Chapter 23


"So, Momo-sshi.." From Mina's peripheral vision, she saw Momo stiffen a little after her name was called.

"Just Momo will do, Madam." Momo tried her best to sound as casual as possible.

"Don't need to be so tense, Momo," Mrs Myoui said. "Also, no need for the 'Madam', feel free to call us anything. Aunty, Mina's mum, or even just Mum is fine too, whatever you're comfortable with. I heard you came here alone from Japan?"

"Yes." Momo nodded and gave a slight smile. She was trying very hard to relax, Mr and Mrs Myoui seemed really nice, she knew she was overthinking it.

"It must be hard living alone. If you want you can come here anytime, Momo. If you miss home, Aunty Kim could even whip up some home-cooked dishes for you. She's good at cooking Japanese food too."

Momo smiled again, this time wider than the previous. She felt really thankful for the offer. Also, the tone that Mrs Myoui used reminded her a lot of her mother. "Thank you."




Light chats went on throughout the dinner, mostly between Mina and Mrs Myoui, with Mina excitedly telling her mother about her day. It was information that Momo already knew, yet the sight of Mina's excitement made it seem so new and special.

Momo watched as the interactions between the mother and daughter went on. She unconsciously smiled at how cute they looked, and more than anything she just felt glad that Mina was getting the love she had deserved all these while.

"Momo, I'll go use the washroom and we can head to my room!" Mina informed, making Momo look at her in shock, eyes wide. The poor visitor was trying so hard to use eye contact, or telepathy, to communicate with her friend that she did not want to be left alone with her parents. While she was already less nervous about it, she was not comfortable with the idea of being alone with them.

Fortunately, Mina got the hint so she added, "Actually, how about you go up first? I'll be up soon."

As Mina left the dining table, Momo also stood up, preparing to head to Mina's room. She was about to leave when she heard Mrs Myoui calling her name. "Erm.. Momo?"

Momo turned around, wondering why she was called. She felt a little nervous when she saw Mina's mother looking straight at her. "I just wanted to say thank you."




When Mina entered her room, Momo was sitting at the edge of her bed, back facing the door as she stared out of the window. The aura she gave was very unlike the typical Momo, which made Mina really worried. She quickly walked over.

"Momo, are you okay?"

"Mmhmm," Momo hummed. Her hands reached out to wrap around Mina's waist, bringing her closer as she leaned her head onto Mina's stomach area. "I'm just a little homesick suddenly. Must be the wonderful dinner, the taste of home-cooked food."

"Hmmm... Do you want to call back home? I'll leave the room to give you some privacy," Mina offered. She did not fully understand how Momo was feeling, but she wanted to help.

"It's okay, just stay like that for a while.."

Mina carressed Momo's hair, her other hand pulling the girl closer to her, if it was even possible. Momo closed her eyes, enjoying the moment. She felt a lot better with Mina around.

Momo was not one to contact her family often, in the couple of months that she was here she only remembers calling them twice, or perhaps, thrice if you counted the one that Mrs Minatozaki passed her the phone (because her mum wanted to talk to her) when she was over at Sana's.

It was not like she did not miss them. In fact, she did miss them badly very often. She was just not the expressive type, though things seem to have changed a little after meeting Mina. She did not call back because she knew she would not know what to say.




The two girls went on a mini movie marathon and had just finished their last movie. Hours of lying in the bed and looking at the screen made them sleepy eventually, however nice the movies were, so they decided to call it a day.

"I'll sleep on the mattress," Momo announced, making Mina tug on her hand as she tried to get off the bed. When Momo turned around, Mina was pouting and whining, making the former unable to hold back her smile. "Ah Momoring~ Can't you just sleep here with me? It's not like we haven't done that before."

Momo went closer and patted Mina's head. "You little kiddo, this time's a little different because your parents are here. Wouldn't want them to walk in and see us together, right? It's fine for us, but not everyone is okay with that and we wouldn't want to risk it, right? So we can have more sleepovers."

Mina frowned, her expression showing that she was pondering over the other girl's words. "Okay, go then."

Momo laughed at Mina's clinginess. It was adorable. "I'll go prepare the mattress."




Momo laid out the mattress and went to get the blanket. Everything was placed nearby but not set up yet so they had space to move about (well, not that they needed to while watching a movie). It was then that Momo decided, it would probably be good to talk about it.

"Erm, Mina?" She called out, not stopping her actioins.


"You know... I haven't treated you very well recently and I'm aware of it. It's just..." Momo paused a little, trying to phrase her words. "A lot of things happened and as much as I try to control, they affect me a lot. I'm.. not really ready to let you know yet, but I promise you I will some day. I just want you to know that all the times I'm cold to you and the words and actions that I ever hurt you with, I didn't mean it."

Momo looked over only when she finished her sentence, her eyes a little teary from how apologetic she felt. She was unsure of how Mina would react, but all she felt was warmth when she saw Mina's smile towards her.

"I'm glad you told me that at least, it really means a lot to me that you told me that," Mina started. She already knew it from Sana's words, but it felt a lot more to hear it from Momo, because it meant that she really did not mean it. It made Mina feel a lot more secure. "It's alright, Momo, just tell me when you're ready, take however long you need."

Mina got off her bed and walked towards Momo, who, by now, was just standing there and looking at Mina. Her arms naturally wrapped around Momo's body. "I'm sorry I haven't been the most understanding. I don't know what happened, but I'm sure it has hurt you a lot, and just the thought of you being hurt pains me. I won't press you, but just know that if you ever need someone, I'll be here alright?"

Mina made sure to look into the girl's eyes, hopefully to let her know how sincere she was, if she could not sense it through her words. Just a couple of seconds of eye contact sent Momo melting and fall into a trance again. Lost in the world of Mina's beautiful eyes.

"I love you, Momo. Goodnight and sleep tight." With that, Mina leaned in to give Momo a goodnight kiss - on the cheek - before walking back and getting back into her bed. She could only chuckle when she looked at Momo after she settled down, only to see the girl still standing at the same spot, with her palm over her cheek.


A/N: More progress in their friendship-relationship. Really, it's already been established that they both love each other, and all that's left is for Momo to initiate something and make it official.

Anyways, sorry this update came really late. Been rushing school stuff + writing the new oneshot I uploaded a few days ago - Be My Girlfriend. The HTS preview last week just got me crazy and I just had to write that story, so I put this aside for a bit. I'll try to update more often (: 

Oh right, I've also started a MiMo Oneshot Collection in case you guys haven't seen it yet (: So far the chapters are the oneshots that I've already uploaded as stories, but more stories will be coming~

Hope you guys like this chapter!

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun