Only Time Will Tell

Be My Bias

Kevin POV

“What are the results?”

“You are a match to Taemin. If you’re 18 or older you can fill out these forms yourself and then we can take you back to prep you for the surgery.”

I honestly felt like crying right now. My whole body was shaking and I could barely hold the pen still long enough to fill out the medical forms.


Everyone around you was crying tears of happiness, even if Taemin wasn’t out of the clear yet. Kevin was shaking as he completed his medical forms. After he finished and handed them to the nurse at the desk, the doctor led him back behind the double doors again.

Kevin POV

I’ve never gotten major surgery before, just my wisdom teeth taken out. They made me wear a gown and wheeled me back into the operating room where they poked and prodded me some more. The last needle that went in me contained the anesthesia. Soon, I was out like a light.


I woke up, I don’t know how much later and I was in a hospital room. In the bed across the room was Taemin. He was badly scraped up and bruised and had an oxygen mask on, but he was breathing; he was alive. A small tear slid down my cheek.

“You’re awake”, a girl’s voice whispered next to me.

It was ________. She had dark circles under her eyes and she looked exhausted.

“What time is it”, I asked.

“It’s 8:30 in the morning. You slept all through the night.”

“How--how is he”, I asked cautiously.

“He’s stable, but his breathing is still a little uneven. The doctors got to him just in time. If they would’ve waited any longer, it would have been too late.”

I looked over at Taemin and smiled. Suddenly, ________ kissed my lips softly and my hair.

“Thank you”, she said.

I held her hand in my own, kissing her fingertips.

I shifted to the side of the bed so she could sit down. She carefully sat down next to me.

“Are my parents here?”

“Yes, everyone went down to the cafeteria to get some breakfast. I told them I’d stay here with you guys. I told them where we really were last night, but they’re not mad. They’re just happy that we’re safe and sound.”

A random, but important question popped into my head. “Do you love me”, I asked her.

She didn’t answer right away; like she had to think really hard about how to answer my question.

“I do, I love you, but I love him as well.”

I could understand. I knew deep down she had strong feelings for Taemin and I wasn’t the least bit upset with her.

“I know and it’s okay.”

She leaned up and kissed my forehead before going over and checking on Taemin.

Taemin POV

I felt as if I was dreaming, but it was the most bizarre dream I’ve ever had. I think my mind was playing tricks on me. I could hear what was going on around me, but I couldn’t open my eyes or move much. It was as if my body was frozen with paralysis. I heard ________ and Kevin talking somewhere in the room.

“Do you love me”, Kevin asked.

________ didn’t answer him right away.

“I do, I love you, but I love him as well.”

She loves me? ________ loves me? Either what I just heard is reality or my subconscious is being mean to me.

“I know and it’s okay”, I heard Kevin reply back.

Okay first of all, where am I and secondly, why is Kevin here? He hated me and I thought that ________ was still mad at me. I wish I could awake from this terrible, yet wondrous dream.

Kevin POV

Soon everyone came back from breakfast. They were all happy to see that I was awake. They still kept a close eye on Taemin though, and even Deanna went over to him, holding his hand and lightly kissing his cheek.

Everyone had to leave because visiting hours were over at 5, so the only people in the room were me, Taemin, and doctors and nurses who would come in and out every so often. They told me I could go home tomorrow, so I’d only be here one more night. I asked them when Taemin would be able to go home and they told me in a few days, once his breathing was more stable and he wakes up.

That night, I couldn’t sleep. I kept looking over and checking on Taemin every few minutes. The doctors said he was still unconscious with a concussion, but he wasn’t in a coma so that was good news to hear. Every now and again, a muscle in his leg or arm would twitch, reassuring me that he would pull through.

I never thought I would ever forgive Lee Taemin, but in the end, I did. He now had a part of me and that could turn even the deepest of hatred into compassion.

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Chapter 1: I love this! I love the conflict! And I hate to choose like her too! Hahaha! This ruined me in a beautiful way! I am ruined by those two!!!! WAAAHHH XDDDDDDDD
Chapter 24: SEQUELLLL PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Like where she goes to Korea and stuff and sees Kevin again or something like that.. please please please!!!!
Chapter 8: It's just a story but I feel myself fangirling at every moment XD~
NamelessDongholic #4
I shouldnt read the comments... they spoil the plot :P
Just got done reading the story! A little upset that the girl and Kevin didn't have y time but I loved the story anyway lol
JustLiv #6
I liked the ending even tho she ended up as a single pringle ;D
Author-nim make your readers happy and write a sequel ^^
WOAH!!!! i love it!!! thanks author-nim but can you please make a sequel?!!! pleasssseeeeee!!!!!!!
great story btw!!!
awhh!! i'll miss this story unnie :( im sad she never got the chance to date TaeMin though. (he waited such a long time lol)
WAHHH I actually really liked the ending :) AMAZING STORY :D