Chapter 25


"Hello. Could we meet for a while later? Maybe just under your house or something. I've got something to tell you."


When Mina looked out of the window of her room and saw Momo arriving, she ran down and out of the house as quickly as she could. She had been quite anxious for the past few hours actually, after receiving the call from Momo.

As she hurriedly opened the door and ran out, Mina frowned when she saw that Momo was just standing outside her gate, halt in her steps and spacing out. It worried her a lot that Momo seemed so troubled and distracted.

"Momo?" Mina called as she approached the other. "Why are you just standing here? Why didn't you ring the bell or message me to tell me that you've arrived?"

Momo was knocked out of her thoughts by Mina's voice. She looked up and gave a slight smile, one that looked so forced in Mina's eyes. "Hey."

There was a brief moment of silence afterwards, making it slightly awkward between them for the first time. Seeing how Momo was behaving although she was the one who asked to meet, Mina sensed that the girl was rather troubled, so she decided to ease the atmosphere first. "Shall we walk around? There's a park nearby."

With a nod from Momo, Mina interlaced her fingers with Momo's and led the way. The journey to the park was a quiet one, with Mina constantly glancing over at the other girl, who kept her vision fixated on the ground. Mina did not like to see this side of Momo.



They arrived at the park. At this time, the park was considerably empty and quiet. A peaceful atmosphere that, unfortunately, did not put Momo's nervous heart at ease.

Mina stopped in her footsteps, making the other girl do the same too. She turned to face the girl. "Momo?"

Momo looked up for a really brief moment before looking down again. Even though it was just for that split moment, Mina could see tears welled up in Momo's eyes. She took a step closer to the girl and pulled her head towards her shoulder before placing her arms around the girl's waist. "Momo, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Mina felt her shaking her head and returning the hug. "No, I want to. It's something really important, and I have to let you know."

They stayed in the same position for a couple of minutes, silence engulfing them, yet this time it was not awkward for them. Momo used the time to gather her courage. "You see, Mina, the nightmares I had in the morning, those weren't normal nightmares."

Momo took in a deep breath before continuing. "In fact, I have them really often, almost everyday."

Mina tightened her hold on Momo. She knew what the girl was about to share with her was not something easy to talk about.

"I've been having it since a couple of years ago. You see, Mina, I used to be really close to my grandpa when I was younger. He was my hero, my idol, the one I felt the most love from within my family. But one day, he left..." Momo started sobbing right then. She shifted her hands to behind Mina's neck and snuggled her head onto the girl's shoulder. Mina could do nothing but pull the girl closer to her, if even possible, and pat the girl's back in a soothing manner.

It took the crying girl a while to actually calm herself down enough to continue. This time, she grabbed Mina's hands and led her to a bench nearby. They both sat down, side by side, with Mina's hand on Momo's waist and Momo's head on Mina's shoulder again before continuing.

"I used to work really hard in school, because I enjoyed seeing the proud expression my grandfather would have on his face whenever I showed him my results. Then one day he was hospitalised and he was there for months. My parents hid the truth from me and told me he would be okay, when in fact he was just getting more frail by the second. And one day he left, for good. After that day, my life became like hell. I couldn't forget the moment when his heartbeat went flat and when the doctor announced his departure from this world. It haunts me so often, so much it scares me to fall asleep because I fear having to relive it. And most of the time, I actually do." Momo ends off with an almost inaudible voice, but Mina managed to catch it since the surroundings were quiet. Mina gave rhythmic pats while the other girl's tears slowly came out again.

"It's all my fault he died..." Momo muttered to herself, though Mina still heard it.

"It's nature, Momo, it's life. You didn't do anything."

"I did!" Momo's volume raised a little, making Mina flinch slightly. "I'm a wreck, I'm a jinx. Many people left the world because of me. That's why I'll never be good enough for you, Mina."

"No. Look at me, Momo," Mina said and Momo did as she was told. Mina cupped her cheek, softly caressing her cheeks as she took a good look at the fragile girl in front of her. "Your grandfather being sick wasn't your fault, nor could you have done anything about it either. Instead of bringing bad luck to his life, I believe that it's the other case - you brought light to his life. He felt proud of you, many times he smiled because of you, and I'm sure he was happy to have a beautiful and kindhearted granddaughter like you. He might not be around right now, but I'm sure he's always watching you from above, and he would not want you to feel this way."

Mina stared into Momo's eyes, those eyes that appeared to be glittering due to the tears that formed. "Momo, I'm certain that you've been a blessing to him, just as you've been to me. No matter what you think, I love you simply because you are Hirai Momo, and you'll always be more than 'good enough' for me."

Momo blinked rapidly in an attempt to get the tears away, not wanting them to block her vision of the girl she loved so much. In the end, her tears fell and Mina used her thumb to wipe them away.

"Mina, I love you so much. I'm sorry I'm not ready for a proper commitment yet."

"No it's alright, that official title isn't really important. I just want you to be happy."

Momo leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Mina's neck. "Mina, you won't ever leave me, right?"

"No, I'll always be here, even if you want me to be gone." Mina smiled, and Momo once again found herself lost in the beauty of the girl. 

To Momo, Mina was such a precious being. She made a mental note that she had to work hard and make Mina hers before another person takes her away.


A/N: Sick and stuck at home so I squeezed out an update haha. Hope you guys like it :)

As for how this story ends.... we'll see :)

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun