Chapter 20


The night went well indeed, and so did the following one. Momo would always lay down and think about stuff for a really long time, until it was really late. The less hours she slept, the lower the possibility of something happening. 

In the day, Momo had a lot of fun. She loved the activities in camps actually. Trekking they did, abseiling, all the height challenges. Momo enjoyed herself, and seeing Mina happy too made her feel even better. She certainly did not make the wrong choice agreeing to go to this camp.

The third night came, and although Momo enjoyed the camp so far, she was glad that the long nights were half over. Once again, she fell asleep in hopes that it would be a peaceful sleep.

It was, however, not the case. The nightmare started, and Momo began to thrash around in her sleep. Her movements woke up the light-sleeper of the tent, Tzuyu.

Despite having Sana between them, Tzuyu was awoken by Momo. She looked over, and realised that Momo was having nightmares, considering that the girl's eyes were closed. Tzuyu furrowed her eyesbrows when she noticed that Momo looked seemingly pained. It could be a regular nightmare, but Tzuyu felt that something was not right.

Figuring that her girlfriend might be better able to handle the situation, Tzuyu lightly shook the sleeping girl. Sana turned and stirred a little, but did not wake up. Tzuyu smiled slightly, her girlfriend was so cute, but she knew it was not the time to entertain such thoughts. She tried again. "Sana."

This time, Sana did open her eyes, a soft and blur "hmm?" coming out from her voice. Tzuyu pointed over to Momo, who was now moving even more than before.

"Seems like she's having a pretty bad nightmare," Tzuyu explained as softly as possible, careful not to wake anyone up. "Should we wake her up?"

Sana turned, and upon seeing Momo, it was like all her sleepiness was shaken out of her. She sat up quickly and moved closer to wake Momo up. She could not let it get to the point that Momo starts shouting. Sana was still in Japan when Momo had her embarrassing incident, though at that point of time she did not know that it happened often to her cousin. The last thing she wanted was for history to repeat itself. Plus, Mina was now next to her, and she could wake up anytime soon. "Momo-chan, Momo-chan. Wake up, Momo-chan, it's just a nightmare."

Momo jolted awake, sitting up immediately. Her eyes were wide, staring straight at Sana. "Sana," she barely said out, her breaths were quick, her chests rising and falling fast from the shock. "Sana, I... I... He.. He-"

Instinctively, Sana wrapped her arms around Momo, whose tears came down soon after. Sana quickly gave a look at Tzuyu to signal that she could handle this, before whispering words of comfort to the crying girl. "It's okay, Momo-chan, it's just a nightmare. Nothing happened. Shhh..."




By the time Momo recovered from the shock, there was still about an hour left before the time that they were supposed to wake up. Sana was tired, but she knew Momo would not dare to go back to sleep. She sat next to Momo, putting her arm around her. Momo's head was leaning in Sana's shoulder. Unsure of what to say, Sana left it as it is and they both sat in silence.

After a while, Momo broke the silence. "Thanks, Sana. If you didn't wake me up, it probably would've happened again. Mina would've woken up too."

"Ah... it's nothing. I wouldn't want my beloved cousin to suffer through the nightmare too." 

"You can tell Tzuyu if you want," Momo continued, "She must be confused after seeing me like that."

"Tzuyu wouldn't question," Sana replied. Her girlfriend was a sensitive girl and knew not to ask about certain things.

"But she deserves an explanation. She helped me, Sana." Momo chuckled a little towards the end of the sentence. It was impossible for Sana to have woken up on her own, her cousin slept like a log all the time.

"Okay," Sana gave in. "I'll give her a brief explanation."

The two girls sat there in silence, listening to the music of nature. It was not the awkward kind of silence, both of them were really just enjoying the moment and appreciating each other's presence.




Watches started to beep and movements could also be heard from neighbouring tents, signalling that it was time to wake up. 

"Let's wake them up too," Momo suggested, finally moving. The past hour had made Momo a lot more at peace. She took the time to think through a lot of things. 

Before getting up, she looked at her cousin, giving an expression that sent the message of 'Thank you'. Momo was so glad Sana was there, she would not know what to do without her. Sana returned the eye contact, but her expression was full of concern. It was her first time seeing Momo so shaken, first time actually witnessing Momo experience the frequent nightmare.

Momo smiled. "Life has to go on. I'll be okay eventually." Sana's heart sank upon hearing that. It suddenly dawned on her that this was how her cousin lived almost every day. Masking all her fear and sadness, putting on a fake smile. She could only wonder how strong Momo had to be to stay like that all the time.

"You'll be okay," Sana muttered, more to convince herself rather than a reply to Momo. Their sisterly bond has always made it a case whereby their moods affect each others. And right now, Sana was feeling as if she was the one who had that nightmare.

Momo held Sana's hand. "Yes I will, so don't worry so much. We still have one full day of activities here!" She said it cheerfully. A little too cheerfully.

Giving the most genuine smile she could to assure Sana, Momo turned and suggested again. "Let's wake them up, we don't want to be late!"

She was not okay, and it would be hard for her to ever be unless the nightmares stopped. It was not about being okay, it was about being used to it. Right now, she's halfway there. Used to waking up in tears. Used to spending a portion of her night getting over it. Used to stepping out of the house, looking like nothing ever happened.


A/N: I know my updates are getting a bit slow, and I'm sorry for that >< School work has been piling up~

Sorry for the lack of MiMo in this chapter as well.. Hope you guys still liked this chapter (:

Thanks for reading! Comments are appreciated (:

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun