Chapter 21


"Mum, we're back!" Sana shouted as she opened the door, pulling her cousin in with her. They had made an arrangement prior to the camp that Momo would stay at Sana's the day before and after the camp, simply because Sana lived closer to the school and it would be more convenient. Now, Momo was glad that she made the arrangement, for she always felt safer in Sana's arms, and she figured that she did not have nightmares that often whenever she fell asleep in Sana's (or Mina's) arms. She was dead tired and resting well was all she wished for.

"Welcome back, girls! How was the camp? Did you girls have fun?" Mrs Minatozaki asked as she walked over to give each of them a hug.

"Yeah, it was really fun! But we're really tired now, so I guess we'll go to bed early today."

"Alright, rest well then. You can tell me more about the camp tomorrow."

"Yeah Mum, goodnight!"




"Finally, the comfortable bed again!" Sana exclaimed, jumping onto the bed like an excited kid, making Momo giggle at her actions. They were finally done getting ready for bed. "I'm so tired I'm sure I'll sleep like a log tonight. Why are you still standing there?"

Sana patted the space next to her. Momo chucked at her words and walked over, sliding herself under the covers like she always did during their sleepovers. Once she got onto the bed she quickly snuggled closer to Sana and wrapped her arms around the girl's waist. 

"Hmm?" Sana glanced over, though her arms were instinctively reacting. They often shared the bed, but it was not all the time that they held each other as they slept.

"Can we sleep like this today, Sana?" Momo murmured, her exhaustion immediately kicking in. "I sleep better like that." 

"Sure, anytime, you know I wouldn't say no," Sana replied, happy that she could be of help for Momo's situation. "Momo, why don't you just shift over? We have an extra room, or you could always just sleep here."

Momo shook her head. "I don't want to bother you guys." A couple of days like these was enough, she thought. 

"You're never a bother, Momo-chan." 

"Mmm." Momo was obviously unconvinced, but she had no energy to argue. "I'm tired, let's sleep, Sana."

The slightly younger girl held the other girl tighter and closer to her. "Goodnight, Momo-chan."






"Momoring~" Mina excitedly called, casually hooking her arm with Momo's.

The smile on her face was so bright it would make the sun appear pale in comparison. She was in a really good mood, or at least it was so until she heard Momo's reply.

"Hey." The tone was flat, with not the least bit of interest in it. 

"I-" Mina could not help but feel hurt. Though it was not the first time, she could never get used to Momo's cold attitude. She did not even know why Momo was always so cold to her, and yet the next moment she could be the sweetest girl ever. "I'll go."

Momo could only watch as Mina walked away. She did not want to be like that either, but she just could not control herself. The barrier caused by her thoughts and feelings was there, and she just could not help it. "I'm sorry."






Sana and Tzuyu were walking to the cafeteria together, a routine that they did every day. They were having a light conversation when Tzuyu noticed someone sitting under a tree some distance away. The girl had her knees bent and her face tucked into her knees. Tzuyu would not have cared so much if not for the fact that the girl looked really familiar.

"That girl looks familiar.." Tzuyu commented, making her girlfriend look over.

"Yeah," Sana muttered, not having too good a feeling about it. "Yah, isn't that Mina?" 

The two of them looked at each other, their eyes widening. Immediately, they ran to the girl.

"Mina," Sana called in a soft tone. Now that they were closer to the girl, they could see that she was crying. Sana squatted down so that she would be at eye level with the girl who was sobbing. "What happened?"

The sole absence of Momo was enough to let both of them know that this was about Momo. However, they could not figure out what Momo could have done.

The two girls waited patiently until Mina calmed down, after which Mina managed to explain why she was sad. She told them how Momo had been treating her, and also expressed her distress at how she could not figure out what she had done to make Momo act like that. "Maybe she's still angry at me," she said, making Sana frown. Momo's psychological barrier was hurting their relationship more than she thought.

"Mina," Sana called. She felt the need to provide an explanation, though she tried to do it as vague as possible knowing that it would be better for her cousin to say it herself. "Momo's definitely not angry at you, and I can assure that she does love you as well. It's just," she paused, taking in a breath. "Momo's a very broken, very fragile girl. She takes things upon herself, and because of that she has this barrier put up around her. Whatever she said to you, I'm sure she does not mean it. She's just confused and she's been hurt too much. It's not up to me to tell you what happened, but she really did not mean it."

Mina looked at her, then looked down. Maybe she should have tried to understand Momo more. The girl had helped her, yet she was having her own problems too, struggling on her own. Mina stood up, wiping her tears away. "I'll go find her."






Momo went to her dance studio after Mina walked away. She was no longer in the mood to stay in school, she needed escape.

She blasted music and danced, locking herself out from the world. She did so for a couple of hours, before deciding to head out to eat. 

Walking out from the building, she was surprised to see the back of her girl who always made her heart best faster. "Mina?"

Hearing her name being called, Mina turned and ran towards the owner of the voice. She threw herself into Momo's embrace, her arms wrapping around the other girl's body so tightly, conveying how much she missed the girl. 

"Mina, why aren't you in school? Don't you have lessons now?" 

"How can I when you're here, feeling under the weather?"

"I'm sorry for just now, Mina, I'm really sorry..." Momo was actually feeling very guilty about it.

"It's okay.." Mina now knew that Momo had her reasons, so even if she was hurt, she was convinced it would be okay once Momo sort herself out. "I knew you'd be hungry so I bought jokbal, shall we go back in to have it?"

"Let's," Momo held Mina's hands in hers and headed back into the building. She had made up her mind, she was going to try extra hard to overcome her own thoughts and treat Mina better.


A/N: The updates are really getting slow, I'm aware and I'm sorry for that T_T it's really hard to find time to type..

Wanted to update yesterday because it was my birthday and I decided to give myself a break so technically I had the time, but I was too tired I fell asleep LOL.

Nonetheless, I hope you guys liked this chapter!

Comments will be appreciated ^~^

See y'all in the next chapter!! (:

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun