Chapter 26

You And I 2

Life at Japan was hectic and I finally had some time to talk more with Seung Hyun other than the usual 'goodnights'. He had brought Ye Jin out for dinner today and I was thankful that he was taking care of her. He didn't have to do it.

"She ate the whole pot of beef stew that even I, couldn't finish!" I laughed when he exclaimed at the other line.

"Did you guys order a portion smaller than usual? That girl can eat quite a lot."

"It was an extra-serving order..." He muttered and I chuckled again. Just imagine Seung Hyun's face when Ye Jin swallowed the entire pot of extra serving beef stew. Oh god, hilarious!

"Thank you, oppa." I said when my laughter subsided, my lips pulling into a smile. "You don't have to do this. Thank you for keeping Ye Jin accompanied."

"Don't be. It's nothing. And moreover, being with Ye Jin reminds me of you."

"Are you then making use of Ye Jin? That's evil and sick! How can you be with our little Ye Jin just because you want to be with me?"

"I didn't say I want to be with you. I just said she reminds me of you." He shot back calmly, which I pouted. I can't lose too.

"That's okay, if you say so. I'm in Japan anyway. So even if you want to meet up with me, it isn't easy."

"Yah, can you not say it that way?" I laughed at his sulking tone. Woohoo! I won!

"But seriously." I stopped, waiting for him to continue. "Jung, I missed you already. So much. When are you coming back?" I smiled when he whined at the last part, my heart fluttering madly.

"I don't know. I just started the promotional activities here."

"Oh, come on. I will pick you up from at the airport. Promise. So come back." I could not stop smiling at his whines. Aigoo, my big boy...

"Oppa, why are you making things difficult for me?"

"Yah, you said you will be going back and forth to Korea...!" Like a child throwing a fit, he argued his way through. Defeated, I climbed out of bed to check my scheduler. Gosh, he will be the death of me...

"I'm returning for Nike's opening ceremony. But it's next week..."

"Noooo...! How can I wait till next week?" He cried.

"I have only been away for four days. Aren't you exaggerating?"

"Don't you miss me too?" He asked back and I know we were about to bicker about this who-loves-who-more thing again. Playfully, of course.

"Hey, why are you making me sound like I'm not devoted to you?"

"Because you are always so indifferent!"

"Why are you raising your voice?" I demanded, even though I was smiling.

"Wah...! I can't believe it! You made me dumbfounded!" He sighed dramatically which bubbled laughters from my throat. Oh god, he is so cute!

"Laugh. You made me so flustered so keep laughing." I scoffed at his sarcasm.

"I will make it up to you when I return. Make you food?" Trying to appease him, I thought food was quite a nice idea.

"I am not a child! Even ice cream won't satisfy me!" Having the urge to laugh again, I decided to make him the unreasonable one this time.

"Then come to Japan! I'm telling you I can only go back next week! Why do you always make me feel bad?" And it was true. Sometimes when he said things that way, it made me feel guilty for my 'indifference' about us and enthusiasm for my job.

"Hmph!" I let out a laugh at his childish response and I ended the conversation.

Two days had past and after a tiring day when I thought I could finally rest, I suffered from a severe shock.

"You have a guest." Jin Hye said when I asked why we weren't on the route home.

"Unnie, are you going to sell me away? I want to go home..." I tried to make her quit fooling around. I'm dying of exhaustion. "A guest is no longer a guest when we have to look for him. He should look for us." I explained.

"Just sleep." She patted on my head. What? Calling me to sleep when I am supposed to meet this oh-so-important guest that we have to drive to him at like what, 11.50PM? I didn't miss Yoo Hyun smiling to himself through the reverse mirror and I eyed both my sneaky managers. Are they starting to bully me as well? Oh, I can create an official page for my bullies...!

Nevertheless, I ended up dozing off during the ride. I stirred when the door of the van slid open and through my half-lidded eyes, I saw a dark figure entering the van.

"Annyeonghaseyo." And he plopped to the seat next to me. No, wait. That voice.

"I'm so sorry for all the trouble. And thank you." My eyes were already wide opened then, staring at this man who just intruded the van. What the heck is he doing here?!

"What are you doing here?" Sitting up, I asked in surprise. Am I dreaming or what? I'm still in Japan, right?

"Just sleep." Seung Hyun just pushed my head to his shoulder with a suppressed smile as he placed his bag on the ground. That smile that he always has when he finds me funny. What's so funny?! I pulled myself away from him, realising that Jin Hye had moved to the front seat. Since when? And she together with Yoo Hyun, they were laughing to themselves. Seriously, can Seung Hyun be the president of the Yi Jung's Bullies Club and get my managers to join?

"Why are you here?" I asked again. Just what the heck is going on?

"I said I wanted to see you." He replied like it was the most usual thing.

"But this is Japan! You came here just to meet me?"

"Apparently." My eyes widened and he retorted. "Yah, am I the only one dying to see you? You don't want me here?"

"But... Don't you have to work?"

"It's my free time." He muttered and I could sense he was getting a little upset. I stared at him as he took out his phone, probably texting a message. It made me a little guilty for not looking excited. I should have showed him how much I appreciated his effort and how wrong he was for saying I didn't miss him. I rested my head back on his shoulder, close to his scent and breathed in deep with closed eyes. I thought he would childishly push me away to show his dissatisfaction but he might have realised I was inhaling his scent for he stayed still.

"I miss you too, okay? Why do you always think I only care about my job?" I whispered, getting comfortable in my current position.

"Because you don't seem like you miss me."

"That's just because I don't show it. You know I can't express well." Because of that, I had a really hard time when I started acting initially. I did not know how to show the characters' feelings. Now that my acting had improved, it still didn't improve my self-expression. It was still a problem that I had to solve. "Oppa..." I called whiningly when he ignored me. Sighing, he looked down at me and planted a light kiss at the tip of my nose.

"I missed you." I muttered, shifting and gave him a tight hug to show him that I meant what I said.

"Can never be angry with you for long..." He said with a sigh which I tightened my hold.

"I know. Oppa treats me the best." Pulling away, I smiled at him. "And loves me the most too." He gave me a light knock on the forehead with his and I grinned wider, throwing myself to him, into that comfortable warmth and addictive scent.

We ended up calling Mac Donald's delivery and going for a walk around the neighbourhood when my managers had retired to their rooms. Of course, we cleared all evidence of our sinful supper. But hey, it had been years since I have fast-food. I missed the fries!

"Are you sure you can? You are having your promotions, you know." Seung Hyun kept nagging on how we should stay at home instead.

"It's okay. Yoo Hyun oppa brought me out on a walk yesterday too."

"And why are you wearing so little..." He frowned at me, taking off his parka and making me wear it. "Never listen. You are really going to be the death of me..." Pouting as he continued to rant on, I adjusted the oversized outer-wear on me.

"What if you get a cold?" I asked in concern, seeing that he only had his woolen sweater on.

"All your fault!" He childish blamed but I noticed that he had been like this since he arrived in Japan. Easily sulking, more calculative, more childish, more demanding. He wasn't like that before. Like in this case, he would usually just nag a little and scold me playfully. But now, he seemed like he mean it. He looked like he was irritated at my constant disobedience. Is he sick of me? I stared at him, my mood already dampened. He knocked the side of my head before draping his arm over my shoulder, didn't know I was bothered.

We continued to walk in silence, enjoying the peaceful time we had. Though I was still bothered. There were still small chat between us and that was when he said he will be taking the 5AM flight back.

"Why... I thought you will be staying for a day or two..." Clearly disappointed, I looked at him. He smiled faintly.

"I have my first script reading later in the morning. The drama is confirmed." Gaze fixed on his eyes, I could not help but feel bad again. He came all the way here when he could have gotten some sleep. Just imagine how tired he was rushing here and there. How is he supposed to work later?

"You must be very tired..." I said whisperingly. My poor boy...

"I'm okay. I will just sleep in the plane." He shrugged. You still need to read through the script... I didn't say it, fearing that he might get stress and feel the lack of time. Reaching for his arm when I realised him shivering a little, I chuckled and started to pull him towards the end of the road where there was a vending machine. I dropped the coins and bought us hot coffee. We walked back and I decided to head home since he was like freezing. He didn't allow it when I wanted to return the parka to him.

We took turns to have a hot shower and cuddled in bed.

"Sleep, Jung ah. It's so late already..." He cooed like I was a baby. I was feeling super drowsy but trying to keep myself awake as long as possible.

"You won't be here after I wake up..." I said, feeling a little sad at it. I will miss him. All of him. His grip tightened on me and I snuggled closer to his neck.

"Oppa will take a short nap before leaving. So you sleep too." His soft bass-liked voice was like lullaby and I let my eyes closed, feeling myself falling into slumber.

My sleep was disturbed when I felt movements around me and I suddenly felt cold. Squinting my eyes opened, I saw the door closed silently and realised something. I climbed out of bed, shivering at the freezing air and walked out, glancing at the clock on the way. Only half an hour had past... Seung Hyun was grabbing onto his bag and slipping into his shoes.

"Oppa..." I called, since my throat wasn't as dry. He turned in surprise but walked to me.

"Did I wake you up?" I smiled. Not really his fault since I was a light sleeper. He tugged on my arm to bring me back to the room, with me looking at him confusingly. "Come, let's put you back to bed."

"It's okay..." I smiled wider when I finally understood what his intention was. "Let me drive you to the airport." I headed to grab my trench coat and car keys.

"I will go after you sleep." He insisted quietly. "Come on, be good."

"Then everything will seem like a dream. You disappear after I wake up..." I muttered quietly. We stared at each other for a moment before he closed the gap between us. Sighing opening, he tightened the hug and leaned down to bury his face in my neck. No words were needed. We understood.

"I won't be able to leave if you are around..."

"Even so, you can't just go when I am asleep." Sighing in content, I closed my eyes and buried my face in his chest.

"Aigoo... I can't leave already... Go back to sleep." He tried to convince me but I shook my head.

"I will send you over." I tugged on him but he had that reluctant look. "Do you have to force me to say that I am actually trying to prolong our time together?" I asked. I don't intend and don't want to admit my actual intention but this guy! Chuckling, he securely held onto my cheeks and pressed several firm kisses on my lips.

"Hey..." I complained when I puckered my lips to receive one of his pecks but he inched back when he was about to touch it. Teasing me again...! With a mischievous glint, he tapped his lower lip and I eyed him. Tsk. Moving a little closer, until our toes touching, I leaned in and my parted lips lingered on his. Through half lidded eyes, I stared at his half opened ones as he stared down at me. My fingertips his cheek and down to his killer jaw-line.

"I can't leave already..." He muttered under his breath when I gave him a full kiss. Encircling his arm tightly around my waist, the other across my back, he dipped his head down for a sensual make-out. When he trailed his heated lips to my neck, he breathed.

"Did I make this?" I smiled, knowing what he meant. The faded reddish hickey before I left Korea. Believe it or not, this particular one had lasted through the days, nearly a week already and I had to use make-up to cover it. I hummed, tightening my arms around his neck.

"Who else..." Yeah, come to think of it, it was quite an obvious question. He began giving my neck, collarbone and shoulders butterfly kisses all over and I could not help but closed my eyes at the sensation and the fluttering at my heart. We embraced each other tightly, I could not really breathe but our hold only tightened as every second ticked by.

"Thank you, oppa... For coming over." I whispered, resting my cheek on his shoulder.

"Anything for you. Everything for you..." He gave me a squeeze before pulling away. I reached for his hand and pulled him out, our fingers intertwining.

The agency did not rent a car for me during my promotional stay in Japan so I used the van. Seung Hyun wanted to drive but I insisted that he rest. However, we ended up engaging in small talks as we made our way to the airport. By the time I pulled the van at the airport entrance, it was about time for Seung Hyun to board the plane.

"Hurry run along." I said to him, removing my foot from the brakes.

"Before that, I nearly forget." My brow raised when he dug in his duffle bag. He placed a pink Apple iPod Nano in my hand. I looked more curious.

"I am working on an album secretly and one of the songs are done. I want you to know it."

"I can keep this?" He laughed, nodding.

"If you decide to be generous enough, comment on it." I nodded with a smile and he pressed a light kiss on my lips.

"God, I missed you already..." He whispered, our forehead touching. I didn't want him to go, seriously. At times like this, I always hoped that we were normal working adults where we could apply for a few days leave. Tilting my head in an angle as I reached for his lips again, my hand went up to cup his cheek as I deepened the kiss. It's okay for girls to initiate once in a while, right?

"I will call you immediately when I touch down in Korea next week. I will make it up to you then." I whispered back and sighed, closing my eyes. "How should I even express how I am feeling now..." God, what's the best word for this longing to be with him? It was so strong, it couldn't be called 'longing' anymore. I slid my arms to his neck and he somehow read my mind and hugged me quicker than I could as he laughed. Awkward position we were in, considering that we were in the front seat of the car but I couldn't be bothered.

"What occasion is it? You actually attempted to express yourself."

"I just don't want you to see me as indifferent about us. Don't misunderstand me..." I softened my tone at the last part. He didn't say anything but tightened the embrace and I felt so secured, my heart could not stop racing.

"Could I kidnap you to Korea with me?" I laughed when he whispered into my neck, his voice muffled.

"I will fly to you next week. Don't have to bother kidnapping." He groaned, snuggling deeper into my neck.

"Now..." I smiled at his whines, my heart somehow feeling warm. "Jung ah..." He continued whining, showing his aegyo.

"I love you, oppa..." He pulled away to look at me. "If we were to meet at a different situation, if we were not celebrities, if you do not have these eyes and this voice that captivated me so much, I think I will still fall in love with you."

"Even if I am still chubby?"

"I used to be chubby too..." I reminded. "If we weren't musicians, we wouldn't even put in the effort to lose weight. We will be the most compatible couple ever." He finally laughed, which I was so glad.

"You always have a way to assure and calm me down. That's what I love the most about you." He reached up to cup my cheek, his thumb caressing. "And that's why I need you. To be always by my side. Did I behave like a child again all the while today?" I shook my head.

"I never say I mind. You are still you." Closing my eyes when he leaning in for a kiss, I dropped my hands to his giving a firm grip.

"I shouldn't have allowed you to come with me. I really need to go now."

"Hm. Let's go." I said, my hand reaching for the door to walk him to the departure gate but his hand stopped my wrist. Turning back to him, I watched as he tugged on my wrist to bring my hand away from the handle and held both hands in his.

"I will go alone. I don't want to be unable to leave at the gantry." I smiled upon that and heard him continue when I dropped my gaze to our hands. "And I also don't want any unnecessary attention on you during your promotional period."

"Oppa, I promise I will call you everyday." He nodded and gave me a last peck on the forehead before he opened the door and walked out, slamming the door quickly before he changed his mind on leaving. I watched his retreating figure. He did not turn back once and I was glad he didn't because I wouldn't want him to see my teary eyes then. I don't want him to worry about me.

Life was as per normal for the entire week. Extremely busy and exhausting but I kept my promise by calling Seung Hyun everyday. Even times when I was having lunch or breaks. Any time when I missed him. I also monitored him through news on websites and programmes that he was in. And once again, I realised the difference of being attached and single. I don't remember wanting to see a person so badly when I first came to Korea, watching and waiting for updates through the Internet and missing someone so much. It was miserable and hard, but I managed to hang in there till the day I had to return to Korea for the Nike's opening ceremony in Cheon Nam.

"Yah, you can't." Jin Hye said as I was staring at my scheduler, as if it would give me enough time for myself. "Meet him later."

"We have half an hour free after going to the salon." I said to rationalize.

"Jung ah." I turned to Yoo Hyun at the front, immediately knowing I was being unreasonable and unprofessional upon hearing his strict tone. "This is the first time you ever behave like this. Whatever it is, make it the last time as well."

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." I quietly said and silently sighed. Jin Hye sighed as well and left me alone. I admit I was wrong, but I just couldn't help it. I typed a text message to Seung Hyun telling him I had to rush to work and after that my agency to settle some matters.

From Seung Hyun,

Don't worry. Do well and call me after everything. I will still be in YG.

And yeah, I attended the opening and had a mini fansign. It lasted for around 3 hours before I was sent to the agency. I visited the kids at the recording studio. After debuting, they will be dropping another single as planned, to keep them hyped up. Seung Gi was there and we supervised them. I was so proud of them when I listened to the final piece. They are awesome.

"I will be working on a full length album for you guys. As you all already know, you guys do not have a specific role in the group. You are miracles so all of you have to be able to rap, sing and dance. Since Kyung In was the rapper the previous time, this time Jung Jun will be the main rapper. Kyung In and Eun Sung, you will be the vocals." All of them nodded. "I will make the songs to suit you all so if there are any types of concepts you all would like to try, let me know."

"If we are miracles, we will suit any kinds of songs." I smiled at Jung Jun when he said that. Unexpected words from him, even though his cockiness is expected...

"Yes, noona. We trust you." Kyung In said with a smile.

"Unnie, we will do well." Eun Sung grinned.

"Yes, that's the spirit." I concluded. "Rest well for the day." Finally! My schedules for the day has ended! I thought of taking a later flight back, but I had something on in the afternoon the next day so I had to leave Korea at 12PM tomorrow.

I hopped out of the van immediately when it stopped and turned back, waving.

"Unnie, I will call you!" And I turned back to the main door of the building. The security nodded for me to enter and I literally dashed to the lobby. Thank god I was wearing sneakers and I ran to the recording studio where Seung Hyun was said to be at.

"Oppa...!" I called as I opened the door, seeing him inside. He turned to me, his phone against his ear and he somewhat looked worried.

"Yes, hyung. I'm coming up right now." And he hung up, walking towards me.

"Hey, you are here." I still managed to smile.

"Is there something on?" His lips pursed into a line and I didn't miss it when he sighed quietly.

"I need to see Hyun Suk hyung now. I will be back soon." And he walked passed me, causing me to feel more confused and worried. It must be very serious for him to not hug me upon seeing me.

I stayed there as told. And because I was bored, I used the iPad to check for kpop news. I clicked on the top 1 popular article, my eyes narrowing.

'Big Bang's TOP self-composed track leaked.'

I tried to play the short snippet of audio but it turned out that the website had taken it down. Is this why Seung Hyun was called up? I got so worried that I found myself pacing outside Mr Yang's office. I waited and it was quite a while before Seung Hyun walked out.

"Oppa," I rushed up to him. "What's wrong?" He stared at me.

"Jung, I need to talk to you." And he guided me to the lobby. In the lift, no one talked. I was nervous. I had no idea what happened. He brought me to emergency staircase, closing the door and glancing around to see if anyone or CCTV was around.

"Oppa." I called to grab his attention.

"My song has leaked out." He stated, staring straight into my eyes. I nodded.

"I saw the news just now. Is it the one you showed me?" And he nodded. "How can that be?" He closed his eyes and breathed in to calm himself down.

"I'm not suspecting you. I believe there are some misunderstanding. Try recalling. Have you left the music player unattended?" I thought for a while, shaking my head a slowly.

"I kept it at home. And it is still in my bag." Reaching for my hand which was digging in my bag to produce the device so that he would believe me, he stopped it and gave a squeeze.

"Hyun Suk hyung just found out I was working on an album and didn't know that I had showed the song to you. The agency is solving the problem." He reassured but I still felt bad. He only showed it to me and it leaked. What does that mean?

"Oppa..." I stopped him when he tried bringing me out. "I'm sorry..." My voice dropped to a whisper. He came over and hugged me, his big hand at the back of my head.

"It's not your fault. No one wants this." He said whisperingly, turning to kiss the side of my head. "Let's go." And he pulled me out of the place.

When we were back in the recording studio, he turned to me again, smiling this time.

"I am working on the other songs and you came back. Let's make the best out of it."

"But how?" Honestly speaking, all the mood was gone. I was guilty and he had work. I shouldn't disturb him. "I think I should go back first. I don't want to disturb you." Grabbing my bag, I gave an awkward smile but I was stopped by a back hug.

"Stay with me for the night. You will be leaving soon and I know I will regret if I allow you to walk away like that." I turned back, throwing myself at him as tears pooled in my eyes.

"I'm sorry... It must be me being careless..."

"No..." He secured me to his chest. "Don't... I'm not blaming you... I'm just confused. I don't know what happened..."

"I'm sorry... But I never intend for this to happen. How is it leaked out? How could it be..." He cooed, tightened his grip.

"It's never your fault. I didn't tell you this to make you feel bad."

"But..." He pulled away, quickly sealing my lips and devouring them. I tried pushing him away but he didn't barge. Encircling his arms around my waist and the other across my back up to the back of my head, he held me in place and had me in his control.

"It's not your fault... I didn't blame you..." He pulled away just enough to whisper before claiming my lips again. Tears spilled as I hugged him back. I sobbed between kisses and my mind was clouded with confusion. What the heck happened? I trusted Seung Hyun when he said he only told me about it. My eyes opened when Seung Hyun pulled away gently.

"Think only of me." Saying as he wiped away my tears with his thumb, his breath fanned my lips. "I don't like half-hearted kisses." And he pressed hard on her lips, so hard that my head fell back a little. My hands fisted his leather coat, tugging on it when he on my lower lip. I was out of breath and yet he refused to stop. Trying to receive his passionate attempt, I had to hold onto him firm in case he pushed himself onto me further. I whimpered when I was so out of breath and closed my eyes as I panted hard once he pulled back.

"Come with me..." And he bent down to grab my bag which had dropped to the ground, his free hand grabbed mine and pulled me out.

"To where?"

"I don't know. Anywhere." He turned back with a smile.

Time check, it was only around 11PM and we had plenty of time before my flight. Here we were, walking out of YG building hand in hand, to nowhere in particular. Seung Hyun asked about my schedules and told me what a joke Seung Ri was when he got scolded from Mr Yang just yesterday.

"I couldn't believe he actually did that again. Told him so many times to be careful..." I laughed.

"My Big Bang oppas are just too cute..." I scanned our surrounding once we made a turn. Yes, I'm on a look-out for any paparazzis. I mean, Seung Hyun just got himself on the headlines. I don't want anymore dramas.

"Shall we catch a movie? There is this animation that looks quite interesting." He asked as he stared ahead at the mall towering over us, obviously unbothered about what happened just half an hour ago.

"You're not talking about Frozen, right?" I threw him a judging look and he shot back in defense.

"Why not?!" And he dragged me in. Cartoon? Seriously?

Seung Hyun bought us the tickets, popcorns and coke. We decided to wait inside since the movie will be starting in ten minutes' time. He also purchased extra tickets so that the others will be seated at least a seat away from us. I don't really get it, but it has became his habit ever since we started dating officially, claiming that it was just so to protect me from getting recognized.

As the advertisements were screening, I pulled out the pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream that Seung Hyun made me smuggle in and gave it to him. He's basically making me do everything bad. He grinned cheekily and I continued to dig for the plastic spoons that we got from the convenience store when we were getting the ice cream.

"I grabbed Vanilla. So go ahead and eat lots." He removed the cover and carefully scooped the slightly melted treat for me.

"Don't rush. You wouldn't want the spoon to break and you will have no more ice cream." I teasingly whispered back as I pushed the spoon through my lips. He stuck out his tongue childishly before going back to the pint of ice cream. I smiled inwardly at that, turning back to the screen. He seriously looks like a cutey little child right now.

Okay, the show was fine. Even though it will not be in my list of choices for a movie date. But seeing that Seung Hyun was so engrossed in it, I guess it didn't matter anymore. I mean, he even paid for the tickets... We were half-way through the movie when Seung Hyun's hand fell on mine. I looked down at my lap and back to him curiously as I watched him removing his jacket discreetly, his eyes never leave the screen for even a millisecond. My hands get cold easily, even when I was just in a normal air-conditioned room. He draped the thick clothing over my lap. I smiled as I turned back to the screen. Seung Hyun always checked if I am cold. And you might ask why he won't warm my hand like other couples would. What I would say is that we don't do PDA. We don't want others to be disturbed and attract any attention. If you realised, we only hold hands in public. At most.

"Hey... Is that Yi Jung?" I slightly froze when I heard someone whisper from the back. Nevertheless, the little movement from Seung Hyun might have attracted attention in the still theatre. I turned to Seung Hyun, but he was ignoring. Frozen is the world now.

"That's TOP...!" Another cried and I already knew that everyone was staring at our direction. I bit my inner cheek as I began to feel uneasy. Probably reading my mind, Seung Hyun decided to take his eyes off the screen for a precious second to turn back. He gave his head a small bow, smiling a little. He just wanted to calm them down and hopefully conveyed the message that he wanted our date to go smoothly. Luckily, they got settled down again and I sighed in relief as I diverted my attention back to the movie.

When the credits rolled down the screen at the end and everyone was slowly dispersing through the exits, Seung Hyun remained seated and I guessed that he wanted to be the last to leave so people will not swarm around us.

"We will surely support you!" Someone screamed and we looked to our side to see a group of grinning girls.

"Oppa, you're so handsome!" One shrieked and Seung Hyun smiled back.

"Jung is very beautiful as well." He added and I eyed him with widened eyes, feeling embarrassed and shy. They screamed.

"Yes! Unnie is like a goddess!"

"Hey, you didn't compare me to a god just now." Seung Hyun jokingly argued and more shrieks were heard. They covered their mouth as they laughed, walking off. I saw smiles on Seung Hyun's face and when he turned to me, I asked.

"Since when have you started to interact with fans differently?" Smiling inwardly, he pulled me to my feet.

"Well, starting from this moment."

"Oppa, you're in a good mood." I noticed, smiling.

"Got to watch an anticipated movie with my girl. Why am I not?" It was amusing to see him able to get over the issue regarding the leakage of his song so quickly. But since he was having a great time, I don't want to mention it just to remind him and spoil his mood.

He put on his jacket and we headed out. Tugging me along, he said he wanted coffee so we went to Starbucks and he got his usual Iced Americano while I ordered Iced Vanilla Latte. We sat at the resting area near the emergency staircase of the mall.

"Oppa," I called as I got excited. I must share this with him! He watched wonderingly as I pulled out a bottle of Nutella. "Nutella with coffee is really nice." He rolled his eyes, knowing it was another strange combination that I had discovered.

"How is that going to melt in the drink? The coffee is cold." He quickly removed his drink from the table before I could reach it.

"I will help you." I gestured for him to hand the drink over.

"No!" He shot back, guarding the coffee closed to his chest. So childish.

"It's really nice!" And it's true! We kept bickering until he got tired and I leaned over to grab his drink. I successfully put in a blob of the chocolate spread with the straw and stirred it. I stirred for a long time before it was completely dissolved and tasted it. God! This is the taste!

"Here!" I slid the cup back to him and watched in anticipation. He eyed me skeptically and finally placed the straw between his lips. When he withdrew it, he looked horrified.

"It tasted just like Nutella! You just ruined my coffee!" He cried.

"Of course it will taste like Nutella." I argued back. "Will it taste like cheese?"

"How is this nice?!"

"It's nice!"

"No! Nutella fries and Nutella coffee are not nice!"

"Nutella fries is nice! Seung Gi oppa and the kids said that too!"

"Then you eat with them!"

"I will!" We both glared at each other until a laugh bubbled from my throat. This is just so funny.

"You drink it!" He roughly pushed his drink to me. Great! I earned myself an extra cup of coffee! "And if it’s nice, why didn't you add into your latte?"

"I was about to when you freaked out." I explained. "It actually tastes nicer with latte. Do you want to try?" I asked innocently, ready to remove the cover from the bottle of Nutella but he snatched my drink which I stared at him with widened eyes.

"You can enjoy your Nutella Americano while this is good enough for me." What?! No! How can he take my latte away when he clearly knew that I am not a big fan of Americano? I hmphed and sulkingly sipped on the Nutella Americano. How can he do this to me... When I heard him chuckling, I realised I must be pouting and I kicked his calf under the table.

"Cute." He commented, ruffling my hair and I slapped his hand away. Arg! He smirked, grabbing my hand and pulled me up from the chair.

"Why?" I asked, taken aback.

"It's getting late. Before the mall closes and locks us in here..." And he dragged me along towards the exit.

"Eating food with strange combinations is a symptom of eating disorder. Do you know that?" He asked when I was still trying to convince him that the Nutella coffee is nice.

"I know. But it's yummy. What else matters?" He eyed me.

"You sure eat a lot recently. Fast-food at midnight and now, chocolate with coffee? Did you exercise?"

"I know right. I sometimes binge eat too." I stated quietly. I didn't really exercise nowadays...

"Binge eat?" He asked with amusement. "What a sight. Show it to me."

"I'm serious." I said, my mood getting affected at the topic. I don't know why I am always eating nowadays... And I'm consuming junk food. "Maybe I should get consultation on my eating habits." This is absolutely not normal...

"Yah," He called, maybe trying to lighten the mood. "It's okay. You will have me no matter fat or thin." I rolled my eyes at him, even though I believed what he said.

"Hey!" He pretended to be offended and I laughed quietly at his attempt of cheering me up. "But it's true." He added when my laughter died down.

"I'm not going to leave you despite whatever that might happen." And I smiled softly, looking down as I felt that usual bliss warming up my being.

We continued our way back.

"Do you have your car? I don't have mine." Seung Hyun said as the YG building came into view. I shook my head and he smiled, hailing a taxi at the roadside. The both of us got in and maybe we were tired, the ride was a quiet one.

Seung Hyun walked me up to my unit and as I was entering through the door, he spoke,

"Aren't you going to invite me to stay over?" I smirked, pulling him in. "Tsk. I already suggested that we should spend the night together. Playing hard-to-get, huh?" I shrugged innocently as he eyed me from the corner of his eyes. He kicked off his shoes and placed it at the side before stepping in.

We took turns to shower before we sat abreast to one another on the bed.

"Quickly turn in. It's getting late." He nagged as he wiped his hair dry, seeing that I was just dazing.

"But my hair is still wet..." My eyes half-opened as I leaned my shoulder on his. Oh god, I'm so tired.

"Come here." He moved away from me and I groggily looked up, watching as he shifted his body to face me. Making me straddling him, he rested my head on his shoulder as he picked up his towel.

"Then don't wash your hair at night." He started to dry my hair lightly, causing me to feel sleepier. His warmth coaxed me and I just stayed still, my eyes closing.

"It doesn't make sense to wash your hair and go out, get them dirtied and never clean them before sleeping..." I muttered. But don't you think what I said make sense? He chuckled quietly, perhaps amused that I still had the energy to talk back at him.

"Sleep while I dry your hair. I will tuck you to bed after I'm done." I hummed, immediately falling into slumber as I tightened my hold on him.

I stirred, struggling to open my eyes from the sleepy strain when I sensed movement.

"I'm sorry. I tried to be as gentle as possible already..." Seung Hyun's peaceful face came into my view. I shook my head a little. It wasn't his fault. I'm a super light sleeper to begin with. He placed me on the bed and I moved in, making sure that he had enough space to lie down as well.

"Sleep comfortably. I will go lie outside or something..."

"Hmmm..." I whined in objections, furrowing my brows. Didn't he say he wanted to spend the night with me? Because I didn't have any ounce of intention to sleep alone tonight. I saw him chuckled, placing the towel on the side table before lifting up the covers and slipping in. Coming close to me, he eliminated any gaps between us by tugging on my waist.

"Two rare sights at a go. Aegyo and showing me you want me as much." When he quietly uttered, I pinched him at his shoulder blade upon his unstoppable teasing. He snuggled into my neck as he laughed again, my skin feeling the vibration. It was weird how my heart was able to feel the instant swell of bliss. Ain't I sleepy? Why do I still have the time and energy to have fluttering in my heart... I curled myself against his chest, my heart hurt a little when I felt myself fitted perfectly in the contours of his body. I literally felt myself loved him more at times like this. But this time, so much more...

"Am I that comfy?" He asked with a tinge of smugness and tease. It was quite a turn-off and mood spoiler question but this time I didn't roll my eyes like I usually would. I opened my eyes slowly and immediately saw the depth of his eyes. One of my hands slowly crept up to his cheek, my cold fingertips lingered as I finally cupped it with my whole hand. He was confused, but nevertheless smiled and leaned into my touch. My heart constricted at his smile that I had to slowly breathe in deep to ease the ache. He looked like an ordinary boy. My big boy... With half-lidded eyes, I leaned up and pressed a long, soft kiss on his lips. I lifted my gaze and saw him staring down at me. Neither of us broke the contact until he abruptly flipped and hovered over me as he parted his lips and kissed me passionately. I didn't response, aware of my unpleasant breath and he understood. Seung Hyun abruptly pulled away, hungrily planting quick pecks on my cheek and down my jawline, moving to my neck. Cradling my head, he continued to abuse my neck, leaving his teeth marks more often when I responded by whimpering and arching my back. At the back of my head, a nagging called me to stop. I don't want us to get so aroused that we might have . Right, I'm a conservative girl who believes in giving my ity after marriage.

"Hmmm..." I can't help but moaned when he rubbed his nose against my skin as he on it, holding onto the side of my neck firmly. My hand firmly held onto his shoulders to stop him if he leans in closer; my way of hinting him to stop. He seemed to notice my grasp for he looked up at me, then giving me a small warmth smile. A smile that made me go giddy for I know he won't force upon me. We have mutual understanding. But what he did next surprised me more. With a swift flip, I was lying on top of his broad, hard chest as he sighed in content. Embarrassed, I tried pushing my weight away from him but he encircled my body tight with both arms, his legs wrapped around me like I was a tree and he was the koala. Even though his actions only made my heart fluttered more intensely.

"I'm getting tired too... Let's sleep..." He lazily muttered, eyes already closed. His fingers ran through my hair as he them and a smile broke out on me unknowingly. He did it the way my mum did when I was only a young girl. He still remembers... It was years ago when one of the days, he me like my mum.

I didn't know I fell asleep. But my eyes groggily opened when I heard a strong vibration. Realising I was still on Seung Hyun, I carefully stretched my neck to minimize movements and when I realised it was Seung Hyun's phone, I lied back down. What time is it? Cautiously, I broke away from his hold and rolled off to the side. Seung Hyun turned and I watched to see if he was awake but he went motionless after that. I slowly crept out of bed and grabbed his phone on the dressing table and saw his manager Byung Young calling. It was only 6AM... The ringing stopped and a text message came in soon after. I saw part of the message at the preview.

'Call me, I will pick you up fo-'

Since Byung Young had to call Seung Hyun, it means he has work soon, right? I quickly went to wash up and took a shower before returning to the bedside.

"Oppa... Wake up..." I shook him and he groaned, turning away. Smirking, I pulled the cover off him and immediately, I saw his body tensed up at the freezing cold.

"Don't you have schedules... Wake up..." I briefly placed back the cover on his legs when he shuddered in the cold.

"Meeting with Min Ah..." His hoarse voice uttered after a while. I stared at him upon that name. "About the Japanese album release..."

"Then you wouldn't want her to wait." I managed to say without my voice shaking too much. Sitting by his side as I tried to push the uneasiness to the back of my head, I still smiled faintly when he gave me a soft morning peck.

In the end, Byung Yong drove us to the YG building. Seemed like Seung Hyun and Min Ah had a meeting with Mr Yang to discuss about the album release. I still had a few hours before my flight.

"Wait for me at the studio. It won't take long." Seung Hyun said and I nodded before he turned and walked towards the other direction. It was when I walked passed an empty room that I came to know that Mr Yang didn't utilize that I heard some noise. It was very faint, but it sounded familiar. Turning to the door just as it burst opened, Min Ah was seen holding onto a headphone connected to her phone. Wait, this song... Min Ah looked up from the phone and frowned when she saw me here.

"What are you doing here?"

"How did you get this song?" I pointed to the headphone still blasting with Seung Hyun's production which was circulated in the public. With a smile, Min Ah lifted the headphone slightly.

"Ah, this..." She tapped on the screen of the phone and the music stopped. "Oppa asked me to comment on it."

"You are lying." I immediately shot. Seung Hyun will never lie to me. Her eyes glared at me when I said that.

"So what if I am lying?" She snarled. Roughly pulling me into the room, she slammed the door closed and spun to me. "I just wanted to know what oppa was so secretive about." At the bottom of my heart, I was praying this wasn't happening. Don't tell me...

"I thought you are after me. Why did you drag him into this..." She let out a laugh sarcastically.

"I just wanted to see how oppa will think of you after knowing it was you who caused all this... I'm confident that he only showed it to you." I stared at her eerie smile. How in the world did she know everything?

"How did you know?"

"Oh, who wouldn't know?" Her arms flailing in the air dramatically, her voice a notch higher. "He tried to keep my hands away from that iPod Nano and Byung Young oppa said he went to Japan that day."

"How can you do this? How can you do that to Seung Hyun oppa who has been treating you like his sister?!" Unknowingly, I raised my voice. Why is Seung Hyun a victim when all she wanted to fool with around was me? How could she go this far?

"Who do you think you are screaming at me?" She shouted back. "If you realised, I only leaked snippet of the audio. You are the one I want to destroy. I want to see if oppa still trusts you so much or not." She roughly pushed me, causing me to lose my balance and fell. I was so angry. Why must she use violence all the time? Why is she pushing me around, testing my temper? Because this time, she really pushed the wrong button. Immediately getting up and stopping her before she walked out, I glared at her.

"Delete the song from your phone now." I ordered, my voice dangerously calm. "Now!"

"What do you think you are doing? Let go!" She screamed, trying to fling my hand away.

"I didn't know you will go this far, Min Ah- ssi. You can't do this!" I lectured as the both of us battled and she fell when I tugged on her. God knows how I feel. I was so mad, shocked and sad that I could cry. The thought of Seung Hyun enduring all these pained me and it was all because of her! Min Ah let out a yelp as her bum dropped to the ground, whimpering as she reached for her ankle. Surprised, I quickly went to her. She must have sprained her ankle. Just as I was about to help her up, the door burst opened and Seung Hyun stood there. He looked surprised. Well, I was surprised too.

"I don't want that too..." I turned to Min Ah to see her sobbing sadly and not to mention, pitifully. What? I literally gaped at her. What is she doing?

"Unnie, please believe me. It's not me..." My gaze dropped to her hands holding onto mine and then back to her face, shockingly dumbfounded.

"Min Ah yah, are you okay?" Seung Hyun came between us, shoving my hands away in a too crude manner and held Min Ah up but she pulled away from him.

"I'm sorry, unnie..."

"Min Ah- ssi," I called in a firm and strict voice. My eyes turned intense, as if calling her would stop her act. But it was a very wrong move as it pissed Seung Hyun.

"Jung, it's enough." And he pulled Min Ah up. What frustrated me more was Min Ah still 'helplessly' crying while Seung Hyun tried to comfort her.

"What happened?" He suddenly turned to me, asking in an interrogating tone and did he just glare at me?

"Oppa, don't scold unnie... Unnie is just sad and worried about you..." Min Ah caught Seung Hyun's hand and I nearly scoffed. I seriously feel like cursing the F word now. I thought I was seeing things when Seung Hyun flung her hands away and strode to me, still holding onto that accusing gaze on me.

"What had you said to her that she is shaking so much?"

"Don't look at me that way. I have done nothing wrong."

"You hurt her!" I thought I jerked when he boomed. "When did you start being violent?"

"What?" I furrowed my brows, my voice barely a whisper.

"I said what had she done that you have to push her?!" I looked away, taking a deep breath. I felt so wrong till I didn't know what to say anymore.

"Oppa, it's okay... It's just a misunderstanding. Unnie thought I caused the leakage when I was listening to your audio that I saved online." Min Ah's soft, frail voice rang again. My eyes widened for the umpteenth time upon that. She even made it as if she was wronged when I was supposed to be the one! My attention was diverted back to Seung Hyun when he turned to me again.

"You confronted her because of that?" He asked, somewhat in disbelief. "How more ridiculous can you get? I only showed it to you."

"Are you suspecting me?"

"I'm not. But why are you blaming someone innocent?"

"Am I the kind of person who offends people?" Tears threatened to fall and I had to clench on my jaws to control them. "Why are you doing this to me?" I barely whispered.

"How could she have caused a commotion when you are the only person who knows about it apart from me?!" My mind was sorting out all these things he threw at me as my eyes were kept on him. "Apologise to her." I suddenly felt like laughing. I had not made Min Ah apologise, and now I have to apologise to her?

"You're crazy." I should leave. This place is crazy with insane people. My arm was caught when I walked passed him and was met with his intense gaze.

"Let's not make things difficult. I am already having a hard time. Apologise to her. We will understand and forget about it.” His voice sounded like he was coaxing me but what? Why do I need their understanding when I did nothing wrong?

"If you are having a hard time, then rest." I sounded dead even to my own ears. He killed me. "And don't understand, don't forget. Because I won't." I looked ahead at the door, really feeling like leaving. I'm so tired, so drained...

"What's wrong with you..." He asked quietly but in exasperation. Like he was sick of me.

"I got it." I added, every word slow and weak. "You don't trust me." Yes, that was the conclusion that killed me. Somewhere at the bottom of his heart, he still suspected me even though he said he did not. And I pulled my hand away, walking passed him then Min Ah. I don't care whether she was smirking, gloating or whatever. I'm leaving.

As I was waiting for the lift, I lifted up my head to contain my tears, in pretense of looking at the screen and watched the number jumping slowly even though no one was around. When the door closed before me, I allowed a tear to fall and searched for my phone in my bag.

"Unnie, can you fetch me?"

I tried to make things looked like it never happened and I thought I did quite a great job but as expected of Jin Hye, she sensed something fishy.

"It's not like you to change plans, especially when it's your free time with Seung Hyun-ssi. Didn't you say you will come to the airport yourself?"

"Oppa drove us to breakfast and suddenly had an urgent meeting..." I expertly gave a lie, looking straight into her eyes so she would believe me before picking up the magazine. The air stewardess served us drinks and I left it on the table without taking a single sip. I forced myself to sleep. To go away from this miserable episode.


Hello people. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy it! ^^

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mher17 #1
Chapter 38: Are you still going to update authornim😭
FannyChoi #2
Chapter 27: Pls update chakkanim. As much as i hate how you make Yu Ting always keeps everything to herself. I still need to know whether they’ll end up together or not. YT should’ve told AH everything from the start. Why why why. And of course should’ve killed Min Ah in the first place. I imagine Seo Yea Ji will appear and run over Min Ah in the end
mher17 #3
Chapter 38: please update auuthornim..been waiting for years T_T
Syaa21 #4
Chapter 33: Please update.. im waiting...
Popkorn17 #5
Chapter 35: Re-reading again! Please update!
Need to know what happens next!
mher17 #6
Chapter 38: so happy to see to see this story update! i hope it wont take too long for next update ;)
miezah_ija #7
Chapter 38: Goodness thank you again for the update. How are you??
Popkorn17 #8
Chapter 37: I honestly thought I saw a dream... That updated mark... Cannot believe you're back ??? thank you so much.
I really loved this story and even the continued chapters of the drama for You and I... Please don't forget us since this is too much of an investment to lose.
Thank you once again.

(SH and J forever~~~)
Northrk #9
Chapter 36: it’s been 2 years, will u ever continue this story?
thinkdreamlive #10
I really like this series! I hope you do continue