Chapter 08


The two spent their before-school and after-school time together. Sometimes they talked, but most of the time they just studied. Well, Mina studied while Momo studied her.

Since that day that Momo argued with Sana, they did not talk again. It was the first time they had such a considerably huge fight, and it made Momo really uncomfortable. However, she felt that she was right and was pretty unwilling to initiate conversation first. But really, Momo missed her bubbly squirrel-like cousin very much.

This day, Momo did not turn up to school. Mina sent her a message after not seeing her in the morning, but was rather disappointed and worried when she did not receive any reply. Momo was someone who would notify her even if she was just a little late, so much less if she was not even going to appear, right?

Deciding that she would not be able to pay attention in class without knowing what happened to Momo, Mina decided to approach Sana. Afterall, they were cousins so she would probably know of Momo's whereabouts.

"Hey," Mina felt shy. With the exception of Momo, she had never talked to other people without being cold. "I was wondering if you know where Momo is? She didn't turn up and she's not replying me either."

"Why are you asking me? Shouldn't you know better? She was so bent on being friends with you she doesn't even want to talk to me anymore, and you don't even know where she is. Such a friend you are." Salty. Salty was the right adjective to describe how Sana felt. She was unhappy that her cousin whom she knew since they were in diapers had chosen an acquaintance over her, and on top of that said that she was overreacting.

Mina felt really guilty - she had caused a conflict between Momo and Sana. "I'm sorry, I hope you guys patch things up soon." She walked away, the guilt eating her up as she did.

Sana on the other hand, though she acted like she did not care, was really worried after Mina approached her. What happened to Momo? Tzuyu could tell that her girlfriend was really concerned. She was best at reading her girlfriend's body language. She leaned over to kissed her on the forehead. "Go find her?"

Sana's eyes were closed, her enjoying the feeling of Tzuyu's lips on her forehead. It had some sort of calming effect on her, which was something she really needed.

"You'd deny it, but you still care about her. Go find her, maybe she needs someone and you could just be that someone," Tzuyu urged. Sana looked into her eyes and smiled, maybe her girlfriend was right.

What got Sana even more restless was that Momo was not at home. Sana mentally cursed herself. Maybe if she had apologised and all, Momo would have looked for her instead of playing a disappearing act.




While they were frantically looking for her, Momo was actually at the dance studio her parents got for her - somewhere that Sana knew the existence of but never knew the location of. It was Momo's place of finding peace, where she could just be alone and find herself.

The previous night, her nightmares came again. What was scarier was that she had not dreamt about the past happy moments with her grandfather at all, but instead all that was in her mind was her grandfather's heartbeat stopping. It felt so real, it felt like her grandfather had really just left her again.

Upon waking up in tears, she headed over to this place. Her dance studio gave her so much more comfort than her house. She was just at one corner of the studio, so shaken by the seemingly true dream she just had. The thought of contacting Sana came across her mind, but she realised that they were not on talking terms. And there was Mina, who gave her comfort but was not aware of anything that happened in her life. So she just spent her night crying until she fell asleep.

It was already past noon when she woke up, but she would not have gone to school even if she woke up early anyway. She just danced her day away, keeping all sorts of thoughts out of her head. 

And just like that day when it actually happened, Momo shut herself out from the world.




When Momo went back home that day, she dragged herself in and collapsed on the couch. She closed her eyes to catch some rest first. She was exhausted - both physically and emotionally. All she wanted was rest, but as she started not doing anything again her mind went wild and tears came into play again.

The door bell rang, making Momo stand up and desperately try to make herself look better. She answered the door with the fake smile - one that she had used so often she had come to master it.

Standing in front of the door was the same-age squirrel she had known for ages, and Momo could not help but realise how nervous she looked. Momo knew that the girl was probably nervous because they had fought previously, but could not help but laugh at how they were in this situation despite knowing each other for so long.

And even with that smile on her face, Sana knew things were not too alright for Momo. They read each other perfectly. But the thought of them not talking for the past couple of weeks made her quite reserved about asking anything about it. She said with a tense grin, "Hey."

It actually made Momo a lot better just by seeing Sana, and even more so seeing Sana in such a state. It was amusing, truthfully speaking. Nonetheless, she still was not feeling too good, but at least now she had someone with her. 

"Hey, come on in," Momo replied, sounding as casual as ever, but things changed as soon as she pulled Sana in. Closing the door behind her, she wrapped her arms around Sana's waist and hid her face in her shoulder. Partially because she missed her cousin so much, and also because she needed someone to hold her. She needed it so, so badly.

Sana instinctively returned the hug, pulling Momo as close to her as possible. It felt so familiar, the warmth that Momo's hugs always gave. It was something that felt different from Tzuyu's, though she enjoyed both equally. "Hey, I'm sorry for that day."

She felt Momo shake her head against her shoulder, but the girl never really looked up. This got Sana worried. 

"What's wrong?" Sana tried to get her to look up, but seeing that it was not likely to happen, she decided to just stay like that first. Until she felt better.

A/N: Couldn't make Sana and Momo fight for too long. Hope you guys liked this chapter :)

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun