Chapter 15

My Life and My Love


♂ TiMe to ChaNge ♀


“Stop it! Let’s just eat okay?” Mrs. Wu stops them before they fight again.

“Wow! The foods are really delicious. For sure, I’ll be very full today.” Aaron said when he saw the foods that Mrs. Wu prepared.

Aaron immediately pulls the chairs for Mrs. Wu and Gui Gui. Gui Gui was so thankful for his sweet action and was impress more when Aaron put some food in Gui Gui’s plate. Suddenly, Gui Gui’s irritation to Aaron fade away. She keeps thinking why she treats Aaron so bad. Aaron was always there for her and he always takes her home. She thinks that she has to change her attitude towards Aaron.

He’s so nice,,,
He always smiles at me, but instead of returning a smile to him, I just ignore him.
I need to change…
Or else I’ll get ugly if I don’t smile always.
[[End of POV]]

“Hmm.. She’s now smiling…” Aaron said when she saw Gui Gui smiled.

“Don’t mind me okay? You’re not the reason why I’m smiling.” Gui Gui said with a sweet smile.

Mrs. Wu looks at them. She can’t help but to smile upon looking at them.

“The two of you are still the same. Since you’re kids and until now, you always fight to almost everything.” Mrs. Wu said.

“Auntie, your Gui Gui is always cold but sometimes makes me feel warm. How many kids do you have like Gui Gui?” Aaron joked.

“The one and only,” Mrs. Wu laughed.

“That’s why I can’t forget this silly girl. She’s really one and only. No one can compare to her.” Aaron said and look at Gui Gui.

“Hey! Who’s silly huh?” Gui Gui reacts.

“Who?, You of course. Not only silly but also crazy girl and snobbish,” Aaron laughed.

“Take back what you said!” Gui Gui said and immediately tickle Aaron. They end up laughing together while Aaron is avoiding Gui Gui’s hand.

“The two of you are like dogs and cats. Always fighting,” Mrs. Wu exclaimed.

Aaron stayed to their house for almost one hour before he decided to go home. The two of them chat together that made Gui Gui’s hatred to Aaron go away.

“Tomorrow again, okay? And please no more scowl faces.” Aaron said to Gui Gui.

“Yes. I promise. Go home now or else your mom will worry at you.” Gui Gui said.

“Okay but give me goodbye kiss first.” Aaron pouted his lips facing Gui Gui.

“Monkey!” Gui Gui laughed and push Aaron’s forehead away from her.

Gui Gui led Aaron in the gate and stand there until Aaron had gone.

I didn’t know that we can be this close if I really want.
And Aaron didn’t really change a lot,
He’s still have long patience towards me.
Well, to tell the truth, I’m really the bad kid back then.
I’m always the one who get mad easily.
I’m always the one who cry first.
Why do I really push myself away from my love?
Besides, Aaron is always there for me.
So what if he has a girlfriend?
I’m not snatching him away.
And Aaron is always the one looking for me. NOT ME.
[[End of POV]]

That night, Gui Gui sleep well and she’s looking forward for a pleasant morning and beautiful day with Aaron tomorrow.

Early in the morning, Gui Gui went to school with smile in her lips.

“Hmmm,, they’re getting closer.” Ya Zi reacts when Gui Gui share her experience with Aaron yesterday.

“That’s a right decision, Gui. Aaron looks nice and honest in making friends with you.” Xiao Man exclaimed.

“That’s why I change my attitude towards him. I don’t get mad at him anymore.” Gui Gui said.

“But what if he’s girlfriend will get mad?” Mei Mei asked.

“That’s not my problem. All I know is I don’t have any plans to snatch him from her.” Gui Gui said.

“What If Aaron will court you?” Xiao Xun asked.

“Oh, looks like your question are getting harder and harder. I don’t have answer to that now. When that time comes, then that will be the time I will think about it.” Gui Gui answered.

“I just wished he’ll really court you. Oh, for sure we can always get a free ride!” Mei Mei clapped her hands.

“Although they are not still a couple, we always get a free ride right? But Mei Mei, you’re right. I like it better if they’ll be a couple.” Ya Zi chuckled.

“Let’s wait and see for the next chapter of their love story. Hahaha.” Xiao Xun laughed.

“Wait, I’m starving already. Where we’ll eat? I don’t want to the restaurant near our school. Let’s try some other places.” Xiao Man exclaimed.

“Me too, Uhhmm, Yeah let’s try other restaurant.” Mei Mei said.

The five of them went outside their campus and look for a restaurant. Finally, they saw a restaurant far from their school. It is air conditioned and very class.

“I think it’s too expensive there.” Gui Gui said.

“It’s okay. Just for this day, let’s spend our allowance freely.” Ya Zi said.

The five of them are laughing when they enter the restaurant but stopped when they saw Anna and a stranger guy in one corner of the restaurant.


Sorry for being late in updating.. I'm just busy this past few days.. I'm preparing some important matters regarding on my studies... Well for all of you to know, I'm graduating in college next year.. oh,.,, my final year in school... ^_^

Dancingballet, thanks for adding me in FS... ^_^

Thanks for those who commented on my previous update.. ^_^

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