Chapter 6

My Life and My Love


♂ Boyfriends? Boy friends? ♀


“So don’t make jokes on me again. Although you’re much taller than me, I can kick your .” Gui Gui said in serious face but it only made Aaron to laugh harder.

“You’re really cute. But admit it to me, I’m much handsome now right?” Aaron asked. Gui Gui didn’t look at Aaron, she keep thinking if she’ll say the truth that he’s handsome or not.


“I don’t know. I didn’t notice.” Gui Gui look away from Aaron.

“You’re scared to admit, Gui. But okay, look at me and tell me that I’m still the monkey you are calling way back then.” Aaron said; keep touching Gui Gui’s face to look at him.

“I don’t want to. Why will I look at you just to find out that you’re handsome or not? Besides, I have seen cuter and much handsome guys than you.” Gui Gui said.

“Really?, Much handsome than me?” Aaron asked.

“Excuse me! I have lots of handsome boyfriends!” Gui Gui face at Aaron, she looks Aaron from top to bottom.

“Boyfriends?, you mean, you have lots of boyfriend?” Aaron asked.

“Yes. Why? Is there any surprising about that?” Gui Gui pouted.

“Nothing,” Aaron suddenly became sad.

“I know what you’re thinking. I’m not that okay? You think I have lots of boyfriends; but boyfriends’ means, a guy friend.” Gui Gui explains, she didn’t notice Aaron became sad a while ago.

“I know. And besides, I don’t believe that you’ll have many boyfriends.” Aaron became happy to know the truth.

“And why?” Gui Gui asked.

“You’re cranky and cruel. And you only know is to eat and sleep.” Aaron teases Gui Gui.

“Hey! How dare you insult me like that?” Gui Gui raise her voice.

“Such denial queen, I know you since we’re kids. All of our playmates are your enemy. I remember I’m your only friend that time.” Aaron added.

“Excuse me? You’re not my friend then and will never be. You always make me cry, and now you’re telling me you’re my friend then? Huh! Actually you’re my number one enemy that time.” Gui Gui frown.

Hmp! He just sits beside me, because he wants to make fun of me again.
This monkey really pissed me so much!
His face is the only changes on him, but his attitude is still the same!
Boastful and very conceited!
[[End of POV]]

“I better leave now.” Gui Gui grabbed her notebooks and stand up, but Aaron quickly pull her down that made her to sit again in the chair.

“You’re really short-tempered. It’s just a joke okay?” Aaron said when Gui Gui sits again beside him.

“You’re not joking. You really want to tease me.” Gui Gui exclaimed and glare at Aaron.

“Don’t be mad. Look, your beautiful face is turning into a beast. And besides, I’ll tell to my mom that you’re still snob if you’ll stay mad at me.” Aaron smiled.

“Your mom will not believe you,” Gui Gui pouts.

“Oh yeah, of course she’ll not believe me. I forgot my mom really loves you so much. So please write your address and your cell phone number here so I can text you when I’ll pick you up and your mom.” Aaron gave his notebook to Gui Gui. She immediately wrote their address including her phone number.

“Wait! Why did I give my number to you? Your girlfriend might jealous.” Gui Gui realized upon giving her number to Aaron.

“Don’t mind her. So just wait for my text and save my number on your phone okay?” Aaron said.

“I’ll think about that,” Gui Gui said. She quickly stands up and walks from the exit of the library, but Aaron followed her and accompanied her to her classroom; so her friends saw that she’s with Aaron.

“Hmm… That’s why you want to go to the library?” Xiao Xun teases Gui Gui when Aaron is gone.

“Please guys don’t add my bad luck today. For all of you to know, almost one half of my blood dried in the library because of Aaron.” Gui Gui exclaimed.

“Stop pretending, Gui. You’re obvious, you like Aaron right?” Ya Zi said.

“Of course not, it’s purely your imagination Ya Zi.” Gui Gui defend herself.

“Don’t bully Gui Gui, guys. We’re just the same. We don’t care to those handsome guys. We can still live even if there are no guys in our life. Right, Gui?” Xiao Man exclaimed.

“Huh? Y—Yeah Xiao Man.” Gui Gui agreed but the truth is she doesn’t wish not to have a boyfriend. Her dream is to have a boyfriend and Aaron is her prospect. But it’s very impossible now, because she can see how crazy Aaron is to his girlfriend.

“Hey! Still there?,” Mei Mei said upon noticing that she became silent.

“Shut up, Mei Mei. Let’s go inside the room.” Gui Gui walks first inside their classroom.

When Gui Gui got home, she saw her mom so happy. Her mom said that Aaron’s mom called her.

“Your godmother is inviting us to have our lunch on them in Sunday. Aaron will pick us up.” Mrs. Wu exclaimed.

“Really Ma?, I just gave our telephone number to Aaron a moment ago.” Gui Gui trying to hide her excitement.

“Your godmother said that Aaron texted our telephone number to her, that’s why she called me right away upon receiving Aaron’s text.” Mrs. Wu explains.

“I see, so we’re going on Sunday?” Gui Gui asked.

“Yes, Gui. What we’ll be bringing to your godmother?” Mrs. Wu is excited to visit her friend.

“Let’s just buy vanilla cake for her Ma. Besides, vanilla cake is her favourite right?” Gui Gui suggests.

“You’re right. Okay, I’ll just buy cake for your godmother.” Mrs. Wu said.

Gui Gui smiled secretly. She’s thinking what she’ll wear so that Aaron will give her attention. Sunday is still far, but she keeps thinking what clothes will suit her best.

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