3 weeks time

Don't Give Up On Me

Ch. 15

Amber’s POV:

‘Is she mad at me?’

She doesn’t answer my text and when she walks in she shushes me because the professor walked in. But she smiled at me…she can’t be mad.

Or maybe she’s one of those girls that act all happy around you when they are mad at you and when you think everything is fine she rips your head off.

Ugh…I can’t bother her. She looks so attentive; I don’t want to disturb her. I wanna talk to her, I wanna hear her voice but I guess I’m going have to be patient and wait.

Time seems to moving so god damn slow. Every time I think that at least 20 minutes have passed it’s only been…2 minutes?!

Maybe just a quick glance won’t hurt. I leaned back in my seat a little, pretending to stretch my arms and legs. I folded my arms behind my head a swiftly turned my head to the side to sneak a peek.

What the ?! Where did she go?

I looked over and Krystal was nowhere to be found. Her bag is still on the floor but the person herself is not.

I panicked a little looking around my seat, turning my upper body side to side. As if I was going to find her under the table.

I looked up at Key; he noticed that I was freaking. He gave me a ‘what are you doing?’ look.

I pointed at Krystal’s seat and threw my hands slightly up to indicate where she has gone.

Key just shook his head, shrugged his shoulders, and mouthed, “I don’t know. I didn’t see her leave.”

I sat back down looking all confused and .

Where did she go and how did she manage to leave without me or Key noticing. Probably went to the bathroom.

Or…maybe someone kidnapped her?

Really? In a class room full of people? I’m being overly dramatic.

Can’t do anything now but to wait for her to come back.

 I rested my head only hand that was propped up on the table. I got bored paying attention in class, so I zoned out a little bit, lightly tapping my pen on the desk as I made some popping noises with my mouth.

“Hey, Amber.” I heard a voice call my name as they placed a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped at the sudden sound and nearly fell out of my chair.

I looked to my left only to see Krystal staring at me a little surprised that I got scared so easily.

This girl is like a ghost, you can’t hear her footsteps. Or was that vampires?

Ohmygod! She’s a vampire! I knew it was too good to be true!

‘Stop being stupid.’

‘Yea, stop with the outrageous claims. First she got kidnapped now she’s a fictional blood creature?’

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” She whispered to me.

“No, it’s okay; I was just spacing out.” I smiled.

“Well, you do know class is over right?”

“Huh?” I looked around the room and saw only a few lingering students left behind.

“Yea, the teacher left when I got back from the bathroom.”

“Oh…hehehe.” I laughed nervously. She probably thinks I’m a moron now.

“You’re funny.” She giggled at my stupidity.

I turned to the side to grab my backpack. I should ask her to go to lunch with me. Since we don’t have the next class together I should do it now.

“Hey, Krystal. I was wondering if….” I turned around to ask her.

“And…she’s gone.” I let my head drop in defeat , sighing that she was gone before I got the chance to ask her.

One thing I learned about Krystal Jung today?

She’s ninja.

Krystal’s POV:

‘Damn, I wanted to ask Amber out to lunch today but noooooo stupid Jessica wants to talk to me. What could be so important?’

I felt a little irritated after I got the text from Jessica saying that it was urgent that I meet her at the restrooms in the west wing immediately.

I mean, seriously? During class? What could be so life threatening that she needs to drag me out of class?

I walked outside towards the school’s garden where she wanted to meet me for lunch. There were lunch tables spread out but not many people come to eat here.

I saw Jessica sitting at a small table near the rose bush reading a book.

“Okay, what is it?” I asked obviously not happy about this arrangement.

“What’s with the attitude?”

“You ruined my chance to be with Amber today.” I glared at her.

“Oh, please. You have class with her every other day. And you have  a phone don’t you. Just text or call her.”

“….” I still glared at her.

“Anyways, I have good news.”

“I thought you said it was a matter of life and death.”

“I like making things interesting.”

“Whatever…” I said turning away from the table, resting both arms on the table.

“So, about dad’s soiree.”

“What about it?”

“We need to go shopping.”

I turned around to face her and raised my eyebrow in confusion.

“Why? I already got my present for him? You didn’t?”

“No, I have. The shopping trip is for you.”

“Why…” I don’t know where this is going.

“You need a new outfit.”

“Still not catching on sis.”

“Okay, who’s going to be at dad’s birthday party?”

“The people who were invited?”

“Yes, and do you know who got invited?” She started speaking really slow as if I was too dumb to comprehend.

“Can you just cut to the chase? I don’t like playing guessing games!” I yelled frustrated.

“Okay, okay. Calm down. I saw the guest list the other day and I noticed that a certain CEO is going to be attending.”

“So? Dad has a lot of CEO friends.”

“Oh my god, you can me so dumb at times.”

“HEY! It’s not my fault you’re being confusing.” I puffed out my cheeks and crossed my arms.

“How many 18 year old CEO’s does dad know!” She screamed in my ear.

‘Oh no, I didn’t even consider it…at all. Ohmygod…’

“By the look on your face, you’ve probably figured it out right?”

I nodded my head slowly still shocked that I could’ve missed such an important finding.


“Yes, my dear little baby sister?” She sarcastically said while chuckling.

“We need to go shopping.”

“Of course.”

“Because in three weeks time; Amber Josephine Liu will be mine.”


(A/N: Sorry i haven't been updating this story. I kinda hit a writer's block for this one. I pushed this chapter out of my brain as fast as i could so i apologize if it isn't very interesting. It's also getting pretty late so i didn't edit it. So please excuse my spelling and grammer mistakes. COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE, and SLEEEEEEEEP~~~)


PS. Thanks for all the comments and subs :)

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Next chapter should be out sunday or monday pst. Sorry and thank you for your patience!!!


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Chapter 30: Great story author
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 30: Great story thanks
King_Aston #3
Chapter 30: Woo great story author *claps*
King_Aston #4
Chapter 25: So what your homie said has a point some Christian are really homophobic like my whole family is christian and there's two types of Christian the ones who judge people really hard and the ones who love people for who ever they are and I think amber is the one who doesn't judge and it's SUPER hard when your raised Christian and your gay cause your afraid that they'll judge you and look down upon you like even if you pray to God or fight it theres just some things that don't go away so that's why I just decided to embrace it cause my mom is hella religious and if I was to tell her she would no doubt disown me but my dad's chill and he would accept me (my parents still don't know nor my family but my friends do). So basically what I'm trying to say amber could be like how I am but who knows but I really do think amber has a thing for girls but of course she could never say it cause she's a kpop idol but who knows???? Only amber knows
future_mrs_liu #5
Chapter 30: I re-read this too! damn author I so soo miss you that I'm re-reading all of your studies instead of doing my projects. lol. Author-nim fighting!
melovestage #6
Chapter 16: Omg I was just reading and then I saw your A/N... YOU LISTEN TO S.H.E TOO?!?! OMGGGG
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 30: Awwww this was so cute, Thank you for writing this story!!
FrozenMikael #8
Chapter 25: awesome...
Chapter 18: Who shot Amber?
Chapter 16: Amber just think Krystal