Chapter 21

Live Only For You

Kibum and Kevin went back home right after Kibum buys his vitamins, arriving at home it seems that Jonghyun, Key and Kibum’s father already inside the mansion, Kibum and Kevin enter the mansion just to be greeted by a worried look from everyone who is sitting on the sofa at the living room, Jonghyun is the one who stood up first and went to Kibum.

“Bummie! Where were you?!” Jonghyun asked with a bit shouting and of course worry inside his voice, Kibum smiled to him.

“Hospital, I was just thinking of going there to check up” Kibum said leading himself, Jonghyun and Kevin to the living room and sit on the sofa. Everyone doesn’t say anything since probably they are too scared to even ask.

“I’m fine! ... There is nothing to worry about” Kibum said breaking the silence between them all, Mr.Kim finally released the air he was holding in unconsciously, Key sigh of relieve while Jonghyun smile as wide as he can and hug Kibum. “I don’t want you to be sick again” Jonghyun whispered to Kibum not to loud just for them both to hear about it.

“I’ll be fine!” Kibum said confidently even though he is not okay literally.

“So… where were you guys?” Kibum asked looking at Jonghyun.

“My parents called uncle and told me to meet them… so I did”

“And…? How did things go?” Kibum asked now he is the one who got worried.



After biding Kevin goodbye Jonghyun, Key and Mr.Kim went to a café near the mansion and enter it, inside the three who just came can see Jonghyun’s father and mother are sitting at the corner in the café with a couple of bodyguards standing not too far from them but there is no sign of Jonghyun’s friends anywhere in the café, the three walked to where Jonghyun’s parents are and stop in front of the table not sitting yet.

Jonghyun’s father and mother looked up to their son and smirked really small until no one can even tell that they are smirking right now.

“Jonghyun… please take a sit…” Jonghyun’s dad said as he stood up and smile to his son who is glaring at him right now with a death glare.

“Where are my friends?” Jonghyun said with his cold tone that he always use whenever he is with his parents, Jonghyun didn’t show any reaction but keep himself calm doesn’t wanting his parents to not scare to him.

“They are not here… I just use the word friend just to make you come” Jonghyun’s father said and Jonghyun quickly chuckled and turn to Key.

“Let’s we just go…” Jonghyun said with his soft tone to Key, and Key just nodded letting Jonghyun gets a grip of his wrist and when they just walked about a single step Jonghyun’s mother spoke up and what she said making Jonghyun stop and turn to see his parents who are nodding to him.

“You are going back? To America?” Jonghyun who still doesn’t believe what his mother told him, Jonghyun’s mom told him that she and her husband will be going back to America and Jonghyun can be assured that his name wasn’t included in that sentence.

“Yes… we are going back alone, you don’t need to come” Jonghyun’s mom said with a smile on her face, Jonghyun get to his mom and hugged her tightly.

“Thanks mom” Jonghyun said he can just ignore it since it’s none of his business but he felt like his parents are letting him go and just stay in the Korea. Jonghyun was so grateful since he can spend a lot of time to be with Key in Korea.

“Of course honey…” His mom said and Jonghyun released her.

“Dad…?” Jonghyun called. And his father hugged him immediately.

They sit again and of course Jonghyun will sit besides Key even though his relation with his parents got better than before but still, he just wants to be with Key and only him. Jonghyun smiled a lot in his conversation with his parents, and sometimes Jonghyun’s parents will be asking about Key and how the two met in the first place, Jonghyun explained that he was really interested on meeting Key when Jonghyun knows that there is someone who had the same name as Jonghyun’s beloved cousin.

Jonghyun’s parents asked what Key likes from Jonghyun and that question just make Key to blush and doesn’t answering any of the question with words by through blushing, Jonghyun chuckled at Key’s actions and when Jonghyun is busy looking at Key, Key is busy blushing his life out and Mr.Kim is busy with his company work by typing fast in his laptop… Jonghyun’s parents are smirking widely while looking at Key.

“Well, I guess we should be leaving” Jonghyun’s father said as he and his wife stood up and the other three also stood up from their table. They all went out of the café after paying up what they just ate and drank earlier.

“See you mom…. See you dad, maybe… this is just a maybe okay? I will visit you sometimes with Kevin, Key and also Bummie in America… so see you guys again later…” Jonghyun said rolling his eyes while telling that to his parents.

“Of course honey” Jonghyun’s mother said and hugs his son.

Jonghyun, Key and Mr.Kim went back to the mansion because they still can’t just leave Kibum alone in the mansion and Key can’t believe on Kevin too much since Kevin is sometimes sloppy and careless so they hurry up and go back to the mansion.

After the car Jonghyun, Key, and Mr.Kim on already out of sight Jonghyun’s dad talked to one of his bodyguard a bit whispered it.

“Finds out about that boy name Key, go to his house and you know what to do” Jonghyun’s dad said as he handed his bodyguard a Key of a place and he entered the car along with his wife.

“Jonghyun will definitely come with us…”


*End of Flashback*


“So… you can stay….? Here? In Korea?” Kibum asked, he is happy that his beloved cousin won’t be leaving to America and he can stay here with everyone but it’s just a bit weird…no…too weird for Jonghyun’s parents to just give up like that to Jonghyun without making any more silly and selfish plans, tricks and maybe words just to make Jonghyun to come with them. But from listening to what Jonghyun has told him about what Jonghyun’s parent told and act toward him and Key is just… unbelievable.

“Yup! You got that completely right Bummie!” Jonghyun said widely as he nodded to Kibum’s question.

“Ow….okay, I guess its good news for us!” Kibum said with a smile on his face even though he is still suspicious to his uncle and aunt but seeing Jonghyun this happy, he just erase the thought out of his mind and enjoy the things the way it is right now.

“Hey guys, I will be going to my house for a sec okay? I need to take a thing I forgot in there” Key said as he stood up from the sofa looking to everyone in there.

“I’ll come with you!” Kevin quickly said as he also stood up and went beside Key.

“Then we’ll come as well” Kibum and Jonghyun said in unison as they both stood up to from their seats.

“No you guys can’t come with me and Kevin…” Key said.

“Yeah! You two just stay here!” Kevin said and before Jonghyun or Kibum said anything the two already walking away from the living room.

“Well at least go with one of the car?! Told the driver to drive you there okay?!” Kibum shouted to the two and all he can hears was a shouted from Kevin which he can’t understand whatever the younger was saying to him.

Kevin and Key got company from one of the driver in the mansion and they go to Key’s house, arriving in front of Key’s house. Kevin and Key was put at daze and worried since the house’s door is widely open and you can see some damage at the door probably from all kicking or something hitting it hardly forcing it to be open.

Key and Kevin hurried themselves to the house and went inside while the driver still sitting in the car by Key’s order.

Inside the house Key and Kevin find people dressed in all black and they are using a mask to hide their faces, Kevin screamed and one man which dressed in black hit Kevin’s head with a vase until the vase broke and Kevin falls down to the ground and his head starting to bleed.

“Kevin!” Key screamed in horror looking at his friend who is bleeding, he bent down to Kevin and shook him trying to wake him up but nothing is working and Kevin still closes his eyes.

Suddenly Key’s nose and mouth was covered with some sort of cloth, from the cloth Key can smell something unfamiliar his head getting dizzier and dizzier until he lost his conscious and his eyes shut completely.

The man in all black pick Key up and leave the house, outside the house the driver tried to stop them but he just fall from their strength that was unbelievable.


Kibum and Jonghyun quickly came to Key’s house when their driver called them and told them about what happened, Kibum enter the house seeing Kevin is laying on the ground with blood all over his head, Kibum picked him up bridal style and took the other car and went to the hospital, Jonghyun look around the house and he really can’t find Key anywhere.

This is not just a joke, what his driver told him… all of it was right… Key was kidnapped.

Jonghyun followed Kibum to the hospital to check on Kevin, on the way… his phone rang, and it’s from his father.

“Yes dad?” Jonghyun said, his voice is trembling because he can’t find Key.

‘Jonghyun? What about coming to America?’ His dad said in another end of the phone call.

“What? Don’t joke with me now dad” Jonghyun said.

‘If you don’t comeback with me… I don’t know what I will do to this cute thing here…’

Jonghyun can hear a familiar voice, Key’s !


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Yuki0710 #1
Chapter 24: OH-MY GOD! That was beautiful TOT I really lover it!! and the last part was so romantic, I almost died XD
Great story! I hope you write another Kemaru Story in the future! :)
ShyNina #2
awww....such a beautiful story. i really love it! XD
great story..
write kemaru more!! :)
This gonna take some time reading all of it. alright then. (: please write kemaru^^ :D
go make it!!!!
I have been following this series since it started and am kinda shocked someone took over :O<br />
Do you know why Chibi_Kemaru91 got deactivated, though?<br />
Anyhow, the last chapter was so sweet ^^ <3<br />
Yes, write Kemaru! :D I'll support Kemaruuuuu ^^
Rhenx3 #7
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww you uploaded all the chapters at one go. no wonder u have no subscribers.