Chapter 09


"Thank you," Momo said, though her eyes were already closing. She was tired from all the crying. "Thank you for coming to find me today. I really needed someone."

Sana shifted her gaze towards the girl who was now lying on her arm. She used her free hand to adjust the bangs that were messily positioned on the girl's forehead. "You know, Momo-chan, even if I was angry, I'd make my way here if you called me."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said you were overreacting. I should've understood your perspective."

"It's okay." Sana smiled, she was finally talking to her best friend again. "You really like her, don't you?"

"I guess," Momo was uncertain. If liking someone meant the person was going to leave, then she was not going to risk it. "There's something about her that makes me want to know her better, and she makes me really happy. I haven't felt like that ever since Dahyunnie left."

"If you like her then go for it, Momo ah. Get to know her better. Don't get held back by your foolish thoughts." Sana knew what Momo was concerned about. That sort of thought was ridiculous, and Sana certainly did not want Momo to be affected by things like this.

Momo snuggled closer to Sana. "Sana, even if I continue hanging out with Mina, you won't stop talking to me right?"

Sana smiled at Momo's actions and words. "Of course, Momoring. Let's never fight again, it's painful."

"Mmm." Momo wrapped her arms around Sana and drifted off to sleep soon after.

After finding out that Momo had been having nightmares all these while, Sana made sure to wrap her arms tight around Momo that night. Maybe it was because of her presence, or perhaps it was because Momo was too tired, but Momo slept well that night.




"Hey," Momo called out as she approached the girl who was waiting for her at their usual place.

"Momo," Mina was so excited to see her again, she let her heart take over her mind as she ran and threw herself towards the approaching girl. "I missed you, where have you been?"

Momo was momentarily stunned but she quickly got over it, pretending like nothing happened. She was a touchy person, but Mina's embrace made her feel something she had never felt before - something pleasant. She joked, getting over whatever that she felt, "Wow, if I had known that being gone for a day would make you do this, I'll do it more often."

Upon that, Mina let go, realising the situation. She looked away, knowing that her face had turned red. She, too, did not know that she would react like that. Maybe that was the effect of having a friend. 

She blushed even further as Momo wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her such that they're facing each other. Seeing perfection up close, Momo had to fight the extreme urge to kiss her forehead, her nose, her cheeks, her lips,... "Something cropped up, were you very worried? I'm sorry for not letting you know."

Momo took another moment to admire the girl up close. Skinship was something they had not done before. Mina was hesitant and uncomfortable with initiating it though she liked it, while Momo held it back because she was unsure of whether the other girl liked it. "I missed you too. So much."




"May I ask you something?" 

It was break now, one of the rare breaks during which Mina did not study. She wanted to spend more time with Momo after not seeing her for a day.


They were at the rooftop again, it was like their secret space. Momo was lying down on the bench facing the sky, her head on her arm. Right next to her arm was Mina, sitting on the bench.

"I heard you fought with Sana because of me." Mina did not like it. If befriending Momo comes at the expense of Momo's relationship with Sana then she would rather not.

"We patched things up." Mina could hear the joy in Momo's voice. "Just last night."

"I don't want you to ever fight with anyone because of me." Both of them knew. Mina was not just referring to Momo's fallout with Sana, but also Momo seeking revenge for her whenever someone did something.

"You don't deserve it, Mina." Since Mina could not protect herself and no one else was willing to, Momo decided that she was going to be the one who did it. And since she started, why not?

"One more point and you're going to have suspension, Momo," Mina reminded. 

"It won't happen," Momo was sure. "They're scared of messing with you now." Momo whistled her favourite tune. She was happy with the result.

Mina was, however, insistent on her point. "Just promise me, Momo. Promise me you'll never do it again."

Momo's silence prompted Mina to urge again. "Come on, promise me."

The Japanese sighed. "Okay, I promise you Mina-ah."

They kept a comfortable silence for a while before Momo decided to break it. 

"Mina, could you tell me more about yourself and your family?" Momo came to realisation that she did not know Mina well. They hung out a lot, but they just laughed and talk about daily events. She did not know Mina's favourite food. She did not know Mina's favourite colour. She did not know how many siblings Mina had, or if she had any at all. She did not know Mina.

Mina on the other hand was panicking. What could she say about her family? Other than her results, her parents pretty much did not talk to her about anything else. It was all results. If it was bad, they hit her; and even if it was good, there was never a compliment that was given to her. Strict, distant, not the caring and loving family everyone wishes for. Family was one thing Mina never wanted to share, because it made her insecure that people will judge her. 

"Mina?" Momo noticed the hesitance, and decided to prompt with simple questions. She did not want the girl to be uncomfortable. "Just tell me like, what's your favourite things?"

It was a simple light conversation, but Mina was preparing herself for the jump in topic. Family was a good topic for getting to know someone.

And it came. "How many people do you have in your family, Mina-ah?"

"Three. Just my parents and me." Mina had not meant it, but it came out in a cold tone. She could not help it, and Momo noticed the change in her tone. She thought, perhaps it was the wrong direction to head for the conversation. If it was something Mina did not want to share, then she would not push on. They each had their secrets, and perhaps one day when they were a lot closer and more comfortable they would let each other know.

Momo sat up. Pretending that she had not sensed anything, she asked, "Me too. How about I tell you more about myself?"

Mina was unsure of whether Momo caught on anything, though either way she felt bad for her momentary coldness towards the latter. That aside, hearing Momo's reply could not have made her any happier. She wanted to know the girl better too.


A/N: MiMo back in action! Okay, not so much of "action" but yeah. Just to clear things up, SaMo are just my best friend / kinship goals HAHA I have no intention to turn Sana into the source of drama xD At this point MiMo is still in the midst of getting closer (from this chapter you can tell), so... ^^

Thank you!

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun