Original Fluff Ball

Lurin keeps whining to get his attention but he simply ignores her cause he's not letting her have what she currently wants. No, not in million years will Jin let her have junk food.

" Jinnie~~please! Just one bag of chips! (Ignored) I'm gonna ask Namjoon then? (She tries challenging him but no, just no) Jinnie! "

-look at her whining to have chips. Tae's eating habit is getting to her.. Aigoo~~ 😪 #Jin #진 #LR #AMH

Jin puts his phone at his jean's back pocket and stands behind her with his left hand resting on top of her head. She's struggling to grab a bag of chips and Jin can't help but give in, seeing how much she really wants it.

" Which one? "

(toothy smiles) " Sour cream & Onion! "

(takes it and give it to her, keeping the same position) " Here you go, brat! "

(turns around and wraps her arm on Jin's waist) " Thank you! "

" You're welcome Princess but that's it, okay? No more junk food. "

" Yeah~~no! Namjoon, let's get ice cream! " (Runs off to find Namjoon)

" My hunch was correct all along. I shouldn't have brought this two 'kids at heart' with me... "

-come to mama, Imma feed you until you burst rainbow chips...

-no, you're already fat. Chips will make you fatter. Cut it down, idiot.

- I'm potatoes, I am fries, I chip and you love me! Jin, chips won't hurt her buddy.. @taebug her tummy is as flat as your , so shut that hole up...

Jin pushes the cart, going here and there trying to find his two lost children and what serves his eyes is infuriating. Well, how would you feel when you see someone, a 22 years old, climbing the plushies rack(?) on one side while another one shoving her face in the ice cream freezer, trying to reach the ice cream tub at the very bottom. Jin wonders how they both didn't fall yet.
Jin has enough of it so he goes to Namjoon and pulls him by his pants, resulting the latter to fall on his . Without any room for disapproval, Jin grabs his ear, making him wince in pain as they both make their way to the young lady who faces still in the freezer. Since Jin doesn't want to pull her ear to avoid her from sulking, well he did flick her earlier and he feels bad when he sees the red mark on her forehead. So Jin spares her for now.

" Excuse me little one, what do you think you're doing? "

The one who caught red-handed, turn around and smiled innocently at him and points to the ice cream tub.

" 😬 ice cream~~ Joonie said I can have it... Heeee~~ "

" Yeah, give her a scolding but let my ear go, Hyung! "

" Both of you, go to the cashier right now. We're done here, let's get back home already so I can start making dinner. "

" But ice cream?! "

" Did I stutter, Princess? "

" No... 😞 "

All of them head to the cashier to pay but oh, do you really think they're done? Not so fast, Lurin is so slick that she signalled Namjoon to get the ice cream while Jin is taking out the stuff from the cart. Namjoon comes back and put the ice cream tub when Jin's not looking but when he does, Jin raises his eyebrows.

" I don't remember taking ice cream just now. So weird, how did it get in here, hmm... " (Mocking but smirks after)

The culprits stay silent as if they don't do what they just clearly did. A bit of argument takes place on who's gonna pay and Lurin insist but she's immediately cut short when Namjoon gives her a warning look. They head back after that and Lurin asks Jin to allow her to help to make dinner but get shooed away from him so she thinks of doing something else. Lurin then steps in Hobie's room after getting his permission, yeah it's her place but it'll be rude to just get inside.

" What do you need, Sunshine? "

" Your help, Sunrise. "

" Sunrise? " (Laughs)

(poking his dimples) " Uhuh, so bright! "

(laying on the bed) " Come cuddle with me for a while and what kind of help do you need? "

(gets under the cover, inside Hobie's arms) " Get sucrose out of his room. I have something to do. "

" What's on your mind now huh? I don't want you to fight... "

" No no no... I won't start a fight, just help okay. I'll cuddle with you for 30 minutes but then you have to go, okay? "

In that 30 minutes, they catch up with everything that they can occupy within the time. Hobie is out for his mission of helping Lurin by having Yoongi out of his room, which he succeed after 10 minutes of trying. Lurin does what she has in mind and once Yoongi is inside his room again, she stands at the door frame, holding a Kumamon plushie in her arms, hiding from him.

" What the hell happened to my bed? Who did this?! "

He's guessing the maknae line did it to have fun but um, you get it wrong lil meow meow.

" You don't like it? "

(startled by her sudden appearance) " What? I mean, how long were you in here? "

She just shrugs and hands him the plushie, earning a confused look from him.

" I heard that you like Kumamon, so I bought you one. "

(scratching the back of his neck) " Well, yeah but what is this for? "

" A sorry token. I'm sorry for being so harsh on you yesterday and this morning. I shouldn't have called you with mean names no matter how upset I am. "

" Well then, apology accepted but really, you don't have to. I made you upset, I hurt you so you have every right to be mean. If anything, I'd like to apologize too, for not listening to you and such. "

(ignores what he said and approach him, holding his face in her delicate hands) " Does it still hurt? "

" My cuts? A bit but I can manage. "

(looks into his eyes) " Don't get hurt, it breaks my heart and drives me crazy. Also, I forgive you too. (Kisses his cheeks carefully) Are we good now? "

" Yeah, we're good now. "

(smiles, genuinely) " Do you like my gifts? "

" Of course, I love it. I should've known that you're a sweetheart... "

" You do know that you at lying, right? You cursed the moment you saw the bed. "

" What? No no no! I was just shocked, thinking that maybe Tae and Kookie did it. So it was you? "

" Uhuh, it took my all not to get caught by Jinnie and Joonie. From you as well, that huge thing almost breaks my spine. "

" Aww, you put that much effort, huh? Now, would you like to lay with me until Jin-hyung calls us for dinner? "

" Who am I to reject the sweet sucrose who asked me so nicely to lay down? "

" You sure have some way to use your words, kid. "

" Oh, shut up and come here. I just need to be kissed and spooned right now, okay?! I deserve this . I'm a good person. "

Yoongi does just that, spooning her little, petite body. She fits right in his arm and he won't lie, it's one of the best feelings ever. Shivers run down her spine when he starts kissing the back of her neck, she sighs in content and moves a bit to get more comfortable.
Due to Yoongi's body warmth, she's slipping in and out of sleep, Yoongi thinks that it's adorable how she can easily fall asleep when she's cuddled. Before he lets himself drive into dreamland, he takes his phone out to post a tweet. He only posts when he feels his day is complete wonderfully and now my dear is just the right time.

-  오늘 아침 작은 싸움을했어, 근대 사과하는 방식이 너무 귀엽다. 앙 ~~ 내 솜털 흰 이불을 그 이불로 바꿨다는건 믿기 힘듬 😅
we had a small fight earlier and the way she apologizes is just way too cute. Ang~~ I can't believe she replaced my fluffy white blanket with that one 😅 #Suga #LR #AMH

-Nooope~ that's not all... Cutie.. 💜#AMH... Have a nice day!

Little that they know, some of the fans are not that accepting, well they know that much but they don't think it'll blow that far.

-I don't even like it when he's with Suran, what makes you think you can stay near the boys, especially Suga?! Lurin you , go back to hell! That's where you come from anyway...

-Yeah, and also, @yoongsgreek said that her beauty is triggering? That's the perfect bull I've ever heard in my whole life. She looks like a flat-spat gum.

- Lurin, I condemn you back to hell! Go die ㅋㅋㅋ

- @crankyB the 'B' stands for , ay mate? 😏 Suga is not your ing personal property so let him live his life

-  @nammieLove if you don't have anything good to say, you better shut that filthy mouth of yours... Your id is @nammieLove, you think Namjoon will appreciate what you said? He clearly asked to treat her goodly and accept her but this is what you do?

- @chimingotjams why don't you go die and rot in hell first? I bet the fire in hell will never cease once they burn you, I'm just saying. 😎

Reading that, Jungkook lets out a big sigh and strides to the kitchen. Well, at least some ARMY are backing up for Lurin. No like, what did she ever do wrong at them to hate her? Putting that aside for a while when he heard his stomach grumbling. He's so hungry right now cause they had an early lunch today.

" When's dinner gonna be ready? "

" I don't know, when are you gonna pass high school? "

" Let's not start with high school thing, Hyung! " (Pouts)

" Alright, I got you. Go and get everyone, dinners ready. "

He does as Jin says and everything is fine until he reaches Yoongi's room, his blood boils with jealousy, He stomps to the cuddled lying bodies and wake them up, letting them know that dinner's ready. Lurin who just wake up, with her blurry vision, blinks for a few time and as soon as she sees Jungkook, she beams.

" Jeon Jungkookie~~ carry? "

" I don't know, why don't you ask Suga-hyung? 😒 "

(pouts) " Sucrose? He's gonna break his bone tho. "

" Hey! "

Jungkook leaves them both, not wanting to watch any longer. Yoongi who's done stretching his limb, scurry out of bed, heading to the door but stops when he notices that she's not coming, guess what? She's about to lay down and sleep again, seeing that, Yoongi pinch the bridge of his nose.

" You're not going to sleep again, kid. Come on and eat dinner or Jin will whoop your bum bum. "

" Bum bum? What am I, like four? " (Laughs)

" Nah, you're two. Stop whining and let's go. "

" Yoongs~~(no answer) Yoonie~~! "

(blushes, clears throat) " What? "

(cracking one eye open) " Carry? "

With a deep sigh, he walks to her and carries her at his front and smiles when she wraps her legs around his tiny waist. He then frowns a bit at how light she is, she really needs to eat a lot, he thinks. Trudging his way to the dining table, he puts her down on a chair beside J-Hope who instantly give multiple kisses on her face, resulting in a giggly mess from Lurin.

" Well, hello there my little Princess. How was your nap with Yoongi? "

" One of the best person to cuddle, but! He can't beat my Kookie, ever! "

To say that Kookie is flattered is an understatement but he's still sour about her, cuddling with someone other than him. Meanwhile, Jin comes and gives a small kiss on her lips, in front of the boys, earning their death glares. He doesn't care tho.

" I'm glad. Let's eat and we can talk over dinner, yeah? "

They eat in silence and Namjoon decides to break it with his raspy voice.

" Mel? "

" Yeah? Urm, calling me Lurin is much appreciated. Don't make it hard on me, I already miss my family to death. "

" Sorry. Can we talk about that soulmate things? "


~Lurin's POV~


"Sure! Apparently, I wasn't aware that I'm granted seven soulmates as a replacement of Enrique. I didn't even expect to have a replacement cause it's a rare thing, the last person who got a replacement was 1200 years ago. I do feel some kind of attraction towards all of you but I thought that maybe it's because you're under Appa, it makes me fond of you. Say, did you feel any attraction, without you knowing?"

I see the boys nod and I avert my vision when Jimin starts to talk.

"It's way back from the first time we met you, in MdLavian High. We talked about it among ourselves but simply shrugged it off, thinking that it's not a big deal but... "

I cut him off,  " It's indeed a big deal, right? "

"Yes, it is."

"I saw your eyes, it flickered in red when you dragged me back to them. I didn't know you can be that strong." Jin adds.

" Well, years of training paid off. The fact that you could see my eye colours is already one of the special things about being Angel's soulmate. To be honest, it's really hard for me to open up to new people but all of you somehow didn't take that much time. Believe me, I am way harsher when it comes to a new-comer in my life. "

" What's the point of being your soulmates?"

Geez this guy, do you have to shoot my heart like that??

" I've always said this, but it's to protect you. We, I mean between me and each of you, we have a bond and this bond will be stronger when.. Nevermind, just knows that our bond will become handy when I want to know what's happening. I know it's hard for you to take in but try to process my words as we go, yeah?"

" I remember when I got to your dorm covered in blood, Jinnie was so worried and frantic. Oh well, I don't really want to elaborate any further but all of you treated me nicely and up until now. Yoongi... he's nice, in his own way that sometimes ticked me off but... just please, I don't know if this is too early but I know this is real."

" What is real, Sweetheart?"

"The fact that I love you. All of you."



Short and late but enjoy~~♡♡♡

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I'm thinking of taking down both of my story cause I don't know how you feel about it.. What I really mean here is, I'm afraid that mine is not good enough and doesn't satisfy anyone. If you still want me to continue, do let me know. If not, I'll just take it down. For now, that's what I think.


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imemyself07 #1
Chapter 25: Oooh 0_0
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 22: Omg so happy with the update! :)
Please dont give up on your writing!/I know it maybe hard for your side since an author like you want nothing but pure feedback to see how it flows. But my advice never give up despite the little comments that you recieve you know some may enjoying it secretly just they are bad in words! Oh Im going to start reading your story soon and let you know how it goes <33 until then... hang on there and take your time to get back on track';))))))
Chapter 20: It is a good piece of writing. Do continue writing it please.
BilliePark #5
Chapter 20: " Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? That's called a purpose." Loved this. And many are forgetting about it.
hunmi94 #6
Chapter 20: Waaa,hope lurin will go back to earth...im sure that bts worrying her to much...
imemyself07 #8
Chapter 19: Your story is amazing! I look forward to the rest of it :)
hunmi94 #9
Chapter 16: good chapter authornim...and jungkook looks so damn funny when he is jealous...
hunmi94 #10
Chapter 15: good job authornim,this chapter is great... poor lurin tho,she seems suffering too much..and,kookie looks cute worried sick for her...