Empty House

Don't Give Up On Me

When I got home I immediately went to the bathroom. I definitely did not want to be catching a cold right now. Being sick is the last thing on my list at the moment.

I got the bath started; I didn’t really feel like taking a shower. A nice warm bath is what I needed after everything today. The steam will definitely clear my mind and soothe me.

I threw my wet clothes in the sink before getting into the tub.

“Ahhhh…” I let out a sigh of relief.

 I then plugged my nose and submerged myself under the water. After a couple of seconds I resurfaced. I used my hand to wipe my face of the remaining water sticking to my face. I pulled my hair back with my hands and squeezed the excess water from it before relaxing back; using my arms as my cushion for my head. 

I stared up at the white ceiling before closing my eyes, enjoying the feel of the warm water tingle my skin.

“Dad…why did you have to leave me all alone?” I whispered to myself.


When I was done and dressed, I decided take a walk around the house. I forgot how big it was, it had been two years since I last lived here. I don’t know why he bothered buying such a big house in the first place.

It was too big for two people to live in. Now, it’s too big for one person to live in. I don’t want to sell it. This whole house is a living memory of all the times me and my dad had together.

I wandered into the kitchen to grab something to eat. I haven’t eaten much in the past few days and I needed the energy for the coming week.

I pulled out the dinner that the chef had left me earlier but I wasn’t hungry. I stuck the container in the microwave to heat it up. I went to grab an Arizona green tea from the fridge. I never really liked soda. After I turned 15 I got over it. I’ve been soda free since then.

When I finished feeding my tummy I headed up to my father’s study; well, my study now I guess. As I got reached the top of the stairs I looked down onto the first floor.

sigh, It really is lonely in this house.”

I don’t understand how anyone can live here and not lose their minds. I give myself three days before I go bonkers.

I opened the door to the study. It was a rather big room but there wasn’t much furniture inside either.

There was a big oak desk settled right in front of a set of glassed doors that lead to the balcony. Two tall book shelves situated opposite of each other against the wall.

I took a seat in his personally custom desk chair. I spun the chair around and looked outside. The rain had let up a little but the pitter patter of the rain can still be heard as it fell upon the roof.

I turned back around and saw a bunch of pictures standing next to his monitor. There were several ones of us, one for every year. The only one missing is the eighteenth one; We never had the chance to take the photo.

It’s so hard, looking at these pictures I felt my heart break even more. I opened the drawer and found a small box with my name written on it. It had a red ribbon wrapped around it securely with a tag that said Happy Birthday on it.

“I see you found your birthday present.”

“…” I didn’t respond to uncle Wu. I continued staring at the box.

“Ms. Liu, Mr. Wu had some few documents he has to grab so I let him in. I hope you don’t mind young miss.” The maid said as she appeared through the door with some tea and crackers.

“Not at all. Thank you.” I replied to her.

“I shall take my leave now young miss; I shall be back tomorrow morning.” She bowed to me.

“Okay, have a safe drive.” When she left the room I saw him take some folders and put it inside his briefcase.

“I’m sorry we couldn’t celebrate your 18th birthday this year. I know it is a special year so how about we make up for it?”

“No…it’s okay. I’m fine.” I said as I began playing with the little box.

“That gift…he was going to give it to you personally. He had planned on flying down to LA.”

I held gripped the box tight as I clenched my fist around it and held it to my chest.

“Are you going to open it?”

“I will…when the time comes.”

“About your schedule, I have personally searched for an assistant for you. She will arrive by the end of the week.”

“Okay, I could use the help.” I said with relief. Even if she’s only an assistant at least someone will be with me.

“Do you have your school documents and schedule all worked out?” He asked.

“Yea, I start school in two weeks when the new semester begins.”

“Do you want me to hire you some bodyguards?”

“That won’t be a problem. I don’t want people to know who I am or what I do. The less attention, the better.”

“I have asked the company’s VP to take care of all meetings and negotiations until you get a foot in the door.”

“Thanks Shūshu. I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here.” I smiled at the older man.

“No problem. I love you like my own daughter. I have to run back down to the office. If you need anything just call.” He said as he gathered his things up.

“Wait, before you go, who’s the assistant?” I asked curious as I got up from the chair and walked with him to the front door.

“It’s a surprise. You’ll know soon enough.” He smiled and pulled out his umbrella and ran towards his car.

“Gah…I hate surprises. It makes me nervous.” I closed the door and set the alarm. All the employees are gone now.

I made my way to my room, it wasn’t late but my body can’t go any further without sleep. As I changed into my sleep wear I sat in the middle of my bed cross legged.

I grabbed my pillow and laid on my stomach my head facing the end of the bed. I rested the side of my head on my pillow as I slowly drifted to sleep. The image of my dad smiling and laughing engraved in my mind as darkness ensued the night.



“Hey dad!”

“Yes, what is it sweetie?” A five year old little girl with pig tails ran up to the man and jumped on his lap.

“Daddy! I know what I want to be when I grow up!”

“And what would that be?” He smiled at his ecstatic daughter.

“I want to be a PRINCE!” the little girl screamed with joy.

“I bet you will make a wonderful prince.” He continues smiling.

“Really?! All my friends say that I can’t be a prince because I’m a girl!” She stated with an angry pout and crossed her arms.

“Is that right? Well honey, if you believe in something hard enough and you work your hardest, anything is bound to happen. You just need to have your heart in it.”

“Okay! I will do my best daddy! I’ll make you proud to be the father of a prince!”

“Even if you don’t you’ll always be my little prince(ss).” He said as he threw her up in the air and caught her in his arms and pulled her in a tight hug and planted kiss all over her face.

“Wah! Daddy! Your beard tickles!” The little girl screamed with joy and laughter.


“Amber loves you best, daddy.”

“Daddy loves you best too.”


(A/N: Thanks for the comments and subscriptions. Here's the next chapter as a thank you to all my supporters.)

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Next chapter should be out sunday or monday pst. Sorry and thank you for your patience!!!


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Chapter 30: Great story author
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 30: Great story thanks
King_Aston #3
Chapter 30: Woo great story author *claps*
King_Aston #4
Chapter 25: So what your homie said has a point some Christian are really homophobic like my whole family is christian and there's two types of Christian the ones who judge people really hard and the ones who love people for who ever they are and I think amber is the one who doesn't judge and it's SUPER hard when your raised Christian and your gay cause your afraid that they'll judge you and look down upon you like even if you pray to God or fight it theres just some things that don't go away so that's why I just decided to embrace it cause my mom is hella religious and if I was to tell her she would no doubt disown me but my dad's chill and he would accept me (my parents still don't know nor my family but my friends do). So basically what I'm trying to say amber could be like how I am but who knows but I really do think amber has a thing for girls but of course she could never say it cause she's a kpop idol but who knows???? Only amber knows
future_mrs_liu #5
Chapter 30: I re-read this too! damn author I so soo miss you that I'm re-reading all of your studies instead of doing my projects. lol. Author-nim fighting!
melovestage #6
Chapter 16: Omg I was just reading and then I saw your A/N... YOU LISTEN TO S.H.E TOO?!?! OMGGGG
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 30: Awwww this was so cute, Thank you for writing this story!!
FrozenMikael #8
Chapter 25: awesome...
Chapter 18: Who shot Amber?
Chapter 16: Amber just think Krystal