A Bad Feeling

Don't Give Up On Me

Ch. 18

Amber’s POV:

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay getting home alone?” Key asked as I gathered all my books and papers ready to leave.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I? It’s not like I haven’t been gone home alone before.” I gave him a perplexed look. What am I a child? I can take care of myself; he’s just here for extra security.

“I know that, it’s just I have a bad feeling about today.” Key said looking off into the distance.

“I’ll be fine. You should really get going. Your brother is going to be mad if you miss his wedding.” I said throwing him out the door.

“Okay, fine. Call me when you get home.” He shouted as he ran out the room.


No One’s POV:

Krystal, Sulli, Jessica, and their crew were walking to their cars in the school’s parking garage. When they reached their cars they decided to stick around and talk. The lot was practically empty since it was well past 5 p.m. Though there were still some lingering students also making their way to their cars.

Though there was one person who caught the eyes of the six friends.

This person’s popularity has been spreading like wild fire ever since the new semester started. But what made everyone like this person is not because of her popularity. If anything, she doesn’t even know that she’s always the hot topic at the school.

They like her because she’s not those types of people that try to impress others. She’s just herself and is herself around everyone she meets. Her silliness and caring personality is what attracts people the most especially the girls.

No one really knows anything about her since she only keeps to her close knit of friends. Doesn’t mean she won’t talk to you but people would rather watch from a distance and admire from there.

Amber was walking towards her car. She was on her phone, looking at her schedule for the day.

A group of guys from the soccer team are walking up along Amber but since she was too busy she didn’t notice their presence.

“Hey, Amber, Minho’s buddy right?” One of the guys asked the tomboy.

Amber looked up from her phone and answered, “Yes?” Not sure what they wanted from her.

“Cool, we’re from the same team as Minho and heard a lot about your soccer skills. You should play with us sometime.” The other spoke pointing back at the other boys with his thumb before going back playing with his soccer ball.

“Sure, I’d love to.” Amber replied with a smile. She has always been a friendly and outgoing person.

Amber continued her way to her car. In the background you can hear some girls giggling. At this point, Amber already had an earphone in her ear and is zoned out.

As the girls walk up alongside of Amber, she finally notices their presence.

Amber looked at their direction which made them giggle even more.

“Hi, Amber.” One of the girls greeted with a blush.

“Ugh, Hello?” Amber responded.

The girls squealed with joy that the Amber J. Liu  had talked to them and quickly ran off leaving a freaked out Amber.  

Amber just shrugged it off seeing how she was kind of used to these things and put her head phones back in her ear.

A little further off in the distance the six friends were watching the young CEO as she made her way  their direction.

“Amber sure is one popular girl isn’t she?” Sulli said aloud.

“Yeah, I hear my classmates talk about her all the time.” Yoona added in.

“I know, If someone likes her I suggest they make a move soon or someone’s going to swoop in and steal her away.” Taeyeon said.

All the girls turned their gazes towards a certain young girl in the group.

“What? I’m working on it.” Krystal said feeling uncomfortable with everyone staring at her.

“Really? How far have you gotten besides going out to eat and texting each other.” Jessica finally spoke.

“Well, it’s kind of hard. I tried so hard and I’m not good at it and yet I feel as if there is no further progress from where we first started.” Krystal said defeated.

“How about just telling her how you feel?” Yuri

“She is, but not ‘til our father’s soiree.” Jessica rolled her eyes.

“Why so long?” Sulli asked.

“I don’t know, okay?! Just leave me alone.”

“Okay, okay. Was just trying to help.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it; I just don’t know what this feeling is that I’ve been feeling lately. It feels like I’m not happy but I’m not sad.” Krystal started.

“Like you’re content? Okay?” –Sulli

“Yea but I don’t know about what. It’s weird.” Krystal said crossing her arms, pouting.

“Hey, Krystal!”

Krystal looked up at Amber who just called her name and is now currently waving at her as she passed.

“Hey, Amber!” Krystal replied her mood doing a complete 360.

“Thanks for the ice cream the other day!”

“No problem! Now you owe me one though!” Krystal shouted.

“Heh, okay.” Amber laughed and continued to her car.

Suddenly a white van is heard driving into the parking garage at a past pace. It screeched to a stop in front of Amber.

It caught her by surprise that she jumped seeing that the van almost ran her over.

Amber started backing up, fearing that something bad was about to happen.

The Krystal and the girls were also confused at what I just happened. Whatever it was, it’s not a good sign and some of the girls had felt as if something is about to go down.

“Come on, guys. We need to get out of here.” Yuri said worried.

“What about Amber?” Krystal panicked.

“Call her to us. We’ll drive her home for now.” Yuri said hurrying the girl’s into the car.

“Amber!” Krystal called out to the tomboy who was still slowly backing away from the van.

Amber turned around to see Krystal calling to her and motioning her to go over to them.

She was about to turn around and run until she heard the door of the van open and the driver stepping out of the vehicle.

The feet of the driver hit the concrete with a muffled thud. Amber’s eyes followed the feet from under the car make its way around the vehicle to her.

“Amber! Come on!”

Krystal’s voice broke Amber out of her trance and turned around.

Right when she was about to run, she heard the cocking sound of a hand gun. It rang through Amber’s ears and when the sound finally processed through her brain; Amber dropped all her belongings on the ground and booked it.

She sprinted as fast as she can to her classmate’s cars.

Amber was less than a hundred feet from safety when an unrecognizable yet familiar voice said,

“Where do you think you’re going?”






(A/N: Sorry for the long wait! Hehehe been busy with work and other stuufs! Bet you're pretty angry that i left the chapter off like that huh? Yesh, I'm EVIL. sorta. Hehehhe hope you enjoy this chapter.

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Next chapter should be out sunday or monday pst. Sorry and thank you for your patience!!!


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Chapter 30: Great story author
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 30: Great story thanks
King_Aston #3
Chapter 30: Woo great story author *claps*
King_Aston #4
Chapter 25: So what your homie said has a point some Christian are really homophobic like my whole family is christian and there's two types of Christian the ones who judge people really hard and the ones who love people for who ever they are and I think amber is the one who doesn't judge and it's SUPER hard when your raised Christian and your gay cause your afraid that they'll judge you and look down upon you like even if you pray to God or fight it theres just some things that don't go away so that's why I just decided to embrace it cause my mom is hella religious and if I was to tell her she would no doubt disown me but my dad's chill and he would accept me (my parents still don't know nor my family but my friends do). So basically what I'm trying to say amber could be like how I am but who knows but I really do think amber has a thing for girls but of course she could never say it cause she's a kpop idol but who knows???? Only amber knows
future_mrs_liu #5
Chapter 30: I re-read this too! damn author I so soo miss you that I'm re-reading all of your studies instead of doing my projects. lol. Author-nim fighting!
melovestage #6
Chapter 16: Omg I was just reading and then I saw your A/N... YOU LISTEN TO S.H.E TOO?!?! OMGGGG
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 30: Awwww this was so cute, Thank you for writing this story!!
FrozenMikael #8
Chapter 25: awesome...
Chapter 18: Who shot Amber?
Chapter 16: Amber just think Krystal