we heard footsteps.

“Who would it be?” Hye Yoon gently let Charlie down and I carried him together with Candy as I stood up, staring curiously at the door as the heels chuckling on the floor grew louder. No one else should know this place though… It belongs only to Seung Hyun… Hye Yoon walked over to the door and opened it, and I instantly saw Seung Hyun flashing a smile once he saw his sister.

“Noona, I saw your car outside and know you are still here. Is the art piece in?” Walking in, he was scanned the room for his new package until he saw me. That delight that was once shining on his face disappeared instantly.

“Why are you here?” When I could not provide an answer, he turned to Hye Yoon for an explanation. “Noona, you did not say you will be bringing guests over.” Hye Yoon nodded, stepping closer to Seung Hyun.

“I’m sorry, I admit I did not ask for your permission. I wanted to bring Charlie out and I wanted to see Jung. So I made use of the chance. I apologise if I upset you.” Not dodging the consequences, Hye Yoon came head to head with her brother, ready to face her brother’s temper.

“Why do it if you know it would have upset me?” Glancing once at me, he questioned again. “And why did you bring Charlie out?” Eyeing his sister in disbelief, he turned to Charlie.

“Come here, Charlie.” He called in a gentler voice and I squatted to put Charlie down on the ground but the pet remained by my side. It surprised all of us.

“You must be feeling tired. Let’s go home.” Seung Hyun coaxed and when Charlie would not burge, he sighed and came forward. I felt my body tensing at our close proximity. With one swift moment, he scooped the pet up in his arms.

“Why are you outside? What if you catch a cold?” And he immediately stepped away from me to create distance. Seung Hyun did not once look at me in the eyes, like I was invisible. “Charlie yah?” And Hye Yoon suddenly got alert at Seung Hyun’s surprised stare at the pet. Instantly grabbing the pet over, Hye Yoon’s eyes widened in shock at the half-conscious kin.

“Charlie, what’s wrong?” I quickly jogged over to them, hearing Candy’s whimper at the commotion.

“I will start the car. We are going to the vet.” Seung Hyun ran for the door while Hye Yoon and I grabbed our bags. We made a dash. Hye Yoon ran to her car instead of Seung Hyun’s car behind hers.

“I will go.” Hye Yoon made an unexpected statement, opening the door to her car. Ignoring Seung Hyun who has started the car and waiting for us, she placed Charlie at the passenger seat before running to the driver’s seat.

“Unnie.” I called, wondering what she was thinking.

“Noona, what are you doing?” Seung Hyun jogged up to her side but she ignored him and looked up at me.

“Don’t you have treatment? Don’t be late.” Goodness, I can’t believe she is thinking about me when such an emergency came up.


“Seung Hyun ah, please do me a favour by driving her to the hospital.” What?

“Unnie, I-“ And she slammed the door closed, stepping on the accelerator and zooming down the quiet street. Left speechless, I almost forgot I was still carrying Candy and hugged her tighter to me. When I peeked up at Seung Hyun, he appeared to me so irritated and I know it was probably because of me.

“You should head to the vet too. My manager is on her way.” I lied at the last part. Nothing good happened the time when he sent me to the hospital so no way I was going to allow that happen another time. With a loud, open sigh, he said without looking at me as he headed back to his car.

“Get in.”

“Thank you, but it’s okay.” I replied, determined not to give in. Remained rooted onto the pavement, I had my back facing him.

“Ommo, it’s TOP and Yi Jung!” I spun back in shocked, seeing two female friends fumbling for their phone and taking photographs of us. Lost at how I should react, I was distracted when I felt a hand on shoulder. Looking up to see Seung Hyun bowing to the girls with a small smile, I allowed him to guide me into his car. Like how a boyfriend should. In his confinement of his car, I scolded myself in my mind. It happened again! Is it jinx or what? Why do I always find myself in this sort of situation? Nothing goes well!

“Drop me at the café.”

“And what?” I turned to him upon that harsh tone. “Get photographed by other passerbys? Then tomorrow I would be on the headlines for throwing my girlfriend out in the cold.” He got me there, not by realisation but at how nasty he could be.

“If putting things this way makes you feel better, then continue speaking like that. If you are scared at getting on the headlines, then drive me to somewhere deserted and drop me off.” I spat, sick and tired of his childishness. He caught me aback by laughing mockingly instead.

“Do I look like I have a lot of time to waste?” He threw me a glance, his every sentence dripping with sarcasm. “I have no time to drive you all the way to the other side of the city just to find a suitable, deserted aisle. Dropping you at the hospital is the best I could avoid right now.” By that time, I was already boiling with anger. So much so that I could not even retaliate. I understand that he is just anxious over Charlie’s unexpected condition, but why the hell must be say that? A whimper from Candy caused me to closed my eyes, cursing mentally.

“Drive me anyway but not the hospital.” I uttered quietly, trying my hardest to keep my composure.

“What’s the big deal for a boyfriend to drive his girlfriend to the hospital? Why are you resisting it so much?”

“Which hospital grants entry to pets?” I finally hissed between gritted teeth, glaring at him. He dropped his gaze to Candy curled up in my arms. Poor Candy, she must have been scared from all the argument between me and this childish man.

In the end, Seung Hyun dropped me off at my agency since it was nearer. I did not even turn back because I knew he would not spare me a glance too. I went up to the conference room as I knew Jin Hye was there.

“I was thinking of going straight to the hospital but what do I do with Candy?” I asked with a defeated smile, as if that unhappy event with Seung Hyun did not happen.

“I know Seung Gi is at home right now. Shall we send her over?” I nodded. Actually, Candy did not exactly enjoy Seung Gi’s companion, but that was the best arrangement right now.

“I’m sorry, Candy yah. Unnie have to go now. Can you wait at Seung Gi oppa’s house first?”

Lying down on the cold hospital bed, I thanked the nurse for adjusting the room temperature to the highest before she left me to rest. I closed my eyes when all the events today came back to me. I sighed when my mind was occupied by Seung Hyun until I thought I should call Hye Yoon to check on Charlie. I sat up and stretched to reach for my bag. Dialling her number, I placed it against my ear and waited until the line went dead due to no response.

Charlie, did something happen to you?

I did not know when I fell asleep, but when I woke up, I felt refreshed despite the gloomy weather. It signed an upcoming thunderstorm. Smiling when Jin Hye asked if I was ready to leave, I nodded and followed Yoo Hyun who helped me with my bag. Jin Hye walked beside me. I felt a vibration from my phone and dug in my pocket.


From Hye Yoon,

Jung ah, what should I do now? Charlie has a tumor in his brain…


Stunned by what I was reading, I immediately phoned her but the call was rejected. Another text message vibrated my phone.


From Hye Yoon,

Don’t call. I don’t think I could talk now.



I recalled what Hye Yoon told me yesterday. Didn’t the vet say Charlie was deteriorating due to his age?

The next few days, I was constantly keeping updated with Hye Yoon regarding Charlie’s condition. She must be really saddened and appalled by the news as she was still not ready to talk on the phone with me so we were texting one another. She told me that Charlie would not eat and refused to let anyone come near him. He wanted to be alone all day and would growl when anyone approached him. He showed his teeth and almost bit Seung Hyun when Seung Hyun wanted to hold him. The news was so depressing and I unconsciously teared. Never had I expect myself to get so emotional over pets. I was so engrossed in texting Hye Yoon that I did not notice my battery life was depleting until the phone went completely dead on me. I cursed silently and grabbed the cable to charge the phone while I went to get a shower.

“Girl, go have a nap. You look very exhausted.” As I stepped out of the shower, my mother suggested and I nodded without a word. I am indeed feeling really sleepy.

I woke up at about 10PM. Reaching for my phone, I turned it on while I climbed out of bed to go freshen up. Text messages and missed calls had bombarded my phone and most of it was from Seung Hyun.


From Seung Hyun,

This is urgent. Please call me immediately.


Frowning my brows, I was about to call him when there was an incoming call from him.


“Come to YG. Yeh Jin needs you.” Surprised that Yeh Jin was the cause of his anxiety, I shot up to my feet as a reflex. Grabbing the necessary, I did not even wait for my parents’ reply when I informed them that I was heading out.

Instructing the taxi driver to stop at the door, I hopped out after hastily offering him to keep the change. I was out of breath with all the rushing and barged through the door of the leisure room. I even forgot about the ban on me entering YG.

In the dimmed-lighted room, Yeh Jin was on the sofa with her legs hugged closed to her body. Her head was buried in her knees. Seung Hyun seated next to her, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knee caps while his hands rubbing his face in a stressful manner. And the sight sure worried me even more.

“Yeh Jin ah, what’s wrong?” Quickly heading over to the girl, I squatted infront of her and reached for her arm when she refused to spare me any attention.

“Come with me.” I looked behind and saw Seung Hyun towering over me with an unreadable expression. Suddenly feeling scared, I casted a glance at Yeh Jin before following Seung Hyun out.

“What happened?” I asked when we arrived at the emergency exit. Watching anxiously as he leaned back on the railing of the staircase, nervousness and worry got the better of me and I felt frustrated that he was leaving me hanging.

“Yeh Jin called me in the afternoon and pleaded me to bring her away.” Frowning as more confusion clouded my mind, I waited anxiously for him to continue. “Her mother went to the home.”

“What?” I nearly yelled, could not be more shocked than this. “Why?” I watched him getting stressed out before speaking again.

“Yeh Jin overheard the conversation between her mother and the staff. She might be going for a court case for Yeh Jin’s custody.”

“What? No…” I could barely hear myself. All I know was absurdity that I was hearing.

“Yeh Jin was very shaken by it. Her mother was upset when the staff turned down her request of seeing Yeh Jin.” Taking a moment to take in everything, I remained silent. What her mother wants? Why did she only show up now? After so many years, why now?

“What you going to do now?” Seung Hyun asked with the same soft, hoarse voice. I did not look at him as I was still processing the news. Turning around, I went out and headed back to the where Yeh Jin was. There she was, looking scared with swollen eyes. Her furrowed brows showed how stressed she was. I sat down beside her and embraced her lightly.

“You came to oppa just because of this?” Trying to take it lightly, I hope not to add on to her stress by showing how affected I was. “Aren’t you always hoping to see your mother again?” My voice remained soft and I tried my hardest to stop my voice from shaking. There was a pause and I waited for her. “Do you want to go to her?”

“Am I a burden?” Yeh Jin finally mumbled in her knees and her voice gave away that she was crying. Tightening the grip on her shoulder, I smiled when Yeh Jin finally showed me her face.

“Silly, this is not for me. It’s about you. I am going to do what your choice is.” I reached up and wiped her tears away with my thumbs before we stared at each other. After a long silence, Yeh Jin finally answered with an unusual determination.

“I don’t want to go with her.”

Even though I might look confident, I was feeling the exact opposite. With Yeh Jin’s decision, I did not know what I should do next. I was aware I would be involved in a law suit, but where should I start with? All I could think of was running to President and tell him about it. I decided to bring Yeh Jin back to my place but Seung Hyun disagreed.

“Before we send her to your place, let’s sort things out a bit. We need to talk.” With what he said, he reminded me of something else. The sight of my parents seeing me bringing a young girl back home would only lead to more questioning and I was not in the mood to talk about it tonight.

“Let’s go to Dream Inn.” I decided and he drove us over.

Yeh Jin had a hard time going to sleep but I made sure I was by her side until she fell into slumber. Watching her sleeping peacefully, I finally managed to relax a little. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned back to see Seung Hyun tilted his head to the door, gesturing for me to following him outside. He brought me to another room next to the one Yeh Jin was sleeping in and closed the door, making sure to leave a gap between the door and the door frame.

“Are you going for the law suit?” Keeping his voice low, he asked.

“Yes, I have to do it.” Replying as quietly as his, I nodded.

“Please think again. Now you are bringing in a court case on top of your situation.”

“Are you suggesting that I give up Yeh Jin?” I was clearly offended by what he was implying. What the heck?

“Tell your president about it. See if he will allow this to happen.”

“I will talk to him about this. It is none of your business.” I spat. “I will not get you involved. I will not bother you with my issues like before.”

“How is that possible?” He shot back instantly. “We have not broken up. I have known Yeh Jin even before we got together. You think the lawyers would not approach me for evidence? And your managers and president. They are all witnesses.” I knew this court case that I was intending to take up would cause a lot of trouble and get many people into unnecessary trouble, but I just could not force Yeh Jin to someone she does not want to be with.

“I know you are worried about how much trouble you will be in. Don’t worry, I will work out a way so the lawyers, the media and everyone else would never bother you.” I reassured, enough of this talk because I was already very nervous at what I will be facing.

“It’s not about anyone else. It’s you!” Pain, desperation and frustration flashed in Seung Hyun’s eyes. “You won’t be able to handle all these. Get things straight into that skull of yours.” For some unknown reason, tears shot up to my eyes.

“Will you stop poking your nose into my business? I already said I will leave you out of this. I will go through this alone.”

“Are you making any sense? Take some time to process what you are intending to do!” Irritated at how he was talking to me, I warned.

“Stop raising your voice. You are going to wake Yeh Jin up.”

“I don’t care if you are angry that I am interfering.” He ignored me and continued ranting. “If you are in, I am in too. This is not just your problem. I am not going to let you go through this alone.” At the last sentence, I hated how I could feel a slight warmth even though we were in a heated argument. We still love each other. A lot. After staring at each other for a long time, I was the first to break the eye contact. I could not take it. I feared that I might lose control and hug him tight, crying out my emotions. Maybe Seung Hyun saw how I was about to cry for he took a step forward but I instinctively steed back in an instant which halted Seung Hyun.

“Don’t look at me like that.” I said, my eyes away from him. “Don’t you dare pity me.” Sighing in defeat, he rolled his eyes which I did not miss.

“Think whatever you want. So what now?”

“You go back. I can handle from here.”

And he left. I immediately informed President about it.

“Where are you and Yeh Jin now?” Seemingly appalled at the news, he managed to ask calmly after a long pause.

“We are at Dreams’ Inn.”

“You did a great job for not bringing her home. Jung ah, go to sleep. Bring the girl over to the agency tomorrow. I will call Jin Hye and Yoo Hyun to fetch you two. Watch over the girl for the mean time.”

This year is really trying to kill me.


I know apologising is not enough. Just kill me for taking forever.

But I still can't not type an author's note because I really miss you guys! I really hope you all were not thinking that I am abandoning my stories. In fact, I think of them everyday but just could not complete the chapter. It was a hard time. Life and the annoying writers' block...

And I actually can't locate the lyrics for 'When love is not enough'. Even after ransacking my emails, thumbdrives and other devices, I still could not find it. Now, the more I think of it, the more pissed I get. I could simply retype it, but I actually wrote the lyrics so long ago that I could barely remember the content. All I could remember was I really like it. Sigh... Now I hope I did not leave the file in the laptop that died on me.

Still, hope you guys are doing great all these while. Would love to hear from you people again!


Posted on 180916, 11:28PM

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mher17 #1
Chapter 38: Are you still going to update authornim😭
FannyChoi #2
Chapter 27: Pls update chakkanim. As much as i hate how you make Yu Ting always keeps everything to herself. I still need to know whether they’ll end up together or not. YT should’ve told AH everything from the start. Why why why. And of course should’ve killed Min Ah in the first place. I imagine Seo Yea Ji will appear and run over Min Ah in the end
mher17 #3
Chapter 38: please update auuthornim..been waiting for years T_T
Syaa21 #4
Chapter 33: Please update.. im waiting...
Popkorn17 #5
Chapter 35: Re-reading again! Please update!
Need to know what happens next!
mher17 #6
Chapter 38: so happy to see to see this story update! i hope it wont take too long for next update ;)
miezah_ija #7
Chapter 38: Goodness thank you again for the update. How are you??
Popkorn17 #8
Chapter 37: I honestly thought I saw a dream... That updated mark... Cannot believe you're back ??? thank you so much.
I really loved this story and even the continued chapters of the drama for You and I... Please don't forget us since this is too much of an investment to lose.
Thank you once again.

(SH and J forever~~~)
Northrk #9
Chapter 36: it’s been 2 years, will u ever continue this story?
thinkdreamlive #10
I really like this series! I hope you do continue