You sat on the chair as the guy put you down on the chair. Slowly you opened your eyes and you saw L was sat on the desk in front of you.

“What’s with the deep voice back there?” You asked him.

He chuckled. “That is the first question you asked to me? I don’t know, it’s just when I got really mad, I deepened my voice, and I did that to scared those girls too.” He scratched the back of his head.

You let your hand ran through your hair. Your hands were trembling, as now your hair was shoulder-length instead of stomach-length.

Then L ruffled your hair softly. “You looked good in short hair too. Don’t worry. I still like it, no matter what.” He said softly.

You just blushed and looked at the other way. Then L cupped both of your cheeks with both his hands and turned your head to face him. He stared at your eyes deeply.

You can try and run away from love, but you will never make it. So stop running away from me.” L grazed both your cheeks using his thumb.

“I don’t know…” You mumbled.

L let out a sigh. “At least, stop ignoring me. It’s driven me crazy, you know. I miss you.”

Your heart tightened as he said that he missed you. You too, missed him so bad but your mind was debating whether to ignore him or not. But with those words from L, your mind that debating that you shouldn’t ignore him was slowly winning over the other one.

“I used to fighting back emotions I’ve never had before. All because I’m not supposed to love you anymore. But now, I might consider that.” You flashed him a smile. He felt grateful that you’re opening up to him again.


L kept assured you that you looked fine as ever with your short hair. You still felt shocked because those girls really cut your hair. You didn’t want to go out from the classroom since you knew that you’ll attract people with your short hair all of a sudden, but again L kept told you to get out from the classroom because he’s going to perform soon and you have to see him.

Finally, you gave in. You gathered all your courage before you stepped out from the classroom and made your way to the gym where the performances will be held.

You walked side by side with L, made your way through the hallway and the cafeteria and of course all of the students were shocked to see your short hair all of a sudden. Less than 2 hour, your long hair was changed to a short hair already.


Zico noticed you from afar but he was shocked to see your short hair. He practically sprinted off to your way. He caught your wrist and turned your body to face him.

“Yah! What the hell happened with your long hair?” Zico raised his voice.

“U-uh.. I cut it..” You answered softly. L nudged you and signaled you that he’ll be waiting at the gym. He knew that you and Zico needed to talk about your new hair and he decided to let you talked to him by yourself.

“You cut it? Right now? , don’t kidding me. You could’ve cut it later after school! Who did this to you?” His voice was changed to a deep and he was practically growled.

“No one. I cut it, really. Trust me.” You patted his hand to assured him. You flashed him a smile and left.

‘Impossible. There’s no way she cut it by herself. Even more, at this rate of time! I gotta find out.’ Zico thought.


L motioned you to seat in the front row while you whined and told him to let you sit at the back.

“I want you to see my performance really clear and I couldn’t let you off my sight. Who knows those girls might come to you again.” L muttered as he took out his guitar from its bag.

“If they come again, I’ll beat them for sure.”

“Then, why don’t you beat them now?”

“Are you crazy? You want me to be expelled from the school? I’m not that stupid to have a revenge on them that will caused me harm.” You scoffed at him.


Then the MCs took over the stage and started to announce the contest and the rules and the judges. L’s turn was third. It’s good though since it’s not the first and not the last either.

You watched the performances uninterested and yet it’s really boring to you and to the others as well maybe.

“Now, let’s welcome Kim Myungsoo or L!” The MC announced. L came out from the backstage while holding to his guitar.

“Umm.. Hello, I’m L. And I’m going to sing a song in acoustic version. For, you know who you are.” The girls cooed in jealousy and disagreement but still they were looking forward to L’s performance.


Then L started to trail his fingers on the strings and a beautiful melody was heard clearly. You couldn’t help but to blush yet at the same time excited to see his performance.


I’m bad at things like this
Where to start, what to do

Talking about things with no start or end
Look at me acting like that.

Don’t leave me
All I can give are blunt words like that

I, who just keeps getting angry
Although I’m sorry

Do it again one more time
Words that couldn’t even be said

Don’t just thoughtlessly say it’s the end
Don’t stop my heart

Your expressions, your actions, your eyes
All of those things, don’t leave me

My tone, my actions, my habits
Have you melted all over them

Even when I reminisce the memories
Why can’t I see it

Just where was it
The start of our love going out of place

In the time that’s already passed by, you come and find me
I was stuck in an illusion and you left me

Please don’t go. This one phrase doesn’t come out
I’m losing you in front of my eyes. Please stop, my dear time

Do it again one more time
Saying that you need to forget me in order to live

Don’t just thoughtlessly say words like that
Don’t stop my heart

Time, please stop for a bit
I can’t think of anything

I turn back the time day by day
To fix your heart one by one

I want to change back time
Just till the day that this started
Just till the day you smiled

Even if I lose everything,
I cross it with everything risked on one thing

Look at me
Truthfully, I’m really scared
If I fall asleep without you

                                  (Tic Toc – Infinite)


As L ended his song, the audience started to clap really hard and enthusiastically and cooed in amusement and awed. You too, clapping both your hands as you heard really clear the lyrics and you couldn’t help but to feel guilty at him.

Before he left the stage, L made a 90 degree bow to the audience and he flashed you a warm smile. You ducked your head down as you were blushing because of his song.

‘What should I do?’ You thought deeply.


@prisena: Correct! Hehe, keep commenting :*

@PikaSjOwls: Sorry for making you wait :( keep commenting! :*

@_DNA_Fact_pACT: Ba-bam! Hehe keep commenting :D

@love-light: Unfortunately not Zico or P.O hehe :3 keep commenting :)

@minieStar: It's L ! ;D keep commenting :*

@hyeminmints: No hehe :3 keep commenting :*

@onewmintjongkey: Lol it's not :) keep commenting :*

@BlueMelon: Ba-bam! Hahaha keep commenting ;D :*

I erased few parts of the songs to make it fit to the condition :) But I didn't add or change any words from it
And really sorry for the late update :'( i feel bad :'(


To be honest, I had no idea how to end this story of mine. LOL
I just had the idea of the plot and yeah another twist will be revealed and we'll see later how to end this story :)


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Chapter 29: Aww so cute>< I really enjoyed reading it
Freezeinme #2
Chapter 29: Cute story :) really enjoyed reading it...
yooamie #3
Chapter 29: awh such a lovely story! ^^
bapfinite #4
What's hunch?
it's really nice! :D
I LOVE THE TWIST, altough it kinda reminded me of 'I remember' by Bang Yongguk and Yoseobbie! :D
anyways, I LOVED THE FIC! :D
omo! i hope jijico won't get hurt! :)
omo omo! tha plan is set! :O
whoa! what was the BANG for? :O
woohoo! Block Bis in teh chapter~ JAEHYOOOO~ <3
LOL! *i'm being biased again! XD*