This is Just Freaking Fantastic

A Very Unusual Love Story


     I looked up from the papers I was signing as I heard a knock on the door. I said, "Come in!"

     The door opened and Victoria stepped in. She was was wearing a white blazer, with a black undershirt, with a white pencil skirt and white heels. She closed the door and sat on one of the chairs infront of my desk. I smiled at her and said, "Hello, Love. You look wonderful."

     Victoria raised an eyebrow and asked, "What did you do?"

     My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened. I placed my right hand over my heart and feigned hurt, I said, "Why would you think I did something wrong? What's wrong with complimenting the goddess in front of me?"

     She leaned over the desk so she was just a couple inches infront of me. She beckoned me with her finger and I leaned towards her. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my nose and I slightly jumped back, suprised that she pinched my nose. I held my nose and glared at her. She was smiled cheekily at me and  I asked, "What did you do that for?"

     She said, "You're obviously kissing up for something. You should try being inconspicuous whe you're kissing up. Now what do you need or want?"

     I smiled at her and said, "Well, I was wondering if you want to help me go throug a couple of files and see wether they're good or not?"

     She sighed and asked, "How much is there?"

     I bent down and got the stacks of folders underneath my desk. I dropped them on the desk and her eyes widened. Well it was one foot high. She asked, "This is like as much as the one before, maybe even more."

     I said, "I'll buy you lunch and dinner."

     She picked up one file and opened it. Without looking back at me, she said, "Oh we both know that you're taking me out to eat lunch and dinner anyways."

     I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned over my chair. She glanced at me with a smirk in her face, she knew she was right. She looked back at the papers and said, "And besides, it's kind of your duty as my boyfriend."

     I smiled as those words came out of . I said happily, "Alright, now let's get to work."


     Sulli and I were walking inside Hyung's office, holding hands, when we stopped to observe the scene before us. Hyung and Noona were reading over files and they didn't seem to notice us walk in. They were sitting on the couch, well Noona was leaning on the couch's arm and her legs were resting on Hyung's lap. They seemed very comfy and concentrated. Wow, they just completely forgot about the party yesterday. Eh, I'll do the same. I looked at Sulli and she was looking at the couple. I looked at her wrist and saw that she had a hair tie on. I quietly took it from her as she looked at me curiously. I placed a finger on my lips and aimed the hair tie. I kept it still for one second and released it. Hyung closed both of his eyes as the hair tie hit his face. He glared at our direction and asked, "What was that for?!"

     I raised my hand in a surrender direction and said, "It wasn't me, I don't carry around a hair tie."

     Suddenly, something smacked my head. I held my head as Sulli said, "What a jerk, how dare you frame me."

     I gave her a smile and a thing suddenly hitted my left cheek. I looked at it and saw that it was the same hair tie I launched at Hyung, Sulli let out a melodious laugh as I turned to Hyung. Noona was acting like she didn't see it, but I can see that she was suppresing a smile. Hyung closed the file and threw it on the coffee table. He asked, "So what do you need?"

     I gave Sulli back her hair tie and said, "It's time for lunch, Sulli and I were wondering if you and Noona wanted to come to join us."

     Hyung stood up. He was wearing a black dress pants with a white dress shirt that was folded to his elbows. Noona glared at him as her legs fell. He took the file in Noona's hand and placed it on the stack of folders on the table. He held out a hand and said, "Let's go eat."

    Noona took his hand but said, "You could have said something first before you suddenly just stood up."

    Hyung released Noona's hand and took the files from the table and placed it somewhere behind his desk. He went back to Noona's side and to and her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. They walked towards and and when they were close enough, we walked towards Hyung's elevator. I said as we stepped on the elevator, "We have reservations in Si Hwa Dam, is that good enough? Or do you guys want to eat anywhere else?"

     Noona said, "That's good enough Dongho."

Pov(Victoria) (Time skip to end of lunch)

     The employees of Shin Industries bowed to us as we walked in. The receptionist rushed over to us and bowed she stood up and said in a panicked voice, "Mr. Shin, you have a visitor in your office. I tried to stop her, but, she was very insistent in waiting for you in your office."

     Soohyun's eyebrows furrowed and he said, "That's alright, Allison. Tell security to be ready incase I call for them."

     Allison bowed and said, "Alright Mr. Shin. Right away"

     Soohyun turned to Sulli, Dongho, and I. He said, "Do you guys mind accompanying me to see who's my rude visitor?"

     We shook our heads and he led us to the elevator. As the elevator started to rise, Soohyun asked, "Did I forget any meeting for today?"

     I said, "Not that I know of. Sulli? Dongho?"

     Dongho said, "Nope."

     "Nope," Sulli said, popping the p at the end. Soohyun said, "Hmm, wonder who has the guts to come to my office uninvited."

     There was a sudden ding and the elevator door opened. We all walked towards Soohyun's office with him leading us, as he placed a hand on the doorknob, he first paused and glanced at us. He then pushed the door and my heart dropped.


     I gritted my teeth and my hands turned to fist. I said, "Ms. Wang, what are you doing in my office?"

     Fei stood up from MY chair and walked over to us she said, "Why, getting mentored from the Great Shin Soohyun of course. Didn't you read the contract you signed with my father?"

     I walked over to my files and took out my copy of the contract from Wang Corporations. I said, "Of course I read the contract, there's not a single sentence here about me having to mentor you

     Fei pulled out a copy of the contract and said, "Over her, section 5, paragraph 3, sentence number three. To assure continuous progression of the companies, both parties must do anything in order for both companies to stay at top. Do you know what that means, for you, my dear Soohyun? That means you have to make sure that the heir of the company is capable of running the company. Because if Wang Corporations burns to the ground, Abeoji will sue Shin Industries for every penny you have. So until the contract expires, which is in five years, I'll be seeing you everyday. "

     I grinded my teeth together as she smirked, she said, "Goodbye for today Soohyun, I'll see you tomorrow for the start of my training, Oppa."

     She walked out of the office, but not without bumping into Victoria. They had a small glaring battle and Fei walked out. As I heard the elevator ding, I said. "Call the lawyer."

     Dongho walked to my telephone and started speaking to Kibum. Dongho put down the phone and said, "He'll be here tomorrow morning, he's at Japan right now."

     I nodded and walked over to the vase next to the couch. I picked it up and said to Victoria and Sulli, who were still by the door, "Excuse me ladies, but do you mind getting out of the way?"

    They nodded and walked over to my table without a question. I threw the vase angrily at the door as I let out a frustrated growl. I heard Dongho sigh and pick up the phone, he said, "Yoboseyo, yeah, I need clean up in Hyung's office again, no, it's a vase this time. Yeah, you can bring up a replacement now."

     Victoria sat at the couch and I followed her. She scooted so that she was touching the arm of the chair and I laid down. I used her lap as my pillow. I closed my eyes as she traced her fingers from my forehead down my face. She asked quietly, "What are we going to do now?"

     I opened my eyes and they met her's, I said as quietly, "I don't know."

A/N: Heyyyyy. Wassup? So what do you think of this chapter?

What do you think of Fei? How are you today?

Okay, please comment and keep reading and following my story. Till the next update :)






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Sometime soon. But since school is starting again, I might be busy


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Chapter 39: So sweet.... Love this story! :3
ben0ann #2
Chapter 39: omg...i thot Soohyun died too... thank you so much for the story! really like the soohyun victoria cp...
vicqian #3
Chapter 39: You're good in the way to make me shock authornim? I think that is Soohyun's grave •⌣• But then happy ending yay •⌣• Make more toriacouple fic and thanks for thuis great fic ง'̀⌣'́)ง Hwaiittingg
yuukiminberlove #4
Chapter 39: author nim! i was scared thinking Soohyun it was dead , almost crying xD a great finish, you should make your wedding extra chapter, ;w; for all to be happy /(°Δ°)\ really loved your story, you'll do more fanfics of f(x) with U-Kiss? :D
kevin7 #5
Chapter 39: I thought soohyun died i was about to cry but good thing he didnt i like how you twisted the story thinking soohyun died love the story an ending
Chapter 39: Haha I thought soo hyun died a first.. Lol and such a great ending!
Are you going to make more toriacouple fics?
Chapter 38: Oh no .. He will comeback right?
vicqian #8
Chapter 38: He will be back, update soon •⌣•
vicqian #9
Chapter 37: Cliff hangerrrr. Update soon •⌣•
kevin7 #10
Chapter 37: I think this chapter is good i think soohyun got shot