Chapter 30



It was the time that everyone would be out there, be it schooling or working, yet Momo was yet again wasting her time away in her dance studio. Wasting, because she was not dancing or whatever. She was just on the floor, staring blankly at the ceiling.

This was what she had been doing ever since that day, and surprisingly the school had not contacted her or her parents yet (if they had contacted her parents, they would have called her). She figured that perhaps Sana helped her sort it out with the school, whatever excuses there were. Speaking of Sana, that girl was truly a blessing in Momo's life and Momo could not be any more thankful for her. Throughout the past few weeks, whenever she checked her phone (which she did so once everyday, only at the end of the day), she would get many missed calls from Sana. Many meaning fifty or sixty. And even though it had been some time already, the girl never gave up trying to contact her. Momo felt bad, but she had already caused so much harm to people, she could not let it happen again.

Momo closed her eyes, hoping to take a short nap that would take her mind off depressing thoughts. However, before she could fall into a slumber, she heard knocks on the door. She looked towards the door, frowning a little as her peace was interrupted. She had never got visitors here before, and now the first just had to disturb her when she was going to sleep.

Nonetheless, she made her way to the door. When she opened it, she felt so overwhelmed that no words came out of although she opened it.

"Hey. I knew you'd be here." The voice was soft, as usual, and Momo was greeted with a weak grin.

Momo stood there, her palm over . She was in disbelief, seeing the girl she missed so much in front of her, in a wheelchair.

"W-W-What are you doing h-here?"

"Well, my parents told me that a certain person has been missing for as long as I have been asleep, so I asked them to bring me here."

It was then that Momo realised behind Mina stood Mr and Mrs Myoui. She looked at each of them for a moment, greeting them before directing her gaze towards the floor, still feeling apologetic and guilty.

"Nice to see you again, Momo. I'm sure you guys have lots of things to say, so we'll wait in the car and leave you guys alone first."

"Wait!" Momo called out as Mr and Mrs Myoui turned and walked away. "We should head back to the hospital first, Mina needs to rest there."

Mina's parents only smiled and nodded their head. Momo was undoubtedly a caring girl and Mina would be in safe hands if they got together.

They watched as Momo ran in and reappeared at the door with her belongings in her hands. Getting ready to go, Mrs Myoui walked back in order to push Mina, but was stopped by Momo.

"I-is it okay if I push her instead?"

As Momo stood behind Mina, the latter turned her head, mouthing, "We'll have a serious talk later."










"Momo, come and sit here," Mina said, shifting to the side and patting the space next to her. They were now back at the hospital and Mina's parents kindly gave them some space to talk. Mina decided to do it before Sana and Tzuyu came after school.

Momo stood up and shifted, but she still dared not look at Mina.

"Momo, look at me, please?" Mina almost pleaded. She was well aware that Momo had not met her eyes the entire time on the way back.

The one who was called slowly looked up, and as Mina finally got to see her face, the sight broke Mina. Momo's eyes were welled up with tears, so much that it seemed like they were going to fall anytime soon. And at that exact moment that their eyes met, the first one did, and subsequently everything just fell uncontrollably.

Upon seeing that, Mina did not hesitate to pull the other girl into a tight embrace. Her parents had told her that she had been in a coma for weeks, and she could not imagine how scared Momo was all this while. Alone, especially.

"Don't cry, Momo.. I'm sorry for scaring you.. I'm here now, aren't I? I'm fine, and I'm back here for you. You know, when I was unconscious, somehow I could hear some things people say to me. I was more of subconscious I guess. I heard your voice, Momo, I did." Mina comforted, rubbing circles on Momo's back while trying to calm her down.

"Mina, I-"

Momo was cut off when Mina pulled back a little from the hug, only to lean in and place a kiss on Momo's lips. It was a short one, and she could taste the saltiness from Momo's tears.

"Shh," Mina cooed, "I know what you're going to say. It's not your fault, Momo. Yes it happened, but it was nowhere near your fault. Things just happen, but what matters most now is that I'm fine here, with you, okay?"

Momo looked up, and when their eyes met, tears were still streaming down from Momo's eyes, but Mina could feel the love that the girl was trying to show her.

"Mina, there's something I need to tell you... Or ask you... Something I wanted to do so that day," Momo started, and when she was sure Mina's attention was entirely on her, she continued, "I... Mina, it's unfair that you're waiting for me just because I'm stuck in this whole self-pity state. I'm not going to lie, I have an ex called Dahyun, but she, she, you know-"

"I know, Momo, I know," Mina replied when she saw Momo struggling to find her words, perhaps it would make the other girl feel a little better not having to say it. She understood, anyways.

"Mina, perhaps I'm not fully over that incident yet, but what I wanted to say is, I think it's about time I do. You are who I love now, and I don't want to keep you waiting anymore. S-So, d-do you w-w-want to be my g-girlfriend?"

A smile naturally appeared on Mina's face. "Was that kiss not enough, Momo?"

Momo just tilt her head adorably, if only she knew the effect she had on Mina whenever she did something cute like this. Mina could not help but kiss Momo again, this time a little more passionately, and it went a little deeper when Momo started to respond back.

"Ahem." The sound of someone clearing sent both of them pulling back immediately and turning their heads towards the door. It was Sana and Tzuyu.

"Oh gosh, you guys tainted my eyes!" Sana exclaimed, making the two of them blush and look away from each other.

"As if you don't do that with Tzuyu," Momo retorted, making the other couple embarrassed too.

"Momo-chan! I haven't gotten back at you! Where have you been all the time? Did you know how worried I was all these while?" Sana walked closer to Momo as she screamed, hitting Momo the moment she was close enough to do so.

"Ah! Ah! Stop hitting me, it hurts! And stop screaming, we're in a hospital!"

And stop screaming Sana did, but soon Momo found herself watching her cousin, her favourite, one-and-only, irreplaceable, cousin, crying in front of her. Immediately, she felt guilt consume her. Sana was crying because of her. To think she had always protected Sana, but now she made her cry.

"I'm sorry, Sana.." Momo leaned forward to enfold Sana into her arms. "I'm sorry, I won't do that again.. Don't cry, you know I don't like to see you cry.."

Sana had her head snuggled into Momo's shoulder, and Momo could feel her shaking her head. 

"I was very worried, Momo, I was so scared you'd do something foolish." It came out muffled, but Momo managed to decipher the words anyway.

"Yes, I know, and I'm sorry. Don't cry anymore."

"Sana, if you want, I can help you teach Momo a lesson."

Momo turned her head to look at Mina, her eyes widening at the girl's offer.

"Sure," Sana sounded almost as if she was not crying moments ago, and Momo feared for what Mina would think of.

"Hmmm.... No initiating skinship with me for a week." Mina smirked.

"No, that's too much!" Momo whined.

"How about a month?" Momo glared at Mina and looked away pouting, making the other three girls laugh.

They were just glad that everything was back to usual.





A/N: So this marks the end of this story! I hope it doesn't seem to rushed ><

I wanted to type a sad ending, then a happy one as an alternative one, but 1) I wanted to share your hearts, and 2) I have no more time to type T_T

Thanks for subscribing, commenting, upvoting, or simply just reading this fanfic! Each and every one of you are the reason why this story is made possible 

And before I end off, let me just do some self promotion lol xD

1. I started a new story called Lost, I'll only be posting the first chapter maybe a month later, but if you guys are interested~

2. In case y'all didn't know I've got a MiMo Oneshot collection here

I'll be back soon after my exams! See y'all on my other stories~

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun