Chapter 07


Momo was now in the toilet, waiting for Mina who had gone to take the cream for medication. She had told the girl that it was not all that bad - she realised letting Mina fall on her instead might not have been the best idea and it hurt but she could deal with it. But the younger girl insisted, claiming that the cream 'would really make it heal a lot faster and prevent a blueblack', so Momo obliged to make her happy. 

Momo was lost in thoughts, her mind kept going back to Mina's worried face. She thought the girl hated her.

Those thoughts were disrupted when Mina came running back. "Hey, I got it! Use this, it'll be good for you."

"Where did you get that?" Momo casually asked. She watched the other girl hesitating to reply. The reply came out soft, and for some reason to Momo, weak. "My bag."

"Why do you have it?" Momo knew this conversation was risky, and it was likely to be touching something that is sensitive. Nonetheless it was worth a shot, she wanted to know the girl better. But as she saw that the girl was just fumbling around with the pouch that she just brought and pretending to be busy, she realised maybe it was something the girl was really uncomfortable with sharing.

"Nevermind, pretend I never asked." Though Mina was not looking at her, she gave a small smile, hoping that it would comfort the girl that she was not going to press on.

On Mina's part, she did not like where the conversation was heading from the moment Momo asked where she got it from. She knew there could only have been one way the conversation was continued, and she was not prepared to answer the question. When Momo dropped the topic, she believed that the relief she showed on her face made it so obvious that the other girl would have caught on that she was keeping something from her, but as long as the topic was put on hold for now, she was fine with it. Something told her that some day she would end up telling Momo. Afterall, there was something special she felt for the other girl (which Mina believed it was excitement for having someone who actually cared about her) and Momo did not seem like one who would just let go of something like that easily.

"Let me help you." Mina did not think much, she genuinely just wanted to help. However, when she saw the blush on the older girl's face, she realised maybe it was not a very good idea. Most of the area that she fell on was.... on her bottom.

"It's okay, I'll do it on my own," Momo said in a shy manner as she reached out to take the cream from Mina's hands. She blushed even further when their hands came into contact.

It was the first time Mina saw the other girl so shy, and she unconsciously smiled looking at that because the other girl was so so cute.




The two were now at the rooftop once again, except this time they were standing side by side, leaning against the railing. They enjoyed the peace and silence as they looked far ahead, both deep in their own thoughts.

"Thank you."

"I'm sorry."

Both of them broke the silence at the same time, which led to both saying the same thing at the same time - "You go first."

They laughed, it was such a cliché scene like one from the typical korean dramas. "You go first, Momo."

"Ah... okay," Momo was now getting embarrassed. She was not used to letting her thoughts out. "I'm sorry for that day. I don't really know how but I'm really sorry for hurting you." 

Mina placed her hand over Momo's shoulder, patting her to show that she was not upset anymore. "It's not your fault, I was overreacting. Something triggered me, but it was not because of you."

Mina smiled at Momo, making the girl's heart flutter. Her smile was enchanting. "Thank you for just now, and all the other times you've helped me. I never realised and I just got annoyed with you. But now I know, you have been protecting me all these while."

Momo blushed, unused to the situation she was in. They continued light conversations, having a slightly better idea of each other.

"Hey Momo," Mina called. They were parting ways already, and deep inside, both of them yearned for more time together. "I hope you don't have to follow behind me anymore. Can you walk beside me? Can we... can we be friends?"

That way, Momo was the first friend Mina ever had. She was the only one who bothered to gradually knock down the wall that Mina had built, and though she was still in the midst of doing so, Mina could see her effort. She was also the only one who made Mina feel truly happy, carefree, and comfortable. And that was all Mina had never felt and really wanted to.




The next time someone tried to bother Mina, they thought twice before doing so because Mina, the ice cold girl, was no longer walking alone. And it was not just because Mina had someone else walking with her, but because that person was Momo.

Once, someone walked past Mina, purposely knocking into her and making her drop all her books. Momo was not happy. She stood somewhere along the corridor of the person's classroom, knowing that she would have to walk past her. At that moment, she deliberately stuck her foot out, making the girl trip over and falling flat on her face.

Momo got one demerit point for that.

Another time someone threw a water bomb down at Mina. Momo had not been able to see the culprit, but happened to overhear people talking about it. She did not hesitate to teach the person a lesson.

Momo got one more demerit point and a detention for that.

Mina was not too happy at what Momo was doing. She preferred people disturbing her than Momo getting into all sorts of trouble to help her. She would scold Momo, but she knew she could not do so, for the girl was doing it for her, and she did not want to send any form of signal that she was not appreciative of it. Because she was. It was really nice when people no longer bugged her. But she did not want that at the expense of Momo's conduct in school.

Momo's conduct grade kept going down. So did the number of people disturbing Mina.

They learnt. Messing with Mina was equivalent to messing with Momo, and Momo was certainly someone they did not want to mess with.


A/N: I just saw photos of TWICE going to record Weekly Idol! I'm so excited to watch it~

Hope you guys liked this chapter! Please do comment~ 

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun