
A Very Unusual Love Story


             My eyes widened and I yelled out, "Soohyun!!!"

             Everything stood still. I froze. I couldn't feel anything. Not the pounding heart that was trying to break free of my chest. Not the acidic pain I felt in my heart. Not the tears that were running down my face. I watched silently, as Boss pushed himself up from Soohyun's body and briefly glanced at me. Soohyun's eyes met mine and tears dropped from his eyes, his face was quickly paling. He gave me a pained filled smile and and whispered, "Saranghae."

             He closed his eyes and laid down his head on the concrete floor. Boss looked at Soohyun and smacked his head with his hand. Sirens were heard over the thunder and Boss looked towards the door. He looked at me and pointed the gun towards me, "Might as well finish the mission."

             I closed my eyes and waited for it to come. Death. I don't care anymore. Sulli has Dongho to take care of her and Appa has Sulli to take care of him. Soohyun's dying, maybe even dead. Till the end, I'll follow him where ever. Even death. Just then the doors burst open again and gunshots were heard yet again. I waited for it to come, but after what seemed to be a minute. Nothing. I opened my eyes to see the cops leaning over the bodies. One came to me and asked, "Are you okay?"

             I nodded and he helped me up. The cop standing over boss shook his head and the one standing Soohyun said into his walkie talkie, "We need a paramedic, Mr. Shin is alive but his heartbeat a quickly slowing. We need to get him stabled."

Pov (Dongho)

             Pabo Hyung, PABO! Sulli, Mr. Song and I rushed towards the operating room to see Victoria Noona, sitting on the chair in the waiting room, wrapped in a blanket, emotionless. Sulli said loudly, "Unnie!"

             Noona looked up and we saw her bloodshot eyes, tears still rushing down her face. Mr.Song and Sulli sat on both sides of Noona and they hugged her. I stood away from the reunited family and looked towards the operating as the only family I have left, was fightning to keep his life. I leaned back on the wall opposite the Song family and dropped down on the floor. I asked, "What happened, Noona?"

             Noona, unmoving, still staring at the wall I'm leaning on, said, "H-h-he saved me. He figured out where I was and he just came in. He didn't w-w-wait for the police. They started to fight for the gun when I got away. He was already bleeding, he was already hurt. I don't know what he was thinking."

             I looked at the ceiling and said, "He loves you. That's what he was thinking. Nothing else matters but to have you safe. He loves you."

             The waiting room door closed and I glanced over there and saw Eli Hyung, Kevin Hyung, Aj Hyung, Kiseop Hyung, Kibum Hyung, and Xander Hyung listening on our conversation. They all found themselves a seat, except Aj hyung. He rested a forearm on a wall and laid his head there, he mumbled, "This is all my fault. I should have called the cops first. I should have know Soohyun Hyung would do this."

             I looked at the ceiling and said, "It won't matter any how. If you told the cops first, the detective would have called him right after to report it and Hyung would have still gotten there first. Hyung is familiar with just about every factory withing a 50 mile radius of Seoul. Even ones in the middle on nowhere like the abandoned Wang factory. Things would still have ended the same way."

             Aj Hyung said without looking up from the wall, "These brothers turned themselves in. They were a part of the group that took Victoria Noona. They were given amnesty since they basically did nothing, and were turned into star witnesses. They confessed to everything the group did. from the names of every members, to the kidnapping and car accident of Victoria Noona. The youngest brother, Chung-Ho, told the investigators of the time in the factory with Victoria Noona and how Fei ordered everything."

             Everyone's head snapped towards him and he said, "Fei is currently being hunted down. Mr. Wang is being questioned and Fei's accounts are frozen to stop her from getting any money. it is currently unknown if she has any other accomplices or where she is or where she is heading. She can't fly out of the country and police are searching land and sea for her. She won't escape."

             . The lights that signalled operation was going on turned off and the doctor stepped out. Everyone got up and walked to him. I asked, "How's my brother, Doctor?"

             He looked at his clipboard and said," He had a deep knife slash on the right side of his stomach, but the bleeding was quickly stopped and he was stitched up. But the bullet that went inside him pierced his stomach. We were able to take the bullet out of him and stop the bleeding. But now it all depends on his will to live."

Pov(3rd Person)

             Shin Soohyun looked around him. Searching. Searching for something. Anything. The last thing he remembered was looking into Victoria's chocolate brown eyes and telling her that he loved her. But now all he saw was darkness. He spun aroud once and yelled, "Hello?! Victoria! Dongho! Sulli!"

             Soohyun kept looking around and when his voice only answered him back with the same words he yelled, "Where Am I?!"

             Soohyun started to walk aimlessly, when there was a suddenly bright light. He squinted and placed a hand over his eyes. When his eyes adjusted to the light, his heart dropped and did a happy dance at the same time. He whispered, "Omma? Appa?"

A/N:Dunt, dunt, dun. Will he survive? Will he go to the "light"? I don't know. Actually I do. But you don't know. So stay tune and subscribe, comment, and keep reading. Two updates in a month. Nice, ehh? Well see you next chapter :D

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Sometime soon. But since school is starting again, I might be busy


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Chapter 39: So sweet.... Love this story! :3
ben0ann #2
Chapter 39: omg...i thot Soohyun died too... thank you so much for the story! really like the soohyun victoria cp...
vicqian #3
Chapter 39: You're good in the way to make me shock authornim? I think that is Soohyun's grave •⌣• But then happy ending yay •⌣• Make more toriacouple fic and thanks for thuis great fic ง'̀⌣'́)ง Hwaiittingg
yuukiminberlove #4
Chapter 39: author nim! i was scared thinking Soohyun it was dead , almost crying xD a great finish, you should make your wedding extra chapter, ;w; for all to be happy /(°Δ°)\ really loved your story, you'll do more fanfics of f(x) with U-Kiss? :D
kevin7 #5
Chapter 39: I thought soohyun died i was about to cry but good thing he didnt i like how you twisted the story thinking soohyun died love the story an ending
Chapter 39: Haha I thought soo hyun died a first.. Lol and such a great ending!
Are you going to make more toriacouple fics?
Chapter 38: Oh no .. He will comeback right?
vicqian #8
Chapter 38: He will be back, update soon •⌣•
vicqian #9
Chapter 37: Cliff hangerrrr. Update soon •⌣•
kevin7 #10
Chapter 37: I think this chapter is good i think soohyun got shot