The Ball part 1

A Very Unusual Love Story

Pov (Victoria)

     Well today is the big day. And no it's not my wedding day. It's just a ball. I have no idea why I said the big day, but just felt like it. Sulli and I were in my room, finishing the final touches in our make ups and hairs. Someone knocked at the door. I said," Come in."

     A maid came in, bowed and said," Young miss. Dongho ssi and Changmin ssi are here."

     I said," Araso, tell them that we would be down in one moment."

     The maid said," As you wish young miss."

     She exited the room while bowing. I asked Sulli," Do I look okay?"

     Sulli nodded and asked," What about me Unnie?"

     I said," Neh."

Pov (Dongho)

    Changmin was standing next to me by the front door waiting for the girls. He was wearing a rather nice suit.

     But of course, I looked better.

      Changmin ssi had an ignorant and cocky aura around him. And I didn't like him one bit. Especially since he shamelessly checked out the waitress infront of Victoria Noona. He said," So Dongho, where's Soohyun Hyung?"

      I shrugged," I don't know. He said that he would just meet us at the ball."

      He asked," Is he gonna bring a date?"

      I said," I don't know, im not Hyung."

      He asked," But aren't you his brother?"

      I said," Neh, and aren't you being a little bit too much interested in Hyung's life?"

      He raised his hands and said," Relax Dongho, im just making a conversationg here."

      I asked," But why does it have to be Hyung?"

      Just then, both girls started going down the stairs. Both of them looked very pretty. But Sulli, oh man. She looked so beautiful. She's like an angel that came from heaven. She is a rare, like the jem jadeite. Wait, not rare, but one of a kind. And I love her smile, her smile can light up the whole world and the dark galaxy.

      Sulli approached me. I said," You look very beautiful tonight."

      She blushed and said," You don't look too bad yourself."

      I put my hands to my side, flipped my hair and saod," Don't look bad, I look handsome."

      I looked at her and winked. She hit my arm and said," Yah, don't be so full of yourself."

      I rubbed the spot she hit and said," Am not. Im just stating the truth. But I think you already knew that."

      She mumbled," Know what, shut up."

      I jumped in victory, I then heard someone cough. I looked over and saw Changmin looking annoyed and Noona, well she seem amused. Changmin said," Can we go? We might be late."

      . Sulli said," Neh."

      Why does he even care, were going on seperate cars anyways. I held my hand out to Sulli and she took it. I entertwined my fingers with her and led her to my car.

(porsche cayman)

Pov (Victoria)

      Aww, Dongho and Sulli are so adorable. But my erted date over here likes ruining moments that are not meant for him. Like seriously, can't you give them a couple more minutes? Who cares if we're a couple minutes late? The world doesn't revolve around you. Hmmm, why am I still going with him? Have I forgiven him yet? Well anyways, Dongho led Sulli to a red sports car and Changmin led me to a hummer limo.

     Changmin entered the back of the limo first, then me. I asked him," Why did you have to bring a limo? It's only us anyways."

     He put his arms over my shoulder and said," Babe, the bigger the ride, the grander the entrance, which means more popularity."

     I removed his arms and asked," Why do you need so much attention."

     He put his arm back over my shoulder and said," It's not attention for me. It's publicity for my company."

     I removed his arm back and said," You're not even running "your" company, your parents are."

     He put his arm back and said," Well I am in the future."

     I mumbled," When's that? 50 years from now?"

     He pulled me closer to him and asked," What was that?"

     I said," Nothing."

Pov (Sulli)

     We arrived at the ball, held at the grandest hotel in Seoul. The media was everywhere, every second of every minute had flashes all over the place. Every media station had a representative here. The entrance had a red carpet and along the way there was a station where all the business people had there picture by media wether they liked it or not.

     Dongho stopped his car at the front of the red carpet, got out, hurriedly went to my door and opened it. He held out his hand and I took it. A valet person took Dongho's keys and drove off to a parking lot somewhere. I then held onto Dongho's arm and we started walking towards the hotel. Of course we didn't forget to smile for the camera.

     We got inside the hotel. The dance floor was huge, there were two balcony like things that had the view of the dance floor, the ballroom had huge windows that showed the night sky covered with a million stars, and you can go out to a balcony under those millions of stars.

     And by those balcony like things were tall round tables for couples or groups

(A/N: Just showing how the tables look, that's not really the place)

     There were no chairs around since this ball is really for business, so people will most likely be moving around associating with each other and promoting their business. The place was hectic, everyone was moving, waiters we serving. It was a good thing this place was enormous, or else everybody would have been crashing into each other.

     Dongho and I went to one of the tables, as we reached the table, a waiter with a tray full of wine glasses that had different types of wines in them. Dongho picked up two and handed one to me. I said," Kamsahamnida."

     Dongho said." Cheonmanneyo, so what do you think of this party?"

     I said," It's very grand."

     Dongho nodded in approval and said," Business owners almost all over the world hold out this event every year. But the only difference now is that they require you to bring a date."

     I mumbled," Hmm I bet your happy about that."

     He asked," What?"

     I said," Oh nothing."

     He smiled and said," Yes I am very happy about that."

     I smiled too. Just then, Unnie and Changmin arrived. Upon arrival, Changmin asked," So is Soohyun Hyung here yet?"

     Dongho rolled his eyes and said," Well Changmin, we just arrived a few minutes earlier than you, do you think that if I saw Hyung now, he wouldn't be with us?"

     Changmin raised both of his hands and said," Geez, I was just asking."

     I looked around the place, amd my eyes landed on the huge staircase.

     I said," There he is."

(Ignore Xander and Kiseop, im just showing Soohyun now)

      I continued," With her."


A/N: Here's my update readers. Thanks for commenting, subscribing, and reading. Well as most of you wanted, Bom is Soohyun's date.

Wanna find out what's going to happen next? Then keep commenting, subscribing and reading.

Well until the next chapter, bye =D

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Sometime soon. But since school is starting again, I might be busy


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Chapter 39: So sweet.... Love this story! :3
ben0ann #2
Chapter 39: omg...i thot Soohyun died too... thank you so much for the story! really like the soohyun victoria cp...
vicqian #3
Chapter 39: You're good in the way to make me shock authornim? I think that is Soohyun's grave •⌣• But then happy ending yay •⌣• Make more toriacouple fic and thanks for thuis great fic ง'̀⌣'́)ง Hwaiittingg
yuukiminberlove #4
Chapter 39: author nim! i was scared thinking Soohyun it was dead , almost crying xD a great finish, you should make your wedding extra chapter, ;w; for all to be happy /(°Δ°)\ really loved your story, you'll do more fanfics of f(x) with U-Kiss? :D
kevin7 #5
Chapter 39: I thought soohyun died i was about to cry but good thing he didnt i like how you twisted the story thinking soohyun died love the story an ending
Chapter 39: Haha I thought soo hyun died a first.. Lol and such a great ending!
Are you going to make more toriacouple fics?
Chapter 38: Oh no .. He will comeback right?
vicqian #8
Chapter 38: He will be back, update soon •⌣•
vicqian #9
Chapter 37: Cliff hangerrrr. Update soon •⌣•
kevin7 #10
Chapter 37: I think this chapter is good i think soohyun got shot