Chapter 19


"Momo, help us take care of our clumsy Sana, alright?"

"Ah~ I'm old enough to take care of myself!" Sana whined to her mother, making Mrs Minatozaki and Momo laugh. As if on cue, Sana trips over her on foot as she walked, causing her to fall forward. Luckily, Momo held onto her in time.

"I'm old enough to take care of myself," Momo imitated Sana, before turning her focus back to Mrs Minatozaki. "Sure thing!"

"Alright, girls, you got to go or you'll be late!" Mrs Minatozaki gestured for them to leave. "Have fun and come back safe!"

Momo smiled, she had not felt such motherly love in a while.


After a short briefing where they were told to stay with their partner no matter what, they were now on their way to the campsite. Sana and Tzuyu sat together, and the moment the bus started moving they were already lost in their own world. Momo was in slight envy, it must feel nice to be so in love without any obstacles.

Momo stared out of the window. Several thoughts ran through her mind, she was worried about this camp. It was going to be a long five days - or rather, long four nights. She jumped when she suddenly felt someone touch her, jolting her out from her thoughts.

She looked down and realised that Mina had wrapped her fingers around hers. Looking up at the girl, she gave her a worried expression. "Momoring, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little nervous," Momo replied with the well-practised smile on her face. "Haven't been to camps in a long while."

"Why didn't you want to come to the camp?"

"Not really interested in such things." Momo lied. She was not going to let Mina know about her embarrassing incident, nor the fact that she often woke up crying. She also hesitated saying that she did not like camps, for she knew Mina would feel bad afterwards. "But I'm sure it's going to be fun, since I get to spend time with you."

Momo's additional comment made Mina blush. On Mina's part, she was also glad that she was able to spend time with Momo, though she would never say it out loud like the other girl did. To add on, Momo had been really different ever since they became friends again. She often had moodswings, and many at times she would be cold to Mina, Not once did Mina figure out what was wrong, but she always assumed that she had accidentally done something wrong to trigger Momo. At some point of time, she even entertained the thought that perhaps she had hurt the girl so badly that she was hesitant to befriend her again. Mina sincerely hoped that this five-day-long camp would help them repair their friendship.

"I'm tired," Momo mumbled as she hooked her arm around Mina's, using it as a bolster, and leaned her head on Mina's shoulder. She had to use this time to get some rest. It was a short bus ride, which meant she would not get into deep sleep, and that also meant that she would not get nightmares. Catching some sleep now could possibly help her with the lack of sleep for the next few days. Before she knew it, she had drifted off to sleep.


"I saw that just now, Momo," Sana teased.

The girls were now pitching the tent as instructed. Sana considered this as her best chance to cousin.

"Saw what?"

"You leaning on Mina. I see you guys are having great progress, huh?" Sana grinned, seeing Momo in love was something new for her.

Momo pushed Sana playfully due to embarrassment. "I was tired, and you know, just catching up on some sleep, which I probably won't get much of for the next few days."

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say. You were tired so you had to cling on her. I get it." Sana retorted.

Momo was about to reply but when she saw that Mina was walking closer to them, she went into panic. In a flustered state, she pushed Sana again, this time a little harder, and shouted, "Minatozaki Sana!"

Sana, who did not have a good sense of balance to begin with, fell backwards, landing on her bottom, making Mina and Tzuyu shocked. She was, however, still looking up at Momo (who was glaring at her) and laughing. "You know that doesn't work on me," she laughed as she stood up and walked away, not forgetting to give a wink before that.

Momo brought her fist up, looking like she was giving Sana a warning. Mina, who was now in front of her, could not help but laugh at how childish Momo was when she was with Sana. It was adorable in her eyes. She giggled, "What was that?"

"Nothing, she was being annoying as usual," Momo replied, though they knew she did not mean it.


The day passed by quicker than anyone expected. While everyone was happy that they finally could get some rest, it was to Momo's dismay.

Everyone went into their respective tents, and while everyone was slowly falling asleep, Momo was just lying down, staring blankly at the top of the tent. She sighed at the thought that that was probably what she was going to do for the entire night. She was careful not to move, so that she would not disrupt the sleep of the three other girls who were in the same tent as she was. She also wanted them to think that she was asleep too.

After lying there for some time which seemed like forever to her, Momo decided to go out. Perhaps just sitting somewhere nearby would help to make her feel less bored. She was tired, but she would not risk having the same incident happen again. Once bitten, twice shy. 

Finding a spot that looked suitable and not to near to the other tents, Momo sat down. She thought of her recent attitude towards Mina, she knew she was not treating her very well. But she was afraid, and that was just her natural reaction to mask everything. She thought of how Mina and her would progress in the future. As of now, they were both aware of each other's feelings, though they never showed any signs of pursuing it. Her thoughts were broken by a familiar voice, once that came out as a soft whisper. "Momo, what's up?"

Momo did not have to turn back to know the owner of the voice. "I thought you were asleep. Aren't you tired?"

"I was, but I just suddenly woke up for a moment and I realised you weren't there, so I came out to look for you. Can't sleep?" Mina took a seat next to Momo.

"Just thinking of some stuff."

"Mmm." Mina did not ask anything, she was not the type to. She believed that if Momo wanted to tell her, she would do it on her own accord. Well, that was until Momo broke the silence between them and asked something that sent her in a slight panic.

"Minari, you know... that I love you, right?" Momo was hesitant, she did not know how Mina interpreted that sentence.

"Hmmm?" Mina looked over and tilted her head slightly.

"Ah nevermind, nothing."

"Momo, tell me what's bothering you? You're scaring me like that." Mina moved closer to Momo and placed her hand over the girl's shoulder.

However, Momo just shook her head. She was not prepared to say anything. "It's nothing. Let's go to sleep, Mina, it'll be a long day tomorrow."

They returned to the tent, and Momo went back to lying down and staring into space again. It was way past midnight when she actually closed her eyes for some rest, she judged from the colour of the sky outside, and she fell asleep praying very hard that she could get just this little sleep without anything happening.


A/N: Sorry for late update, came home earlier than usual actually but I was busy catching Momo on Hit The Stage. Have you guys seen vampire Momo? She did so great and I'm so proud of her.

Hope you guys liked this update ^^ Thanks for reading!

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun