Jealousy *Updated*


Taec's POV

"Ya! What-are-you-doing?!" I took that hand from her waist

"Cant you see, I dance with her" Khun replied

"Mwo?! You didnt understand my word, did you?" last time I punched him I already told him to stay away from micha

"Taec! What are you doing?!" Micha speaking

"You! Stay there!" I raise my voice up

Then I heard Khun chuckled

"Why are you laughing?! Is anything funny?!" I asked that bastart

"Yes its funny"

I cant help my self anymore, I punched him right in his cheek

"TAEC!" Micha shouted and hold me to not punching him anymore.

Khun stood up with his self, touched his bleeding mouth. I punched him with all my might and everyone in this party pay their attention to us

"Look, I dont know whats wrong with you man!" khun said

"what?" I tried to punch him again

"alright! Alright! Hold your self man! I dont want to mess in this party. I'm not going to punch you back"

"stay away from micha" I gave him my death gaze

"why should i follow your words? If you are still mad because of that Banpo' accident, I'm sorry. And I already apologize to Micha too"

" You still didnt understand huh?!"

"yeah! Me and micha are still friend btw. And I asker her permission to dance with me. You can asked her if you didnt believe me"

I looked at Micha

"I want to dance with him" she said

Damn! Micha still over this stupid bastard!

"See?" Khun raise his brow "You have to ask first before punched someone man!"

I grind my teeth

"and dont act like her boyfriend, while you are not"

"What did you say?" I walked to him

"Dont act like her boyfriend while you are not!"

"Why? Any problem with you?"

"No, but excuse me I want to continue my dance with her" khun smiled at me

I punched him again

"TAEC ENOUGH!" micha already crying. oh god!

And khun is laughing over me

"Man! Its too obvious that you are jealous!"

I cant stand any longer! I took micha hand

" we are done here, lets go home micha"

I dont care what people say about us an I dont even care that micha trying so hard to let go of my hand

" Get in!" I said as we arrived at parking lot

"I dont want to!"

"I dont like to reply my words!"

She get in and I started to engine

" congrats taec, you ruin my bestfriend birthday party and you ruin my image infront of my friends"

She is crying and I keep on driving.

Yeah! I'm jealous!


Micha's POV


I don’t understand what’s on his mind to punch Khun again this time. I mean, he told me right, it’s okay to think about ex-boyfriend. I thought it’s okay for me to dance with Khun, now. And what was he doing that time? He acted like a beast one on Miyoung’s party.

My phone rang once.


“are you okay, Micha? I’m so afraid. Taec oppa looks so scary tonight. I hope you alright there”

Aish, it should be me that afraid about making her party to be ruined.

I glanced at him once, as i saw he was driving, looked out the street with that angry eyes.

Uhm.. pardon.. angry?? It should be me to be angry, right??

He parked the car.

I was confuse about he stopped the car here. At Han River. What he was expecting to be here, huh?

I wanted to ask, but as i saw him, he just stay in silence, looked out and do nothing. Aish, what should i do now?? I want to shout at him for making me confuse, but that face, seriously, making me even more confuse.

I just sighed once, and got out from the car.

I need a fresh air.

I sat at one bench near the river. Looked up at the sky once. No stars, huh? The sky was dark.

I sent Khun a message.

“are you okay, Khun? I told you to not to do it, and now? You got punched right??”

Aish, and what the hell Khun was expecting? He just chuckled everytime Taec’s hand punching at him. Seriously weird.

My phone rang.

“it’s okay, Micha. Where are you now? Still with him? Kekeke. Have a great time you two!”

Geez!!!! Khun is seriously weird. Have a great time? What oh so great about getting confuse with whats going on, and now i just sat alone watching Han River.


I heard someone’s voice.

I looked up, and Taec oppa already stood up beside me. i just stared at him once, and continued looking at the river.

He sighed, and sat next to me.

“i don’t know what was i doing at Miyoung’s party,” he said again.

I dont know how to respond, that’s why i just kept on silence.

“Are you mad?” he asked.

Mad? Geez! Of course!

But i chose to shake my head instead.

“I just...”

Here we go. He started to explain.

One second.




“You what??” i asked him because of he stopped explaining.

“I just...”


“I just.. don’t know why i did that..” he said.

Grrr! Stupid Taec then!

I stood up. But before i walked bact to the car, he held my hand.

“I just don’t like it to see you with him”

I turned my body. Seriously, dont expecting he would answer something like that.

“I did forgive him, so you better nice to him. He’s becoming my friend now,”

He sighed again.

“Can you just stay away from him?” he stared at me and asked.

I saw him my questioning face. “I told you, he’s my friend,”

“Seriously, i hate to see you with him. I hate that. Sorry if i punched him again. Sorry for making your bestfriend’s party ruin, sorry for making you mad, but everytime i saw him, that sad face of you crying last time just flashed again on my mind. And i hate to remember that. I just...”

Heh? What?

“you just what?” i stared at him too close. And i couldnt find my heartbeat again now.

“I just don’t want to see you hurt again like that again, Micha...”

He said that, as he stared back at me, in the lowest tone he ever talked to me.

I couldnt say anything after that.

Tried to understand his words.

All we can do now just staring each other.

A second..

Two second..



It’s awkward...

“Please just stay away from him...” he said that again as he hugged me.

So tight. Too tight.

What was he doing?

I tried to breath. But it just too hard. It’s hard to find my heartbeat now.

What the hell of this feeling now?

Eh? Feeling?

Did i just mention that?

Oh gosh! What’s wrong with me now??

I dont think something like this could be happened.

It can’t be this fast right??

I tried to breath again.

I don’t know why, but all i can do just hugged him back.

Instead of thinking this too much, i chose to enjoy this.

His warm body hugging my petite body in this too cold weather next to Han River.

Am i.. falling?


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Chapter 1: Awesome :)
I've watched Eiffel I'm in love for a couple times bcz I like that movie and I find out this story that based on that movie, I'm so happy..
This story is best as the movie is :)
Btw, are you Indonesian??
Yeolah #2
Chapter 31: Taecccc... be wiff me insteaddd D___O <3
CB_Zinger #3
I really was in love with Taec's character in here. So lovely <3
Nabilapanday #4
wooowww.. i like this story
Yay happy ending loved the rooftop scenes :)
SuNia_ #6
waaaaaaa~ a happy end *___* this was One of the sweetest Story EVER <3
shoholic #7
they have a happy ending..><
if real life like this..
thanks 4 a great story..
n sorry not to often leaving a comment..
Mrs-Jung #8
hey, guys. did i say that, i'm sorry for making you disappointed by ended this story? kekeke.
thanks for your comments. i love you, guyyys!! you always made my day.
please, looking out on my upcoming story. thanks!
Happy ending , so sweet