Original Fluff Ball

         Meanwhile, Jin, RapMon and Jungkook are on their way to pick up Lurin's luggage after receiving the address from the company. They arrive at the car workshop where Lurin's car was sent yesterday. 

" Excuse me, was there a car sent here from yesterday's accident? "

" Hello, yes. But there were two cars that were sent here yesterday. Which one are you looking for, Mr? "

" Namjoon, Kim Namjoon. Can I take a look at it first? Cause I'm not sure which one. "

" How is that so, Mr Kim? " the employee asks confused. 

" A person that I know drove the car and she didn't say what car or what color the car is but what I know is her luggage is in the car. "

" Oh, is that so. Then come with me. " He says as he leads the way. On the way there he says, 

" The accident was quite severe and it's a relief that one of the driver are safe. "

" What about the other one? "

" He's in the hospital with several broken ribs and fractured skull. "

" The accident was that bad? "

" It was. I bet your friend is the one who's safe right now, is it? "

" Yeah, she's just fine, nothing much. She doesn't even have any cut on her. "

" That's a relief and kinda rare in my point of view. Once you look at the damaged car, you'd think that the driver won't survive. "

He then shows them the picture where the accident happened and they're beyond shocked.  






 " You mentioned about luggage just now right, the white one has some luggage in it. Looking at the damage of the car, I can't believe that your friend survive. "

" Whoa, looking at the car, she's indeed lucky. "

" She is. Do you wanna pick up her luggage? "

" Yeah, we do. Can you please take it out for us? "

" Of course. Sure. Why she doesn't come and pick it up herself? "

" I can see it's hard for you to believe others come and pick her luggage up but she's sick right this moment. She caught a fever this morning and currently resting. "

" She's one lucky girl to have you guys taking care of her. I mean, who wouldn't be lucky to have one of the famous band looking after them."

They gives him a look of worries and terrified, they don't want him to expose anything to the world. 

" Ease up, don't worry. I won't say anything and keep it to myself. Come on, you guys are human and have your own privacy. Who am I to invade those? "

​​​​​He says as he grab the luggage out of the boot and put them in front of them. 

" Here you go. "

" Thank you. Ah, when will the car finish it's repairment ? "

" It might take more than a month. "

" Oh really, say, I'll pay for it in advance and please do a good job in it. "

​​​​" Sure. I'll do my best on the car. "​​​

They bid their goodbye to the employee and are on their way back to their dormitory when a phone call stop them. It's a call from Big Hit asking them to stop by the company for some of their songs arrangements and Suga will be informed once they get back home. Knowing that it'll take some time, Jungkook decides to call his Suga Hyung telling that they gonna be late and that he need to take care of Lurin. 

Suga is sleeping peacefully when his phone ring alarming that he receives a call, grumpy face on, he pick it up. 

" What? "

" Hyung? Are you sleeping? "

" Jungkook-ie? Yeah, I was sleeping till you deadass calls me. "

" Sorry, Hyung. You're tired but I bothered your sleep. "

" Damn just tell me what you want. "

" Ahh, urm can you please look after Lurin for me? "

" For you? "

" If I can,  I'd take care of her myself and doesn't have to ask you to do it but the company called us just now and told us to go there. I know you're not in a good term with her on what reason, only God knows..."

" Jeon Jungkook.. " He warns. 

" Oh okay. Sorry. I'll be back in a few hours so be there for her till I get back . Don't fight, please~~ She's sick, cut her some slack, hyung. "

" If she starts the fight first, I need to shut my pretty mouth? Is that it? "

" She won't initiate anything if you don't get on her nerves, Hyung. It was always you who started the fight first. "

Acknowledging Jungkook's words, he sighs in defeat. Jungkook laughs knowing he's winning. 

" Urgh! Fine! I got it. At least I won't kill her . No promise tho. "

" Hyung! "

" Don't shout, you fool ! Just get back fast so that I won't have to clean up after her absolute mess. "

" What mess could she erupts when she's sick? " He asks laughing. 

" Shut up, dummy. I'll hang up now. "

" Haha.. Okay, bye Hyung. Kiss her for me! "

" When I try to kill myself, I will.. "

With that, the call ended. He looks sideways and notice that she's shivering severely, his brows knitted together at her condition. 

" Her fever is that serious? "

He approaches Jungkook's bed and sit beside her laying figure. He removes the now slightly wet towel from her forehead and replace it with his palm against her exposed skin.

" She's burning. Wet towel doesn't work? That's odd. Well, she's an angel, that itself is odd. What do I do now? "

After a bit of thinking, he makes his way to the kitchen and grab a cup of instant porridge as he doesn't know how to cook it. 

" At least I'm not killing you with my cooking. What a shame.. "

3 minutes passed by, he grabs the medication and put it on the coffee table that's placed in the living room. Both her food and medicine are there, he then strides to his room to wake her up instead of bringing the food inside the room because one, he's too lazy to bring the waste all the way back to the kitchen, two, he's not allowing anyone to eat in a bedroom as it's only a place for sleeping not eating.

" Wake up. Hey, wake up and eat. You need to take your medicine. "

She wakes up with a groan and she shifts a little bit under Suga's cold hand on her arm. 

" Hands off, you're cold. "

Her hoarse voice is making him a tiny bit worried. He then pull his hands off of her and touch it with his other hand, making sure if he's indeed cold. 

" I'm not cold, you're burning. Now don't waste my time and get up. Your food is in the living room. "

" Sugar, I don't even have energy to talk back with you. You expect me to get up even so? "

" Is this your way of asking me to hold you and bring you there? "

" What? No! "

" Then ? "

" I'm asking you to leave me alone and stop annoying me. "

" You're so mean. I prepared your food and you said I'm annoying?! "

" Let's not start anything. "

" It's already started for your info. "

" Fine. I'll get up to shut that pretty mouth of yours. "

" I know. "

" Self praise! "

" No, you're the one who said it. "

" Alright, you win. "

" Hmm, yeah, you lose. "

She sends dagger at him. Bringing up her weak self off of the bed, she stands up and she feels like the world is spinning. Her head is aching, she tries massaging her head to reduce the pain but it's not working and her back that has a burning sensation isn't helping at all. She still manage to keep her balance and she walks a few step from the bed only to fall the next second. Suga is quite a distance from her and isn't able to hold onto her making her fall flat onto the floor and he gasp in horror when he notice that. He rushes to her side and about to ask if she's okay but stop when he sees a burnt sign on the back of her clothes (Jungkook's T-shirt). His eyes are still there but he shrugs if off, mind noted to ask her later. 

" Are you okay? "

" That was a loud thud, you think I'm okay? "

" That was a stupid question to ask. "

" At least you know. "

" You're so sarcastic. Way too much to my liking and... "

" That's why I don't like you. "

" What ? Duh, as if I like you. "

" I know you don't so stop ing around and help me get up, will you? "

" What did you just.. "

" ing! I said ing. There, are you clear now? "

He looks at her with disbelieve and shot right up to help her, basically, he carries her bridal style to the sofa as the food that he prepared will get cold if she tries to walk again and he doesn't want to make her a new warm meal. 

" Shove that porridge into your mouth and let it slide down your throat. Once finished, gulp down your medicine. "

" How can human be this cruel? What am I? An animal? "

" Well, you're a human yourself with a spice of Angel blood in you. "

" And that you just take me as a non human and treat me like I'm some kind of animal that shove food in my mouth ? "

" Whoa, I just.. "

" No thanks. I'm good. Your effort of making me a decent food is appreciated. You may go now and get some sleep. " She's hurt by what he said. 

Even she doesn't know why each of his words cut her feelings like nobody else. Sometimes it's hard for her to even face him let along be with him for the day when she's sick. 

" Why are you so emotional? "

" Why don't you ask your er mouth that doesn't know how to stop saying spiteful stuff? " She says, not even pay him a glance. 

" I don't know why you're so sensitive starting from yesterday. Usually you backfires me just fine. Now what? "

" I don't even know myself. How can I answer you then?? "

" You are odd. "

" I know. Non human is odd to you. " She looks down, playing with her porridge as she says that. 

" That's not what I meant. "

" Yeah? I'm not interested in what you meant. "

" Urgh. Savage as ever. "

" Since you aren't going to sleep, lemme ask you something. "

" You think I'll answer? "

Hearing that, she gives him a look of don't--with-me. 

" What? "

She scoops a spoonful of porridge and eat it slowly before answering his question which he wait for her patiently. 

" Where's Cookie? "

" Duh, that's all? Isn't it obvious. Cookies are in the cupboard and I'm not fetching it for you. Take it yourself. "

" Jeon Jungkook. "

" Damn. Just say his name, why would you call him that?  He's... "

" Cute. " She cuts him off. She smirk when she completes his sentence with her own piece of mind. 

" Live with him and you'll know how Son of a Devil he is. "

" You must be his Father of Devil then. "

" I guess you're out of fever now, seeing how you talk back to me every time I speak. "

" Your porridge helps. "

" Shouldn't have prepared that if I knew. "

" Just answer me. "

"  Jungkook-ie and the others are summoned to the company. They'll be back tonight. "

" I'm stuck with you till then? "

" Don't think that I like it with you here. "

" Your eyes said that you love it. "

" Huh??  What?! "

" Your lips can lie but your eyes can't deceive me. "

" What are you even saying? I don't like it with you here. "

" God knows you do. He relays it to his Angel. "

" You aren't His Angel. "

" Am not. My Father and brothers are and do remember I'm also one of His fellow. "

" I'm not lying. "

" Your lip does. Your eyes doesn't. Accept the reality. I'm not forcing you or anything. What I can tell from your eyes is that you feel nothing but wrath. At least for now cause I keep getting on your nerves as much as you does to me. "

" If so, why did you say that I like it having you here? "

" Because when you saw me this morning at the dining table, your eyes glitters despite being a bit annoyed. You're concerned that I'm sick under your supervision. I say you like it with me here because you're able to look after me. Not that you have feelings for me, simply because you're worried. That's the reason why I'm not forcing you into anything. "

He stops talking after that, leaving her finishing her porridge and take her medicine. He stays on the sofa a few seat away from her and he looks sideways when he feels the sofa shift from the loss of weight from it. He sees her walk away to her room, Jungkook's and his room to be exact. He sigh unknowingly. He then hears footsteps behind him and he turns to the direction of the sound, seeing Lurin with the blanket that she's currently dragging on the floor across the way to the living room. 

" What are you doing dragging the blanket all over? "

" Urm, watching Tv? "

" Huh?? "

" I wanna watch the television and I feel a bit cold. "

" Suit yourself. "

She lays her still weak body and her feet is slightly on his knees which he just let it be. She watches the tv for quite some time and drowsiness is starting to get to her but dissipates when she hears Suga says, 

" What's on your back? "

" What's on my back? "

" There's a burnt sign there. "

" Burnt sign? It's visible? "

" What is? "

" It's wasn't just a dream. It was real. I thought it was.. I thought it was just a dream. " She's crying. 

That sets him alarmed. 

" What's wrong? Why are you crying? "

" My wings.. In my dream, it's.. It's.. It was on fire and it really hurts. The fire burned all of my wings. "

" If it was just a dream, then why it left a sign on your back? "

" Can you check for me? "

"Huh? "

" Check my back. "

" What?? "

" My . Check if there's any sign there. "

He take his position behind her and he removes the blanket from her and when he touches her shirt, he hesitates. 

" Come on, hurry up. "

He takes that as a challenge and he raises her shirt upward to check out her , for the particular sign of course. 

" There's nothing. "

He quickly put down her shirt and shift her body facing him. 

" What do you mean there's nothing? "

" It's clean. Not even a single scratch. "

" That's odd. Then how is there a burnt sign on the shirt? "

" How would I know that? "

" Never mind. Leave it there. I'll eventually have a clue sooner or later. "

" Then why were you crying just now if you're going to accept it that easily now? "

" Shut up. "

They both watch the television silently and hours passes by leaving Suga bored as ever. He ought to get up to take a shower but he notices that she is sleeping and her peaceful sleeping figure is calming his heart. In a matter of second, his heart aches because she's shivering again, yes you got it right. It's the same dream that haunts her. She's trembling even harder this time, tear drops and glazing her now pink cheek. The burning feeling is so painful but she can't afford to be awake as the dream itself is drowning her into the Jaw of Death, again. She's slowly losing herself, it's dragging her, something's dragging her soul to leave her body. Imagine you're on fire, a fire that set you aflame, how painful and hurting that is, that's what she feels right that moment. She ought to go with the flow and let it takes her but something unknown is holding onto her, way too tightly that she can't let on. She's whimpering on the tugging energy that's pulling her and the one who hold onto her, not letting go. She cries hard, suffering with her entire body. 

" Please.. It hurts.. Save me.. " She said with so much difficulty, yet she isn't awake. 

" I'm here, wake up. Hey, wake up. Come one, what's wrong? "

She hears that. She can clearly hears that, the person who said that is the one holding her from getting into the Jaw of Death. Little that she knows, Suga is holding her hand so tightly as if letting go means he can't possibly see her again. That's the truth, he won't see her again as she'll go straight into the Jaw of Death, following the energy that's pulling her. He's beyond worried now, he doesn't know what to do, what can he do to stop her from suffering that way. All that he can do is try to wake her up from her slumber. But to no avail, she isn't waking up and it's starting to frustrate him. 

" Don't.. No! Don't! Sa.. Save me!! "

With that out loud yelling, she's awake and her face is wet with tears. She's out of breath but as soon as she sees Suga in front of her, she doesn't wait any longer to pull him into a hug. She continues crying on his shoulder. How broken he feels that time, part of him doesn't understand why he has a soft spot for her and part of him wants to let things go, that he has the power to comfort her, stop her from crying but he can't. He doesn't know how to, instead, he her back and tries to calm her down. 

" Shh, it's okay now. I'm here. Don't worry. "

" It's taking me. Something's dragging me. "

" I'll hold onto you. " He says and even he is surprised by what he had said. 

" Keep holding on. I'm not able to hold on myself in my conditions. "

If she isn't sick, she'll definitely fight her way to get out of the bad impulses but her sick and weak body isn't helping her in any way. 

" I will. "

She nods and again, she falls asleep, tired of crying and dealing with the pain. Suga sigh at that, how vulnerable she looks like right then and there. He can't believe that's she's the same person who always talk back not giving a single respect to him despite the they have. On how pitiful she is, his heart clenched looking at her, he then wraps her into the blanket before carrying her to the bedroom and put her on his bed. Yes, his bed, not Jungkook's. He lays his tired body beside her, forgetting the urge to take a shower and sleeps there. He's afraid that it'll happen again and he can't afford not being there for her when she needs him just because he's having that damn shower. Also, Jungkook had told him to look after her and he's far from being an irresponsible jerk. He doesn't even realize that his hand is already snakes around her body, leaving her in a peaceful sleep. 


A/N: Done! Credit to owners. You guys should check out some of the pic from LoveQuotes.. Part of them is awesome.! Feeling familiar with a caring Suga Bear?? (⊙o⊙)











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I'm thinking of taking down both of my story cause I don't know how you feel about it.. What I really mean here is, I'm afraid that mine is not good enough and doesn't satisfy anyone. If you still want me to continue, do let me know. If not, I'll just take it down. For now, that's what I think.


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imemyself07 #1
Chapter 25: Oooh 0_0
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 22: Omg so happy with the update! :)
Please dont give up on your writing!/I know it maybe hard for your side since an author like you want nothing but pure feedback to see how it flows. But my advice never give up despite the little comments that you recieve you know some may enjoying it secretly just they are bad in words! Oh Im going to start reading your story soon and let you know how it goes <33 until then... hang on there and take your time to get back on track';))))))
Chapter 20: It is a good piece of writing. Do continue writing it please.
BilliePark #5
Chapter 20: " Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? That's called a purpose." Loved this. And many are forgetting about it.
hunmi94 #6
Chapter 20: Waaa,hope lurin will go back to sure that bts worrying her to much...
imemyself07 #8
Chapter 19: Your story is amazing! I look forward to the rest of it :)
hunmi94 #9
Chapter 16: good chapter authornim...and jungkook looks so damn funny when he is jealous...
hunmi94 #10
Chapter 15: good job authornim,this chapter is great... poor lurin tho,she seems suffering too much..and,kookie looks cute worried sick for her...