Chapter 23

You And I 2

I stood there, unable to move. The fear I had doubled and I felt anxious and lost. I even jumped slightly when someone touched my arm.

"Wah, have I scare you that much?" Seung Hyun chuckled softly.

"Oh, oppa..." I smiled faintly, my voice soft. He frowned.

"What's wrong?" Noticing my change, he stepped closer. His eyes searching in mine. I managed to smile wider this time, reaching for his hand on my arm and squeezing it a little.

"I'm alright." My voice came out like a whisper.

"But you don't sound alright." He pressed on. "You can tell me. Did something happen when I'm away? Did the staff scold you?" I let out a weak laugh, shaking my head.

"They are great. No one told me off. I'm only having a little flu. Don't worry." I cooked up a lie. We were holding hands, facing each other while I looked down at my shoes. When I looked up, I could tell that he was going to say something since he didn't look like he buy what I said.

"Jung ah, what are you still doing there? We are running late." Jin Hye appeared by the door.

"Okay, coming. I'm coming." And she closed the door. I took a step back but Seung Hyun did not let go of my hand. He had a mixture of disapproval and worry on his face. I stepped back to him and reached for his cheek lightly as my lips pressed a gentle kiss on his.

"I promise I'm okay. There's nothing to be worried about." I whispered. "I will call you, okay?" He sighed quietly in defeat, giving a small nod. I smiled, my free hand dropping to his which was grabbing mine. I felt his hand slipping away as I took each step back and when I can no longer felt his comforting warmth, I broke our eye contact and turned away to the door.

During the filming of the drama, I noticed Min Ah was everything but the other side I know of her. It was like she wasn't the girl who threatened me on the rooftop and the sender of that text message. She was really sweet, like the Min Ah I first knew.

However, all hell broke loose when I went to YG after settling matter regarding NGMiracles and my comeback issue in my agency.

"It's quite amazing that you get back to drinking coffee that fast." I turned, seeing Min Ah with crossed arms and a smirk on. I was a little surprise at her sudden appearance and change. Is her devil's tail finally coming out? I stood up straight, trying to keep calm as I placed the cup of coffee I just took out from the vending machine on the small table there. Knowing that I was waiting for her to continue, she added.

"I told you, right? That was supposed to be me." You don't know how shocked I was when I saw that gaze from her eyes. Fierce, cold, emotionless and merciless.

"The guts of you to snatch my things." And she threw the thick brown document envelop that she was holding right at my face. I froze, dumbfounded at her audacity. What the hell? I could not even glare at her. I was just so stunned. Papers slipped out and scattered everywhere. She dangerously came closer to me, stepping on the papers that I don't even know what it contained. She brought her face so close to mine and snarled.

"After seeing those pictures, I don't know what you have that made them chose you to be the model but listen closely." She had a hard edge to her voice and I thought she was going to eat me alive. "I was supposed to be with Seung Hyun oppa in the morning, not you. I was supposed to be the main model with oppa, not you. I had secured that chance and you took it away from me but don't be smug yet. Just you wait. It just started." Her glare disappeared and her eyes looked dead as she gave me a last look before walking off. And I was left alone to figure out what just happened. Looking down, I saw pictures and picked them up. They were the shots for the commercial Seung Hyun and I did this morning. Staring at the photos that went around the theme of 'Warmth Affection' for the winter series, a shoe print blurred Seung Hyun's and my face. I slotted everything back and threw the coffee away. Don't think I am in the mood for it. Heading back although I don't feel like going, I slowly pushed the door opened where the guys were resting. My eyes stopped at Min Ah who was sitting with them, next to Seung Hyun as they childishly kicked each other's leg. Why is she here?

"She's back!" Seung Ri called. "Jung ah, quick. The pictures."

"What pictures?" I asked, walking over. I actually wanted to sit beside Seung Hyun but I don't want to be near Min Ah. Ji Yong tugged on me when I stood rooted and I sat down at the empty space beside him.

"Min Ah said you wanted to show it to us personally." Seung Ri pointed at the envelope in my hand. "Must be quite amazing. Are those what you are holding now?" I looked down on my hands, seeing the documents. I looked up at Min Ah, lost at what to say.

"Unnie showed me the pictures just now at the vending machine." She said with a sweet smile, like reminding me something I forgot. I almost scoffed in defeat. What else can I say? I jerked back to look at my hand and saw Dae Sung stretching over and tugging on the document in my hand. I let it go, allowing them to be revealed and almost everyone crowded to get a look. Except for Min Ah, who was staring at me purposefully.

"Wah... It's beautiful!" Everyone had awes and smiles as they stared at the photos printed on the papers.

"As expected, Korea's best couple!" Seung Ri said and I did not miss Min Ah who almost glared at Seung Ri.

"Hey." I jumped a little when someone reached for my wrist. Seung Hyun scooted over to me, never letting go of his grip.

"You have not been looking good since afternoon. Are you not feeling well?" I shook my head, knowing that Min Ah must be murdering me with her glares. Then it came at me. Why am I afraid? What am I afraid of? Seung Hyun is my boyfriend and she was just a sister to Seung Hyun, obsessed and greedy for things that never belong to her.

"I'm fine, really." I patted Seung Hyun's hand in reassurance.

"Oh! There is a shoe print!" Seung Ri called again, flashing the particular photo to us.

"What? Right at our faces." Seung Hyun said, taking the piece of paper and quickly dusting it off, hoping to get rid of the dirt. There was still a faint mark that could not be removed, but I could not care less. I mean, that was not what was important. I turned back to Min Ah, watching her smirk at me when no one was looking.

I stayed with them until it was midnight, until I had to get some sleep before getting intense practice before my first comeback stage in a few days time. Min Ah was there too, much to my discomfort and the entire supervision of the practice was the most tedious one I ever had.

"Are you really sure you are alright?" Seung Hyun asked when he sent me home. He got so worried, even coming up with me.

"Hm." I nodded with a small, tired smile. "It must be the preparations for the comeback. I will be fine after some sleep." I reassured, not sure to myself or to him. He nodded, giving my hand a light squeeze before turned back for the door when I decided to speak up.

"Oppa," Turning back, his eyes anticipating, probably thinking that I would tell him about what was in my mind, but no. "Can you hug me?" He sighed but still managed to smile faintly while spreading his arms. With two big steps, he buried me in his warmth, my eyes closing instinctively.

"I love you. Whatever it is, you have me. So call me, I will fly to you." Because I have you, that's why I am this afraid now. I can't imagine life without you. I nodded in his chest, hooking his arms as I took my time to heal myself. His strong arms slowly loosened its grip, turning to me and gave me a long gentle kiss on the forehead.

"I love you."

"Me too." I whispered back, throwing myself onto him again and the smell of strong cigarette gushed into my nostrils. The smell of Seung Hyun. The smell that belonged to my man. And that was when I realized something. A strategy to the war between me and Min Ah. Why must I be so affected when Seung Hyun is so loyal to me? Our feelings for each other are mutual, not to mention, strong and stable. Even if I really felt threatened, I shouldn't have shown it. Isn't that what Min Ah wants? For our relationship to get shaken? She won't get what she wants. Seung Hyun and I are going steady, now and future. Nothing is coming in our way. Nothing, not her. After mentally berating myself for looking like a loser infront of Min Ah earlier, I have decided to appear nonchalant the next time I see her. Yes, Yi Jung. This is the way.

"Yah, what is in your mind?"

"Hm?" I snapped back and looked up at Seung Hyun who was looking at me.

"That's very hurting. I'm here hugging you and you are away from earth. Are you in Mars with other guys?" He accused jokingly, raising his voice by a notch. I scoffed as I rolled my eyes, feeling ridiculous and absurd.

"You just spoilt the moment. I was thinking of how blessed I have you with me. Why are you accusing me?!" There we go again, bickering. Of course, playfully.

"Ah, really?" Like he was hit by realization, he seemed to buy what I said. Well, although what I said wasn't really true, but I was sincere thankful that he was here by my side.

"Yeah!" I cried, furrowing my eyebrows afterwards. Pushing him off, I attempted to 'stomp' off when he caught my wrist.

"I'm sorry..." My lips almost curved its way upwards laughing at the sight of his puppy eyes. He closed himself on me, holding me by the waist as we stared into each other's eyes. Well, I was rather furrowing my brows playfully at him.

"Come on, don't give me that look. You know how jealous I can get." He tried to coax me, rubbing up and down my arm with his free hand.

"Yeah, you and your jealous hormones." He burst out laughing at that.

"Hormones? That sounds so wrong." He stated. Gosh, what the hell is he thinking?

"I said jealous hormones, nothing near raging hormones." Giving him a dirty look, I spat. "What are you thinking, erted TOP!" He laughed for a little too long. Somehow, I felt teased at. Wanting to leave him alone so he could laugh all he wanted, he only tugged back on me, his gaze soft this time.

"Alright, alright. Only jealous hormones." He said quietly, pecking on my lips after that. "What time do you end tomorrow? If you are not too tired, want to go on a date with me?" I smiled at his way of asking for a date. I mean, it sounded so formal, like asking a girl out for the first time.

"To where, TOP?"

"Somewhere budget but romantic."

"Are we going to a sauna?" I laughed, my arms around his neck.

"Is that romantic?" He asked after, giving me a look which I made a face back at him.

"Then, where it is?"

"How about camping?" My eyes widened.

"You can't be serious. Sleeping bags in tents?"

"Let's go. We will sleep in sleeping bags." As crazy as it sounded, it sounded fun too. Even though I was sick of tents and sleeping bags since I always sleep in those during '2 Days 1 Night' and look at the weather. It's freaking -17 degrees today! But still, since it was with Seung Hyun, I don't know how to say no and besides, it sounded fun since it was with him.

"Okay." I agreed, giving him a peck and his phone rang. I removed my arms but his support remained at my back as he fished out his phone. I caught a glimpse and I almost leaned in too much to take a better look when I saw that it was Min Ah. I hid the curiosity and anxiety as I watched Seung Hyun answered the call. I have no say in such things, but I seriously wished he didn't.

"Oh, okay. I will. Yeah, bye then." I stared at him as he pushed his phone back into his jeans' pocket.

"I will pick you up tomorrow." I nodded again, letting go of him as he pulled away, ready to leave.

"But oppa," I called when something rang in my head like an alert. Women's sixth sense. "Don't tell anyone about our outing. I'm having my comeback soon and there's the filming. Let's not attract any unwanted attention." He smiled, giving me another kiss on the lips.

"You think I don't know?" He pulled away just enough and said. "I will see you tomorrow." He caressed the side of my head and I waved with him waving back as he left through the door.

Yes, we are steadily strong. Too strong for Min Ah...

However, it was proven that Min Ah had a way to stop Seung Hyun and I.

"Where the hell do you think you are going with Seung Hyun oppa tonight?" She snarled at me at the filming site when we were left alone. I had just received a text message from Seung Hyun, saying that he had a last minute vocal recording with Min Ah. I thought it was just coincidental but with Min Ah just staring at me like that, I knew she arranged it purposefully to clash into Seung Hyun's free time.

"What exactly do you want?" I asked lowly, my eyes turning intense.

"Me?" She smirked, crossing her legs. "I told you, I want the main character role. I will get Seung Hyun oppa."

"Why? We are already a pair before I knew you. Why?" That was the question I really couldn't get. Why would she want to break us up? I watched her laughed out loud.

"Do you know I already have my eyes on Seung Hyun oppa before you came to Korea?"

"What?" My brows furrowed.

"I got into YG just for oppa, I gave up my dreams for him. And you? You ran away from home to achieve your dreams and the most ridiculous thing is that you are willingly to give up oppa because of your bloody dream. What do you take oppa for? Thrash? A temporarily boyfriend?" Gritting through her teeth, she looked really agitated which made me confused.

"You don't deserve him." She whispered so dangerously and her glares deadly. And she left, knocking on her manager's shoulder before disappearing around the corner. It must be a hard knock for her manager winced, looking back at Min Ah'e back before turning back to the front.

"Are you alright?" I went over as she rubbed on her sore shoulder.

"I'm alright." The lady smile so weakly, which made me wonder how much did she suffer working under Min Ah. "Was Min Ah being impolite to you? I apologized on her behalf." I quickly shook my hand, another stopping her from bowing.

"No, no. She did not do anything." I smiled when she looked up at me with a confused expression. "We were just chatting and I touched on a sensitive topic. I should apologise instead."

"Yi Jung-ssi is the senior. In any way, she should not stomp off like that. I'm so sorry... Please don't put it to heart." She bowed.

"Please don't." I reached for her shoulders, giving a warmth smile when she met my gaze again. "Unnie, have you eaten?" Glancing back as I motioned to the takeaway food on the table, I tried to change the subject by offering her some. Although reluctant, she accepted my good intention and took some food back, my heart fell back to dread as I watched her retreating back.

I left the waiting room and went into the other room which was given to be my personally dressing room and resting area. When I stepped in, I could see feel tension and urgency in the air. Jin Hye was frantically browsing and throwing out clothings from the luggage the stylist packed.

"Are you sure you brought it with you?" Jin Hye turned to Eun Ri, my stylist.

"Yes, it was here just now." Eun Ri was also panicking.

"What's wrong?" I voiced, stepping carefully towards them. I looked at Jin Hye as she picked up her phone.

"The blouse for the next scene is missing." She said, not looking at me as she continued to dig in the bags. "I will call Yoo Hyun oppa. Let's not panic." She had the phone pressed against her ear, the free hand at her waist as she waited for the call to be answered. I watched the both of them, at lost of what to do to help.

"Yoo Hyun oppa will surely find a way to get another set of clothings fast. So don't worry, Jung ah." Eun Ri came to me, reached for my arm and said when she saw me standing rooted to the ground. To be honest, I wasn't really panicking. I was just... Lost.

"Hm. Do you need me to let the director know? I will go over." I offered, already turning around. I have to at least find something to do, right?

"No, I will go over. It's not your fault." But I stopped her from moving any further while I went for the door.

"I will be back." Managing to smile, I headed out only to see Min Ah leaning against the wall just outside my waiting room. She was looking down and smiling to herself. I stared at her, for I was sure she knew my presence and would do something. Looking up from the floor, her smile turned into a smirk as I approached her.

"What did you do?" I said quietly, aware that people in my waiting room might hear us. My gut feel told me everything after I saw her smirk.

"What did I do? I was about to send your clothing back to unnie." She replied in innocence and again, I was speechless. She turned and opened the door.

"Jin Hye unnie." Her voice bright and she had a sweet smile on. "This is Jungie unnie's right? It was at the other waiting room." I was dumbfounded. I mean, what am I supposed to feel or say?

"Oh...! Thank you so much. We were so anxious. Thank you, Min Ah-ssi." I could imagine Jin Hye and Eun Ri smiling as they thanked her, totally falling into the trap. And Min Ah appeared by the door, walking out and smiling the moment she saw me, a smirk so small hidden in the facade of the smile.

"Just so in case you think I'm just joking and playing around with you, I thought I should be fair and give a warning beforehand." Her voice turned icy cold and she held my gaze as intensely as mine was.

"See you on the set, unnie." And a sweet natural smile broke out on her face as she walked away.

Just what did she want...?

To think of it, I should get angry. And I am right now. Don't you think it's quite insulting to be treated like that? Taking away my clothings and then acting like the nice person to have found it. I have lost my cool since I was so frustrated and angry right now. Sure, I have been looked down on many time during my years in this industry. Seniors thinking that I could not make it big in my rookie days, directors overlooking my rights and giving me poor stage quality. But never had I felt so awful before. Min Ah was fooling me. And Jin Hye and Eun Ri. She was fooling all staffs working with me.

Roughly throwing the blouse into the bag, the one Min Ah 'found' after changing, I went to the mirror and slightly tidied my hair with my hands when Jin Hye came to me and we left.

I went straight to the recording studio when I arrived at the agency.

"Don't be surprised." Seung Gi opened the door from inside before I could. "You should have expected such things, right?" In wonder, I turned to the side and saw the members of NGM sitting on the couch, with the co-composer, Tae Jin doing his own things on the desktop. The atmosphere was unusual.

"Oppa," I called and he stood up. "What's wrong?" He gave a forced smile.

"There you are. Although I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't continue anymore."

"What are you talking about?" I was so surprised when Tae Jin said that. I needed him in this.

"I can't work with them. I have tried, but there's no way I can accommodate that attitude." Glancing at the members behind me, I saw two obviously nervous and worried, while the other looking nonchalant. What did he do again...

"Oppa, don't be like this." I tried to appease him. "If you could tell me what happened..."

"It's Jung Jun. It's really my first time seeing someone behaving like that even before debuting. Why are you so persistent on debuting him?" I turned to Jung Jun, seeing him staring at Tae Jin. Right, I can't stand it also...

"Who are you staring at?" I stepped forward, towering over him. Irritated, he diverted his gaze up to me. His gaze matched my intense ones. "Who are you to stare?" My voice remained calm and dangerous. A flick of surprise passed through his eyes and but he managed to compose himself. I must have really sounded different for I can feel everyone's eyes on me. When Jung Jun was about to open his mouth, I stretched over and grabbed his bag, dropping it on his lap.

"Get out." Jung Jun smirked, standing up.

"Are you su-"

"I will be responsible for breaching the contract, so get out right this instance!" I raised my voice, seriously sick of his atrocious attitude. The guts of him to talk back. The room fell silent and I know I stunned everyone.

"Jung..." Seung Gi came to me, probably trying to calm me down but my glaring competition with Jung Jun did not end. When Jung Jun really walked out of the door did I relax, turning away to grab my bag. I need a break too.

Today .

And well this whole issue was dragged to the next day as before I could call the president to let him know NGM will not exist anymore, I had received a call from him.

"So you are saying you want them to be disbanded?" I stood before President as he sat on the couch, staring at me.

"I was wrong in my judgement. I shouldn't be so stubborn, I should have listened to you." My head remained down and I could hear him sigh.


"No." I shook my head a little. "I don't want to worry anymore. I don't want to be always nervous at what that guy will do. I can't be there with him all the time. Seung Gi oppa can't, SaJangNim can't to. And I definitely don't want anyone to go behind him clearing up the mess he had done and drag the whole group down with him. He never listens. No one can control him. Even if I were to think for the company and myself, I don't want him to be debuted. Embarrassing the company and all the staffs and artistes here is a no way. Who is he to do that?" I finally looked up, and realized I have blabbered so much. President was staring at me blankly.

"You must be really determined this time." He noticed, see that I actually ranted so much.

"I'm tired, SaJangNim." I said quietly, almost whispering.

"You're tired?" He asked back and I wondered why I saw a slight surprise in his eyes.

"Yes..." My voice remained soft.

"What are you tired of?" I looked up at him upon his question, a little taken aback. I don't know much, but I felt I was interrogated.

"Of worrying all the time. Of having to check if he is doing work properly and not causing trouble..." And of Min Ah, of her taking Seung Hyun away...

"Sit." He said again, this time more gently. My head remained hanging low as I slowly sat across him. "How are things going for you?" Looking up at his attempt to change the topic, I was puzzled but still managed to make a response.

"It's fine. There is no filming today so I am going to practice after this."

"Not this." He said, staring at me intently. "I'm referring to your private life. Did something happen?" Once again caught offguard, I must emphasize again that President was a very observant person.

"Nothing's wrong..." I lied through my teeth, and I can't figure if he had bought it or not.

"Alright. If you need any help, just remember the existence of me and this company. We are always behind your back." I nodded, smiling in gratitude and confirming the love and support the company was giving me.

"I had talked to the kids. Surprisingly," He leaned back on the seat as he said. "Jung Jun seemed to grow attached to the job. You're right, you can't keep an eye on him 24/7. Seung Gi and I can't too. But you said you made the wrong choice insisting your opinion on him joining the group. Then my question is, what makes you so sure that you are not making the same wrong decision for disbanding them?" I stared at President when he shot the question back at me. I wasn't prepared. I thought he would take the chance to kick Jung Jun out and that I was the only person that had supported him.


"I'm looking at things in a rational way here. And it seems to be that you are being irrational one this time." Then his eyes changed serious. "For the first time I had known you." What is President hinting to me? If I were to pick, President is the person who I can't read the most.

"I'm sorry..." I apologized, somehow feeling guilty. But the thoughts on taking Jung Jun out did not really diminish.

"He is really sorry this time." He continued. "But if you don't like the idea of working with him, then I think let's call it off." I don't know why President gave me so much freedom to make a decision. Isn't he the president of the agency and I was just an artiste under him? Then why is he giving me the rights of a CEO?

"SaJangNim, I'm sorry, please give me some time."

"Sure. But be fast." I quickly nodded and he nodded back in acknowledgement. "Go practice."

In the dance studio, I was practicing with the dance crew. No matter what, I was still a ballad singer, so the difficulty of the dance was kept at the minimal. It was only half an hour after the talk in President's room when the door to the studio slowly opened. Through the mirror, I saw someone poked his head in. And it was Kyung In. I halted and the whole dance crew followed and stared as well. Kyung In bowed, glancing behind him before coming in. The kids stepped in, and I mean all of them.

"Noona, we know our mistake already. Please forgive us. Please let us continue." Kyung In spoke first. All three of them hung their heads low. It was the first time I see Jung Jun's head low.

"It's not your fault. I'm just not as confident anymore. I should be the one sorry. You guys have worked hard." I said with a small smile. I didn't miss Kyung In nudged a little on Jung Jun. Jung Jun looked hesitant, but at the same time, I could see determination. Since when did he possessed it?

"I'm sorry. Please don't halt everything." I stared at Jung Jun, then what President said just awhile ago flashed in my mind.

'How sure you are that you are not making another wrong mistake?'

"Unnie," I walked to the dance crew who had already gone to take a seat on the benches. "I will be back very quickly. I'm sorry but please wait for me."

"Hm." They nodded and smiled.

"Let's talk outside." I said as I walked out of the studio. Stopping at the end of the hallway, I turned back and they were behind me.

"I have have it a lot of thoughts. It is up to SaJangNim if he wants to continue. But in any cases, I might not be guiding you all anymore. The songs that have been recorded will remain as it is. I will get another composer to replace me."

"Unnie..." Eun Sung called, somewhat pleading but I had made up my mind. It's either to disband them or I stop getting involved.

"Kids, I'm so sorry. This is the best I can do and compromise." I gave a faint smile. "But I'm sure Seung Gi oppa will assist you all. Do well and make us proud." I turned around, about to walk pass them when I heard Kyung In hissed whisperingly.

"You said you are going to settle it. Why are you keeping quiet?" And the next thing I knew us that Jung Jun appeared infront of me, blocking my way.

"Punish me." I stared at him, waiting for him to continue. "I caused all this so I will be responsible. You don't have to go to the extend of disbanding us." He said, his voice a little louder as if to argue for his rights. And to show his determination.

"What do you exactly want out of it?" I asked. "Why do you want to be a singer?" And he was taken aback. "If it was just to prove it to me, then you may leave."

"No." He said, just as I was about to walk off. "I want to do it. After going through the extremes, no way I am going to accept this disbandment. And you will regret for disbanding us." Turning to him upon his bold statement, I saw Kyung In and Eun Sung widened their eyes slightly.

"What is wrong with you, Jung Jun ah...?" Perhaps afraid that I might be more agitated, Eun Sung quickly tugged on Jung Jun's wrist to stop him. I stepped forward to him, making Eun Sung move back.

"Extremes, what are extremes? Those practices?" I asked back calmly.

"Yes." He said, not a tinge of fear could be heard. "Although I don't know what your extremes are, but to me, those are. And if you think it is not enough, I will do your extreme."

"Yeah?" I raised a brow. "Fine. Go dance at the field downstairs." His eyes widened in surprise.


"Don't want to? Then forget it." I said, walking off but was stopped again shortly.

"Fine!" Jung Jun called. "I will not stop unless you tell me to. Just watch me." And he strode passed me to the lift lobby.

"Yah! Jung Jun ah!" Kyung In called but I stopped him from chasing him.

"The both of you, don't have to. Leave him alone." And I went back. I pretended nothing was wrong but when I was inside the dance studio, I stood by the window as I sipped on some water. Jung Jun was already there dancing alone with his ear piece on. I didn't expect him to really do it, recalling the radio broadcast that reported that it was -15 degrees this morning. He won't be able to last too long. Just as I wanted to resume my practice, I saw two figures running up to Jung Jun. Kyung In and Eun Sung seemed to be convincing Jung Jun but it in the end, the three of them started dancing together and it made me feel... Bad.

"Are you ready?" One of the members of the crew jogged up to me. Snapping back, I quickly smiled and nodded, following her back to the centre of the room.

Practice went on for hours and after that, I was with the stylists picking out clothings for the several comeback stages I will be having.

"I like this." I told Eun Ri and the other stylist in charge of my dressing. Her name is Bo Young.

"Is it? I would get it altered then. It's too loose." I nodded as Bo Young said, pulling the piece out from the pile. Someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned back to see Seung Gi with purses lips. He bowed slightly to the stylists before turning back to me.

"Why did you do that?" He asked quietly while I just stared at him, waiting for him to say more. "It has started snowing." My eyes dropped back at the pile of clothings.

"I know." I felt his gaze grew intense.

"Please excuse us." He said to the stylists before tugging me to the side.

"What exactly has gotten into you?" He hissed, his eyes widened slightly. "You would never do that in the past."

"That's the past." I counter-attacked. "In the past, I have not met anyone like Jung Jun."

"But it is freezing out there!"

"Eight years ago, in summer, I ran hundred rounds around that same field. I suffered a heat . Why am I risking my life? Because I want to lose weight. I want this job so much. If he wants what he thinks he wants, then he have to earn it. Full stop." I argued back. Defeated, he leaned slightly on one leg as he sighed.

"So you are saying they will only stop unless you say so?"

"They will stop once they reach their limit." I said emotionlessly, my voice cold.

"Although they have not debuted, you know they are already under our company, right? President will go after you if anything does happen." And he left. I could not help but smile so faintly, bitter. Why is everyone going against me, when they used to detest Kim Jung Jun more than I did? Humans are sure weird creatures.

My day ended when it was two in the morning. I was stretching a little when something flooded into my mind. I walked out of the recording studio to the hallway, looking out the window at the other end. The three of them were still there. Light snow flakes floated in the air and they had already removed their coats. Their movements weird as powerful anymore but they seemed to be trying very hard. My damn heart softened at that sight. Sighing in defeat, I brisk-walked to the dance studio where Seung Gi was and went straight to the heat meter. I adjusted it to the maximum. When I turned around, I saw Seung Gi staring at me looking confused.

"Oppa, can you get the kids? I will hurry to get blankets." A big smile broke out on his face and he dashed out. I could literally hear his footsteps as he gave up taking the lift and fled down the stairs instead. I boiled some water with the thermoflask and ran to my dance studio and grabbed the blankets I had. At this point, you may noticed I seemed to have a lot of things on stand-by. People also teased me for being like a Doremon. After that, I ran to the advertising department to get some fresh clothes. There were many extra tees with the words 'Hook's Playground'. It was for our agency's 17th anniversary concert and I personally didn't like the 'Playground." But because President see us like his children, so that explained the word used.

By the time I ran back, the kids were already wrapped tightly in bundles with blankets, sneezing.

"Quickly get a shower." I dropped the fresh clothes to them. Seung Gi got them warm water and they were practically holding onto the warm cup for dear life. They slowly got up, heading to the shower with the blankets around them. Smiling a little at their back, I joined Seung Gi on the floor.

"What?" I said since he stared at me for quite a while already.

"Stubborn people..."

"What?" I asked again, this time like I was wronged and accused.

"You know your body suffers physically if you are stubborn. Jung Jun refused to come back with me the first time I went down once I got to know what they were doing. And now, he is sick. You, maybe not to physical, but your heart aches, right?"

"Shut up." I muttered.

"Ouch!" He dramatically placed his hand on his chest. "You really changed!"

"Right, females change." I agreed to that. He rolled his eyes and picked up his phone.

"What shall we order for them? Jajangmyun and sweet and sour pork?"

"Sweet and sour pork is expensive." Seung Gi turned and looked at me like I had suddenly grew some horns on my head.

"When did you start to get stingy about food?" His eyes furrowed in a curious way and again, I was taken aback. Did I really change that much?

"I'm just saying. You always say it's expensive." I defended. He scoffed as he dialed the restaurant that we regulated. When he put down the phone, the kids returned.

"Here comes the stubborn ones." Seung Gi mumbled, but it was enough for the three of them to hear. They turned to him, puzzled.

"I thought there's only one stubborn person in the group, but I realized all three of you are all stubborn." He said.

"Hyung, I don't know what you mean..." Kyung In stopped wiping his hair and slowly approached us. Seung Gi ignored him.

"Sit." He told them and they still obeyed, even though I saw see they were confused and curious as to what Seung Gi was referring to. They gave glances to one another and I actually found it cute. Especially Jung Jun. Since it was a rare sight for him to even bother.

"There will be staffs from SBS coming down tomorrow to film you all. You guys know about it, right? The pre-debut show." Seung Gi said and they all nodded.

"After eating, go and sleep right away. No playing games." I said with a firm tone and they nodded again.

The kids were sent home when I had to continue my practice.

"Ji Yong-ssi is here." Yoo Hyun appeared by the door. I turned to the dance crew and the leader nodded.

"Let's have a break!" She called and I smiled gratefully before jogging to the door. I followed Yoo Hyun to the recording studio and he excused himself.

"Here. We need to make some changes. We can't meet tomorrow." Ji Yong handed me a hard disk.


"Hyun Suk hyung has confirmed a new collaboration. A meeting is held tomorrow for that, I will have to attend it."

"New collaboration?" A spark of excitement lit on my eyes. "Really? Who and who?"

"Min Ah and Seung Hyun hyung. Min Ah has been proposing it for a long time. And Hyun Suk hyung just gave the approval." My smile faded and my face literally fell. What did he just say?

"O-oh, really? It's nice. Another thing to anticipate." I managed to force a smile and he gave a tight smile.

"Well, I guess so. But that means more work. I'm so tired already, Jung ah."

"Why are you whining, oppa?" Could not help but gave a laugh, I gave a light slap on his arm. He seldom do this...

"I'm really exhausted. It never stops. Work just keep coming. Do you know when my last break was?" I knew he was not just joking around when I heard his tone. He seemed really sick and tired.

"Let's not be like this. Maybe it just happened to slip off Mr Yang's mind that you are tired. You could always tell him. You know he will listen. He dotes on you a lot..." He shook his head lightly.

"Forget it. So what were you doing? Am I disturbing? I thought we could get something to drink." Trying to change the subject, he put on a smile.

"I still have practice. If you want to, you could order food up and watch us. If you still like the idea of watching me practice." I gave him a playful dirty look when I remember the times he said he loved watching me dance.

"Sure. Free show." I shot him another dirty look.

"Don't you have schedules?"

"Ended. But don't feel like going home."

"Alright." I waved for him to follow me. "What do you want to eat? My treat."

"I want fast food." He said as we stepped into the lift.

"Mac Donalds'?"

"Sure." I nodded as I took out my phone and dialed for delivery.

In the end, Ji Yong really stared at us dance with his burger and he seemed to be observing quite intently. He gave me tips and advice to improve myself. It was a long 3 hours practice before I was dismissed.

"Going back?"

"Before that, I'm going to the kids' dorm. Going to check on them."

"NGM? Hey, you are doing the exact same thing as Hyun Suk hyung!" He laughed.

"I finally understood his heart..." I muttered and he scoffed.

"The hard disk I gave you, I need to know your opinion by today. Even if you are tired, I'm sorry."

"Aigoo, what's there to apologise...?" I waved him off, seeing his apologetic look.

"After your first comeback stage, I will treat you a drink."

"Hm." I nodded and we waved before going to our cars.

The kids were really asleep when I went up. They must be really tired... I briefly helped them clean up the messy dining table before leaving. It was a short visit with no lights on or no one knowing. I just wanted to confirm that they were doing fine and obeying me.

I sent a text to Ji Yong once I finished giving comments about the songs he stored in the hard disk. The songs were great, but I thought it would be good to make some amendments to the theme so it would suit the singers and concept. Yeah, the songs were chosen for Seung Hyun and Min Ah's collaboration and I was being professional here. I also mentioned in the text the song that I thought best suit Seung Hyun and Min Ah. I turned off the desktop and went to bed, holding onto my phone. Seung Hyun had not called me today. Not even once. He must be really busy with the preparation. I sent a goodnight text to him and silently hoped for a reply but there was none. Could not wait any longer, I dialed his number and found out that his phone was not . He only turn off his phone when he is in a plane...


Hello, people. Sorry for the late update again. I am having holidays right now but I have recently started a job and it got me so busy. I am actively drafting stories using my iTouch every now and then during my working hours though, so yeah.

May I know if there is any one of you who is looking for a job? I am currently looking for partners to work together. Regardless of race, nationlity or gender, as long as you are at least 18 years old, staying in Singapore abd willing to work hard. Please drop me a private message and I will get back to you. For readers staying overseas or not interested in working right now, you may drop me a message as well to chat! ^^

Thank you so much for reading! ^^



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mher17 #1
Chapter 38: Are you still going to update authornim😭
FannyChoi #2
Chapter 27: Pls update chakkanim. As much as i hate how you make Yu Ting always keeps everything to herself. I still need to know whether they’ll end up together or not. YT should’ve told AH everything from the start. Why why why. And of course should’ve killed Min Ah in the first place. I imagine Seo Yea Ji will appear and run over Min Ah in the end
mher17 #3
Chapter 38: please update auuthornim..been waiting for years T_T
Syaa21 #4
Chapter 33: Please update.. im waiting...
Popkorn17 #5
Chapter 35: Re-reading again! Please update!
Need to know what happens next!
mher17 #6
Chapter 38: so happy to see to see this story update! i hope it wont take too long for next update ;)
miezah_ija #7
Chapter 38: Goodness thank you again for the update. How are you??
Popkorn17 #8
Chapter 37: I honestly thought I saw a dream... That updated mark... Cannot believe you're back ??? thank you so much.
I really loved this story and even the continued chapters of the drama for You and I... Please don't forget us since this is too much of an investment to lose.
Thank you once again.

(SH and J forever~~~)
Northrk #9
Chapter 36: it’s been 2 years, will u ever continue this story?
thinkdreamlive #10
I really like this series! I hope you do continue