Chapter 27


Momo let out a grunt of frustration. She had been at this for the past hour and the only thing that has changed is the tidiness of her room. She ruffled her hair and decided to seek help.

Things were not particularly helpful when she realised that she had placed her phone all the way on the other corner of her room, and that she would have to navigate through the pieces of clothings that were scattered all over her bed and the floor if she wanted to get there. Knowing that each and every piece of clothing was a choice, she could not dirty any of it by stepping on it. 

After a long struggle of tiptoeing and jumping around, almost losing her balance and falling midway, Momo arrived in front of her phone. She quickly picked it up and called her life saviour.

The call was answered after a few rings.

"SANA!" Momo shouted into the phone the moment the ringing stopped.

"What do you want, Hirai Momo? It had better be a good reason to wake me up at 7:30 in the morning, particularly since you know I'm not a morning person." Sana grumbled, annoyed that her sleep was interrupted.

"Oh, it's only seven thirty? Anyway Sana, this isn't just good, this is the most important thing on earth!"

"So do you want to tell me what is so important that my beauty sleep was interrupted?"

Momo was about to reply when she heard a voice over the phone. "Sana unnie, who is that?"

Momo smirked. "Stop sounding so irritable, you woke your Chewy up~"

"Shut up Momo! Only I can call her that." Sana sounded mildly upset, and Momo gave out a chuckle. Those two were cute.

"Okay okay, I'll leave your relationship with Chewy alone, but first settle mine. I don't know what to wear! I've gotta look presentable and I've been trying to find something that looks good but it seems like there's nothing."

"Really, Momo? Your dinner date is at seven in the evening and you're waking me up at seven in the morning to settle this?"

"You know you're not going back to sleep until you help me with this."

"I hate you Momo!" Momo was sure that if she was in front of Sana right now, the latter would probably have strangled her already. "Tell me the choices."

"Aww, I love you too." Momo begun going through all the potential combinations, and Sana listened patiently. However, the slightly younger girl lost her patience soon after.

"Wear the skirt or the dress. You'll look stunning and gorgeous she won't be able to look away from you." 

"But Sana, I've never worn stuff like that in front of her! In front of anyone! You know I only wear skirts and dresses to formal events."

"How about the white shirt, maybe with any of the pants you have?"

"Okay.. Wait! The shirt is out of question, I emptied the cupboard and placed some clothes on the floor, and I didn't realise the floor was dirty so..."

"Oh gosh Momo! Just settle on one and let me sleep already! Wear whatever you like, Mina likes you, your personality and maybe your body, but not your clothes! Who knows, maybe she actually wants to take it off!"

Momo blushed slightly at Sana's words. "Mina isn't like that, don't accuse her!"

"Okay Momo, this isn't working out and I really want to go back to sleep. Number each of the tops and bottoms you have and I'll choose two numbers."

Momo decided not to mess around anymore, she knew Sana would get angry. "Done."

"Just take the top number 2 and bottom number 9 okay? I'm going to sleep, and actually you should too. Goodnight."

Before Momo could say anything, Sana hung up. She sighed. The ones Sana choice didn't match at all.







"It's me. Did I wake you up?" Momo smiled, she loved the voice so much.

"No, I was about to get up actually, to prepare for lessons I have later. What's up?"

"Nothing, I just woke up a little early and couldn't fall back to sleep..." Momo hesitated a bit before continuing. "I miss you, Mina."

The girl on the other side of the phone laughed. "We parted less than 12 hours ago, Momo."

"But I still miss you. Even if I see you everyday I miss you the moment we part."

"I miss you too, but we're meeting later so be patient okay?" Mina's words make Momo pout, but it was quickly changed to a silly smile when Mina continued. "And don't pout, 'cause I'm not there to kiss the pout away."

This was why Momo loved her so much. She always understood Momo, knows her habits to the finest detail, and is always there for her. Mina being a really sweet and affectionate person was certainly a plus point too.

"Momo, I've got to go prepare."

"So soon? I still want to hear your voice."

"I can't Momo, I'm sorry. Sleep a little bit more so you have energy for tonight's dinner date okay? You're a sleepy little one."

"D-d-dinner d-d-date?" Momo asked to have dinner together, but she dared not call it a date. Her relationship with Mina might have progressed a lot but they're not official yet.

"Yes, is it not one?"

"It is! It is! See you later, Mina!" Momo's voice suddenly sounded a lot more energetic, making Mina chuckle at the change.

"See you later. I love you."

"I love you too."






Half an hour prior to the scheduled time, Momo was already sitted inside, waiting for Mina. As it got closer to 7, Momo got increasingly worried. Mina was always early, and the few times she was late she always made sure to notify Momo.

Five minutes to seven. Momo tapped her feet impatiently. Her phone suddenly rang, making her shock. It was not Mina, it was an unknown number. She stared at it ring and vibrate. She did not have a good feeling about it.


A/N: Here's an update as promised :)

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun