
Lucky Girlfriend

The next day after Tuesday is Wednesday, the day where I have to pass up all the worksheets that I submitted late. I woke up early than usual and have breakfast with my family.

“Oh Hyemi-uh, good morning. You’re up early today.” Said mum while preparing the breakfast.

“I have to finish up all the worksheets I owe the teachers.” I answered back while putting down my bags and files.

“I’m not sure if I will be able to come back home for today dinner, omma.” I tell her.

She looked up and asked me why.

“Maybe there are still a lot of things to do. So, that’s why I am not able to come back home for dinner today.” I answered.

“Hyemi-uh, you looked like you have been stressing out lately. You look like you have lost many weights, Hyemi-uh. Are you still thinking about what happened few months ago?” She asked while grabbing hold of my cheeks.

I hold her hand back and assured her that I’m fine.

“Omma, you don’t have to worry about me. It is just that I’m occupied with the college worksheets and stuffs. Other than that, I’m fine, omma.”

“You better be, Ryu Hyemi.” Dad come into the kitchen and patted my head softly.

“I don’t want to see my one and only daughter lose lots of weight and stress up for nothing, arraso?” Dad said.

“Arraso, appa.” Then, as a family including Minki, we start eating our breakfast while chat around.


When the last class of the day ended, I walked straight to the café and bought some sandwich and strawberry slushie to fill in my empty stomach. Then, I walk quickly to the study corner and started doing my worksheet while listening to music. The atmosphere is too noisy for me to concentrate on doing the remaining worksheets.

I was doing the isometric drawing for the question that are given the needs and points for me to draw the product.

A hand knocked onto my table and I look up.

“Oh, Hayden.” I smiled at him and took out my earpiece.

“So, this is what design student does, huh? Your drawing is nice.” He said.

“Nope. You’re wrong. This is sketching not drawing. Drawing does not have not have hidden lines and it is much neater than this. What I am doing now is sketching.” I explained.

“Wow. This is cool. Rather than me always having calculator by my side.” He sighed.

“That’s what a business student should do.” I smiled and continue drawing.

“Hyemi-uh, have you eaten your lunch?” He said.

I showed him the sandwich and slushie that I have eaten and finished it before he arrived.

“Aish. I thought of wanting to treat you to lunch.” He pouted.

I laughed softly at his silly actions and answered him back. Looking at how his trying to start a conversation with me, I remembered that I won’t be coming back home for dinner tonight so I asked him whether he want to have dinner with me instead of lunch.

“Hayden-uh, how about we eat dinner together tonight?” I asked him.

He looked up to me and he smile formed. “Really? For the first time? you and me? Alone? Just both of us?”

“Ermm.. yes. Only if you want it. If not, I can go back home and have my dinner instead.”

“No no. what time will you finish all of this? This is a lot of worksheets.” He asked.

“I have to submit this by latest at 8pm. But I think I can finish this up by 6. Now is only 4pm so I have two more hours left.” I answered.

“Assa! I’ll go and take my car first at home and I’ll come back to school when you’re done. Is it alright with you?” He asked.

“Yeah. Sure, you should do that.” I smiled.

He stands up and said, “Today at 6pm, I’ll come and meet you at the foyer. Don’t cancel our plans that you make.” He smiled and walk off while waving at me.

Feeling much happier than before, I smiled and continue doing the worksheets.


 “So, why do you want to meet up with us?” Said Aron while sipping his orange juice.

“Why? Am I not allowed to meet my friend who just got engaged with his girlfriend?” I said.

“Ya Kim Jonghyun, straight to the point. What have you been doing now? It’s rare to hear news from you.” Aron said.

“Well, the reason why I want to meet up with you guys is because I have lots of things to share with you guys.”  I explained the reason.

“You look happy, Jonghyun.” Said Minzy suddenly.

“Yeah because something happened and I really like it.” I smiled while looking at both of them.

The look at each other and give me a weird face.

“So, let me tell you the story.” For the second time, I told them the story what I’ve already told Jaejoong hyung about Hyuna’s pregnancy and then for bonus, I told them about my fate with Hyemi through card reading.

“So, yeahh. That’s what happened to her. Knowing that that baby is not my child, I will not hold any responsible for her.” I told them while sipping my chocolate milkshake.

They both give me the same expression, :O.

“That’s not something you should be happy about, Jonghyun. Your in-laws and parents don’t even know about this and in the meanwhile, you as her husband in the name of law, you should take care of her until she tells the truth and when she’s already gives birth to the child.” Aron said wisely.

“But she has already promised me that she will not ask me for anything.” I answered.

Aron sighed, “You actually believed her promises, Jonghyun? That girl can’t be trusted. You won’t know what she will be doing next so in the meantime, you shouldn’t be too happy.” He said again.

“Aish troubles and troubles. By the way Minzy, did Hyemi called you recently?” I asked looking at Minzy.

“Nope. She didn’t give me any call.” She shook her head.

‘What is she doing now.’ I thought and drink my chocolate milkshake.


“It’s good that you finished all this by the due time but I don’t want you to submit the worksheets late again, Hyemi. You are a great student. I don’t want you to waste your design effort. If you study harder than this, you can be a designer that will perform really well.” Said Miss Ailee while sorting out my worksheet.

“I promise that this won’t happen again, Miss Ailee. Thank you.” I thanked her and walk down to the foyer.

Hayden was already there sitting on one of the chair provided. He saw me coming towards him and he stands up.

“You’re earlier than expected, Hyemi. It’s only 5.45.” He said while looking at his wristwatch.

“Well, you’re earlier than expected to.” I continued, “Where should we go and have our dinner?”

“What will you like to eat?” He asked.

“It’s up to you.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Then, we should go to Pizza Palace. We can have my favourite chicken bbq there.” He said.

I remembered that that restaurant is my favourite restaurants together with Jonghyun but I didn’t reject him and just go with the flow.

He started driving and on the radio.

“Actually Hayden, I got something to ask you.”

“Spit it out.” He smiled.

“How old are you?” I asked.

“I’m two years older than you. You should be 18 this year, right? I’m 20.” He answered.

“Then, how did you get a car license at such a young age?” I asked him.

“My parent allows me to have a car at 20 years old. So, maybe that’s why I have a car at such a young age.” He answered.

I nodded and kept silent.


When we have finished our early dinner, I thanked Hayden for treating me to dinner.

“Thank you Hayden for the nice dinner. It was a delicious one.” I smiled.

“Yeah. This place has the best pizza. Have you try eaten from this restaurant?” He asked.

I lied to him and shook my head.

“Then, you will have more opportunities more in the future. I can treat you more if you want.” He said.

“It’s okay, Hayden. I want to go back home now.” I said.

“Let me take you home.” Before I get to say anything, he continued “No more rejecting me. Let go. I’m going to bring you back home.”

I smiled and followed him.

“Thanks Hayden.” I thanked him when we arrived in front of my home.

“See you tomorrow.” He smiled and drove off.

I’ve arrived at the front of my house and the whole family stands in front of the main door looking at me with a smiley face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Seems like you’ve gone out with a guy for dinner. Who is he?” Mum said.

“Oh. He’s Hayden. My school mate.” I answered and walk into the house.

I heard the three of them saying things behind me and giggling.

‘Omma. Do you think I am happy even though Hayden is by my side now?’ I sighed and went in my room.

I saw teddy bear, rillakuma, necklaces, heart padlock, pictures and notes. All of them relates to Jonghyun. I took one of the necklaces which he gave during our fourth anniversary.

The first thing I saw you, a smile formed.” – Kim Jonghyun.

“You didn’t even call me. You didn’t even bother to tell me your real reason why you’re married with Hyuna. You’ve promised me not to leave me alone. You’ve promised not to leave me even when there’s someone out there who is much better than me. Where did those promises go, Kim Jonghyun?” I sighed and continue doing my homework for the day.



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angelflyer22 #1
hihi! :) i just finished reading this story and it was really really good!! i loved it!! every chapter made me want to keep reading :) now im off to the sequel... but thank you soo much for putting up such a great story :D
KimCola #2
Chapter 53: Guys of course there will be a sequel because I do not think that the story will just end like that, right author?
Chapter 53: No. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. SEQUEL. /riots/ LOL. Please make a sequel. :) /puppy eyes and bbuing bbuing/ xD
DLite4Life #4
Chapter 53: SQUEAL!!!!! I want one!!!
Hyuna! I love it!
Hehe. Cant wait for the next chapter. Is it about their marriage? More drama? Update soon;)
DLite4Life #7
Chapter 52: asdljfha;sljdhflasjkdhfalsdkjhfalsdkjfhaldfhas. HAPPY OMG!!!!!!! SO FLUFFY! sadjfhsdljghsd I love it!
KeKe79 #8
Chapter 52: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Jonghyun proposed to Hyemi!!! Update soon!
Alex_Fjury #9
Chapter 52: Yes !! Finally the happy moment everyone was waiting for :) Love this Chapter :) Update pls soon !! <3
Chapter 51: Glad that Hayden helped Hyuna out. :) Hope everything turns out fine :x *cross fingers* :D Can't wait for the next update~ ^____^