First Snow

Daily Life of Wendy

Oh, it's snowing.

I stopped ironing Joohyun unnie clothes for a minute. Unsconciously i smiles. I just realized christmas is coming again.



Joohyun unnie come out from our room with her pink pyjama and her favorite bunny slippers. She looks adorable like that.

"Come here, back to bed." She croakes out, voice husky. I giggles, she is being clingy again.

"Wait a bit unnie." I continue my duty, before a pair of warm arm engulf me from behind. I chuckles, "Just let me fold this shirt first, babe."

Joohyun hums on my neck, before whining. "Can you just throw that stupid shirt."

"No, i can't." She tighten her hug, making me laugh at her clinginess. "Be patient, you big baby."

"But it still seven in the morning."


Eventhough i didn't see her face, i could tell she was pouting. "We are supposed to sleep til' nine!"

"Aigoo, fine." I can't do anything, so i complied to her request. She immediately drag my body to our room. "Hey, be careful my arms might fell off."

"Be quiet and be come lay here." She rolls on the bed while patting the space beside her. I shook my head, and jump to her arms. "That's better."

I snuggles closer to her neck. "Hmm, it's not that bad."

"Just say you love my hugs."

"It's so so."

Joohyun smirks, "Yeah yeah, whatever suit your tsundere ."



"Christmas is coming."

Joohyun hums, and kiss my forehead. "Yeah, it's gonna be our second christmas together."

"Honestly, i never imagine i could spend christmas as your wife."

I could feel Joohyun unnie's confused stare. She took my fingers and kiss it slowly. "Why is that?"

"I.. i don't know." I look up and meet her concerned eyes. "I mean, you are the worldwide famous Bae Irene and me.. i was just the plain, fat, and boring radio DJ who adored you from afar."

Joohyun unnie cup my face, "Hey, you are not fat and boring." I could sense her sincerity through her words, as she continue. "I fell in love with your face, your body, your heart, your everything."


I kinda doubt it. I mean, i was just a newbie Radio DJ when i first her. I was a lotta thick back then.

"Of course. I was smitten the moment you interviewed me."

"I-i dont believe it."

"Please believe me." She smiles and peck my lips. "You were awkward but stiil cute. You were so kind, and i could tell you were truly interested in my life, unlike those interviewer who only cares about my love life or scandal. So, i was really interested about you too."

Her words makes me happy. I beam my proud smile. "Of course. As a true interviewer we must know our interviewee!"

"Yeah, but not many people do that though."

"So, is that why you decided to court me?"

"Well," Joohyun unnie let out a smirk again, "I asked you out because you got the important things for me."

"W-what is it?"

"I realized you got thick too."

"Hey!" My cheeks heat up. She was laughing, and i can't help but to hit her head. "I knew it, you were after my body!"

"Ouch! I'm kidding!" She rubs her head, and smile again. "I was lonely and you caught my interest, so.. why don't i just make my move?"

"Hmm, logical."

"After that, i asked your number from your senior. And now, we are about to celebrate our second christmas as wives."

I nods and feeling thankful for her honesty. But I still have question. So i just ask her, "B-but, how did you know i was interested at women?"

Joohyun unnie laughs loudly.

"Those flannel and snapback you wore that day were hella gay, honey."




surpriseeee update lmao

becUse red belbet is baackkk.

sigh, i miss wenrene. oh, thanks for reading this!!


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sorry for the waittt


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Chapter 20: lol This chapter makes me really laugh 🤣🤣
Chapter 17: Why are the roles so reversed here 😭
Chapter 16: ewh 😭
Chapter 6: jealous type and always joy hahahaha
Chapter 4: this is really laughable
Chapter 2: Unexpected end lol
Chapter 7: Whoaaa , short but sweet
Chapter 24: Nice fluff
Chapter 24: Bae Joohyun is just a wonderful annoying cute woman. ?
uwu this is so cute, love to read a domestic wenrene fic ♡♡