Where Are You?

A Very Unusual Love Story

Pov (Third Person)

          Shin Soohyun walked back and forth infront of the Head Detective's desk, he was a mess. His eyes were bloodshot from crying, his hair looked like a bird's nest, he stank of sweat from trying to run after the black van; his trousers were ruined, his face and palms were bleeding from when he fell, running after Victoria. Detective Yang looked at him cautiously, Shin Soohyun was a powerful man that had a lot of connections, he was a man always seen with pride and always looked collected, calm. Right now he was a dangerous bomb. Ready to explode of frustration, sadness, and pain if you push the wrong button. Detective Yang, a man in his forty's, short cropped hair, upper lip mustache, black trousers, black dress shirt, and a shoulder gun holster, said, "Mr. Shin, maybe you should sit down."

           Soohyun stopped in his tracks and glared at the detective, Yang visibly flinched, but before Soohyun can speak, the doors bursted open and Dongho, Sulli and Mr. Song came rushing in. Sulli had tears leaking out of the corners of her eyes and she asked, "Oppa, where's Unnie?"

          Soohyun said nothing, leaned against a wall, and sunk to the ground. Detective Yang said, "Uhh, Ms and Mr. Song, Mr. Shin, Miss Victoria Song was abducted off of the Shin Industries parking lot by a black van without a plate number. We have a helicopter and multiple squad cars searching for any van of its sort. For now I suggest that all of you keep your phones open, if these are kidnappers, they're about to call anytime now. We will find her."

          Dongho asked quietly, "What if they're not?"

          Yang looked at him, silently, "What?"

           Mr. Song said, "The boy is right, what if they're not kidnappers? My family and the Shin family are business people, I'm not going to pretend that we don't make enemies along the way."

          Yang nodded and said, "We will find her, no matter what."

Pov (Soohyun)

          We stepped out of Detective Yang's office and Dongho said, "Hyung, you should go home and get some rest."

          Mr. Song nodded and said, "Your brother is right. Go home for now Soohyun, we'll call you if we anything new comes up."

          I just nodded and walked to my car. As I began driving towards my house, I picked up phone and dialed one of my friends number, "Yoboseyo, Aj. I need your Uncle's help again. Someone took Victoria. I need to find her quickly. I think she's in more danger than just a kidnapper."

          Aj was a silent for a moment before saying, "Araso Hyung. I'll tell the other and ask help from them too. I'll ask Kevin to help keep it low from the media as long as possible."

         I said, "Araso, thanks. Call me when you have anything new."

         I hung up and dialed a new number, "Hello, GD. How much is that glock you offered me a couple months ago?"

         I will find you, Victoria. No matter what. I love you.

Pov (Victoria)

         I started to wake up when I realized I couldn't open my eyes. I was blindfolded. My legs were tied together while my hand were tied together behind my back, I was sitting on a wooden chair, I think. It was cold and it smelled damp and filthy. It was silent except for the sound of my pounding heart. I'm scared. Is Soohyun okay? Did they do anything to him? Is Sulli safe? Is Appa okay? Is Dongho okay? Am I going to be okay? I never got to say goodbye. I hope they all know that I love them. I hope Sulli will forgive me for giving her the burden of being the heiress, I hope she forgives me for leaving her, even though since birth I promised to never do so. I hope Dongho will take care of her. I wish I told Soohyun that I've liked him since the first time Iaid eyes on him. I wish I comforted him when his parents died. I wish I told him that I love him like no other.

         I heard a door open and I pretended to be still asleep. I heard two pairs of footsteps come in and a man said, "What did boss say we do with her until boss arrives?"

         Another man with a raspy voice said, "Boss said don't touch her. I don't know why, and I don't really give a . I get paid to do, not ask."

Pov (Mr. Song)

         I sat infront of the roaring fire in the fireplace as I held a picture of my daughters smiling brightly in one hand, and a glass of whiskey in another hand. You better be alright Victoria. You're strong. Just wait a bit for us. We will find you. No parent shall ever bury their child. No parent should ever out live their child. I love you, princess.


Hey readers, subscribers, and commenters. I know, I . I'm slow. Please don't hate me, cause I love you guys. I'll update as soon as I can.

Thank you for reading, subscribing, and commenting. Please keep doing those things. And please don't leave me.

See you guys next update. Tell me what you think of this chapter :D

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Sometime soon. But since school is starting again, I might be busy


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Chapter 39: So sweet.... Love this story! :3
ben0ann #2
Chapter 39: omg...i thot Soohyun died too... thank you so much for the story! really like the soohyun victoria cp...
vicqian #3
Chapter 39: You're good in the way to make me shock authornim? I think that is Soohyun's grave •⌣• But then happy ending yay •⌣• Make more toriacouple fic and thanks for thuis great fic ง'̀⌣'́)ง Hwaiittingg
yuukiminberlove #4
Chapter 39: author nim! i was scared thinking Soohyun it was dead , almost crying xD a great finish, you should make your wedding extra chapter, ;w; for all to be happy /(°Δ°)\ really loved your story, you'll do more fanfics of f(x) with U-Kiss? :D
kevin7 #5
Chapter 39: I thought soohyun died i was about to cry but good thing he didnt i like how you twisted the story thinking soohyun died love the story an ending
Chapter 39: Haha I thought soo hyun died a first.. Lol and such a great ending!
Are you going to make more toriacouple fics?
Chapter 38: Oh no .. He will comeback right?
vicqian #8
Chapter 38: He will be back, update soon •⌣•
vicqian #9
Chapter 37: Cliff hangerrrr. Update soon •⌣•
kevin7 #10
Chapter 37: I think this chapter is good i think soohyun got shot