It was about time for Victoria to prepare their dinner. It has been her routine since she agree to stop working, that topic almost cause them to get into a big fight, Nickhun keep on asking her to stop working and just stay home. She really appreciates the fact that he was concern about her but she also couldn’t help get mad at him. She knows that she needs to be extra careful now that her tummy was getting big, but she is also not the type of person who will be contented by just staying at home. She try all her best to make Nickhun understand that she needs to earn money for the sake of their baby and that made Nickhun burst into anger, Nickhun told her that she doesn’t need to work for the future of their baby, all she needs to do is stay with him and help each other in taking care of their son. Hearing those words warm her heart, so she easily give up and personally went to the school she work for and ask for a leave. Everything went well after that, now she can be called a full time mother. She also starting to enjoy this kind of life, especially taking care of Nickhun, she was the one who prepare everything he eats, starting from breakfast and dinner, on return Nickhun will always come home on time to join her in dinner, even though there were times that it is quit impossible because of his schedule in office. She hurriedly made her way to the kitchen to prepare their dinner in time.


She unconsciously caresses her tummy while looking for something to cook “what should Mommy cook for daddy tonight baby nick?”  She then continues “should I make sweet and sour pork and fried rice?”


Then suddenly she feels a kick on her tummy. It made her giggled, “Do you think daddy will like t?” she ask again and answer by another kick. “Okay then Mommy will cook it”. She then took all the things she need not wasting anytime. While she made herself busy with cooking, she didn’t notice that someone is knocking on the door. She was too focused on what she was doing, and then all of a sudden she was startled by the loud knocking.


“Wait a second” she shouted


Once she opens the door, she saw a five figure consisting of a five man, in her observation, their age difference are all the same. She opens the door wide enough for them to have a clearer view on her.


“Yes may I help you?” she ask


All of them especially Chansung was shock to see the woman in front of them, in one look you could easily recognize that she was pregnant but that was not made him shock, he was shock to see the beauty of that woman although she was pregnant, the beauty she possess was easily recognize, all of the man in front of her was stone dead. She could feel their eyes on them but she doesn’t pay attention to it. She was confused on what they are doing in Nickhun’s house and who they are.


“Excuses me were looking for Nickhun” Taecyon said when he notice that the boys were stiff in their positions.


They must be Nickhun’s friend she thought. She smile warmly at them “I think he’s on his way home now, why don’t you come in first and wait for him inside” she said while leading them to the living area.


“Is there anything you need?” she ask


“Can we have something refreshing, if that is okay? Taecyon once again ask.


“Sure” she said and made her way to the kitchen to get them something to eat. The rest of the boys were still in dazed, who might be that Beautiful lady in front of them, it was not Nickhun’s style to keep a woman in his home without telling them, and then all of a sudden it hit them. They look at each other as if reading what inside each other’s mind. She must be the woman Nickhun got pregnant, the reason why Nickhun chose to stay home then hang out with them, well if they were Nickhun they will also do the same, who will not want to stay in home, cuddle in bed with such a beauty like her.


“Here, suit yourself guys” she smiled at them and let them enjoy the snack she prepared.


Chansung brave himself. He started to make a conversation between them “does Nickhun always come home for dinner?”


She was taken aback when she saw that Chansung was already sitting on the Kitchen stool and watching what she was doing “ uhm yes he use to go home for dinner time.” She said nervously


Taecyoon and the rest also followed Chansung and settle themselves on the empty chair. “Well who on earth won’t go home for dinner, if you will be the one joining us for dinner” Taecyoon commented


She could feel herself blushing on what Taecyoon commented. “Thank you, uhm if you don’t mind, can you guys tell me your name, I don’t know what to call you guys “she said honestly


“Stupid us” Junsu commented “well I’m the handsome Junsu” Junsu said while lending his hand for a handshake


“Nice to meet you, I’m Victoria”


“We all know” Wooyoung said “ Khunnie already told us about you but I think he miss some details”


She was nervous. Did Nickhun didn’t told them that he got her pregnant or that they are living in the same house “what is it?” she nervously ask


“That you are really a beauty, if we knew that from the first place, we pay visit to you soon” Wooyoung commented that the other agree.


Throughout the preparation they help Victoria with everything, since Mrs. Kim is on vacation, she was the only one who did everything, she smiled with the thought that Nickhun made a good friends, all of them were very considerate and caring like Nickhun, from the small time they spend together, she already learn a lot of things about them and Nickhun. She couldn’t remember if there is a time that the Kitchen was too quite because they were too engross in laughing and teasing each other. They were so engross that they didn’t realize that Nickhun was already home.


Nickhun was amazed when he heard Victoria laugh that hard, he was wondering what makes her laugh that much. He wanted to go home early knowing  that she was alone, he couldn’t help but get worried that something might happen to her and the baby. After hearing that laughter, he made his way to the kitchen to look for Victoria. His eyes were about to pop out when a sight caught his attention, there inside his house laughing with Victoria is none other than his best friends but that was not made him shock, the scene he saw made him stone dead in his position. Chansung was feeding Victoria with a food she cooks. He almost in his breath when Chansung charming wipe of Victoria’s mouth.


“What the hell are you doing” he said and went straight to Victoria, ignoring the presence of his friends.


“Your home” Victoria said with a smile on her face, that melted the anger Nickhun felt a while ago


“I bet you didn’t notice because you were having fun together with my friends” he said in a cold tone. Victoria and the rest notice the changes in Nickhun especially in the way he talk, he never talk like that to Victoria, it was the first time she saw that side of Nickhun and she couldn’t help but laughed. Is he jealous of his friends, that what she thought?


“Were not having fun, we only help her right Victoria?” Junho wink at her, indicating that Nickhun was jealous.


She chuckled “yes, they are kind hearted enough to help me “she commented and unconsciously she hug Nickhun to lessen the tense. Nickhun was off guard, he wraps his arms around her and hugged her tight. “How are you?” he whispers in Victoria’s ear.


All eyes were on them. It’s not so Nickhun, showing that side  of him in front of friends, but he doesn’t care, this is one of the reason why he doesn’t want them to pay visit in his house, he is afraid that he will gain a competitor.


“I’m fine, enough with the drama. Go upstairs and change while I set the table.” She said motioning Nickhun to do what she said but Nickhun didn’t move, how can he leave Victoria with those friends of him, surrounding her.


“Go” she said loud enough to for him to hear. He had no choice and did what Victoria ask him, throughout the dinner, he didn’t speak a word. He just busy himself eating not caring with what was happening around them, he also hated the fact that Victoria pays attention to his friend more, usually Victoria will ask him how his day, did he eat properly, she always ask those stuff but today her attention was focus on those five guys.  The dinner went well without him giving any effort to show how he appreciate the effort of his friends, finally it’s time for them to go, it seems like the notice that their present was not welcome,


“We’ll get going Victoria, the dinner was wonderful. I hope we can do it again next time “said Wooyoung


“I love too” she replies shortly


“Goodnight Victoria” they said. Each of them kisses her on her cheek which added to Nickhun’s irritation.  After she was sure that the boys leave, Vitoria turns her attention to Nickhun. Since the dinner time she could sense that something is wrong from Nickhun, he was acting like a jerk ignoring all his friends.


“Nickhun are you okay?” she ask in concern


“I’m tired, I’m going to bed now” he replies in a cold tone and made his way to their room. She was shock with his attitude, normally Nickhun will help her to wash the dishes, she wonder if she need something wrong today, she quickly wash the dishes so that she could confront him with what was wrong.



She was now done taking a bath and drying her hair with a towel, when he notices that Nickhun was still reading a book, he never dares to look at her or check on him which is not so like him.


‘it’s too late to read a book” she went to his side and took the book on his hand but Nickhun stops him.


“I’m fine, you go to sleep and you look so tired”


She sighed “what’s wrong with you? You’ve been acting like a jerk in front of your friends and now acting cold in me?”


He looks at her “I don’t know, sleep” he commanded


She was pissed off, “well, I think I will sleep now but not here”


“Where are you going?”


“I will sleep in Nick’s room, I don’t think I can sleep with you tonight” she was about to move when Nickhun caught her and pull her in his embrace.


“Don’t leave me” Nickhun said in a sad tone. As if she will leave for real. He then continues “I was just annoyed that you pay more attention to them”


Victoria chuckled and loosens the hug “because you were acting a jerk “


“What can I do, I’m just so damn jealous that I want all of them to leave my house” he said honestly


“You’re jealous?” she said in amusement


“Extremely jealous” he said


She cupped his face and caresses his both cheek “aigoo, look baby Nick, you daddy is acting like a baby” she said in a cute tone.


He pouted “who’s acting like a baby, Son I bet you see how Mommy ignore daddy tonight right? He place his hand on her tummy and caress it loving, then both of them feel that the baby kick after hearing his question. They both at each other and laugh.


“See that even my son knows that you’re ignoring me” he stated


“So it is two against one here?”


“Yes” he pulled Victoria to sit on the edge of the bed. He kneels down so that he could put his ears while talking to their baby.


“Nick, did you see how Mommy and that giant ape uncle of yours is so sweet, I bet you see that” he said and put his ear on her tummy listening to what their baby was saying “ yes your right about that son, Mommy also seem to enjoy it, that she didn’t even realize that I was jealous”


She laughed at his antics” poor baby”


“Try that baby again, and you will regret it” he dare


“Oh I’m scared” she acts like it was so scary.


“I’m telling you will regret it, so you better stop now” he said


As if she didn’t hear it, “oh my poor baby”


With that Nickhun pinned her on the bed gently, she tries to scream to escape from him but there is no us, he is way to strong than her. “yah yah yah, what are you doing?’ she said and couldn’t help get worried with what he was planning to do.


“I said you will regret it” he said in a husky voice. Without any warning, he kissed her full mouth, the way he kissed her was gentle and in loving manner, he kissed her until he feel that they needed to part for the lack of air, Nickhun look at her loving, her hair in a loving manner.


“Don’t ignore me again for other boys” he kissed her again. “Only look at me” and plant another kiss.  “Don’t cook for other boys expect for me and our son” and kiss her again. He looks at her, and plants a kiss on her forehead, down to the tip of her nose, he didn’t miss to put one of those bunny eyes and lastly it landed to her sweet lips and it was there for a minute tasting it again “if you do that I will get jealous.”


After that Nickhun stop kissing her and pulled her to his embrace so that they could sleep, she felt relieve that Nickhun only kiss her, she thought that he will go far. She was about to move from his embrace put Nickhun didn’t allow her.


“Stay don’t move, I might not be able to control myself” he said and groan




He pinched her nose, how can she be so innocent “ I’m a man okay, being this close to you was a torture, knowing that were both alone here with no one to disturb but I couldn’t do it”


Victoria was shy after hearing that but she try to “why?” she said and playfully his shirt.


He groans “because I don’t think I can manage to raise a twin” he joked. They both laughed. Victoria was amaze on how much respect Nickhun has for him. So in return she cuddled closer to him and let him hugged her and closed her eyes letting herself doze into a deep sleep.


“I think having you in my arms is enough for me”













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Allohaa #1
Chapter 30: OMG where am I all this time. I just found ur beautiful story these days. This one is my favorite. I hope u will write about khuntoria again next time. Thanks for make me smile like an idiot while read them :))
diaaaahhhhh #2
Chapter 30: where are you authornim? this good story need beautiful ending. i read this again and again hopefully you will finish this story. comeback soon and give us beautiful ending. thank you ^^
emgphils #3
Chapter 29: Where are you now author-nim? Please update ~ this is a sweet story that needs a beautiful ending, kekeke ~
emgphils #4
Please update ~ please!!! I love the story, so sweet ~ so Khuntoria!!! Looking forward to reading your updated chapters really.
kimiaishy #5
Chapter 30: it's really a wonderfull story,thank you for sharing...
diaaaahhhhh #6
Chapter 22: where is the next chapter author-nim ? i really loooking forward for the next cahpter
vickhun #7
Chapter 30: OMG, this my first time for read this story.. so sweet.. and I hope you can continue next chapter :D
fitfita #8
Chapter 30: Such a good story... Its sweet and thender. Hope u'll update this story soon.
cuppyieka #9
Chapter 30: A great story by a great author!! Update soon!! Not only for this story but the other story too
gween97 #10
Chapter 30: oh my god, so sweet.. I hope you update soon..