The Board Meeting

A Very Unusual Love Story

Pov (Victoria)

       Dongho, Sulli, and I were waiting by the conference floor waiting for Soohyun. We tried going to his floor, but like yesterday, it was lock. Dongho called his Soohyun's office phone. Soohyun did not answer. Dongho called Soohyun's cellphone. Soohyun still didnt answer. SO Dongho just decided to leave a voicemail for Soohyun.

       Just when Dongho, was about to call Soohyun again. The elevator dinged. When it opened, it revealed a sleepy looking Soohyun that had a white v-neck on, black jeans, and a disheveled hair. He looked cute and y that way. Wait. Forget I said anything. Dongho asked," Hyung, did you sleep in your office again?"

       Soohyun rubbed his eyes and said," Neh."

       Dongho asked," Why, and how come your just wearing a shirt and jeans?"

       Soohyun said," I had a lot of papers to sign. And I left the clothes that I used to leave there at my house."

       Dongho nodded, and asked," Did you brush your teeth. And why is your hair so messy?"

       Soohyun said," Neh I brushed my teeth. I lost my brush and I couldn't find the comb."

       Sulli asked," Wait. Oppa, you used to sleep here regularly?"

       Soohyun said," Just when it's too late to go home."

       Sulli asked," What about your personal stuff?"

       Soohyun said," I have everything I need at that floor. That's why I have a floor all to myself."

       Sulli nodded. Soohyun said," Let's go, im sure everyone is there already."

       Soohyun then lead us to the door leading to the conference room.

Pov (Soohyun)

        When I was about to enter the conference room. I saw the board members. And most of their daughters, that is wearing very revealing clothes. I whispered to Dongho," Is it bring your children to work day?"

        Dongho whispered back," Aniyo, we dont have a bring your children to work day."

        I whispered to him," Is it wear only half your clothes day?"

        Dongho whispered," Aniyo, we dont have that kinda day either. No one does."

        I said," Araso, kamsahamnida."

        Dongho nodded. I entered the conference room fully, getting everyone's attention. The board members stood up from their chair and bowed. One said," Mr. Shin, I hope that you don't mind that we brought our daughters along."

        I said," It's fine Mr. Lee, everything is already done. There's no turning back what happened. As long as they dont disturb the meeting. Then they can stay."

        Mr. Lee smiled and said," Kamsahhamnida Mr. SHin."

        I nodded and proceeded to going to my chair. Victoria sat at my right side, and Dongho and Sulli sat at my left. As soon as everyone was settled in I said," I have to go to America for 5 months."

        They all shout at unison," WHAT!!!!!"

        I said," Neh, it seems that a company im invested in is having a little problem with a competing company, and I have to get there and fix some things before it get's out of hand."

        Dongho said," But Hyung, does it have to be 5 months?"

        I said," If it can be settled quickly, maybe not. But if not, then neh, maybe even longer."

        Sulli asked," What about the company, who is going to handle it?"

        I said," Dongho, you, and Victoria are, along with the help of Kiseop."

        Kiseop asked," But what if we can't handle it?"

        I said," All of you can handle it. And as far as I know, the company is very stable now and even rising. And all of you can still contact me."

        Victoria said," When will you leave?"

        I said," Maybe in 2 months, maybe earlier."

        Everyone then grew quiet. I said," Well with that put of the way, let's talk about the release of our newest phone."

        A board member," We could have it released before your head to America."

        I nodded and said," Who do you propose we have it advertised?"

        Mr. Lee said," We could have the girl group SNSD advertise it."

        I said," We only need a couple models."

        Mr. Lee said," Then just have a few of them advertise it?"

        I said," Araso. I would contact their manager right away. This meeting has ended. Please have a nice day."

        I stood up and left.

Pov (Dongho)

        When Hyung exited the room I said," Kamsahamnida everyone, well I have to go now, bye."

        I quickly walked out of the room. Noona and Sullli bid goodbye to the board members and followed me. Sulli said," Wait, Dongho, why are you in a hurry?"

        I kept my pace and said," Because Hyung might lock the floor before we could ge there."

        After I said that, the sisters picked up their pace and passed me. We hopped on the elevator. But when we got to Hyung's floor, it was already locked. I sighed in frustration and said," Aish."

        Sulli pressed the button to my office and asked," Isn't there any other way up your Hyung's office other than the elevator?"

        As soon as she said that, a light bulb went on in my head. I said," The emergency exit."

        Sulli asked," Where is it?"

        I said," It's at the other end of the floor."

Pov (Victoria)

        When we got to the emergency exit, it was dark, dusty, and it smelled old. I asked Dongho," Why is it like this here?"

        Dongho said," The janitors skip cleaning this since Hyung doesn't really check. Once in a while they do, but not very often."

        I asked," Wouldn't the emergency door be locked too?"

        Dongho said," That has to be locked manually since it's for emergency purposes. Hyung might forget to lock it."

Pov (Soohyun)

        I hung up my phone as I wrote down the contact number of SNSD's manager. I then punched in the number on the phone and waited for it to ring. A man picked up the phone at the first ring and said," Yoboseyo, who is this?"

        I said," Yoboseyo, is this Thomas, SNSD's manager?"

        He said," Neh, may I know who is speaking?"

        I said," This is Shin Soohyun of Shin Industries. I would like some of your girls to advertise our newest phone. They would each get $5000 and the phone that they are advertising."

        He said," Oh neh, neh. I would ask them if they want to. When is the latest that I can report to you?"

        I said," You could call me until three days. But of I don't hear back from you, then I would just find other models."

        He said," Araso."

        I said," Araso, bye."

        I then hung up the phone.

Pov (Dongho)

        We entered Hyung's office. He was just standing up and ending a phone call. He looks towards us and asks," How did you get in here?"

        I said," The emergency exit."

        Hyung said," Araso, so what can I do for you?"

        Before I could answer, Hyung's office phone rang. He picked it up and said," Yoboseyo. Neh, araso, I will tell her."

        He hung up the phone and said bitterly," Victoria, your boyfriend is waiting for you." He then pressed a button that I dont know where it came from and said," The floor is unlocked, you can use the elevator."

        Noona then went towards the elevator excitedly, without saying a word. Hyung then asked," So why are you here?"

        I said," Hyung, we both know that you can always send someone to America to fix this problem."

        Hyung said," Not this one Dongho, it's to big to let someone else handle. If this company fails, we are going to lose quite a lot of money. And that might result to budget cuts here. Which might result for people to get fired."

        I said," But Hyung, we know that you can fix it here. And we absolutely know that you can fix that problem in less than a week."

        Sulli said," Oppa, running away from your problems, wont help you solve it."

        Hyung sighed and said," I know, but I need time to think. I need some space to see what I would do."

        I asked," And leaving for five months will give you that?"

        Hyung said," You might think of me as a coward. But have you both heard the saying that if you love someone, you should set them free?"

        We nodded and Hyung said," Well I want Victoria to be happy, even if it's not with me. So if she is happy with him, then I'll let her be. And hopefully when I get back from America, that this feeling would disappear already."





A/N: So here's the new update. Thank you so much for reading, subscribing, and commenting. So this chapter might be a little sad at the end. But hopefully it would get better soon. And, yeah you would only know what would happen if you keep reading and commenting. SO bye :D

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Sometime soon. But since school is starting again, I might be busy


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Chapter 39: So sweet.... Love this story! :3
ben0ann #2
Chapter 39: omg...i thot Soohyun died too... thank you so much for the story! really like the soohyun victoria cp...
vicqian #3
Chapter 39: You're good in the way to make me shock authornim? I think that is Soohyun's grave •⌣• But then happy ending yay •⌣• Make more toriacouple fic and thanks for thuis great fic ง'̀⌣'́)ง Hwaiittingg
yuukiminberlove #4
Chapter 39: author nim! i was scared thinking Soohyun it was dead , almost crying xD a great finish, you should make your wedding extra chapter, ;w; for all to be happy /(°Δ°)\ really loved your story, you'll do more fanfics of f(x) with U-Kiss? :D
kevin7 #5
Chapter 39: I thought soohyun died i was about to cry but good thing he didnt i like how you twisted the story thinking soohyun died love the story an ending
Chapter 39: Haha I thought soo hyun died a first.. Lol and such a great ending!
Are you going to make more toriacouple fics?
Chapter 38: Oh no .. He will comeback right?
vicqian #8
Chapter 38: He will be back, update soon •⌣•
vicqian #9
Chapter 37: Cliff hangerrrr. Update soon •⌣•
kevin7 #10
Chapter 37: I think this chapter is good i think soohyun got shot