Chapter 16

Live Only For You

“I would say yes if Kibum and Your uncle say it’s okay” Key said a little bit shaking since he really doesn’t want to trouble Jonghyun which he just met for a few days and suddenly become a best friend with.

“Well then, we just need to ask dad about this… I’ll call him right away” Just with that Kibum went out from the room followed by Kevin that doesn’t want to stay at the place that the mood is really unstable and a bit gloom, he half running to Kibum to catch up leaving the room to be quiet after the sound of the door closing.

“It means that Bummie completely agree with it” Jonghyun said looking up at Key straight in his eyes with a weak smile on his face.

“Thank you… all of you” Key said looking around at his friends and back to Jonghyun, smiling but his tears are flowing down.

“I think…we should leave them alone” Onew whispered to both Taemin and Minho, leading them to making their way home at least they already assured that Key will be just fine with Jonghyun. After the door closed, Jonghyun sat besides Key in the edge of the bed his eyes never leave Key even just for a second.

“I’m-“ Key’s words was cut by Jonghyun who placed his index finger on top of Key’s lips preventing him to be speaking any longer, without any warning Jonghyun pulled Key into a tight hug while Key still has his hands on each side of him  still not aware with the situation at the time.

“You will stay at my place and that’s final” Jonghyun said straightly but there is a sad tone inside the words.

“Why are you sounded so sad Jjong??” Key asked and Jonghyun pulled himself back and stare at Key with tears in his eyes which are really rare and also unbelievable…

“You wouldn’t lock yourself in your room and get sick would you?”

“Why would I do that?” Key asked confused, Jonghyun shook his head a bit and back hugging Key as the flashback of his memory replayed on his head.


“Uncle..? Where is Bummie?” The little Jonghyun asked his uncle in front of him while tugging to his uncle’s pants since he is too short to reach for his uncle.

Mr.Kim looks down at his nephew and lift him “Bummie is sick and he wants to be alone in his room…. So why don’t you play with Hyungjun?” He said but Jonghyun quickly shook his head.

“NO!... I just want to be with Bummie!... I want to be with him!” Jonghyun whined to his uncle while struggling .

“How about later? Bummie is sleeping…” Jonghyun looked down and back to his uncle, he nodded his head unwillingly and get down before go playing with Hyungjun.


Jonghyun just doesn’t want anything that happens to Kibum happen again to Key and of course he doesn’t want his friends or family to be sad or even suffering, he doesn’t want to be feeling what he felt when Kibum was hurt.

“Feeling any better?” Key asked softly after both of them spent the time hugging for a few minutes and no one spoke before Key broke the silence, Jonghyun nodded but still hugging Key and his head is resting to Key’s shoulder.

Key pushed Jonghyun away and looks at him in his eyes. “Thank you for letting me stay at you place…. But are you sure it will be fine for me to stay there?” Key still feeling a little bit uncomfortable with the idea of living with someone you just make as your best friend.

“Of course!... Bummie likes you … and also uncle and Hyungjun hyung ever have dinner with you.. So it’s definitely fine… and… Bummie is the one who asking his dad.. So I’m sure it’s a big OK!” Jonghyun raise his thumb and smile as wide as he can making Key chuckled.

Kevin is following Kibum to the balcony so Kibum can speak freely to his father, when they reached the balcony Kevin sit at one of the bench in there while Kibum dialed his father’s phone number and placed the phone right besides his ear.

A few seconds later the call got connected “Hi Dad? Are you busy right now?” Kibum asked raising his eyebrow unconsciously.

“Yeah…. Is there any problem at home?” Mr.Kim’s voice was nice, really nice.

“Nope… I just wanna ask you something…” Kibum said.

“What is it?”

“Um… You know Key right? The one who best friend with Jonghyun?... yeah that one… Well Key’s parents got into a car accident and passed away… and I and Jonghyun were wondering if you can let Key to stay with us… in our house… Can he…? I beg you…” Kibum add a little bit of his whining tone at the end of the sentence, in the other hand his father is surprised of the whining tone since it’s his first time hearing it after years past.

“Sure… Fine… why not… He can stay as long as he wants… he can live there forever if he wants to…” Mr.Kim said and Kibum smiled.

“Thanks Dad, you’re the best… Oh yeah… where are you going to come back here? “

“Tonight… the meeting ends really quick, it’s faster than I even predicted… so I will arrived there by a little bit past midnight”

“Really that’s great! I’ll pick you up tonight then…”

“No you don’t have to, your brother is arriving at Korea at the same time as I am, so I will be going home with him… You just keep Jonghyun company…”

“Well Okay if you say so…. Then Key will be moving tomorrow and I might not be home tonight since I will be helping Key to pack up”

“Sure.. see you tomorrow then…”

“Uhm!” With that Kibum hung up and sigh… that was easy… he turn to Kevin and sit beside him as he rest his head on Kevin’s lap and closing his eyes, he doesn’t have any intention to sleep he just feel comfortable just by placing his head in Kevin’s lap.

“So?” Kevin asked.

“So what?”

“What did your father said?”

“He said that Key can live with us forever” Kibum open his eyes and look up at Kevin’s face closely while smiling happily.

“That’s great” 

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Yuki0710 #1
Chapter 24: OH-MY GOD! That was beautiful TOT I really lover it!! and the last part was so romantic, I almost died XD
Great story! I hope you write another Kemaru Story in the future! :)
ShyNina #2
awww....such a beautiful story. i really love it! XD
great story..
write kemaru more!! :)
This gonna take some time reading all of it. alright then. (: please write kemaru^^ :D
go make it!!!!
I have been following this series since it started and am kinda shocked someone took over :O<br />
Do you know why Chibi_Kemaru91 got deactivated, though?<br />
Anyhow, the last chapter was so sweet ^^ <3<br />
Yes, write Kemaru! :D I'll support Kemaruuuuu ^^
Rhenx3 #7
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww you uploaded all the chapters at one go. no wonder u have no subscribers.