Chapter 8

Live Only For You

Jonghyun go back to the residence with a smile plastered in his face on the whole way back from Key’s place, he keeps smiling or sometimes he will just laughing to himself while looking outside the car’s window thinking about Key.. Key and Key, that teen never leaves Jonghyun’s mind for even once and Jonghyun can’t get rid of him from his own mind if it’s just like Key is sticking to his mind and even how many times he tries to snap out of it he just wasting his time, this is extremely weird why a single person other than his cousin can make him crazy like this? He is crazy towards a person who he just met for about 2 days maybe? And that is just insane!

He shook his head roughly and sigh his thoughts out of his mind and back at thinking about Key again he really does not want to deal what have gotten into him and did not even want to care about it, as long as he is happy, he will keep doing and thinking whatever it is.

It doesn’t take too long for him to reach the house and It’s really kind a bother him since the way back home was felt so fast maybe because his mind was taken over by Key he frowns right after the driver open the door for him and led the way to the entrance door and open it letting the young master to enter before closing it slowly. Jonghyun keeps walking with his mind wondering around somewhere but he is walking like a zombie and his eyes a half closed.

The members of the family are all in the living room talking to each other late in the night when Jonghyun arrives stopping them from whatever they were talking about, Kibum greets Jonghyun the second he come inside but the teen just ignore him and walk towards the staircase.

“Yah!” Hyungjun shouted snapping Jonghyun from his mind and looking at the source of the voice, he rubbed his eyes open first before fully aware of who is it and where he is now since he wasn’t paying attention to anything in front of him, he was just thinking how happy he was.

“What is it?” Jonghyun asked as he took a seat besides Kibum and rested his head at his cousin’s lap trying to close his eyes getting sleepy by every minute, Kibum just let the teen to put his head in there and caressed his hair gently.

Jonghyun yawned almost has his eyes closed because of Kibum is caressing his hair he always can act like this every time as long as he is with his beloved cousin. “Why are you looks like a zombie?” Hyungjun asked his sleepy cousin that nearly fell asleep in Kibum’s lap.

“Nothing… what are you guys… doing at this time?” He asked as he opens his eyes to look at his uncle and cousin in front of him and then back closing both eyes.

“I’m going to school” Jonghyun eyes shot open when the words was being spoken by the person he is close with now, he straightened himself and stare at his cousin that doesn’t seems to be joking at all, he shook his head.

“No! You cannot! You still sick!” Jonghyun shouted out of his disapprove, Kibum just recovered from his long sickness and school will just stressed him out and make him sick again Jonghyun just can’t think about what will happen to his cousin if he enters school especially when it’s been so long since Kibum been in a school in his life.

Jonghyun doesn’t really worry about Kibum’s scores in the school since Kibum is a really fast learner but what he is worry is Kibum being stressed by the things that happen starting from the bullies and maybe the girls that will be sticking to him all the time, just like what he experienced.

“I’m not sick anymore, didn’t you see that I was jumping around with Kevin on my back this afternoon?” Kibum excused himself but his statement making both his father and brother quickly turns their heads to face Kibum’s.

“You were carrying Kevin while jumping around? You are really recovered!” Hyungjun said jokingly as he laughed at his little brother, he knows that Kibum always like that since he was a kid he is such a strong boy that will regain his energy in such a short time but because of being traumatized by the past Kibum changed and today Kibum is himself again, the Kibum everyone knows the cheerful yet caring Kim Kibum.

“But still Bummie you are-“ “Completely fine” Jonghyun was cut by Kibum making the older to stare at him with a pout and cracked eyebrows, Kibum pat his cousin’s head just like he usually do to calmed him down every time.

“Don’t worry okay? I will be entering school in one week so I can have the time to recover myself” Kibum explained to make Jonghyun’s pout disappear and a sigh came along to state that he agrees to whatever comes to his cousin’s mind right now.

“Which school will you go to?? Is it mine?” Jonghyun asked getting excited by the thoughts of his cousin getting into his school and hang out with him from the day to the night and they also can make homework together and many else that Jonghyun can’t listed one by one.

“No… It’s NH High” Kibum said earning a gasped from Jonghyun.

“Why Why Why??!!” Jonghyun repeated.

“We can meet at home? I just want to experience things that I haven’t done in years alone… so I can adapt with things with my own self okay?” Kibum said.

“Sure” Jonghyun said of annoyance as he stood up and leave the others in the living room and he is going to his own room while stomping hard when he was walking up in the staircase.

“I’ll go talk to him…” Kibum said as he went to catches up with Jonghyun upstairs, when he got in front of Jonghyun’s room the door was locked and silence is overwhelmed in there the usual things just really like to happen huh?

“Jjong? Open up” Kibum called out while knocked several times at the door, he still hears nothing from the inside and that leaves only one tactics that he once used to deal with this stuff.

“If you don’t open the door this instant then I’ll kill myself!” The most useful words he can use is pretending to kill himself, in just a second Kibum heard some noises come from inside the room it must be Jonghyun is rushing towards the door and open it quickly and It’s true the door open that instant.

“I just don’t want you to get sick again…” Jonghyun murmured to Kibum hiding his face behind the half open door, Kibum can sense that his cousin is pouting behind that door so he push the door to open wider and went inside the room leading Jonghyun to sit at the bed.

“I know that… It’s just I’m totally fine… you can see that right? I’m not pale anymore, I can jumped around while carrying Kevin and I can speak loud and clear now”

“If it’s about carrying Kevin then It’s nothing to speak about, I carried him not long ago because he already fell asleep the moment we arrive at Key’s house and he was so light you even can’t feel his weight” Jonghyun protested.

“Key’s house? Kevin lives together with Key?” Kibum asked out of nowhere.

“Kevin is just staying over and don’t try to change the subject here…” Jonghyun protested once again.

“Then what can I do to make it up to you so you can let me go to school?”

“Hang out with me, tomorrow’s night in my favorite restaurant”


They both look at each other before burst into laughter because of their both useless fight.


*In Key’s house*


Key suddenly being awake by the noise he heard in the room besides his own It’s Kevin’s, he rushed out of his room and went in Kevin’s room and finding Kevin is shouting and sobbing at the same time he is sweating a lot and his hands are up in the air preventing someone to get closer and touch him Key also can see tears are flowing freely from the teen’s eyes he then jumped to the bed and pulled Kevin to a tight hug.

“Ssshh… Kevin… don’t cry…. Don’t worry I’m here” Key tried to comfort the boy while caressing the frightened boy’s head, Kevin’s eyes suddenly open and he realizes that he is being hugged by Key he cried his heart out in the hug while his hand to Key’s pajama.

“K-Key… don’t leave me… I-I’m scared…” Kevin said between each sobs he buried his face on Key’s chest while crying out loud he often like this since that day he almost get .

Key can still remember how he was really scared about what will happen to Kevin when the boy suddenly disappear when they went to a party.




“Key.. Do you know where Kevin is?” Mrs.Woo looks pretty pale when she can’t seem to find her son Mr.Kim and Key’s father still searching around the garden and Key is searching inside the mansion with Mrs.Woo and his mom, Kevin was suddenly went missing from everyone’s sight when he told Key that he will take a fruit punch for him and Key but in the end he didn’t show up for until 10 minutes and that when Key told his and Kevin’s parents that Kevin is nowhere to be seen and everyone went panic.

“No…Not yet auntie…” Key answered worriedly they have looked everywhere for the boy but there still no sign of him being here, Kevin is already 14 and he couldn’t be lost in a simple house?! He is big enough to wander by himself but this is not wandering around Kevin is missing, Key keeps on calling Kevin but the boy’s phone is not active so he can’t reach him by phone.

Mrs.Woo seems more and more panic by each second that pass, her eyes are full with tears that will be flowing out in no time.

“I will be looking for him with uncle outside” Key said as he left his mother and Kevin’s mother inside the house and met up with the two man outside the house.

“Do you find him?” Key asked.

“Still don’t know…” Mr.Woo said.

Suddenly the three of them heard a scream from inside the warehouse that meters away from them and it sounded like him It’s Kevin’s voice that they all heard, they rushed to the dark and damp warehouse when they open the door they can’t see anything but they keep on moving inside the quite big warehouse and founding a drunk man on top of Kevin that looks so frightened with tears in his eyes and still flowing down like a river in his cheek, the vest that Kevin used earlier is already ripped apart leaving Kevin with his t-shirt and pants.

Mr.Woo run to the man and pull him away from Kevin before punching him hard in his cheek making the man’s lip to bleed and his cheek swollen.

Right after Kevin was released, Key run towards the boy and hug him, Kevin is frightened like crazy and his body is shivering from the fright his eyes are red and swollen because of the crying he did, he hug Key back even tighter not willing to let go.

In the end, the drunk man was imprisoned, and Kevin always remember about him being and that scene keeps on rolling in his mind every time he closes his eyes and have it as a nightmare that always haunt him ever night, he is now scared of dark places and also crowded places because he doesn’t want to be left by anyone.


(End of Flashback)


“I’m here.. I won’t leave you” The words somehow works and Kevin calmed down a bit even though he is still sobbing but he already stop crying and he lets go of Key but not his hand.

“Please stay with me just for tonight..” Kevin begged.

“Of course” Key get besides Kevin and lay down face to face with Kevin, waiting for the boy to fall asleep and then he also fell to a nice sleep.  

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Yuki0710 #1
Chapter 24: OH-MY GOD! That was beautiful TOT I really lover it!! and the last part was so romantic, I almost died XD
Great story! I hope you write another Kemaru Story in the future! :)
ShyNina #2
awww....such a beautiful story. i really love it! XD
great story..
write kemaru more!! :)
This gonna take some time reading all of it. alright then. (: please write kemaru^^ :D
go make it!!!!
I have been following this series since it started and am kinda shocked someone took over :O<br />
Do you know why Chibi_Kemaru91 got deactivated, though?<br />
Anyhow, the last chapter was so sweet ^^ <3<br />
Yes, write Kemaru! :D I'll support Kemaruuuuu ^^
Rhenx3 #7
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww you uploaded all the chapters at one go. no wonder u have no subscribers.