Chapter 16


"I'm sorry," Mina's voice was muffled. Momo scoffed. She did care about Mina, but she found the situation absurd as well. 

"Why are you crying? If need be, shouldn't I be the one crying?" Momo's voice was a mix of concern and bitterness. She tried hard not to react to Mina's hug and continue preparing her food.

"I'm sorry.." Mina just kept repeating that as she sobbed, Momo never replying to any of apologies. As the years went by, other than Momo having this skewed mindset that people close to her would eventually leave, she had also gradually developed some sort of philophobia. She was afraid of emotional attachment, and while she learnt how to cope with that, what she could not handle was rejection. That was mainly the reason why Momo did not reply to her. A part of her wanted to just turn around and return the hug, telling Mina that everything was okay, but the other part of her held her back from doing so. She was so hurt after that day, and being self-aware that she had the tendency to be cold whenever she was hurt, she knew that if she had spoken something, it might not be something nice.

She gave her best in trying not to reply, but as Mina kept repeating it she eventually got frustrated. Her hands reached Mina's that were on her waist, ignoring the slight spark that she felt as their hands came into contact, and pry it off. She turned around, unable to control both her facial expression that contained so much hurt and anguish and also the tears that she had been trying to hold back. "Why are you the one crying when you wanted this? What's the point of saying sorry after doing it?"

Putting a halt to whatever she had been doing, Momo stomped past Mina and headed to her room, slamming the door as she went in. Momo was experiencing so many emotions at once, but they all summed up to her feeling miserable. She was confused, however, not being able to pinpoint as to which was stronger - the pain she felt from Mina's actions or the guilt that she felt after shouting at Mina. She wanted Mina to be happy, yet she was the one who made Mina feel otherwise. Frustrated, she jumped on her bed and punched her pillow several times. She let her tears fall freely and she struggled to sort herself out.

It took a long time for Momo to do so, and it was so mentally exhausting she would have gone to sleep immediately, if not for the fact that she could not fall asleep when she was hungry. She grunted, mildly annoyed at her love for food (for once) which resulted in her having to head out and see Mina again.

However, as she slowly opened the door and peeked out, the girl did not seem to be in sight anymore. Momo figured that Mina probably had fallen asleep, perhaps after being tired from crying. She walked out, relieved that she did not have to interact with Mina, only to realise that the living room was empty. That made Momo panick a little. She frantically looked around and noticed that there was a bowl of food on the table together with a note. She quickly rushed over and opened the letter.

Hey Momo,
You left halfway while cooking, so I thought I'd complete it for you. You'd eventually come out and eat it anyway, I know it is a must for you to eat whenever you are hungry.
Anyway, seems like things won't be working out, so I left. You probably weren't comfortable with me being around and I don't want to impose on you.
I just wanted to explain that I really did not mean to hurt you. It's complicated, but I had no choice but to do so. Maybe if there's a chance in the future, I'll explain it to you. After ending our friendship, it was hard for me to focus on anything. I pondered over it, and I realised that I liked you more than just a friend. I thought I'll just let you know, since we'd probably not talk to each other again anyway.
I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry.. even though 'sorry' means nothing after all that I did.
I wish you all the best.


Momo's tears came back while reading the letter. This time, she was sure of what she was feeling. She missed the girl, and she could not afford to let the girl go. She hastily grabbed a jacket and ran out, hoping that the girl had not gone too far.

Momo ran as fast as she could, though it was all aimless running because she had no idea where Mina went. She just ran, letting her instincts take over her. She was determined, she was going to find Mina and just hug her and never let her go. She ran for what seemed like forever to her, knowing that for every second she could not find Mina, the girl was heading further away.

Then she saw it. The back of the girl she was looking for. Mina was strolling in the rain, letting the water droplets hit her as if they were punishing her for all her misdoings. Momo rushed forward, skilfully turning the girl around before enveloping Mina. "How can you assume that I did not want you in my house? How can you leave without explaining anything to me? How can you just say that you like me and then leave me?"

Mina was shocked. She had not expect Momo to find her, much less hug her so tightly and shout at her. "I... I..."

"Don't say anything first, just hug me back." Momo snuggled her head onto Mina's shoulder as Mina wrapped her arms around her waist. Momo was shaking in Mina's embrace. She was so scared that she was going to lose Mina. 

They stood there in the midst of the rain, staying in each other's arms. The rain and wind made it so cold, yet all they felt was warmth. 


A/N: After the cliffhanger in the previous chapter, here's the answer to all your curiosity! XD

Thanks for all the upvotes and comments~ It'll be nice if you guys continue to do so~ (:

Remember to vote for Momo!

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun