I Remember

Don't Give Up On Me

Ch. 19


The two gun shots rang throughout the parking garage in its endless echo.

The girls were speechless, they couldn’t move. All they could do is stare at the person who was only a mere 15 feet from them stopping in her tracks.

The look in her eyes is that of disbelief. Her eyes were getting blurry. She looked up at where Krystal was. She tried blinking a few times but her vision wasn’t getting any better.

Amber felt the back of shirt sticking to her with the feeling of a warm sticky liquid. She hesitantly reached her hand behind her to touch the burning sensation where her ribs were.

The adrenaline that is currently running through her body isn’t letting her think clearly at the moment and everything seems to be moving at a slow pace.

When she brought her hand back, it was stained red. Amber’s breathing got heavier after seeing the blood.

Amber fell on her knees; she no longer had the strength to stand up.

“AMBER!!” Krystal started to run to the bleeding teenager.

When Krystal was about to reach Amber, the man behind her was slowly making his way towards them.

“Don’t take another step for I blow her brains out.” The man said in a calm tone.

Krystal slowly back away back to her sister and friends.

All of them feared for the life of the girl in front of them, whom still hasn’t said anything due to shock.

Amber finally collapsed on the ground due to the loss of blood and pain in her sides.

“Uuugh…” Amber groaned in pain while holding her sides.

The man walked up to Amber and stared down at her vulnerable state. He chuckled to himself, finding the scene amusing.

“Why are you doing this?” Jessica spoke up.

“Jessica, keep quiet.” Yuri begged her.

The man just stared at them and laughed some more.

“Because this piece of ruined my life!” He angrily said giving a hard kick into Amber’s ribs.

“Argh!” Amber let out a painful yelp and doubled over.

“It hurts doesn’t it?” The main squatted down towards Amber.

“….” Amber couldn’t respond.

“Just like my pride. You took everything away from me. My company, my house, my cars, and my wife!” He listed out while continuously kicking and stomping all over Amber.

“Stop it!” Krystal screamed out while tears rapidly fell down her face. “Just stop hurting her!”

Jessica hugged Krystal, pulling her younger sister to her.

The man then grabbed Amber by her hair and forcibly pulled her up to face him.

He let go of his grip when she was now sitting up. Amber took a good look at him, she then chuckled.

“What’s so funny, Liu? Do you think you’re in the position to be laughing right now?”

“Of course *cough* not…but…don’t you think *cough, cough* this is a little pathetic?”

“What did you say?” The man pointed his gun at Amber’s head.

“Heh….” Amber just chuckled.

“Amber, if you know what’s good for you, you should really shut the hell up.” Taeyeon said to the younger girl.

“You should really listen to your friend.” The man said.

“Shun Fu Hung…CEO of Hung Industries in Hong Kong….or should I say Ex-CEO…*cough*…you’re…pathetic.” Amber spat out.

“Say it again and it’s the end for you.” Hung said giving Amber a death glare.

“Why? It’s the truth. You were stealing money from my company. To the point where you weren’t even running your own company anymore, just getting by with the money that was given to you. You took advantage of my father’s generosity and I had to put a stop to it. People like you make me sick. Taking from people and doing nothing to give back.”

Hung gritted his teeth in anger.

“It’s not my fault that you lost all your material things….And if that’s all you ever cared about *cough, cough* then it makes you even lower than…scum. And about your wife, she didn’t even love you. She was only in it for the money. Taking with ill intent…look what the result is. Everything was taken from you…its karma. Don’t blame others for your misfortune…*cough, cough*.

“Why you!” Hung screamed as he raised his gun towards Amber again.

This time Amber acted, she grabbed his wrist and with her remaining strength pulled him closer. She then got her finger and jabbed him on his subclavian pressure point and pressed down as hard as she could. She then bit his wrist, hard. Making him scream in pain and releasing his gun, letting it fall to the ground.

She immediately pulled out a knife that she keeps in her back pocket. After swiftly flipping it open, stabbed him on the outside of thigh, then behind on his calve.

He was now on the floor rolling in pain, screaming curses at the young CEO. Amber then quickly kicked his gun off to a distance before letting herself fall on floor breathing heavily.

“Amber!” Krystal broke away from her sister and ran over to Amber. Not before stopping by the older man and giving him a nice kick in the privates.

“That’s for hurting Amber, you jackass.” Before turning away to tend to Amber.

“It might be a good time to call the ambulance and police.” Yoona said aloud.

“Right!” Yuri said pulling her cell out.

“Better hurry or Amber might die from all the blood loss.” Jessica said with a straight face.

“Jessica!” Everyone screamed.

“What? It’s the truth.” Jessica shrugged her shoulder.

Jessica turned her attention back to Amber and Krystal just to see that old bastard right behind Krystal.”

“Soojung! Watch out!” Jessica screamed across the lot.

When Krystal turned around it was too late.

Hung had grabbed Krystal and was now holding a knife to her neck.

“You think this is over? Well, it’s not. You should never let your guard down.” Hung chuckled.

“Let her go!” Amber screamed.

“No, it looks like this girl has a fond interest in you and same goes for you.” Hung said.


“You see, Liu; I’ve been watching you. And what I’ve noticed is that you two are always together and judging by your interactions with each other I can see that there is more than meets the eye.”

“You better not lay a hand on her or I swear I’ll kill you.” Amber seethed out.

“Oh but I plan on just that. You little girlfriend here is rather beautiful and young. Just my type.” Hung creepily said.

“Hands off my baby sister you ing erted creep!” Jessica was fuming he saw Hung Krystal’s cheek for a taste. Jessica started marching over to him.

“Ah, ah, ah. One more step and there will be cut along this beautiful neck of hers.”

Amber started to get up but kept falling back down her knees.

“Amber, don’t. Just leave me.” Krystal pleaded. It hurts her to see the one she loved in so much pain.

“Why? Why must I leave you? Krystal….I just found you again.” Amber said with soft eyes.




“I remember.”



(A/N: OoooOOooo~ another gunshot. I wonder who's that from? And what does Amber mean by remember? Aish, cliffhangers. Don't you just hate them? Cause i do! LOL  You know, this is the most chapters i have ever written for a fanfic on here. THANKS FOR ALL THE SUBSCRIPTIONS. Really, i never really expected to get past 30 subscribers. Thank you~ wo ai ni~ Takes for the comments too!

COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE, and i'm gonna advertise: check out my new short fic called: Inside the Mind of a Coward.  http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/182729/inside-the-mind-of-a-coward-amber-amberliu-krystal)

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Next chapter should be out sunday or monday pst. Sorry and thank you for your patience!!!


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Chapter 30: Great story author
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 30: Great story thanks
King_Aston #3
Chapter 30: Woo great story author *claps*
King_Aston #4
Chapter 25: So what your homie said has a point some Christian are really homophobic like my whole family is christian and there's two types of Christian the ones who judge people really hard and the ones who love people for who ever they are and I think amber is the one who doesn't judge and it's SUPER hard when your raised Christian and your gay cause your afraid that they'll judge you and look down upon you like even if you pray to God or fight it theres just some things that don't go away so that's why I just decided to embrace it cause my mom is hella religious and if I was to tell her she would no doubt disown me but my dad's chill and he would accept me (my parents still don't know nor my family but my friends do). So basically what I'm trying to say amber could be like how I am but who knows but I really do think amber has a thing for girls but of course she could never say it cause she's a kpop idol but who knows???? Only amber knows
future_mrs_liu #5
Chapter 30: I re-read this too! damn author I so soo miss you that I'm re-reading all of your studies instead of doing my projects. lol. Author-nim fighting!
melovestage #6
Chapter 16: Omg I was just reading and then I saw your A/N... YOU LISTEN TO S.H.E TOO?!?! OMGGGG
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 30: Awwww this was so cute, Thank you for writing this story!!
FrozenMikael #8
Chapter 25: awesome...
Chapter 18: Who shot Amber?
Chapter 16: Amber just think Krystal