Chapter 24


Mina opened her eyes slowly, trying to adjust to the light that shone through her translucent curtains. She turned and smiled when she saw a certain someone curled up on the mattress, still asleep. She looked really adorable all curled up like that. 

Mina loved the idea of Momo being the first person she sees when she wakes up, but it would be even better if Momo had slept on her bed too, because she was sure she would wake up in Momo's arms. But for now, she just had to make do with looking at her.

And so she did, just watching the sleeping girl from her bed, despite knowing that she was behaving quite like a creep. Even in her half-awake state, she could not help but wonder how Momo managed to look so pretty even when sleeping. That's the power of true beauty, she concluded.

The smile was wiped off her face and her thoughts knocked out of her head when the girl started to shift about, her face contorted into a pained frown. Upon seeing that, Mina quickly got off her bed and moved to Momo's side. Now that she had a closer view of the girl, she noticed that the girl was crying too.

Momo was mumbling a couple of words, though Mina could only figure out the simpler words like "No" and "Don't". Those words sounded totally out of context (or rather, Mina did not know the context), and Mina wondered what was happening to Momo. She did not know what Momo was dreaming of, but she knew that what is of utmost importance is to wake her up as soon as possible.

"Momo, wake up, Momo." Mina shook the girl a little.

"Don't leave.. Don't leave me please.." By now, Momo was crying, no longer just tearing. Tear were rolling down her cheeks, leaving streaks behind. Mina panicked. She did not like seeing Momo cry.

She tried again, this time shaking her with more strength. "Momo, Momo, wake up please."

Mina felt a slight sense of relief when Momo's eyes shot open. At least Momo was not stuck in her nightmare anymore. For a couple of seconds, it seemed like everything froze. Momo tried to grasp the situation, while Mina waited for Momo to do so. 

Mina was not ready when Momo sat up really quickly and threw herself into Mina's embrace. She was also not ready when the girl started wailing in her arms. It was not the first time she had seen the girl cry, yet each time she sees it, it feels really foreign because it was so different from the way Momo usually displayed herself.

"It's okay, Momoring, it's okay, it was just a nightmare. Everything's okay.." Mina slowly drew circles on Momo's back, hoping to calm the girl down.

Well, to Momo, it certainly was not just a nightmare, it was the nightmare, the terrible one she had been having oh-so-often. And right now, even as she was cradled in Mina's arms, the nightmare kept repeating itself, making Momo unable to stop her tears. She hugged the girl tighter as she hid her face in the girl's shirt.





"I'm sorry." After really long time, Momo had finally calmed down, and Mina headed down to get her a cup of water. The two were now sitting next to eah other, leaning on the side of Mina's bed.

Now that Momo was able to think a little more clearly, she started pondering over whether she should tell Mina about her nightmares, since Mina had seen her in such a state already anyways. 

"It's okay," Mina replied, smiling slightly, glad that Momo was okay now. "Must've been a terrible nightmare."

Momo sipped the water and leaned her head onto Mina's shoulder. "Mina," she called, pausing right after.


"Erm, I just wanted to say thank you." Momo had wanted to tell Mina the truth, but her courage disappeared the moment she said her name.

"It's nothing." Mina patted Momo's head gently, the girl seeming so much like a vulnerable child right now. "Shall we go down for breakfast?"

Feeling a nod from the movement on her shoulder, Mina stood up and offered her hand to the other girl who was still sitting down. When Momo looked up to accept the hand, her eyes met with the ones of the girl who was showing her a huge gummy smile. Momo felt her heart skip a beat, it was the smile that she loved so much, and it made her feel a lot better instantly, almost as if she had not been crying just around fifteen minutes ago.





"Good morning, Aunty Kim!" Mina greeted with a bright tone as she entered the dining room, still having Momo's hands in hers.

Aunty Kim, who was setting up the table, looked up once she was called. She smiled when she noticed that the two of them entered hand in hand. "Oh~ Holding hands the first thing in the morning."

At Aunty Kim's teasing, the two girls immediately let go of each other, their faces turning red as tomato at a fast rate. Momo looked down, trying to hide her embarrassed face. "Good morning, Aunty Kim," she greeted politely, with a slight bow. 

"Well, good morning to both of you, darlings." Aunty Kim got back to what she was doing. "Oh, Miss Mina, Madam wanted me to remind you that Jae will be sending you to lessons later, as usual."

"Oh, I totally forgot I have lessons today!" Mina was enjoying her time with Momo so much, it totally slipped her mind that she still had tuition lessons that day. She turned to Momo with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry, Momo, we can't spend the whole day together."

"That's alright, academics are important too," Momo replied. She was actually quite glad, not that she did not like spending time with Mina, but this mean that she would have some time alone to think through whether she should let Mina know.

"I'll get Jae to send you home first, Momo. We'll just leave a little earlier than I usually do."

"There's no need for that, Mina, I can go home on my own, no need for the trouble."

"It's not trouble. I insist."

Momo sighed, she could never win Mina. "Okay.. Can you send me to my dance studio instead, then?"








The day flew past for Momo as she danced her entire afternoon away. To say that she felt troubled was totally an understatement. She knew it was going to happen, she knew that one day Mina was bound to witness her wake up from the nightmares, but what she did not know was that the day would come so soon. She guessed, it was entirely luck that Mina did not wake up for the past few times it happened.

Momo turned off the music and sat down learning against the wall. She picked up her phone which she had chucked away for the past few hours, and dialed a number. "Hello. Could we meet for a while later? Maybe just under your house or something. I've got something to tell you."


A/N: Mina finally witnessed Momo's nightmare... What will happen from here? :)

Anyways, just a headsup, this fic will have 30 chapters, which means it'll be ending soon~

I've got a question - Do you guys want a happy and perfect ending, or a not-so-ideal (perhaps sad) ending? (: Please give your input ^^

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun